Freedom from Alaska!

Former Porn Actress Shelley Lubben: Porn is Not Glamorous and Destroys Lives — “I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about how I loved making porn movies. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people”


Excerpt from Shelley’s upcoming book:

Many believe the widespread fairytale that women enjoy making porn movies but the truth is there are no happy endings for the women of porn. Women do NOT enjoy making porn movies and a closer behind-the-scenes look will show you several reasons why.

In the world of hardcore sex, an average day on the set for a porn actress is a long and tedious process. Women are told to come in around 8 am for makeup but it’s only to make sure porn actresses arrive on time to work. Porn stars have a nasty habit of arriving late because they’re often hung over from drugs or alcohol from the night before.

After make up, porn actresses usually wait around long hours until it’s their turn to do their scene. Some scenes take an hour and some take several hours to film. It really depends if the male actor in the first scene could “perform” or not. It also depends if female actresses have to stop the clock because they can’t handle the pain of a hardcore sex scene.

While waiting around, jaded porn performers usually end up in the rest rooms with bottles of alcohol and lines of speed or outside in their cars for a heroin fix or gathered in the back yard with other actors to smoke marijuana.

To add to the mind-numbing process, women are never able to experience sexual pleasure because of the continuous cutting during sex scenes. In the background the director constantly yells, “cut” and the flow of action is interrupted in order to get a better shot, adjust lighting or to wipe up bodily fluids. Repeatedly pornographers stop scenes and ask actors to “freeze” in position during very hardcore sex acts, which causes great physical and emotional pain for porn actresses.

I speak from personal experience when I say to be in the middle of a hardcore sex act with several actors at the same time and told to “freeze” in position for several minutes while lighting or cameras are adjusted is extremely painful and degrading. It’s also very humiliating when scenes are stopped in order to wipe up bodily fluids such as semen, feces and blood.

Despite the fact women do not enjoy making porn movies, they continue to lie to their fans and proudly insist they enjoy making porn movies. Of course they do. They get paid hundreds and thousands of dollars to lie because this is their occupation. Porn stars are paid professional liars who know how to “act” and they do it well. In fact, because porn stars spend a great deal time in front of the camera and never step out of character, they usually have greater acting abilities than mainstream Hollywood actors.

I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about my extreme “Italian” sex drive and how I loved making porn movies. I would go on and on about how I needed more and more to fulfill my insatiable appetite. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people. Lying is the native language of porn stars because they can’t afford to tell you the truth. Not only would it ruin the fantasy for their fans but more importantly, it would ruin the amount of their paychecks. Don’t believe porn actresses when they proudly proclaim they enjoy making porn movies. They’re ACTING.


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(video)Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben’s FREEDOM Testimony: The Champion in You!!!

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[ video ] Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks at Bakersfield Christian High School — “Do you know that you’re a CHAMPION?!”

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  1. well thank you for the advice,but am interested in being a porno actor please link me up

  2. Rocky Priapus

    Have you ever read “the Life and Death of a Porn Star” by Earl Swift about the late Rebecca Steele(1962-1994)?

  3. Too many absolutes within this excerpt. To sum it up, Women NEVER enjoy the sex in porn because they’re ALWAYS acting, they ALWAYS lie about it, and are ALWAYS doing some form of drug before a porn shoot.


    • Harry Dogg

      Who cares? They do drugs before the action, perhaps to make themselves a whole lot hornier and reckless in front of the camera? That is their business, literally! Some of those girls may be exhibitionist, and find the whole thing wonderful until the novelty wears off. I am not saying there is no abuse that goes on. There is evidence to that effect, only it would take an act of Congress to put a stop to it. And judging by Congress, the Supreme Court and any other lesser legal bodies that exist in the United States, I think that bell has already been wrung and we can clearly see where we are at.

  4. BrandonD

    I was looking forward to listening to this and learning something, but unfortunately the fact that she’s clearly a very indoctrinated christian calls into question the truth of her entire testimony.

    Religious people are notorious for remembering things the way they want to remember them, and even lying, if they believe it will serve their religious views.

    If her motivation was genuinely to reach out to people currently in the porn industry to help get them out, she would probably ease up on the Jesus talk since that is going to turn ALOT of people away immediately.

    As it is, the general impression is that she’s basically preaching to the choir, speaking to other christians and telling them the she is a good person now.

    This doesn’t necessarily mean that what she’s saying is a lie, but it certainly adds a very strong motive for lying and calls her whole testimony into question. Which is unfortunate, if pornography destroys lives as she says it does then she could be doing much more good.

    • Jeff Fenske


      The reason she is still alive is because of Jesus Christ and those who were led by Jesus Christ, like her husband.

      How can you say she shouldn’t talk about the only way for her and others to get free?

      Porn is demon driven. And it takes a power greater than the demons to be free.

      If she was going around the circuit getting millions, like one ‘Christian’ politician that we know, that might be a love-of-money thing. But com ‘on, you can tell what her heart is. She has passion to help both the porn addicts (which includes many in most ‘churches’) and the porn actors/actresses.

      It’s not easy to go up in front of church people and admit what you’ve done. Could you?

      I don’t think this hurts her credibility at all.

      We need to not lump everyone into the same basket. Just because others lie and exaggerate (and she admits she did all of the time — which takes courage and I think even the fear of God), doesn’t mean all speakers in churches lie.

      Jeff Fenske

  5. BrandonD

    Perhaps Jesus is the “only way to get free”. I can’t say that you’re right or wrong.

    But surely you’re aware of the myriad of others out there, all of whom are preaching that their particular way is the “only way to get free”, just as you believe Jesus is the only way.

    What do you suspect is the effect of a culture of zealots all pushing their own “true way” on the youth of western culture?

    Inevitably they grow to mistrust the motivations of ALL religious people.

    I’ve only bothered to add my critique here because I was really interested in the subject, but her over-the-top religiosity turned me off to such a degree that I couldn’t even watch the whole video. I suspect that there are others out there who had a similar reaction to the presentation, and this seemed like something worth pointing out.

    • Jeff Fenske


      I think it’s wise to be skeptical. Most ‘Christians’ really aren’t real, going to heaven Christians, as can be seen from my article: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way.

      Most have been fed the lie that they don’t really need to overcome sin to be a true child of God. And they don’t make sure that what they’re being taught is true. I think most like the current teaching and the milky songs on the radio — but they don’t set people free. Many ‘Christians’ are into porn, or lusting in some form. It takes the power of God and I think the fear of God to empower and motivate us to overcome.

      It’s so easy to sin these days, and I think the once-saved-always-saved doctrine has deceived the church to the degree that I believe that the ‘Christians’ are mainly responsible for the fall of America: The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit?.

      I don’t know exactly what you mean by Shelley’s “over-the-top religiosity.” If you’re talking hypocrisy, that’s one thing, I don’t know her personally. The Devil will do everything he can to take her down, using those who are demon driven. Paul (in the Bible) said: “work out your salvation through fear and trembling.” Almost every church in America will not preach that. Hopefully, Shelley keeps herself pure and holy in this wicked battle ground she is in.

      I have to say that I am impressed with her tenacity and zeal, but I wish she had better teaching than she’s probably gotten, so I could be more assured she’ll soar and overcome no matter what. I usually don’t even recommend that people go to church because in almost every single church the false teaching is really brainwashing mind-control.

      I’m pushing for the Third Great Awakening at my spiritual site. Once people see the real thing there will be no doubt….

      If you’re mainly bothered about her talking about Jesus so much, she’s talking in churches to church people. She would probably speak differently if she was talking to a more secular audience.

      Then there is this other possible factor which is often stated like this. How is it that it’s okay and ‘normal’ for football fans to get crazy-nuts excited about just a game, but when Christians get excited about Jesus Who for many of us has really set us free, then that’s “over the top?”

      i think this video puts it into perspective: [music video] Seawind: The Devil Is A Liar — “Don’t let the Devil do his number on you, child”

      It’s hard to understand what’s going on without understanding how demons influence almost every person who we know, directly.

      The Devil wants our souls, and he’s using porn, big-time!

      And the Devil is a liar,


  6. Porn is evil in every way.I have worked hard to help others be set free from porn and I am just amazed how many male and female sex addicts come to my web sight or seek out my ministry to get freedom.I am so shocked that porn has destroyed so many marriages and yet so many Christians are still falling prey to porn daily.The stage is being built for the anti- Christ are we ready?Do you really know Jesus Christ?

    • Anonymous

      You don’t even have to be religious to be “against” porn. It’s enough, I think, to simply CARE about people and their esteem and self-respect. That should kill any hard-on if you are a compassionate person.

  7. alfred

    i love hard core porn movies

  8. Brotha of the Unborn

    Have you ever read ‘the Life and Death of a Porn Star’ about the late Rebecca Steele by Earl Swift, Alfred!?

  9. Anonymous

    Jesus walked among those who saw his life which he said ‘ I ALWAYS do the will of my Father’ and he did not sin. Those who are offended by the Word of God THINK they are put off by people . The Spirit of GOD offends those who do not know Him and are ‘of the world’ due to their choices, they love sin…therefore the light shines into their lives and exposes what they love.

    He said ‘ He who loses his life for my sake will save it …He who saves his life [flesh] will lose it.

  10. Jeff

    Ive been in several pornos and ive enjoyed making each one. to be labelled as a drug addict for choosing the sex profession as a career is like saying because your religious your going to fly a plane into a building. dont stereotype us all because you had a bad run and are now speaking from jaded experience.

    sorry her experience was so bad, but theres always mcdonalds.

    • Dee

      Jeff, I think it’s a little different for women vs men in porns too. You should know this if you have been in films yourself. Society does not exactly treat men and women equally when it comes to acceptance and sexuality. To oversimplify it, women are whores, men are pimps. Women are valued on their purity while men are valued on their power and virility.

  11. kofybean

    If porn is so bad then why do women do it?

    • Dee

      Kofybean–Some would answer it’s for money. And the way they can live through it is by existing in a haze of drugs and alcohol.

      • Michelle

        Kofybean, i would say initially money, and even the fame and fortune lifestyle that are emphasized when entering into the industry. Also you must understand that some people are so desperate for money they will do anything, including porn. It is also a likely choice if they have been abused or have a negative self image or self esteem and they think it is easy money but don’t consider the consequences.

        However with everything in life there is always the other side: i am 100% sure that from what i have read that there are some pornstars that understand what they are getting themselves into, are enthusiastic an really enjoy what they do.

        Bear in mind the porn industry is completely different for a male to a female pornstar and some people handle it better than others.

  12. Anonymous

    yes i like this

  13. Dee

    I just wanted to thank you for speaking up about what it is like to be in pornography. You explained it well. I am so happy for you that you have gotten out of it and that you are trying to help others who have ended up in this industry. While I have not been in porns myself, I have always cared about this topic because what you wrote about is what I believed was the experience for the performers in the films–and that’s heartbreaking. It sickens me to think of making money or taking pleasure from others’ pain and humiliation. Thank you again for being strong and becoming a source of support for others. Best of luck.


  15. Harry Dogg

    I don’t buy it; there are too many born again virgins once they’ve hit their peak and are heading down the other side of the hill. I believe this may be the same woman who speaks about the porn stars using drugs all the time and how it is torture to be stopped repeatedly in the middle of a hardcore scene, which then completely interrupts the woman porn stars ability to reach climax? Oh, the brutality! Plenty of young women whore around for whatever they can get out of it, a cheap line of coke, crank, whatever…

  16. Ronbreezy12

    Porn stars go through a lot. Addicts who consume porn suffer greatly too. Wow, the whole thing is currupt all
    Together. The world is a messed up place. Thank God for Jesus Christ.

  17. Jussayin'

    I think I speak for those of us who use porn because partner sex is unavailable to us and for some, this has been the case for years, even decades. We couldn’t care less about the women in porn other than their ability to bring us to climax. After all these women have easy, constant sex with a wide variety of very good looking people. We on the other hand, those who are sexually lonely, have nothing but our hand and a computer screen and the knowledge that no woman will agree to have any kind of skin to skin contact with us. So really….why should we even think twice about these people?

    • That’s just pathetic.

    • For you, or anyone like you, if you’d like to get out of this cold-hearted self centeredness, Jesus can give you the ability and the grace to love others, if you become genuine, true followers of Christ, who take up their crosses and follow Him. Jesus’ greatest commandments are the 180° different life, where true joy and fulfillment lie.

      But we need to go cold turkey on all of this demon driven, trying-to-get-high-in-forbidden-ways life.

      Life in the Son is the better way for everyone.

  18. This was absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing this!

  19. sbusiso

    Porn is a career and those actors a sum1 else sister or cousin and daughters and sons so let’s not judge in this world we live in money is above everything so we’re all slave sumhow

  20. Laurence

    So what is she whining about? There is no law that says woman have to volunteer to appear in porno. She did it willingly to make money. And if it was so miserable, why didn’t she quit? Another example of a self-pitying woman blaming others for her own self-created problems.

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