Freedom from Alaska!

The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…

At ToBeFree, I’ve focused mainly on the Rockefellers, key kingpins in the US, which apparently are secretly worth more than $10 trillion. But the Rothschilds are far more wealthier, and are by many considered the greatest controlling factor worldwide — the kingpins of the world!

In the late ’90s, I attended an event in which Gaylon Ross was lecturing. He laid out the big picture for me that has continued to prove true. In addition to speaking about these two families, he laid out the elite’s plan to create unions within the continents, and then merge all 5 continents into the one-world government which they control.

Since I heard Gaylon speak and had great discussions with him after that, I’ve watched time and time again the globalists attempts to unite the Americas. From what I’ve seen, Skull and Bonesman, President Bush should be considered a traitor for how he handled just this issue alone, doing the bidding of his handlers.

Here is just one tiny aspect of the Rothschild family.

[youtube=]The Rothschilds Control of World Gold Market

Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson].

Rothschild quotes:

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.”


(vid) Rothschild TRILLIONS Quantified – Do you honestly believe Jeff Bezos is the world’s richest man? History tells a different story. The Rothschilds are worth several hundred TRILLION dollars. Here’s the quantifiable numbers. It’s a simple matter of math, market manipulation and compounding interest. The family bragged about the wealth they made as a result of the Battle of Waterloo. They even bankrolled a Hollywood movie about it…

[real-history video] The House of ROTHSCHILD ” Full Documentary” — International Bankster Kingpins, WEALTHIEST Family in the World!

(video & photos) Rothschild Ball Exposes Elite’s Fascination with Occult

ROTHSCHILDS WANT IRAN’S BANKS — Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran…

Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — This chart shows the ROTHSCHILDS at the top, whom many consider the wealthiest family in the world. But the ROCKEFELLERS…. | The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.

Joel Skousen: MIRACULOUS Plane Crash Survival! | “Rothschilds are the biggest financial base of the New World Order”

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Bob Chapman: Who Owns the Fed? “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1 of 4: The Morgans, The Rockefellers)

Who owns the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? – Eustace Mullins

G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel

Alex Jones: Police Know The Federal Reserve is Private! — The FED is an unaccountable, “private, offshore, Rothschild bank,” and must be ended or our children and grandchildren will be slaves. END THE FED!

Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!

Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself


FOX’s New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war


Ron Paul Update on Audit the Fed Bill


  1. Kevin

    The above comment “We will have world governement, whether or not we like it…” was actually Paul Warburg adressing a Congressional hearing somtime in the 1950’s.

    • Jeff Fenske

      Thanks Kevin!

      I deleted it.


      • Thomas Jefferson

        I believe we should all care for the future of the people and the earth. Your children, and your life, or the next life to come. Who knows what’s going to happen next if we don’t do something to stop corruption in the time being. People are so sucked into the habits that create their lifestyle to change and plan to a organize/advertise for protests against a topic as important as this. If you’re interested in helping, or this information, how about organize an event, create an event through social media, the Internet has its freedom of information. It is stupid not to do something about it if you actually care. Change…. I am tired of waiting on change. I believe in order for us to change we must change ourselves. We need to take action. How would you feel if you organized a successful protest about a topic like this? I would feel pretty damn good about myself doing what many of the people did back then to revolt. Step 1 organize and plan for peaceful protests until the lamestream media has to talk about it. Step 2. Overthrow the banksters, the politicians except the five that aren’t millionaires(seriously) if they aren’t crooked. 3. Reform, and turn this country around for the middle and low class since it is WAY LARGER than the high class, and the elite/1%/banksters. The spread of true knowledge is key, not the distractions and misinformation you see on Mainstream media. To keep you informed of the less important problems/topics that affect you barely and/or only for a time being, the small events on MSM. Topics like this however are gold. Let’s wake up the masses, be an open minded person. Think before you speak.. and before jumping to conclusions Open your eyes. If I inspired you or gave you new insight that you matter just as your vote matters in an election.. That the world changes everyday, and you could help make a difference to make this world a better place. Would you? Please like, share, repost with your own opinion on the matter. Lets see how far it gets. Pay it forward

        • Patrick Watson

          I fully agree with you and have a really great idea how to “enlighten” everyone I cannot stress the importance of it MUST be done before This election if you’re interested in what I have to say please contact me and hear my idea. Also, yes I’m from Mississippi where the one percents footprints are on EVERYONES throat and they don’t even realize it. that’s my wife’s email and I hope to hear from you

      • Elizabeth Bauer

        Dear owner of this site, I man from the Bauer bloodline, Now I know why I couldent find any ancestors in my bloodline all I know is that My great grandmother came from Germany with two sons named Bauer. After that not trace!
        Is it possible that You Sir cn find out if I am related to the Rothchilds tree and if so am I an inherentant of any cash or title of some kind?
        Best regards,

        • Anonymous

          Kijk ut wat je wenst deze familie is gevaarlijk

        • Elizabeth Bauer

          Dat weet ik, maar ondanks dat ben ik behoorlijk nieuwsgierig naar wat ze allemaal onder het tapijt hebben geveegd, er werd ook nooit over gesproken, en als ik al iets vroeg werd het onderwerp subtiel veranderd…Als ik mijn achternaam zeg word ik door sommigen al met getrokken wenkbrauwen aan gekeken of ik niet van deze planeet kom. Ik verwacht niks maar ik verwacht het onverwachte maw ik ben op mijn hoede

      • John wainaina guchu


    • Wait a min…💯♣✔…..u tellin me that ..frankins…vandibuilt…huges…morgan ..Rothschild..rockefeller….Warburg….family works..for a person..well this person…says . king musa…jordan elgin. Says . …all these people…names in this text…is his employee….dam…my friend…and u got a brand new ufo system…too make..999 trillion per countin….i dont belive any of this crap…but..this is kind of strange this jordan dude says .he in the getto…the be none for been in the getto tho …


    I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply HE CALL YOUR QUEEN FOR PUPPET DO YOUR WORK KNIGHTS BEFORE SOMEBODY ELSE WILL TAKE YOUR PLACE AND TAKE THE FRUITES OF YOUR WORKS

    • Why is it important to note that Rothschild is Jewish? Would you do the same if they were Catholic or Muslim or Christian? Seems racist to me.

      • PODUNKED

        Ha you have to be kidding………..

      • D

        Catholics, muslims and christians ain’t races you idiot! Why people keep saying that:S. But your point is treu, because there jews doenst mean anything, its just really………. typical:P So hitler was right after all:p one day jews rule the word:P better jews than muslims!!!! or nazi’s or china’s (asian).

      • Renske

        Let’s pray that they’ll become like Zacheus, he was jewish too.

      • Dev

        I dont know whether to laugh at your stupidity or be sad that you are so narrow minded. Jews referring to the country of Israel. Which is where the Rothschilds stem from. The point being that Israel is their home country and if you would read up a little more on their family and purpose, then you would soon find out that their beliefs and goal is to restore power to their home country and that they are using all other countries to profit from.

        • David

          The Rothschilds are from Bavaria. They may have manipulated the western powers throughout WWII to gain control of the land that ids now Isreal but the main patriarch started his scheme in Bavaria.

          • David, Your assertion is totally crazy…………Bavaria (Part of Germany) eliminated the Jews during WW2. This crazyness with
            the Rothschild money is insane. Who cares how much anyone accumulates………Live and enjoy your life that is what is
            most important.

          • Perry,

            You just revealed why you’re not interested in finding out what’s really going on by saying:

            “Who cares … Live and enjoy your life that is what is most important.”

            Some of us do care, because our nation is getting jacked, and people like you mock and try to discourage those who are trying to make things better. “Don’t worry; be happy” people like you are the main reason why the USA is going down.

            If more people cared, and wouldn’t be willfully ignorant we wouldn’t be in this mess.

            “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless.”

            ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

          • Good grief what’s wrong with people that they think is a most perplexing problem? Must be
            a shallow life and worrying what the other fellow has. Myself, am happy with living in America
            being able to salute the flag,enjoy my children and grandchildren and know am living every
            day appreciating every opportunity and sunny day and even the rainy one’s.

          • Perry,

            Something doesn’t fit with you. You state here that all you are a simple man, saluting the flag and enjoying your children, but then you come on my site and put people down, calling them names because they’ve actually cared about what’s really going on to do some research and find out.

            You are taking great pains to defend the status quo, mocking those who actually do research, while you’re just acting like everything is okay, blindly accepting the globalist controlled media Kool-Aid as fact, and searching out people to tell them you’re laughing at them.

            You’re doing what the globalists want you to do, have programmed you to do, doing the Devil’s work, actually, while saying you are just this simple, loving guy…, when you could be a part of the solution, instead, or at least not an active defender of this globalist system that is wrecking America and the entire world.

            I understand a little bit those who actually do just want to live a simple life and not want to know, but you are on a campaign to seek out and discredit those who disagree with what you watch on TV and accept as fact.

            Doesn’t make sense.

            “Our minds are shaped by what we behold.” – John Piper

          • “Research? That is laughable as I have not read anything other than so many people are hiding
            their assets and they use all these so called lawyers etc,. That is impossible as saying the
            world is full of ex Nazi’s waiting to start WW3…………..Oh wait that is possible.

            To me the number one threat to America is Terrorism plain and simple.
            Long live America, capitalism, and our standardof living.

          • Sounds like you are a Fox News devotee, buying their spin, hook, line and SINKER — which is now where America is definitely headed.

            The future of America is doomed, thanks to people like you who have kept meaningful change from happening.

            “You should be ashamed.”

            Your children will reap what you have sown on how many websites, now?

          • You are right I do listen to Fox News devotedly and trust them 100% more than other
            networks. At least there is one voice for some sanity out there.

          • I thought so. You even use the word, “devotedly.” I said “devotee.”

            You’ve been duped. Fox News is Spin Central.

            I have 46 posts under this category (10 posts per page, latest appear first), in case you really want to know. The globalists control the left and the right. And Fox News has taught you how to laugh at people like me, so you’d laugh and diss Ron Paul, just like they do, calling real investigators ‘pinheads.’ “This is Satan’s game.”


          • Perry,

            I hope you do well, and can see.


          • Perry, also, I have said before that I don’t know anyone who knows exactly how much money the globalist kingpin families have and how much they control, because of how they hide their wealth with other names, etc., and they have controlled public perception for decades through the media they control. This is a ballpark estimate for this one family which could be too high — but maybe not.

            I added a few more links to the article, if you can turn your laughter into concern.

        • David

          The Rothschilds are from Frankfurt. They may have manipulated the western powers throughout WWII to gain control of the land that is now Isreal but the main patriarch Mayer Amschel Rothschild started his scheme in Germany.

      • hans meier

        “Why is it important to note that Rothschild is Jewish?”
        because these Jews follow, not Moses
        but Samiri >> Golden calf! or the money changers at the time of Jesus!
        They killed Jesus and Christianity distorted, see Saul…

      • Simply because of the simplistic fact of loving and giving to the other, sharing and believing in the after life and judgement day. If you do not and follow your own beliefs that you are the chosen people, where no one else matter but your own cult, to the point of no matter if you slave others as long as they are not from the same cult. Then you should understand why it does matter……….

      • The word Jewish means the tribe of Judah. These Jews are kenites, the sons of Cain. Satans children.

    • It is my understanding that the Rothschild family and the so called Zionist Jew’s are not real Jews, as we think of Jews, but are from the Khazar kingdom in Russia. They supposedly embrace the Jew’s, Hebrew, religion. Jew-ism is a religion not a race? They also control the money supply in America, being the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.

    • Anonymous

      They are not Jewish, they are of German descent, They are the ones from the bible revelations warned of “The ones who say they are Jews but are not, they are the synagogue of Satan”.

      • Anonymous

        Hitler was Jewish. Did their German bidding. America funded both sides war. Holocaust atrocious mask for men behind it. Zionist a cover. East coast wealth focuss takes nations eyes off west coast where Gods people are nearly gathered totally, China Russia coming, French Others too a mixed multitude just as Moses took them from Egypt. Look up “Isis pyramids in Grand Canyon, interesting. Dhali Lama false prophet Asia part of Gods people don’t know about Japan. Muslim Moor. Muslim enemy Jews in east Judaism their religion. Oldest civilization on earth now rests in Alaska Canada Haida oldest race on earth. Not Asian Bering Strait Theory denounced, DNA proved 52 traits natives have in common that no Asians have. Global warming ground rising water recedes temps raise evaporation more, but proof rising Mt Rainier in my home state Higher visibly in horizon as are all mountains around area, San Fran dry Colorado river dry washington st in drought Ak burning Mexico dry ancient canals near Mexico surfacing and on and on. God bless

  3. The only way to really do some good is to change the system.By that I mean,attack their policy of”Divide & Rule,i.e.Racism.If people joined TOGETHER under one banner,Ngos,Human Rights and all of the other ethnic minorities,.orgs.we would have a force to be reckoned with.
    Do not leave,as a legacy for our offspring,this outdated system of greed in place.

    • MS-13 originated with the youth of san salvador, without hope, they turned to anarchy, intent on ridding our world of Nobility wherever it is—In one year alone our youth, teens, the world over, have joined forces to become the most powerful (dangerous) gang the world has witnessed, self educated on the internet, with more moxy than our worlds rulers, (elitist), they fully intend to carry out their goals, sort of equalize the playing field if you will eliminating slavery along the way, arising each day in an effort to do the right things, restoring the natural law of respect. I am near 70 and may or may not live to see their time on earth arrive, as each new generation seemingly joins their cause. They are a lot more intelligent than to use military forces to destroy the world elitist, they will simply resort the the endless number of ironical methods to simply murder these people who have abandoned nature replacing it with fashion and predatory laws they make up as they go along. My bet is with the youth of our world joining on the telephone, or internet whereby each telephone number has morphed into a data transceiver, capable of altering or developing new data which is transfered wirelessly in bundles of resonant wave frequencies. But its still just the telephone, only operating in some wave band frequency range, now with pictures since the development of the LED, or light emitting diode. The youth of san salvador prefer the machete as their preferred weapon of choice, once near enough to the located nobility, a simple beheading. I am sure the endless methods they will develop as they carry out the plan will become an endless ever changing array of methodology. I wish the well in their goal, using the information revolution as their guide, or the simple telephone, to connect.

  4. jonathan

    hey. i was wondering. i keep hearing those statements about the Rothschilds owning 500T and owning AP and Reuters…

    i was looking for some kind of source for that, and couldn’t find. what is that based on?

    would appreciate the info,
    Best regards, Jonny.

  5. ms

    Jeff, I appreciated that you researched and corrected the misquotation that Kevin remarked on. Now I ask you to put your thinking hat on – try researching how much money there is in the world altogether. Claiming that any one individual or family has $500 or $700 trillion just doesn’t add up, whichever way you look at it. I would appreciate it if you researched it thoroughly and posted an answer here, preferably with resources. I don’t think Reuters owns the AP either. And that for sure is easy to find out. I’m sure if you invested the time and effort you’ll be able to come up with reliable sources. I think Warren Buffet will be able to answer the question better than most people. Please let us know and I’ll check the follow-up box. Thank you in advance!!

    • Jeff Fenske


      This is not my statement, but a quotation from the video, which should be obvious.

      This dollar amount is referring to their assets, not actual paper money.

      Have you researched the Rothschilds’ history? Do you realize how long they’ve been doing their “the love of money is the root of all evil” manipulations with the huge assets they had at the start, almost 3 decades ago?

      Look at how they operate.

      They probably own many organizations that aren’t commonly known. Families like this operate behind a cloak of secrecy, which is easy for them. I have heard that lawyers hide the assets of who really owns the ‘Federal’ Reserve, for example.

      Personally, I don’t care whether it’s $50 trillion or $500 trillion. Both figures are obscene when we see how they got their wealth and what they’ve done with it.

      They are the antithesis of “loving your neighbor as yourself.”

      We’re supposed to love people, whereas the world’s kingpins love money, power, evil, themselves — perhaps even the source of their power and their wicked ideas.


      • allan

        Actually Jeff, your figure is quite credible. I would estimate the Rothschilds at a quadrillion though, followed by the Catholic Church with about the same to a little less, and then the U.S. Government
        after the Roman Catholic Church. The USG is quite wealthy…if you look at their investment side…
        not the budgetary side, which shows for public consumption that they are insolvent. They aren’t, This is how they are financing their emerging security state and their advanced tech civilization called the “military-industrial complex.” Fossil fuel technology and conventional modern weapons are obsolete,
        including nuclear weaponry. There are 3rd & 4th generation offensive weapons now.

        Following this, you have the aggregate wealth of the rest of the cabal associated w/ the Rothschild Dynasty.

    • raw

      I hope this reply gets to u but there is nno research one can do to find out how much Rothschild is worth because of the family dedication to secrets.

    • semaj

      your ignorance will soon play a major role in your livlyhood, GET SOME KNOWLEDE

    • somewhereinus

      Sorry dude but Reuters does now own AP. Makes ya kinda wake up there? It should.

  6. When we arrest the rothschilds and repossess the money, $500 trillion, everybody,8 billion, gets $60,000!

  7. The rothchilds has been split for centuries, there are now many many rothschilds bloodlines.

    They have often changed names to conceal their identities also.

    To do an estimation of their fortune you’d have look at the finances of hundreds of business owners, lawyers, judges, politicians etc All paying royalties to the rothschilds dynasty they hail from.

    • Good grief you are so dumb to believe this. Reuters is owned by the Thompson family in
      Britain. Right on the Rothchild’s are rich but is that a crime?

      • Thompson Corp bought Reuters in 2008. This was probably filmed before that.

        Also, keep in mind that the globalists, including the Rockefellers too, own most of their companies through front-companies, to avoid scrutiny.

        It’s difficult to know exactly who owns what.

  8. zaknick

    Great blog. Wanted to pass these two blogs on to you and your visitors: This should give you a wide view angle of the magnitude of their hidden wealth. for current issues with insight.

    For an incomplete primer on these evil bastards see a doc called A Brief Comment I wrote at:

  9. Anonymous

    the rothschilds had 2 agents working the french and british stock markets , lied about who the winner was ended up owning a country!!!

  10. Vitorino Batalim

    Very important matter. Tahnk you

  11. Gerald

    I love the sight, I always enjoy reading about the rothdevils, I read a really good one off of called the tentacles of the Rothschild’s, it was long but very informative. Anyway, I like the sight and will check back that’s for sure. With all that is going on now a days I wish everybody well and would like to say their is power in numbers, remember that. All of our brothers and sisters from all nationalities and all nations, this is global now, but so is the power we hold as a people, our numbers are enormous. We just need to get people to wake up, turn the TV off and become toxic free. Much damage has been done to our society here in America through the dumbing down, whether by toxic chemicals or non-stop consumerism propaganda, either way we all need to change, look in the mirror and see yourself as part of the problem, then become the solution. Those of us who are “awake” have obviously not done enough to wake others. I mean no offense to any body, it is just true, if it weren’t then everybody would be awake to the plethora of crimes that have been committed upon us. I think you know what I mean. Anyway heres a link to a couple of cool vids a came across, enjoy and spread the word.

  12. Anonymous

    criminals who get away with corruption and twisting world govts

  13. Kevin

    Here’s a link to a chronological history of Rothchild’s. Whether it’s accurate or not, I cannot confirm. But, it’s interesting reading.

  14. Free

    I see a commenter saying why do yo say their Jewish and that’s racist…. Well I’m Jewish and I agree. The Rothschild own the ADL Anti defamation League and many other groups they started the aclu to get blacks to riot and cause a white black war here in the states many years ago. The ADL made laws that if you said anything about anti zionism you were spewing hate speech the Rothschild’s new this would work (they are fake Jews) And then no papers could report on them. Its fucking insane. Go to the website and look under the Rothschild’s timeline and their is a shit load of info in that article which is basically a book its truly sickening. Their name started in Frankfurt Germany I forget the first Rothschild’s name but it come from two German words and it means ROT= Red and Schild= Sign or Shield. This is do the hexagram sign hanging in front of his store. (the Hexagram sign is the star of David which was used by the occult and wasn’t even a Jewish symbol until Rothschild started using it, its also on the Israeli flag aka the state of Rothschild! Let me remind you I am Jewish just not a Zionist!

    • Anonymous

      The name was Bauer,they changed it in the mid 1700’s,they are indeed fake jews,the khazars converted to judaism because in the bible loaning money and banking in general was outlawed so to get around this they switched faith,these people make up to about 80% of the jewish population.

    • Incredible your stupidity. You are too stupid to be believed.

    • Kevin;

      Your statement is so laughable and preposterous. You are not Jewish as with this kind of mentality you have to be
      insecure and a dreamer or a doper or a fool or perhaps delusional.

  15. Free

    To my above post I meant to say I don’t agree in the first sentence.

  16. semaj

    somtimes we have to think outside the box, its hard to think that once upon a time there were kings that ruled the world, with fortunes that you could not think that those bloodlines dont still THRIVE amost us is insane, they were well protected aginst other knowing who they were due to the obvious…they did predetermend marriages,thats why they have remained to THRIVE amonst us at a higher level…meaning ownership of the WORLD and to MS>>>in the above warren buffet is simply a puppet compared to what these people have hes rich because THEY allow him to be….the 60 billion that he has lol thats laundry money to that family again KEEP reading and one day YOU Might learn somthing…..AND FOR THE NON-BELEIVERS A NEW CHAPTER IN WORLD HISTORY IS COMING SOON……..


    Wow.., thank you, very informative.

  18. Anonymous

    rothschilds do they plan to invade Iran..with there riches..these people are greedy and evil…

  19. Anonymous

    wow, does anyone that posts here have any kind of education at all? The stuff you’re posting is ridiculous and completely baseless. Incredibly ignorance here.

    • Anonymous

      Why do people who turn up and just say things like , ” you people are ignorant and dumb fuckers and thick and base you’d ideas on fantasy ” or whatever , never have anything constructive to say and never leave a name . The sad thing is , if you do your research you’ll find that things are 100 times worse than you think !! Buy gold and silver !!!! That’s what the elite do !!!! Research the bank of international settlements . It’s like the central bank of central banks . All other monetary bodies are beneath it . It’s based in Switzerland , and I like to think of it as the Rothschild piggy bank , where they stand rakeing it in !! Lol sorry but if you don’t keep your sense of humour with this stuff you can go mad ! !! Dont eat G. M. O s. filter your water plan for the worst but hope for the best these creeps never give up their wealth or power without a fight !! We must have worldwide ( peaceful ) resistance . I love the world and I love mankind , and we could have an amazing life if these wretched souls didn’t suppress technology and free energy and feed us poison and …… Oh well I could go on for weeks 🙂 Well peace and love everyone …. We will win . Worldwide brotherhood of man . Not some hideous new world order one world hellhole ! But a rich planet brimming with culture and freedom and love ! Xx

  20. Anonymous

    The whole ‘Gross World’s Product’ for a given year is in the neighborhood of 50-60 trillion dollars. Do you seriously believe that one family is worth 10x this amount? It’s ridiculous. The richest people in the world are in the multiples of tens of billions. No family or person is worth a trillion dollars. Even Apple Computer, the largest company on earth by value is a little more than half a trillion. This Rothschilds nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

    • First of all, this is a guestimate. They’re not saying how much they are worth, just like the Rockefellers aren’t. They don’t make it on the front page of the richest people in the magazines they own. They hide their wealth in their lawyers’ names, etc.. Even if it’s only $100 trillion, what’s the difference?

      And that’s what Robert Gaylon Ross said in 1998, which would be much higher today. The source I remember him citing is a certain Japanese Princess:

      Retired management consultant
      Gaylon Ross Sr, author of Who’s Who of the Global Elite,
      has been tipped from a private source that the combined 
      wealth of the Rockefeller family in 1998 was approx (US) 
      $11 trillion and the Rothschilds (U.S.) $100 trillion.

      We’re seeing America collapse before our eyes. You probably would have considered that “nonsense” even just 10 years ago too, because the globalist controlled media have led US to this point. Dark forces have been driving our demise for centuries, just like they’ve used the love of money (root of all evil) to drive certain families to hoard great wealth and power.

      Have you studied the Rothschild’s history, how they made their first fortune? Consider how much that was in the day, and what they could have done with that through Satan’s power up until this day.

      And $500 trillion isn’t so ridiculous. Consider what the Huffington Post says:

      America’s banks hold derivatives valued at more than$200 trillion, about a third of the world total.

      I’ve been studying real history for almost 20 years now, and almost always, the Rothschilds’ name seems to be on the top of the list of the ‘elite’ Illuminati members who are really running things.

      I’m not dogmatic on the numbers. My goal is to learn the process as to what is really going on. There is the history that they teach us, but that can’t explain why America is going down with the whole world, to be controlled by Satan’s one-world government, prophesied in the Bible.

      When we pull the curtain back we see a whole other reality that does explain what is going on. The richest people have incredible means to be able to persuade the masses to believe whatever they want. And they’re getting away with it right before our eyes.

      And this is not ‘nonsense.’

    • allwarisbad

      There are estimated to be $900T worth of ‘derivatives’ on the books today, if Rothschilds account for $500T of that, its not surprising at all 🙂
      We live in a world where the financial system has made themselves much larger than all the combined physical productivity of the world 🙂

  21. curious

    Well to be honest I am aware that there are influencial people with secret identity. However, its very difficult to believe that any one man or family owns the world. 500 trilllion!!!!! are u crazy. I doubt the wworld’s economy commands that kind of wealth much less to have one family owning it. This is trying to say that even the money in my pocket now. the Rothschilds owns it?!

    All this dont sound right at all.

    • The Bringer of Light

      I know this is a really old post but I was enjoying reading it and the statement “that’s like saying he owns the money in my pocket” got to me. They do own the money in your pocket and everyone else’s. You only have a worthless piece of paper in your pocket and this lies the secret of how they did it. All the money ppl think they have is only a promise note backed by real money held in a bank owned by guess who? The Fed Reserve owned by who? Well for one the Rothchilds. It’s brilliant. In a way they found a way to hold all the value then have everyone else chase air ensuring no one ever can take their fortune away. When you realize they made the very 1st paper dollar then told the gov here is 1 dollar but now you owe us 1.1 dollar back for loaning it to you, you can easily begin to understand how we’ve had the largest magic trick in the world pulled on us. Our gov owes everything including all its assets to the reserve. Therefore those who own the reserve own the gov. Remember that quote, control the supply of money and I care not who makes its laws or something to that effect. And America is only 1 example of. As of today there’s only 3 countries all middle eastern that they have yet to have connections tied directly back to them as the central bankers. If that’s not enough to scare you and make almost everything else we hear at least possible then I don’t know what else is left. As for all the conspiracy theories I don’t claim to know what is and isn’t true but start researching the federal reserve and it won’t take long to realize there is something to it. There’s truth even in lies and rumors and they found a way to own the world and keeping it a secret that they own it. Over time they learned it was the only way it could be done. The biggest problem is everyone thinks of them as just people who thinks the same way they do, however do your research and you’ll realize nothing could be further from the truth. We are but ants in their eyes.

  22. Buck

    lmao at curious it could be true tho

  23. Anonymous

    I think it’s all bullshit

  24. John

    Its not impossible to imagine. David X. Li formulated a way to control the market. What if someone discovered much sooner with simpler means?

    Control a vital resource, make it scarce, charge more because of it’s scarcity and you are rich. That would explain oil and money – both of which are false scarcities.

  25. Anonymous


  26. Reblogged this on Life. Simple? and commented:
    This is quite astonishing!

  27. Anonymous

    They love the money

  28. Anonymous

    Anybody saying they cannot own $500 Trillion needs an economics lesson. There are roughly 25 Million homes (not commercial) in the UK alone. The average house price is £135’000. That means there is £33,750,000,000 (£33.75 Billion) worth of non-commercial houses ‘just in the UK.’ Most houses are bought with a loan that ends up costing the value of the house on top of the loan. That means banks have made the value of 99% of houses ever sold. Now imagine all the houses in the world, all the commercial properties in the world, all the resources in the world, technology, all funded with loans. If somebody had made interest on every loan ever taken out since the beginning of time, $500 Trillion (£318.95 Trillion or £318.950 Billion) is most probably an underestimate.

    • Reginald Van Rothschild

      And what would your annual tax bill be, if you were to own every private residence in th UK?

  29. Joshua Pitso

    why is it all you fuckers are anonymous, information is available infront of you and you still don’t believe, rothschilds own the world and they are not jewish, please don’t hate the jewish people because of these edomites, what Jesus called the synagogue of satan. economists are blind, lawyers and lawmakers are blind, in fact the whole fucking world is blind, yes even the money in your fucking pocket belongs to the rothschilds, even obama belongs to the rothschilds so is every fucking president, even this internet you are using, rothschilds is making money from it, your phone, technology..etc.. their iniquity is full before the Lord and His fury is rising against them because mankind alone cannot deal with these creatures of unrighteousness but God. I love you all that are not blind, continue to enlighten brothers and sisters around the world. this New World Order will rise and fall and the Lord will lift up their skirts and reveal their nakedness. Joshua

    • They are kenites. The sons of Cain. They pretend to be of our brother Judah. They are all about power now. They want to have to have a one world govt.

    • Anonymous

      Best comment l have read. You got it and you are right on the money. Welcome to the world farm team. We need you. Canadian

  30. Richard kelly

    Its accurately documented the rothchilds were making hundreds of millions throughout the19th century, financing many governments and bucking the markets.If you doubt it look at some of their property developments around Buckinghamshire,England,of that time.
    A hugely sucesful business,that has amassed the largest personal wealth in the history of mankind,financed the creation of the state of Israel,(The Balfour Declaration was written to Edmound Rothchild), has now become discontinued, or so the public is led to believe.
    Yeah right!!
    The hidden hand is there,but you have to look.
    Look at it this way,have you ever played monopoly, with a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds ?
    You know who ends up with all the money and it isn’t the kids!?

    Richard Kelly England 24-9-2012..

  31. If the Rothchilds made $1,000,000 a day it would take them over 2000 years to accumulate $500 trillion. You are just repeating an incredibly stupid statistic based on your own prejudice. Forbes magazine estimates their worth at $1.5 billion. Regarding your statements that we are supposed to love people, you are again wrong. People have evolved to compete with other people and we are selfish. But having said that the Rothchilds have given millions of dollars to charity. If you had a billion dollars you wouldn’t give it all away. I know people like you who are constantly preaching altruism and they are the biggest hypocrites and most selfish people I know. Quit making up your own reality and try living in the real world and not repeating nonsense.

  32. Anonymous

    that is crap

  33. Anonymous

    Fuck that!!!! I rate they are worth that or more, who ever was anonymous number 28. Is fucking logical…….think people, jeeez you people don’t think logically and don’t have brains!!!!

  34. Anonymous

    My point of view is that the people who don’t believe that it is true, are just jealous……and it is because they have never seen that type of money before.

  35. Hello Jeff,

    I am still looking around. I thought I would offer a few points.

    I you google around and search

    You will find several sources!

    ALSO I see people call the ROThschilds Askenazi Jews, but I have evidence that they are in fact of EDOM!


    I have a lot of research invested in what I am writing, sadly I am NOT a great writer, but I think I have put together some compelling evidence!

    I will add you to my links!



  36. Money is God

  37. Anonymous

    Wonder if they have any single females in the 28 year old range that like country boys??

  38. Anonymous

    Where is there a list of all the current family members?

    • There probably isn’t an accurate list online. Fritz Springmeier writes:


      One of the principle points that should be borne in mind, is that the actual occult power of the Rothschild bloodline is hidden in secret lineages. Although the Rothschilds make up part of the Rothschild bloodline, people should also watch out for names such as Bauer, Bowers, Sassoons, and many other last names.

      People within the Illuminati who have Rothschild blood are aware of their secret ancestry, but outsiders in the world are more often than not are never going to be told that they carry such “powerful” occult blood.

  39. Anonymous

    Their wealth is also calculated in the value of property and labor for national debts they hold.

  40. Anonymous

    I also heard they posess more than half of all the world’s above ground gold.

  41. Anonymous

    The Rothschilds in Germany were Bauer before renaming themselves from the sign on their house which in German meant Red Shield.

  42. Anonymous

    The Rothschild secret is they uderstood humans desire for comfort and convience which came easily if you had the money to buy it. Rothschild originally made his money from European royality who borrowed money from them whenever they got in a jamb.

  43. Anonymous

    Who can fill in the period between Jacob Fugger, 15th Century and the Rothschilds, 18th Century.

  44. Bob Marshall

    Without Lord Rothschild and the Balfour Declaration they may never would have been a state of Israel. Then too, the U.S. maybe as Winston Churchill suggested, they may never have been U.S. involvement in WWI. Over 90 percent of the people in Palestine at the time were Arabs. The Lusitania having been sunk almost two years earlier was not the reason the U.S. to got pulled into WWI.

  45. eh what

    What difference does it make. We are all people with same needs bread shelter and some laughs 500t or 500 dollars is same so go and be happy._

  46. Anonymous

    I hate the fact that so many people are ignorant of how money works.First off forbes does not accurately track the amount of wealth accumulated.It merely gives a ranking based on public records.Ask yourself these questions; 1.) When playing poker do you show the table your hand? 2.) Do you walk around with your bank statement stapled to your forehead? Didn’t think so. Next subject just because money is,”donated to charity,”doesn’t mean it is charitable.What happens when the charity i’m donating to is my own nonprofit organization which,i’m an employee of,as well as the owner?So in essence I get the tax write off/publicity for the donation,I receive the funds because it’s my non profit organization,and I get paid as an employee.Please tell me you guys didn’t believe that non profit organization meant they didn’t generate profit/or substantial gains…It just affects how the business is taxed.Next point on the higher level of finance/or the real world of finance where you are asked to join hedge funds,mineral/precious metal trade & trade platforms the buy in is $100,000,000.00 liquid,meaning parked in the bank.That $100million is churned into over $1billion in 40weeks.The system is called fractional reserve banking.This is where I only have $100 in the bank but i can loan out up to 10x that amount,which would be $1000 and charge interest on the money I loaned out.ex I have $100 liquid(on hand) but I can lend out up to $1000.So I lend out $100 to 10 people and charge them 20% which then means they have to repay me $120.Therefore I receive $1200 back with a profit of $1100 created out of thin air. ex b $1200 (on hand) x10 (fractional reserve banking law)=$12000/100ppl=$120per loan x20% interest rate=$14400 Now imagine if you created this system and have been using this system for over 300yrs how much money do you think you’d have?Too much to calculate.The creators the Rothschilds.Why doesn’t anyone know this because they control the money that governs the laws,schools,politicians,media,most importantly the information.

    • none

      You’re clearly a raving Jew hater, you have no proof of evidence for all this sheer NONSENSE that you spew, and also, why is it that all conspiracy theorists can’t speak or write their own language? Go hang out somewhere where we can’t see or hear you, please.

      • Anonymous

        You’re clearly an idiot.Your comprehension skills are sub-par at best..I could post whole bunch of links and provide several books (because before the internet people actually had to seek out several sources before posting a single theory) but it would be a waste because your mind is very narrow.I could cite strictly the old testament which Jews use as their Holy Book.I could also explain that i’m a Christian and that the one true Savior was in fact a Jew but again it wouldn’t matter.Also I could explain that the very people we are discussing in fact is the moneychangers commonly referred to as bankers,which Jesus drove out Himself calling,them,”A BROOD OF VIPERS.”Or that you cannot serve both God and mammon aka a system commerce (money) By the way I am an African American who is a true follower on Jesus the Risen Christ which is one of the greatest conspiracies ever told.Again I say my words would be wasted.I will leave you with this I know it to be true because I’ve done it.I went to school for investment banking,business,and finance history.I study the bible,finance,financial history,and history as a whole.I’m a pretty boring 27yr and my girlfriend referred to me as old man.On top of that i’m from Washington,DC where to purported seat of power is in the United States.When in fact it is actually Wall Street or at the Federal Reserve of New York (very 1st one) Please do your own research,stop watching the news,and lastly stop believing everything they tell you.The Wizard Of Oz series read them,The Federal Reserve Act read it,They Live watch it,find out what and how a hedge fund works,find out what banking instruments are,how they work,and how they are traded.Then once that has been done you will just be getting ready to start realizing you’ve been lied to.

      • Anonymous

        Just because it’s more important for you to see than bash you any further,i apologize for that.Here you go my friend.Next time you visit your bank or banking branch office ask what MTNs or Banking Instruments are available here.Not CDS or any useless crap like that but Bank Instruments for sale.After the beautiful young lady or ambitious young man at the teller window gives you that puzzled look,followed by,”Let me get my manager/supervisor to assist you” Then after they try to steer you elsewhere then you persist and then the person you wanted speak comes on scene,the Branch Manager.They’ll know exactly what you’re talking as they are one step under the owner of that bank.Banking Instruments are traded in $100 Million blocks.

        Why have many investors never hear of this Private Placement Program before?
        From 1933 to April 5, 2012 SEC regulations did not allow advertising of Private Placement. During that period, participation was by “invitation only” or through a referral introduction.

        Private Placement Platform program was created over sixty years ago to rebuild Europe the third world nations after WW II, thus the reason for such a high rate of return being allowed. Today, much of the profits realized by the Private Placement Program benefit good-will projects. The investor however, is free to use the profits as they desire.

        Private Placement simply involves buying and selling prime bank notes in Europe and Asia. At any given time some European and Asian banks must liquidate bank notes and will sell their notes at a discount. Other banks are cash rich and wish to add to their note portfolio and will pay a premium for these bank notes. Private Placement is the instrument by which these trades take place. Private Placement Platforms only trade prime bank notes by arbitrage. What arbitrage means is that the buy and sell contracts have to be “in hand” before the trade of the discounted bank notes take place. This is the safest way to trade the bank notes. This is all done by the trader for the Private Placement Platform. Since in the Private Placement Program traders only buy notes when they have a buyer at a higher price every trade has a net positive gain due to the “controlled trading” practices. There is zero risk to the Private Placement Platform traders, zero risk to the bank, and zero risk to the investor.

        During the Private Placement activity the investor’s capital stays in their own bank account at all times. The investor’s funds are never traded, never accessed, never touched in any way. It is not used as a guarantee or reserve. Thus there is zero risk to the investor’s bank account capital. The only purpose for the investor’s bank deposit is to satisfy bank regulations and permit the “controlled trades” to take place.

        The net effect is high yield returns with zero risk to the investor.

        ​We look forward to introducing you to the premier Private Placement Platform in Europe. Qualified investors can call us for details.
        Capital Entry Requirements

        The minimum participation is $100 Million (or Euro equivalent) as required by European banking regulations. There is also a special $1 Billion interbank program with even higher returns.Investors from most friendly countries can participate with the London and Zurich based Private Placement group.

        The program is restricted to cash funds held in a cooperating Top 10 European Bank in the investors own personal account.

        Note: This European based investment is subject to European banking regulations, and is not subject to the U.S. SEC Act and regulations of 1933.Expectations of Yield Returns

        The Private Placement Program offers attractive, high-yield returns realized from the “controlled” trading of investment-grade bank debenture instruments. “Controlled” trading refers to the fact that the trades always yield a net positive return. Some banks wish to liquidate notes and will sell their notes at a discount. Other banks wish to add to their note portfolio and will pay a premium. Since the Private Placement Program traders only buy notes when they have a buyer at a higher price each trade has a net positive gain, and have no risk.
        Historically the $100 Million minimum program yields at least 50% to 90%+ each month for the 10 months (40 Week Program). During the full 10 month program, the yield historically is 500% – 900%+. The platform “controlled” trading is done by the Private Placement London based traders.
        The $1 Billion minimum program ($5 Billion max) is special in that the platform traders work internal to a Top 10 World Bank. The “bank contract” offers stated returns and zero risk to bank and zero risk to investor. Client will be a VIP Guest of the board member of the Top 10 Bank. This board member sits on the board of several of the top banks in Europe and has over 40 years of banking experience. Qualified investors may inquire about details.

    • Very well said!

      Also I have a link below the article in which this is stated: “The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.”

      Perhaps you have an answer. You explain fractional reserve banking well. Considering how lucrative it really is, I’ve often wondered how any bank could go bankrupt, unless they’re pocketing all their income and not leaving anything for a rainy day, when numerous loans default.


  47. never look at how you run a business in legal way, you will never reach that amount, the rothschild’s finance other countries with their protection with no money involve, this is a mafia strategy, these group of thugs could commence a war and create panic in one country, thru political pressure or by force, subsequently the result thereof is crisis, how could you fight the insurgency if you have no financial capability, so you run to other country for financial aid with big interests. or ask for help with the super powers, and if the crisis will be solved, the rothschild’s will put up a bussiness in your country without being pressed regarding their capital if where it came from and not charged with taxes because the government owe him a lot. And if the rothschild’s were being utilised the same as the yakuza from japan, during the WW2 these dreaded group were used by japan to create scenarious all over asia, while the japs were stealing the gold of asian countries, after the war the japs were very rich, they just did this for only a number of years since 1940’s, what if rothschild is used the same as these japs criminals, starting from 18th century up to now, how could you estimate their financial capacity in terms of legal and illegal transactions they had,. they manipulate everything in the entire planet, backed by the superpowers ( U.S.) and their lawyers ( the U.N.). rothschild is a mobster man, they could muscle you in or out, if you never make business with them you will be outcast. these family do business in this way, you finance they earn, they finance they earn, you run your business you pay for protection they eran, you dig oil they are part of it they earn, you mine gold they are part of it they earn, or else, it’s either your brains or your signatures will be on the contract.

  48. Anonymous

    You guys realize this a a hige family not.just one man

  49. Lawrence Knight

    its unbelievable

  50. Well, The House of Rothschild, has ruled the world for 240 years now. How is that working out for your?

  51. garth gibson

    1. the jews have been scapegoats for ovwe 2000 years, if the rithschilds wanted no jewish problems they would have converted the christanity butremained secret jews.
    the theory that one jewish family owns 50 or 100% of thw assets siynds like the biggr the lie the easier to believe. it is probable they are the richest jews un the world but that all rich jews own 5-10% of assets at most, the holding company that owns 60% of all asseyts is mostlt not jewish and partly asian. go and kill the rothschilds and every jew and you will fall for the big lie and the banksters will laugh at your bigotry.
    2. derivatives are bets on asset value not assets. the 500 plus trillion in derivatives exceeds the total asset value of all things by 20-40 times. read more on derivatives,

  52. I dont no any of u people im in the hold in ,america……..n.n …and aldp waiting too add 600,000 new stocks too my rothschild rockefeller morgan ,,,,,money game ………starting with elgin bank ………..and the Henry wells chothing line …………….from the 18th centry ….up too now ……….all my stuff is still the same from how ……james allen rothschild left it in 2000 n.n ….a running chase breakfast …………and the new iti jupiter car company ……Italy Jupiter ……aka iti Jupiter ………new technogy … banas and co ……..600,0000,new stock ….from the real sole rothschild jordan elgin …………what it bdo ..

  53. Rothschild is me im every race on earth mixed …….

  54. I heard the real rothschild banker of jeklly island of geogia ……dont chare interest rate on middle class loans …… all ….

  55. The above comments are so absurd and people are so stupid it makes me wonder if all of us
    are completely evolved?? The Jew haters are evident although I doubt they know any or few

    The people who believe this crap are the same one’s who are guilty of their own inability to
    live a happy and wonderful life which is available to all who know that to be content is the
    richest anyone can possibly be.

  56. Not a Satanist

    I think we should start stealing from these elite families and groups that want all world wealth and all world power, that have sold all of us out to Lucifer himself!
    One of the Ten Commandments says, “Thou shall not steal,” but I wouldn’t classify this particular act as “stealing” if you know the party you are stealing from is giving it all to Lucifer and not caring one bit about and it and trying to control and conform you into a way they want.
    I’d rather die fighting for God, then live with a shit pile of cash, having sold out to Lucifer!!

    • I laugh at this absurdity and the people that fall for this crap. A person or family cannot eat
      money or own so much. Utter nonsense. I don’t care who they are they are just rich and
      miserable……….instead of poor and miserable……….Me I just enjoy taking a chance on the
      lottery ,playing poker,eating popcorn and watching TV and going to a few good movies.
      I would not care if the next guy had all the money or gold or silver in the world……….Just give
      me good health and wonderful wife and children.

      • Thomas Jefferson

        I believe we should all care for the future of the people and the earth. Your children, and your life, or the next life to come. Who knows what’s going to happen next if we don’t do something to stop corruption in the time being. People are so sucked into the habits that create their lifestyle to change and plan to a organize/advertise for protests against a topic as important as this. If you’re interested in helping, or this information, how about organize an event, create an event through social media, the Internet has its freedom of information. It is stupid not to do something about it if you actually care. Change…. I am tired of waiting on change. I believe in order for us to change we must change ourselves. We need to take action. How would you feel if you organized a successful protest about a topic like this? I would feel pretty damn good about myself doing what many of the people did back then to revolt. Step 1 organize and plan for peaceful protests until the lamestream media has to talk about it. Step 2. Overthrow the banksters, the politicians except the five that aren’t millionaires(seriously) if they aren’t crooked. 3. Reform, and turn this country around for the middle and low class since it is WAY LARGER than the high class, and the elite/1%/banksters. The spread of true knowledge is key, not the distractions and misinformation you see on Mainstream media. To keep you informed of the less important problems/topics that affect you barely and/or only for a time being, the small events on MSM. Topics like this however are gold. Let’s wake up the masses, be an open minded person. Think before you speak.. and before jumping to conclusions Open your eyes. If I inspired you or gave you new insight that you matter just as your vote matters in an election.. That the world changes everyday, and you could help make a difference to make this world a better place. Would you? Please like, share, repost with your own opinion on the matter. Lets see how far it gets. Pay it forward

  57. Trevor David Hitchin

    We will not have world government….nobody likes America anymore…

    In Boise Idaho we have a lazy mayor, a drunk Senator or two, and no paint on the crosswalks…16 near the jr high I live near…no safe way to or from class..when local gov fails…when regional gov fails….when our Speaker of the Shack is a janitor in sheep’s clothing shedding crocodile tears….you know there cannot be World anything…

    Stop police rape and brutality…start there.

    How will there be world gov when 600 million guns in the US alone are pointed at their corrupt and retarded governing “officials”….sirens at 2:47 to break up the sat night fights….

  58. Frank Meier

    I studied and researched the Rothchild’ very intensive …

    I think that the Rothchild’s are not evil, but they are like a virus.

    A virus in a body want that the host body live a long and good life, because then the virus life a long and good life too.

    The 600 Trillion US$ are for me a reasonable number, but my guts tell me that this number is not correct. I think it must be more … if everything is included. Lets think about a Quadrillion US$. And for the simple minded thinkers, it is possible to get this wealth … ok, I have to admit that it needs time and ruthlessness.

    I don’t care about the origins of this House, they are tough and have success.

    Would be the world better without the Rothschild’s? Who knows …

    . . .

    The main question is:

    Do the Rothchild’s rule the world? The answer is clear, NO!

    BUT … with that influence they set up the directions!

    Not presidents are ruling the world, because their time is limited. Dynasties are setting up in which direction the future goes.

    The Rothchild’s are smart enough to stay in the back.

    . . .

    About the 7 Billion people on our lovely planet:
    Studies said that 500 Million People is perfect, up to 4 billion people is to handle for the resources of our planet. It must be of course a target for the dynasties who are in (manipulating, guiding, leading) charge of our planet to get back to this numbers.

    . . .

    I think that the 8 super rich houses of the world (which are again mostly blood lines from Rothchild’s) talking and thinking how to have a good future. I think that they want that everybody on our planet have a good future, but of course first come their own breed. And they know that anybody can survive, but not everybody …

  59. Nalliah Thayabharan

    These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the Associated Press (AP) and Rothschilds own Reuters

    Television Holdings

    * NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
    * NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
    * CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).

    Other Holdings
    GE Consumer Electronics.
    GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
    GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
    GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.


    Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)

    Television Holdings
    CBS: includes 14 stations and over 200 affiliates in the US.
    CBS Network News: 60 minutes, 48 hours, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, CBS Morning News, Up to the Minute.
    Country Music Television, The Nashville Network, 2 regional sports networks.
    Group W Satellite Communications.

    Other Holdings
    Westinghouse Electric Company: provides services to the nuclear power industry.
    Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company: disposesof nuclear and hazardous wastes. Also operates 4 government-owned nuclear
    power plants in the US.
    Energy Systems: provides nuclear power plant design andmaintenance.


    Television Holdings
    Paramount Television, Spelling Television, MTV, VH-1, Showtime, The Movie Channel, UPN (joint owner), Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, Sundance Channel (joint owner), Flix.
    20 major market US stations.

    Media Holdings
    Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, Blockbuster Video, Famous Players Theatres, Paramount Parks.
    Simon & Schuster Publishing.

    Television Holdings
    ABC: includes 10 stations, 24% of US households.
    ABC Network News: Prime Time Live, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning
    ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), as well as minority holdings in A&E, History Channel and E!
    Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television.

    Media Holdings
    Miramax, Touchtone Pictures.
    Magazines: Jane, Los Angeles Magazine, W, Discover.
    3 music labels, 11 major local newspapers.
    Hyperion book publishers.
    Infoseek Internet search engine (43%).

    Other Holdings
    Sid R. Bass (major shares) crude oil and gas.
    All Disney Theme Parks, Walt Disney Cruise Lines.


    America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner­the largest merger in corporate history.
    Television Holdings
    CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television,Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, SegaChannel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
    Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13million subscribers.

    Media Holdings
    HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
    Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
    33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics(50%), and MAD Magazine.

    Other Holdings
    *Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship


    Television Holdings
    Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households.
    Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India;
    Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan
    The Golf Channel (33%).

    Media Holdings
    Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight.
    132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.
    25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard.HarperCollins books.

    Other Holdings
    Sports: LA Dodgers, LA Kings, LA Lakers, National Rugby League.
    Ansett Australia airlines, Ansett New Zealand airlines.
    Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).

  60. Anonymous

    the truth is out!

    • All of the above is true, but the Rothschilds and Rockefeller, are too deeply embedded in power, to be dislodged. They are protected by law, and will be defended by the militaries of the western world. They rule the world. Only Yahweh, can dislodge them from the throne. Nobody lesser power is strong enough to defeat them.

  61. Anonymous

    rothschild / rockefeller – ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE diseases, tragedy s, EXT – THAT EXIST IN THIS WORLD TODAY! LIKE CANCER! JUST TO NAME 1 OF 1,000’s! since they own FDA & millions of ALL Kinds of company’s all over the World! that not only allow but make, legalize, force, sell, promote, EXT & THE list Goes on & ON! – product toxic chemicals that form cancer that we eat or come in contact with every day! Just to name 1 of Millions of Examples! AT WHICH (rothschild / rockefeller) KILLED & WILL KILL BILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! for $ Money! Learn the truth for you self & everyone you care about! by simple research that’s available to everyone.

  62. Anonymous

    If you folks care not and think we’re all crazy,”WHY ARE YOU HERE?”I mean seriously plug back in and go about your lives.Ignore the feeling that something is very,very,very wrong in the world.Ignore the fact that the American Dream is a lie from the pits of Hell.Keep lying to yourselves and your children telling them if they just work hard enough and get a good education they will be fine in life.How has that worked thus far?Remember the Credit Crisis?All those people went to school,and some of them have Phd behind their name…Or maybe you might remember Mr.Bernie Madoff,how you fool the SEC,IRS,FBI,FINRA all the other redundant government agencies etc is beyond me.Not only that but the average scam’s life expectancy is something like 4yrs and that’s if it’s a good one.But this one man had a scam functioning for 30yrs?That’s unheard of and he’s not that good by the way.Or let’s talk about the bailouts,the auto industry,bank industry,Obamacare,TARP,the others.Since 2008 we’ve been forced to pay somewhere around $60trillion +.The TARP funds vanished and no one seems to be able to locate them.The auto industry bailouts are not even mentioned, Obamacare is a pure travesty of the Constitutional Law…I could go on and on but who cares?( as the song says) What are we going to do?One of my favorite movies is the Matrix.Neo is the hero of the story,but he first was plugged in and become a master of functioning inside the system.Once he was unplugged he mastered the system.So therefore we must master functioning inside the system before we can master the system.Most folks don’t even know that there is a system,let alone how it works.We need money to finance the Unplugged Initiative or Wake Up Initiative.What better way to start the fight then to use what they’ve done against them?Fractional reserve Banking and compound interest can work in our favor too.Banking Instruments, hedgefunds, big real estate projects etc. All we need is 10000 to 100,000 to come together and put money behind the movement.

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    The minimum participation is $100 Million (or Euro equivalent) as required by European banking regulations. There is also a special $1 Billion interbank program with even higher returns.Investors from most friendly countries can participate with the London and Zurich based Private Placement group.

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    Historically the $100 Million minimum program yields at least 50% to 90%+ each month for the 10 months (40 Week Program). During the full 10 month program, the yield historically is 500% – 900%+. The platform “controlled” trading is done by the Private Placement London based traders.
    The $1 Billion minimum program ($5 Billion max) is special in that the platform traders work internal to a Top 10 World Bank. The “bank contract” offers stated returns and zero risk to bank and zero risk to investor. Client will be a VIP Guest of the board member of the Top 10 Bank. This board member sits on the board of several of the top banks in Europe and has over 40 years of banking experience. Qualified investors may inquire about details.

  63. Reblogged this on Lissa's Humane Life and commented:
    At ToBeFree, I’ve focused mainly on the Rockefellers, key kingpins in the US, which apparently are secretly worth more than $10 trillion. But the Rothschilds are far more wealthier, and are by many considered the greatest controlling factor worldwide — the kingpins of the world!

  64. I think that rothschild , family , is worth ….more than sand count , on the bottom of the sea …and plus …….i think what we all are missing …is vote ….the nosense out …… …if somebody is this rich by god grace …..if u say u with god …then,,prove it …..if u relly love god …show some proff of it ….too the public rockefeller …………and if u have a hier …that is abandon ……go collect him or she … he or she can post of ya good work …from god …but if u relly are the devil……..morgan …….then us the people shall come together for a vote too vote ya nosense out ….and from the looks of it …fidury trustee power ………..away from ….u …and get somebody a chance that a do right ……..ok …right is it today …we go for the right .and the wrong got too go ……..who’s agree with me ????

  65. That guy up top is rite …..if rothschild is of god ……it say …god a bless his seed all the stars of outer space first book of bible abraham ….if Rothschild got that kind of money now …guess what …back in the old days ..we didnt have …a tv too see outer space or Nasa ….or history …channal …it look like god watching over his word to proform it …..first book of the bible ……if u notice ……..phoara had all the slave …..but would not let them go free ….who am i preaching too ……Rothschild …….let god people go ..before the pledge set it self in ………..Rothschild has too give god people all that money …Today

  66. Ok forget money for now ….here is what i want too no ….200,000 years …ago ….hoe can god no ..we. Had ……galaxy and stars …………….and how did he no we had sand or dirt at bottom of sea ………with out the nasa program …….all this in first book of Abraham …in the bible ……..and……….the next one is the gold and diamonds ………how did god refinery….all of that stuff ..with out a machines ……………..ok here .is what i think……i think god him self made…..the stuff …..put it on a ufo …..and flew it here ….his self ……….just like he put the man on earth …….same way …so that means …rothschild warburg harriman chaplin ……must be god personal slaves …….vessel s ……

  67. Ok forget money for now ….here is what i want too no ….200,000 years …ago ….hoe can god no ..we. Had ……galaxy and stars …………….and how did he no we had sand or dirt at bottom of sea ………with out the nasa program …….all this in first book of Abraham …in the bible ……..and……….the next one is the gold and diamonds ………how did god refinery….all of it meanthat stuff ..with out a machines ……………..ok here .is what i think……i think god him self made…..the stuff …..put it on a ufo …..and flew it here ….his self ……….just like he put the man on earth …….same way …so tmeans …rothschild warburg harriman chaplin ……must be god personal slaves …….vessel s ……it means god is a universal monlpy…..on the weath …and on power …super power too …………..also this means god is giving us old stuff he already have used in the kingdom od god ………god is in the future we are in his past ……….he bring stuff from his past too us …..tooo make us feel like we are in the future ……….and like a sad before ..i belive the world is dealing with the evil side of this weath ………..i feel god will switch the monopoly of ,weath too his good,people today ….is this a good story too write ….i have tons of storys lol ….

  68. How did the world form 200,000 years ago with out machines v…and the nasa program ..and a refinery fire system ……..???? ………how could good see ……Abraham …and tell him we had sand on the sea …..and galaxy s or stars in space …….how could god no all of this is the old dats ……..

  69. Have u notice .gay men global do not have too go too war …..or pay there mortgage …or ….pay there bills in a home ………have u notice .if a gay man .work in a police car …if u a straight man .no justice for u ……have u notice a gay man that is a judge will take a straight man rights ……..have u notice a heathy gay man play disable too avoild going too war ….like my friend bruce brown he healthy …but play like he cant see …so if a war breaks out ..he disable ..but if u can’t see …how can u be on the web site all day and nite looking at a nother man .naked all day …..all walk ya dog all day and nite ..all of this is not disable …..all my friend are gay ….but are trying too force the hold world of men gay threw …a lot of places …like homes and goverment jobs ………im telling ………like that guy .who kill that little kid florida …he was gay ,,,,,,and because that boy would not sleep with him .he killed him … how can a gay men have a gun too kill but dont go too a war ……..but is on disability …and cant go too war …..they have all the real men on the front line while ….the gay ones are on the line for nothing …but useing up all the power for free ….and harassing straight men all day .and nite ….and hateing real born female too death ….useing court and police job to take women and straight men off the market ……president obama look at this messge ok….

  70. It took john d rockefeller and jpmorgan 200,,, years too get a refinery system ….and a nasa same as nasa ……………….now what i want too no is ………how did god tell abraham …in the bible ….he has more money than all the sand of the sea and the stars of the hold outer space …,200,000 …..ago ……………there was no oil and liter fluid in those days ether …how did they make the gold into steel ………and bricks ……….u the smart person tell me this 200,000 years ago information ……and lets add in noah ark too ……how did they build it all those many years ago ……….it is what we today would call that the stone age ….

  71. Anonymous

    The way i see it, and i maybe blind, is to a very high budget movie about the ROUTHSCHILD HISTORY. I would pay to see that. I think alot of people would pay to see it. So what do ya think?

    • Elizabeth Bauer

      i never pay for seeing things..i forsee things i’m psychic 😉

  72. Anonymous

    It would bring all this to people’s attention.

  73. So i hear about ……mr woody the ranger up in the woods of north geogia ……..him and smithgall and mr c chaplin ……..a tv station…………and radio station up in the woods …and woody died in the lake up there ………………..claria hoffman … there names ……i didnt no Benjamin franklin was living by woody in north geogia ether ..did u … ……

  74. Joe Lucido

    If any of this is true, let it be this generation, that brings down these families, if they really are controlling the world, they are doing a terrible job of it, and let it be this generation that brings them down to earth.

    There are enough resources on this earth to make every man, woman, and child, a person of distinction, and not person on this earth should have to starve, because these families seem to control everything.

  75. I just returned from Holland America’s 2014 World Cruise–I was informed Rothchild’s net worth is $780 trillion. That is $780 trillion! Please let me know if this is correct–then I will inform “Gerd”. Tom McKinney, Dunwoody, Georgia

    • Elizabeth Bauer

      This still doesnt make any sense to me…i must be the poor brance of the Bauer tree who stayed behind with nothing..before ww1 and they fled from Germany to Holland…nobody seems to know anything about the years before that time..and so it seems im intitled to nothing, the line stops with me, my kids have thiere fathers name, but my brother has a son who is allso a Bauer from there on the brance will lead further.
      Im as poor as a church rat and here is only talk about the buck loads of money but no info about who, what and how…
      My only question was if there was anybody who knew if the rotchilds still have Bauers in theire family tree and does it concern me?

    • noone

      Tom, you’re wrong — they’re actually worth over $999 trillion, but no one knows what to call the number above trillion. So they had to stop there. I also heard it on a cruise, the Holland America’s 2014 Bedlam.

  76. Anonymous

    Its time to take back what we know is right. These people who think they know what is best for humanity are nothing but a bunch of money and power hungry peeons. What or who gives them the right to free passage over the rest of civilization. War mungers. They are the true root of this planets faults. Time to start to realize they only care about themselves, and will do any diabolical thing to make their devious plan become a reality.

  77. But mostly their company is about mining, and digging, it might related also with global warming issue, is it ?

  78. Elizabeth Bauer

    If i read it all with common sence, i must think of something…i think we all know the story of David vs Goliath? David the sheppard becomes king because he showed no fear against the giant. We..all here on this post are a kind of Davids who want to fight against Goliath, however this Goliath is way more stronger and has more power then we all can imagine. If i look at the bigger picture here and if all is true we all can be somekind of David but we will never win from this giant because this one is way more smarter and has tenacles all over this planet. No offence!

    • The only way to defeat powerful, Satanic power is to be filled with and empowered by a higher power, God. And most ‘Christians’ have fallen for the sins the Satanic power has dangled in front of us through Hollywood, the music industry, etc..

      And they’ve deceived through their control of the media, both the left and the ‘right.’

      Now, that the NSA monitors and records everything, it is too late to defeat this giant we let get so big.

      With God’s wisdom and power, we could have easily not succumbed to his wicked devices.

      I tried so hard to share what I discovered. My main focus, right now, is to help a spiritual revival happen in which the world will know, and we’ll be able to overcome the powerful spiritual forces no matter what they throw at us — being so filled with the presence of God — Jesus’ promise to fill us with His glory as we become ‘ONE’ with each other in Him, “that the world will know” (John 17).

      That’s the main purpose of my blog.

      Currently, I’m trying to figure out what really happened in Israel to cause the current mess in Gaza and the West Bank.

      It turns out to be just like 9/11, we haven’t been told the truth about what really happened in 1948 and ’67. The media, including the ‘Christian’ media is totally silent about the return of Israel’s real history. And the Rothschilds have been apparently involved in this too.


  79. john

    I think the main reason some people are dismissive of views that are other than what the governments, companies, education and media outlay is fear!

    This doesn’t mean these people are weak by any means , just that their whole lives have been filled (like all of us) with the information that may in fact turnout to be a plan of others to manipulate and control the world, which in some aspects they are succeeding.
    But most people that have a common interest like PERRY in this post that just want to live peacefully and quietly is not a problem, but if we really think about it, i personally wouldn’t think that we are on this earth just to be quiet and let the days pass us by without seeking truth is all aspects of life, whether it is for the soul or day to day conduct. To love one another and treat each other as we want to be treated.

    The day the internet is controlled, we will know that all freedom of finding truth in writing will be lost, and the people that are in line to be the controllers are known as the illuminati. But they know this and i don’t think they would be even be bothered if people know (as some do) cause they are well underway of controlling the world in regards to the human material aspect. (I believe this world of material is not to be loved, although we all have material things this is not a problem as long as we do not greed over them or put them first)

    To see a example of what you would find hard to discount as truth see

    “If we the people unite for the good of everyone, evil will not prosper on this earth” (its a big task , but what if the world was pushed , would we then unite!!) Id say YES!!! but it would be too late. Its up to us as individuals to live your life, not someone else to , we all have the capacity to believe in the truth if we let ourselves and your mind will know what is good and right if you allow to trust it from no influence from others.

  80. Secret

    Remember, God is more powerful than this Family. God will always win! And this is why I’m not afraid of Mankind! They be can rich for as long as they want, but it such a short time, it will all come tumbling down like a stumbling block! GOD WINS!!!

  81. grant and elgin jordan. are they in the Jekyll island club …. barefoot ranger. geogia. +++?

  82. I think these people also..need too cut down the taxes. on middle class .by 10 percent. and. do it today…I also .belive gas. need too drop back. down too 125. 225 …325 ….I akso……wars…of the world need too be funded by a insurance policy. …..not the public tax dollars. …and the public hi rent and store items and store tax. increase. and hi rent …..price. …all of these thing needbtoo be cut today. …for the sake of the middle class people are facing hell…because of this….also …a tax break…need too go out too the middle class today …the rich are too rich .give the poor something ..remember the poor will always be with u. so ..give back too this…thank you…and everybody has the right to vote…..and the vote is what make a change…..if the stuff dont asking for in this text ….a lot of people are going too go crazy …….the rich people pays. for nothing. like buffy Warren says….he right ….it time too give the rich people some pressure. the poor been under it for 14 years . they need a break….

  83. The way i see it, and i maybe blind, is to a very high budget movie about the ROUTHSCHILD HISTORY. I would pay to see that. I think alot of people would pay to see it. So what do ya think?

  84. Harold e Henderson……fulton county ga …..partnership…..james allen ….elgin jordan ……993 Roosevelt dr Atlanta ga ….who wants too invest into my stocks ? If the Rothschild. Got 600,000. New stocks they addin too yhe the stuff they already have then …..Benjamin. frankin…will be out of business……from them cause im join Rothschild. Godfrey james of Gainesville ga .

  85. Anonymous

    None of any of this matters, a huge meteor is coming and none of any thing is going to matter even the Routhchilds will be vaporized hahaha so eat your pop corn and enjoy life if you can. Hahahaha

  86. live and let live, good vs evil vice versa, who really cares I say, no one does,rich,poor, middle class,lower class,high class.healthy,sick,good looking, ugly,have some ,have nothing,own a house,2 houses. whatever.
    who really cares,no one your own thing,live let live,die rich,die poor.that is where the reality of things is
    at,we will all die sooner or later and we will not take anything to the live and let live,take care of your own
    and they will take care of you.try to die as good a person as you can.who really cares if you are super rich of dirt poor.some rich a real good persons,some bad.some poor are good persons,others are are alive,you belong to GOD and no one else.a good person needs not worry about dieing.even bad persons will have the chance to go to the light or the darkness at time of money can buy love,life,health.yes if you have lots of money you can have a better life, or is it a bitter life.depands on how you look at a good or bad rich or a good or bad poor.GOD loves us all and wants us back to HIM.we make that choice on how good or bad we live.
    I am well off and try to live as good a person as I can.
    At least I have about 10 times more then my parents ever had.So what.My own children will not accumulate one tenth of what I have on their own. they will all get a split.No cash.just an equal amount in a trust they dont blow it all in one year.wealth is relative on how you earn it,how you use it and how you can make it grow.simple rules of maths.spend spend spend and you will have nothing nothing a good life,not cheap but
    use the system that is allready in place.rolling stone do not gather’s not rocket science to accumulate
    some riches,just plain old common sense and lots of discipline.try it and you will see the yourself first
    be affraid of debts like the lots of research,pounder it at night while in bed.they say that night pays dividends,I know I did my thinking and re-ash it at night.take your time,start young and you can become a make a million or two by 50+.retire at 55 with a pension,live within your means,work a second job till 70 and get another
    pension.collect your cpp at 60 and your old age security at 65.invest in some real estate at an early age.think about location,collect some rents.the whole world is at your need to sell your soul while doing when you can.give good advice instead of money.dont act as if you are rich.dont flaunt it.a timex watch tells the time as well as a $20,000 rolex.a good use car can take you as far as an exlensive car,drive it until it bust,buy another used one and start not buy a lemon.go to sme car salesman,become his friend and he will take care of cash if you not finace anything,buy used at garage sales or secondhand what you need and not what you less taxes doing yourself first not the other guy.invest in whole life insurance.I have accumulated more money that way,next to my equity in my house.sell your house.
    when the market is a similar house or smaller when kids are house rich and not house poor.
    pay off the mortgage as fast as you can,by making extra payments.dont think about the super rich and do not envy them.just spend your time getting rich on your own.dont tell anyone.keep it a secret.dont flash cash anywhere.there are hundreds of ways to make money legally.just up to you to do the leg work.
    Have a poor or rich life.who really cares.if you dont , then no one else yourself and heaven will help you.

  87. Sean kelley

    Watch thrive the movie. Also the money masters. All on YouTube. They own everything. It will take all of us to reverse it. Ending the fed is the first step. Then you could help other countries get control of their own money supply. And then take back their food production, gold supply, water supplies, dismantling their corporations, changing the education system. Closing the borders. Becoming a homogenous society, getting strong again. Make our own products. Fire the factories back up. A strong independent America could truly change the world. Or we let it continue and be shackled chained starved robbed by letting our currency become worth nothing with high inflation or another Great Depression. A lot of the rothschilds, rockefellers should be jailed and monies confiscated for the greatest scheme of all, the federal reserve act. Millionaires and billionaires need to rise up and gain momentum and put someone in office who will end the fed, a Kennedy or an Andrew Jackson type. This is not about Jews or aliens this is about greed power and money. The Internet is the only true source of factual info.


  89. Anonymous

    i follow Jesus and his Holy Spirit that is the only way! let God take care of everyone that`s doing wrong,you,just make sure your in the Spirit! God is coming soon be prepared!

    • Who is margret Mitchell….she owns movie gone with the wind…who is michael jordan rothschild…geogia ….is all these people same family…is benijiamn frankin a banker too ….

  90. Sean kelley

    There money can’t control time. How many steak dinners can you eat? Those old men will die off just like the rest of us lol.

  91. Jesters6

    Wow wildly entertaining. Breathe gentlemen breathe. Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.

  92. Kevin

    Two things, first off, saying Fox is Spin central and CNN can be trusted is like saying Democrat can be trusted over Republicans, both are bullshit, all MSM outlet spin the truth based on the 5 mega corporations that own ALL media outlets, so stop with that shit. Second, Saying you love America and just want to live peacefully? Have you been watching what’s going on around you? Defamation of Civil War Monuments over a Flag that “all of a sudden” is Racist? BULLSHIT! We the People need to unite and STOP buying the media BULLSHIT. The reason so many Zombie shows have been made is to get people prepping against something that isn’t coming because WE are the Zombies and the goobermint KNOWS if we ALL united, we WOULD overrun any opposition; so they spin it to us to get to “prep” and isolate. It’s working BEAUTIFULLY as we bought it hook, line and sinker. If you choose not to do something, you still have made a choice and sitting around watching bad things happen without doing anything is allowing it to happen. WAKE UP PEOPLE AND UNITE ALREADY!

  93. Amy Arnold

    As far as I’m concerned, whoever wants this hellhole of a world can have it. Be my guest, suckers!

  94. Amy Arnold

    If these so-called Rothchilds and their big shot rich friends have supernatural powers, how come they all get old, sick, senile, decrepit and die?…… If I had as much power as some of you people think these rich assholes have, that would be the first
    thing I would fix. They don’t have supernatural powers, they have a lot of money, connections and they do favors for each other and each other’s kids, cause they’re all in the same club, – they’re rich! The Royal Family of England is rich, because their ancestors were the most vicious, predatory and bloodthirsty apes in town. Through the years they’ve made sure it stays in the family. They love and cherish their own DNA above everything and will do anything to keep the status quo and keep their pile of loot growing. But really, they’re not supernatural. They are anything but.

  95. Anonymous

    “Awaken my sleeping beauties green light. Target is in play”.

  96. Steve Tanner

    Put simply the public hate them because they are rich and they are Jewish.

  97. RR

    JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

  98. Anonymous

    many paid trolls sent here to instill doubt in the information. Must be accurate.:)

  99. The heirs of cox communication,….cox media group..says,,,they have more money than the heirs of Rothschild morgan,,,,,allen & allen company…of geogia…….if elgin jordan Rothschild…,,.is gettin ready too open up 600,000….new bussinesses..,.added too …what they already own,,,…coxs communication…is not that big.,,,,and the guy who says.,,.he a heir of Rothschild…it not they real name.,,,,it is one of they bussinesses name,,,,,just like mary coxs.real name is not cox..,,,it a bussinesses name ,…,,,…..Rothschild has a new name harld e Henderson…,,.geogia area of usa..,,………

  100. The heirs of coxs and rothschild morgan….harriman are in the getto of geogia…..sense 1986….and 1999…..james rothschild..heirs….and mary ann coxs heirs,,,,please someone end those blind trust,,,they too long…

  101. Hello,,,,everyone,,,just too say hi…too all my fans..,who loves…good work,,,too the public use….i am,,,,a born.,,banker,,,,merchant….not too say too much.,.it is a god…too give ,,,anybody all the power too get wealh……i am.,,very poor now..,,and as u have read.,..i am,,,,in the getto…..and the getto.,,a bring the best out of u….they call it butter….,.the gods of the skys….is gettin…ready too link,,,me.,,too stuff…..that is new.,,,,everything yall see in this day ,,,is old,,,,but a new thing,,,.is getting ready too happen……… of the new thing for a start.,,is too let bush.,.back into the white house too fix the financial problem we the havin.,,.one of the biggest thing too povery,,too too rob god……of his ties and offerin……A lot of wars are happenin…because of the devil.,,,he want give nobody a break…too feed they family,..just always him,,,gettin fat.,,,.devil start feedin…other people and watch…how the wars stop.,.this issue,,,also plays a role in bush ..the….is a vessel of god….belive it or not …..they now how too feed u .trust me….

  102. rasheedshaaban

    Guys I am a muslim and in our holy book the quran allah says: the jews will rise two times on the earth.
    So the first time was in prophet muhmmed’s time, the second one is today. A proof is that rothschild a big jew family that conqeurs the earth. Got it.

  103. Look at a direct decendent of the rothschild….harriman vandibuilt…family ..,,,,hes. Running the forest of north ga …his name is arthur woody ,….of ..where is benjiman franklin of 100 bill buried@… he in geogia too …….strange the iron on the bottom of the earth plates,….is flyin …and..been,,,flying for billions of years….u think a big motor ..can be built …at bottom of this …like in a airplane….so we can blast this planet off into space …… they sayin the financial giant ….elgin jordan….of geogia ……is in the getto,,,,in the usa,,,and dont even…no nobody,,,but he is ready too set up 600,000…new stores,,,,too make a new prpfit…and too open.,,up 40 new banks…with assets to lend too the public of 440 trillion per bank…..he callin his self the solepropitiship…of this giant financial dynisty……who is this person with the devil or god….??

  104. Williams k blacks says the best way too rob the world is too own a bank……i says the best way too rob a bank is too be the trustee for a bank heirs in a irrovocable blind trust……most huge incorporations….leave too bussinesses too there heirs in a trust…..account…russia…..better….and china…better pipe down….both them….country now…god is real…they have seen him up close……and how in the hell will somebody open up 600,000…brand new stores,,,,we dont have a nuff room for rothschild bussinesses as it is, …so friend will u get 600, store goods too sell from,,,,o,,,dont tell me…u will get this stuff out naoh ark..from the bc…..or will 6 metors from planet saturn land on ya yard,,,and will u cash in the value of those metors…because,,,thise metors are in good value….with,,,,diamond…gold and silver….etc…..this family of rothschild is kind of like king david…and phoaro of egypt…..they hold all the gold in the world….and nobody no….how they got all that gold….tons of it…too….rothschild if u a make 999 trillion in every second in countin in money please help me and other family out…too….i like rich people.,.thank you….

  105. Fulton county ga.,,,,,,,i hear.,,,the coxs…..gettin ready too launch a brand new chothin line…for , females..,,base off ms ann coxs…is first trillion air lady of the world,,,,her money is in various incorporations….u cant count it all..,,.,……but on the other side of the yard,,,,.its says.,,.jordan elgin.,,fulton county ga.,.is teaming up with his in employee Rothschild and henry wells of wellsfargo and company….too.merger.,..tommy Hilfiger chothin line too there name too present….the hood block ….chothin line…,,,,now this is a chothin line that will be more dope.,.than the heirs of sorcer of south America….at the same time….jordan elgin…and the coxs…are in a war now.,.too buy all the stocks….out in south America….at the same time banas…is entering the seem,,,,,,im givin yall information from the real heirs of these giant companies…sittin nasty off in the getto of fulton county…..if u are bank fans.,,,,of elgin godfrey jordan….he a direct air of the bank of england…on the personal side…that run over too bank swiss…and.italy..,,,……..Gainesville ga,,,,,wow…take a look at the coxs….female chothin line for a second…….the real heir of the bank of lookin too make in a profit in countin money,,,999 trillions every second in. Countin on earth.,,,,now ckeck around.,.too see if i am chattin with these real heirs,,,cause the stuff they tellin me i never seen or heard what this family is tellin me ever,,,,it super information…thank yall all for bein..,.these people bankin fans,,,,,,,,these bankin family im talkin too says Rothschild and morgan and Rockefeller and king musa….of bc,,,is there employees…..later.,,.,

  106. Who do king musa of the old age…of days…work ,,.for…or how did ..he get his wealth..,,,well u have a lot of kings from them days.,..phora…king tut.,,,,the Roman….,.which one is the largest….king of the world…i dont think nobody truly no this question???

  107. All those name my family used years ago….it 21 century….now…….try …huge v Henderson……..and allen…allen…….and benjamin strong …..david york………….if people are some..heirs of mine….threw these name,,,,,,ya family should be recorded in Jekyll island geogia.,,,,where Rothschild,Morgan ,coxs..rockefeller ,Warburg….is all registered at…..if u dont no geogia usa…..then.,,,ya family’s bloodline is not mine……..ohio…..or Florida……Alabama….and los ang….cali…….we are fremasory……we was from over sea….middle east and italy,,..but …it usa …now…..a nuff of this talk…where is my assets…so,,,i can get started on banas..,,.and coxs,,,,building..some oject…that a make u go into the stores too buy…it for me too get richer…o……i must …..and a shout out too smithgall……family as….well….that the biddles…..bloodline……….wants again,..i am the real sole too this bankin family….let me speak it too prove it too…u…my networth is worth….999 trillions every second in countin on a clock…….and i do like the god of Jacob in the bible,……,what am i after now….noah ark…..i am ..a MONEY giant ……i hate….ok,,,let me flex my jpmorgan blood line…name right fast.,,..i am going too merger the italy gt car company…too henry ford..of the ford car merger italy gt car company,,,,just too use the gt part,,,,lol…man…..this is funny.,,…a al new car company called…italy gt …..partnership ford ford car company.

  108. Ford car company.,.a merger the with the italy car company,,,too form the italy….gt …..this car company..well be more super ..than the cartoon dragon ball z gt. ………..lets.,,get it,,world,,,,i am ready too show yall why i am the sole hier….of this page……..fannie mae.,,,lending in Washington dc,,,,

  109. If the elgin jordan state of geogia ….is a real…person..that can…bring foward 600,000….new stocks…..that is a huge amount of merchandise too sell my new friend….and…ill like too meet u so we can….take a look at all these bew items..or tickets u have for sells so we can get this stuff into the stores too get it sold..,,..i also just had a talk with the jackson …too see if we can get the michael jackson thriller cereal breakfast going too the public…international sellin on this item…..people…we invest into anything…if u think ya idea a sell,..bring it in too merrill lynch….so we can take a look at ya items…too get. a real appraisal..on it …..elgin jordan leave a number….so i can contact you…thank you….o..also that coxs chothin line sounds real good….also my new friend…cox communication was financed or they started out with a loan from us just like the rockefeller did….

  110. It..seem too me..this too do merchant’s…as of they life events….they look for people with idea..and too help them jump start the idea and .then boom…the idea ..go world wide. They are not idiot’s….some people..never think about the…do….or do ….benjiman frankim was printin his own money…it mmeans he owns a bank and lights company too and other companys. Too…frank d Roosevelt..was a banker too chemical bank…is in ther bloodline. Partnerships with rockefeller…

  111. Who is michael jordan rothschild…in Georgia

  112. I been try too research these familys too see who they are do anybody no…

  113. Hahahah…I try see..this stuff…I no…if there a the white house it been set up…by geo Washington.. Too make a law too handle any problem a man.. Has..u see the police is unstoppable for the laws of the land…a lisense police… Can stop any crime. But..some crimes has too be stop .by ..way more friend ..than..batman vs superman….and the hulk ..together…..u don’t want too play around with god…N..he can hit u so hard that u will fly.. I mean….u will be flying like a dis…airplane.. New friend… Going …pass unknown… World…you will land ..on a mother planet… If u get hit by god. …keep away from that.. God…he open up the.. Hold sea..super man and hulk…can’t pick up a hold sea of water off the ground …u want see me try god …no not me…y’all can go head and do…it..but in the end god will win .in the end of the fight u try fight god..want he spank that rear end..u will say… God is god..u will be saying all that too a unknown set of people tho. Like I say wants he hit u the game will be over bro…lol

  114. mphahlela baloyi

    You deserve that is about hard working and thinking smart. Now you are the toppers world richest. Keep on making more trillion until the world say yes.

  115. Keyana. What u doin . hahahah….yes….I am in the getto…this mean the hood. Of the USA…warfare and..stuff eating out trash..can…but the dam butter… And tooast… A come out of me yet… money power is on ..I been…lookin at m UFO system.. Too make 999 trillion per second… Real……what I do now I command all my divine stocks too come toward….plus my own self too come toward….Mentor of new wealth…too hit the earth…..on Africa and Canada…..Now has the time come I shall ..bring Africa… Too the forefront. …like Jacob…..needin sheep’s…at his time..his time of the day…a few 1,000 s of years ago. …..I shall make now the poor come toward ….like The hellen show…with her dances. ..hellen…thought I the Lord of host was dead….but I am alive … power s like a dark sky ….with a fly flying in…with no light…. And with no lights still find the bread………and my power is so up too the sky .that it make it rain..water and steel at the same time……then I refinery… It back too the butter…….my hand can lay out …600 million tracts of universe s….per secondary…. Too my own stop of wanting too stop making u .I can live if I want too…for 100 years….up too 90 million years at the age of 35…and still look. 35….I made king tut a king at 9…at 13…I made him a landlord in 150 countries… And a landlord in all the xountYs in those countries… We talkim about over I gave this one single man over a 100 million tract of land….

  116. Anonymous

    Could anyone just tell, why are they controlling the world? what’s the purpose? say if they really have trillions, what’s the different when compare with a millionaire? are they really much more happy? what’s the purpose of ruling the world but have to hide their identity?

  117. Anonymous

    The entire GDP of the world is about 110 trillion so according to your estimate the Rothschilds have accumulated more than four times that amount without anyone noticing.

  118. Elgin Jordan vs Jordan Elgin Rockefeller….. Vs vandibuilts….Hughes… Biddle’s and Edison’s……king Solomon…. Is too be Elgin is a directly heirs of this king in 21 century’s…. How can. It be ….thus person. Is in the united states ….why aren’t he in middle east ……and do Rothschild….work for elgin….reply….back….it says….a p Giannini… Owns the hold bank of american…. Elgin……

  119. Rothschild ….wealth was made by them…as gods ..them…self …co owner …the other god ..u…see when u pay ya self. U don’t owe nobody’s ..nothin…

    Them folks been making incorp …unbelievable incorporate on earth….. Neglected so much a make u work….u will have too get some funds …from outer space. . …
    Too be on Rothschild level…they are doing business with unknown living being…

    And they are making stuff just like. 600,000 wall st , investment ..or stocks etc….for real ….I believe all the items…the police see in the sky with huge lights. Is coming too see the Rothschild …don’t play with them folks…

    • I’m back .left for a second.. It not that I love money God word. It says I’ll bless u more than the sea count. Now this mean..before all of this is over I have too open up and own and co own 300,000,000 incorp globally ……u can’t dream God power. He told me too open up 250,000,000 ..companies what I am going too do …if u was try too count all of this money go too the sea and start too count all that small sand. By it head. Boy u will be counting for 180,000 …years try count all of that. Vice visual ..with my money. …but people what do u have for me too put in the store. God has all of these companies laying on the inside of y’all. And y’all don’t even no it……..keyana almost fall out when I said ..250,000,000 more companies.. She thought she was ready for the job …she thought it was a easy thang. Lol….

  120. Nice blog, thanks for your efforts. That “Perry” guy was one dedicated Zionist, lol! I’m wondering if he still stalks your posts all these years later!

  121. What is wrong with world ..u got one group …is sex….on in gun war …one in races wars….one in stupid wars….one in …I like this Rockefeller dude tho…or Jordan Elgin…. He seem…too use his mind power. For a huge profit…..he dream ing…his money into a real thing …it fake now ..nobody can make 999 trillion per second… In counting.a.. CPA… Would die try count…all of that….sir. I’m following u ..too see ..what in the dog gone hek…u gone ..get , 600,000…brand new store good too sell too this world…that a lot of stuff too come up with …but like I said before. …home boy… Couldn’t get that many stock s….who are u blanket Jackson days he can .out spin Michael Jackson.. His dad…so we the public just gone too have too follow u weird o…too see if this stuff come too pass…. I follow god of the holy Bible tho…

  122. Dan Barden

    Anyone who believes a word of this nonsense needs to get their head examined.

    Get a life and quit obsessing with these stupid k00k conspiracy theories.

  123. John wainaina guchu

    How does all this wealth owned by people and athers are dieing poor?what’s the secrets of becoming rich? I wish to know please

  124. Exactly, the old Rothchild said…give me the control of the money of the United Kingdom and I care not who make the laws…exactly, and now, think, why the United Kingdom have the power and the wealth it have today???….and I bless them for such of smart move by the old Rothchild….why not???, and thanks in great part to the Rothchild family, we enjoy today, all of this marvels we enjoy…want to know a few???, cars, airplanes, telephones, TVs, computers, refrigeration, air conditioning, trains, ships, cameras….and what else????ALL OF THIS ,WAS CREATED WITH THE WEALTH OF THE ROTHCHILDS…SO…LONG LIVE THE ROTHCHILDS….

  125. Conspiracy theories concerning the Rothschild family date back to the 18th century, and the family’s wealth was largely responsible for the anti-semitic belief that “Jews control the world’s money supply.” The Rothschilds are frequently associated with theories about the Illuminati, the New World Order, and other dark money groups that supposedly pull the strings of world governments, and the Rothschilds have been blamed for everything from starting wars for personal gain to funding the Holocaust to assassinating U.S. presidents.

    • John wainaina guchu

      No where in the world one can get money without sweat. This kind of claims that Rothschilds are rich is a lie

  126. The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.

    You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

    So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so- called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.

    The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:

    “I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, butare the synagogue of Satan.”

  127. U said that rite with out a sweat .I’m in the ghetto Mr…not rich yet. U seee .I had too train in the ghetto by eating out trash can . and all kind of poverty events….u would run from all the stuff I been in ,in this ghetto. Dam… Rothschild Godfrey.

  128. God u got me in the ghetto…. People think I am in a house the size of Florida ……but I am in the ghetto .because u got me in a irrevocable blind. Trust with me having no rights …so I am eating poverty. For breakfast and dinner everyday ..but I see ya plan… U bringing the butter out of me…u see….u …want too prove too me that u can make 250,000,000 new stock too add too the wall St reform…..people God is not talking about a old stock…like Coca-Cola ….or Newport ciggerates… Or a TV ….all of that is old…..he is talking about a brand new stock….new new stuff u never seen nobody in the earth …use yet. I told y’all ….Rothschild .work for me….my family been use these people too cover up us. ..our real name is Elgin. …those 8 family’s for me……my pay roll .I hand out billion ckeck too my employee…. I told y’all .y’all a never hear ..what u hear from me…from nobody …I SAE god in the ghetto in a back yard of a abandon house. He was in a UFO …glowing very bright lights. And he said u are the heir of Abraham. And I can’t ly .I said I’ll bless u more than all the stars of space ..this is not just talking about money…..God said he also gone take my age from 43 back too 17. ……I am the real elgin talking on this page. Rothschild is my employee .Rockefeller is my employee Morgan Franklin musa .Roman empire. All these folks work as my employee. ..I am the employer. Too 600,000,000 incorp total. …people come too Atlanta GA .city of Atlanta ghetto if u want too see me..

  129. I no God just like Moses do and did. But why me ….God want too revoked that irrevocable blind trust today .so I can do stuff for his people .I work for God …my dad and the trustee that work for him are the devil and Walter rite aloan with them.

  130. ZZMW


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