From: Anchorage Daily News

Paul fires up Alaska crowds before GOP preference poll

The U.S. representative from Texas spoke to about 1,000 people at a Fairbanks hotel ballroom and followed that with at least 1,200 more packed into an Anchorage convention center as he poured out the message that America must stop misusing its military while putting its financial house in order.

Far more will be achieved with negotiation and trade than military options….

In Anchorage, Paul said presidents from different parties have been elected but policies never change, including promises by Republicans to balance the budget. …

But Paul continually returned to the theme that America’s problem are tied to performing acts that are unconstitutional or unlawful, such as fighting wars without a declaration of war, and acting as the world’s policeman. Imagine the reaction, he said, if another country used a drone on U.S. soil to kill a person it said was one of its enemies.

“We wouldn’t take that lightly,” Paul said. “One thing is, there wouldn’t bipartisanship. The whole country would want to be practicing their Second Amendment rights.”

Wars the last 10 years have added $4 trillion to the national debt, he said. …

Talking with the enemy now, he said, brands a U.S. leader as a wimp even  if the other country does not have the nuclear option.…

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