What is the logic and morality of insisting that “abortion is murder” while refusing to vote for anyone (like Ron Paul) who won’t continue our remote-control wars on innocent children and adults?
Part of the problem is because our government makes sure that most Americans won’t see this.
It’s good to ponder that ‘what goes around comes around,’ because “whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”
I fear for the future of America.
– jeff
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Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy…

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s31a9bRL8ss]EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS : OBAMA’S DRONES WAR ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN!

Uploaded by  on Jan 9, 2012

Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy…

Notice the foreign Arab News Guy.. “Those who KILL their own people have lost all credibility..” He is talking about 911..

Makes me sick.. Imagine how you would feel having jets bomb you like this!
THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO US!!! WAKE UP… Brown people are human too! They live die love work take care of their children… TOO!!! The War Mongers have taken over our GOV!!!

Obama Orders Children Murdered — All body-bags are equally tragic
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.