Freedom from Alaska!

(vid) Jake: ✡ Zionism Has Taken Power Away From the American People — How to Dialogue…

Mostly excellent, but Jake doesn’t mention the key problem, which is modern Judaism is not Old Testament Judaism, but the “leaven” Jesus warned about:

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees • Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate

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✡ Zionism Has Taken Power Away From the American People

Published on Sep 24, 2017

We the People have lost control of our government to political Zionists. Learn why this loss of power is dangerous for America.


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  1. anarchyst

    Both judaism and islam spring from the same source. The islamic koran and jewish talmud have virtually identical passages that outline the supremacy of each respective group. These two texts relegate gentiles and infidels to the status of livestock, to be used (and abused) for the nefarious purposes of each respective group. In fact, BOTH islam and judaism proscribe harsher punishments for those who transgress against those of their respective groups while proscribing little or no punishment for those “believers” who transgress against “goyim” and “infidels”.
    Since judaism is much older than islam, it is apparent that islam is an arabicized form of judaism.
    Judaism has already succeeded in undermining Christianity because its disdain for “outsiders”is carefully hidden in its texts which are “for jewish eyes only”. Christian supporters of israel are willing “dupes” and “useful idiots” who are contributing to the destruction of Christianity.
    One divergence between judaism and islam is the treatment of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary. The jewish talmud states that Jesus Christ is an apostate, “boiling in excrement for eternity”, while his mother Mary conceived Jesus with a Roman soldier. Jews HATE Christianity, but will use Christians to achieve their aims.
    The islamic koran reveres Jesus Christ as a great prophet–not the “Son of God”, but a great prophet nevertheless, while his mother Mary is specifically mentioned in the koran and is given a place of high honor.
    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk of our “judeo-Christian” heritage. There is NOTHING “judeo” about TRUE Christianity. Both judaism and islam regard their supreme being as a “God of vengeance” unlike Christianity…

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