04/12/2007 John Hrankowski, Host Mark Dankof, approx. 1 1/2 hrs.

Also here:
John M. Hrankowski (1946-2011): A USS Liberty Hero Dies Without Seeing Justice
“If they’d lie about this, as my father would say, they’d lie about anything!” – Mark Dankof
1.20 Admiral McCain covered it up
49 “this is not a Jewish issue” — Jim may have said that
‘Jim in Texas’ at 55:45 sounds like Fmr. Senator Mike Gravel — it is a Jewish issue, and John gets it
1.05:15 Why Israel did it
1.14:30 McCain’s father hid the story
“I think in a very significant way, this U.S.S. Liberty incident may be a much bigger story than any of us have realized up to this point, and that it may well be the wedge that proves to unlock the Rosetta stone of truths in regard to the real influence of the Jewish lobby in this country. … I think this story continues to unfold because as we look at what is going on in Iraq, and in Palestine, and in Iran, the lies that were told about the U.S.S. Liberty situation 40 years ago may cause a lot of people to question the spin that we are currently being given in corporate Zionist media in regard to what’s happening in that part of the world at this juncture of time.” – Mark Dankof