Freedom from Alaska!

Category: America’s Getting Jacked! Page 1 of 26

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Best Ad Ever!

TRUMP FOUND GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS, Trial Was Rigged, Case Was FAKE w/Brandon Straka | Timcast IRL

“There is truly a force of evil taking over right now.”

Joe Rogan Experience #1254 – Dr. Phil — “If you want to make somebody feel better you tell them the truth. If you want to make yourself look better you tell them what they want to hear”

The entire interview is almost 3 hours at Spotify. Nice of Joe to post a little over half here.             

“If you want to make somebody feel better you tell them the truth. If you want to make yourself look better you tell them what they want to hear.” – Dr. Phil

12,121,000 views Streamed live on Feb 26, 2019

Dr. Phil McGraw is an author, psychologist, and the host of the television show “Dr. Phil.”


Tucker Carlson Says He Was Fired Just Before EXPOSING Feds At Jan. 6

I reported multiple times Joel Skousen saying agent provocateurs led what violence there was, and none of them were jailed.

The strange happenings in Chicago…just a coincidence or something more?


Gov’t create sthe problem > people react – “save us” > police state solution

Dr. Mercola: Would Vitamin D Have Saved Half of Covid Deaths?

Giving vitamin D to people with COVID-19 cut risk of death from SARS-CoV-2 by 51% and reduced risk of admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) by 72%.4

..they also had lower rates of COVID-19 infection, by 54%.9

• • •

Would Vitamin D Have Saved Half of Covid Deaths?

I launched an information campaign to raise awareness about the use of vitamin D for COVID-19 back in June 2020. My own vitamin D review was published October 31, 2020, in the high-impact, peer-reviewed journal Nutrients.1

At the time, 14 observational studies suggested vitamin D levels are inversely linked with the incidence or severity of COVID-19, and my paper concluded, “The evidence seems strong enough that people and physicians can use or recommend vitamin D supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19.”2

I was widely vilified and discredited in the media for bringing attention to vitamin D’s potential for COVID-19. The New York Times, in their July 2021 front-page hit piece,3 even dubbed me, “The most Influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online,” in an attempt to minimize my efforts. The reporter claimed she could not verify my published study on vitamin D, even though I sent her a link to it, and it’s easy to find online.

Now, however, as is usually the case, the truth is being set free. An increasing number of studies are confirming what I said in 2020 — that vitamin D is a potent and highly effective intervention for COVID-19.

Tucker: The Climate Change ‘Experts’ Have Been Wrong Again & Again – PROOF!

Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out climate change ‘experts’ and their predictions on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Monsanto uses patent law to control most of U.S. corn, soy seed market


Jeffrey Smith: Shocking Stories of Corruption, Cover-Up and Hidden Epidemics by Monsanto and Friends

Walmart Closing Last Two Stores in Portland Oregon Due to Shoplifting Epidemic


Tucker Carson on JFK Assassination, Dec 15, 2022



Did someone or something seize control of the United States?

What happened….


Another Birth Control Pill Disaster Testimony

1:30 Libby Emmons tells her story

10:22 “We worship the self, where we used to worship God.”

Birth Control May Be Putting Estrogen Into Water, Lowering Fertility Rates

AwakenWithJP: Ghislaine Maxwell Trial – Everything We DIDN’T Learn

Trump: “Israel Literally Owned Congress Ten Years Ago”

FORMER PRES. DONALD TRUMP: The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress, Israel literally owned Congress –you understand that?– ten years ago, fifteen years ago.

7-Minute Cure for COVID Misinformation – The Testimony of Dr Dan Stock

Dan Stock, MD, a family-practice physician in Noblesville, Indiana, testified on August 7, 2021, before the local Mt. Vernon School Board. His presentation immediately went viral – and for good reason. In slightly less than seven minutes, Dr. Stock explained why everything advocated by the CDC and National Institute of Health are contrary to known science. – GEG

Video Link

Dr. Dan Stock explains how the current measures to combat COVID-19 do not work.

Experts Confirm Extremely Low Levels of Fluoride Reduce IQ

It is estimated that more than 72% of public drinking water systems in America are fluoridated — thus, millions of pregnant women are currently being exposed to levels of fluoride that have the potential to lower their children’s IQ by at least four points and probably more.

Experts Confirm Extremely Low Levels of Fluoride Reduce IQ

June 29, 2021

Story at-a-glance:

  • New studies find that fluoride levels four to five times lower than those found in pregnant women in fluoridated communities cause IQ loss for the child, and that older women in fluoridated communities have a 50% higher risk of hip fractures.
  • Plaintiffs suing the EPA in federal court over fluoridation’s neurotoxicity have continued to win legal victories and have shared deposition videos exposing CDC and EPA negligence.
  • The former NTP director joined the chorus of scientific and public health experts raising alarms about neurotoxic risk, but the dental lobby responded by doubling their fluoridation expansion efforts.

Skousen: 2020 the year when most Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts. We’ve crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election. Remember this is a Satanic conspiracy

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


This is my annual Big Picture Brief focusing not only on the significant happenings of the past year but also the persistent long-term threats that are still looming, which we tend to lose sight of, especially when buried by all the media hype promoting this never-ending false pandemic. This constant diversion of our attention is purposeful and meant to ensure we are unprepared for what is coming, and totally dependent on the more ruthless forms of martial law and emergency orders that will sweep aside what is left our liberties by the time WWIII descends upon this nation. We are now being totally conditioned to allow our personal liberty to be overridden by petty medical tyrants, someday to be replaced by wartime military and then civilian dictators. The year 2020 will go down as the year in which the vast majority of Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, having been tricked into thinking they were “all in this together,” dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts, and acting more like lemmings going over the cliff that than sovereign individuals with fundamental rights worth fighting for. In short, we have now crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election again. Election fraud has now put us in a permanent minority position, which in a winner-take all system of democracy doesn’t bode well for restoring the Republic.

(video) Michelle Obama a Man – Comes out swinging on ‘Ellen!’ – updated

Disgusting, but people need to know. Irrefutable proof! Clips from and the entire official ‘Ellen’ video:

– –

Michelle Obama’s swinging nuts on the Ellen DeGeneres Show


White pants are unforgiving. …

Technology Transfers to China Still Rampant

World Affairs Brief, November 22, 2019 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Transfer of sensitive technology to China was rampant during the Clinton administration, but kept going on via the Commerce Department during the various Bush regimes. Even under Trump, China is still enticing thousands of US-based scientists to give their research over to China for big bucks, The Epoch Time reports:

China has paid more than 7,000 U.S. scientists and other experts over the past decade through its Thousand Talents Plan (TTP) to hand over their research, according to a Senate subcommittee report made public on Nov. 18.

The TTP is only one of about 200 such Chinese “talent recruitment” programs. While being paid by China, these scientists have also received U.S. government funding. U.S. taxpayers have thus spent hundreds of billions to fund research and development that has ended up in China, according to the report.

Ben-Nun: “Israeli intelligence told me they want to cause civil unrest inside this nation” • “Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment” • “If impeachment doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy”

Steven Ben-Nun quotes transcribed by me:

4:08 “When Obama was president, one of his secret service agents shared with me then that they had been looking for a way to get civil unrest in the nation in order to disarm the nation, to have a reason to disarm the nation.

Israeli intelligence shared with me that they want to be able to cause a civil unrest inside this nation so that we can run out of bullets on each other.”

Ben-Nun @ 5:25

“Face it, Prime Minister Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment there is, even within the 10 commandments. He certainly doesn’t love his neighbor as himself, doesn’t keep the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ when it comes to homosexuality, he’s certainly breaking that as well; though, that’s not one of the 10 commandments, but it is an abomination before God, openly does that; kills all the babies. They allow up to a 9 month gestation period, third trimester abortions there. That sounds more like to me… King Herod in power in the middle east than a true Bible believing Jewish man.”

Ben-Nun @ 16:45

“I think what we’re seeing is going to come to our nation very, very soon. After all, that’s what they’re trying to do. In all this impeachment stuff…, if that doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy, and maybe that will make people go berserk.”

TalmudVision Deception Landmark: ‘Ron Reagan’ trends after atheist group runs ad during Democratic primary debate

The ad is not new. It was filmed in 2014, but even into the following year FFRF had trouble getting television networks to play it. Newsmax reported in 2015 that while CNN and Comedy Central were willing to show Reagan’s plug, “ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox all have declined to run the ad.” STORY

This ad ran twice during the Democratic debate last night. Ron Reagan, President Ronald Reagan’s son: “not afraid of burning in hell,” he boasts. And separation of church and state isn’t even in the Constitution.

I understand a main reason for the backlash against Christianity, besides TalmudVision’s continual anti-Christian bias. Instead of being salt and light, most ‘Christians’ don’t abide in Christ, what Jesus said is essential to be real Christians. Most do not follow Christ. Many follow TalmudVision: FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit. Evangelicals are the main supporters of our reverse-Christian wars:

2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

(TruNews vid) MEGA Spies: Israeli Espionage in America from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump

Corbett: The China Deception — China is being built up by US approved American technology transfers

7:55 “Once you start to put the pieces of the puzzle together, it’s quite evident that China is being built up by American technology transfers that are being facilitated and green-lighted by Washington and some of the players there.” – James Corbett

– –

The mainstream are framing the rise of China as a competitor to the US in the same terms as they did the Cold War with the Soviet Union. And, just as the Cold War was a charade facilitated by lend lease and technology transfers, so, too, is the New Cold War facilitated by technology transfers to China that are framed as “IP theft.” James Corbett joins Jim Goddard on This Week in Money to set the record straight on how the Clash of Civilizations 2.0 is being used to justify domestic clampdowns, social credit surveillance, and military build up.

James Corbett: China’s American Arsenal — “China is being given these technologies deliberately”

International Forecaster Weekly

China’s American Arsenal

And now the Chinese are building a carbon copy of the American military, jet by jet, drone by drone, rifle by rifle.

Trump administration preparing charges against media companies that discriminate against conservatives

Justice to convene meeting on whether social media companies are ‘intentionally stifling’ free speech


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has scheduled a meeting with state attorneys general in September to discuss a “growing concern” that tech companies may be “intentionally stifling” the free flow of ideas on their platforms.

In a statement issued right after executives from Facebook and Twitter finished testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) also suggested that the platforms were running afoul of antitrust laws.

“The Attorney General has convened a meeting with a number of state attorneys general this month to discuss a growing concern that these companies may be hurting competition and intentionally stifling the free exchange of ideas on their platforms,” DOJ spokesman Devin O’Malley said in a statement issued near the end of the congressional hearing.

President Trump and conservative House Republicans have repeatedly aired complaints about bias against conservatives on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media platforms.

Entire Article

(VID) How Women Weaken Nations (and why men let them) — Men's and women's roles are completely equal in importance • 'Equality' has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men… • Women make very different choices to men, which befit their *natural* inclinations and talents • When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], they get depressed and frustrated • Voting patterns are remarkably consistent: If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. If only women voted, goodbye nationalism • Men are more cautious, and given to protection, while women favor the more trusting and open approach • Allow the sexes to be themselves. Abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic • This is quite literally a matter of our nation's life or death

I transcribed these important, politically incorrect words, starting at 7:10:

Men’s and women’s roles are completely equal in importance, and should be valued and respected as such. In our demented modern world, ‘equality’ has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men should want to stay at home and look after the kids or become nurses. But even when they choose to have careers, women make very different choices to men, which befit their natural inclinations and talents. The fact is that no matter how much social engineering the left tries, it can’t make engineers out of women in any significant number.

When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], for example, they often find they are simply unsuited to these ways of thinking. They get depressed and frustrated. … patterns between the sexes are remarkably consistent. If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. And if only women voted, goodbye nationalism forever. It is no coincidence that nationalism is dominated by men, and that women play a much bigger role in open borders movements like the Green Party.

These voting patterns reflect the natural roles the sexes play. Men are more cautious, and given to the protection of the tribe and the borders of the country, while women favor the more trusting and open approach to people.

The left wants us to equality with sameness, but this is deranged. … I’m talking about ending the creepy, politically correct obsession that there can be no differences between the sexes. … I’m talking about allowing the sexes to be themselves, to abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic.

This is quite literally a matter of our nation’s life or death.”

• • •

(VID) Amb. Nikki Haley: Israel's [Talmudic] cause is our cause; Israel's [Talmudic] values are our values. Israel's [Talmudic] fight is our fight" — Receives "Defender of Israel" award from John Hagee

“We will stand with Israel because Israel’s cause is our cause. Israel’s values are our values. Israel’s fight is our fight.”

– U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley in a speech (minute-34:25) at Christians United for Israel (CUFI) where John Hagee presents to her the “Defender of Israel” award (minute-4:20)

Watch Video Here:

Israel’s 70th Anniversary Commemoration, Ambassador Haley

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley addressed the group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) first annual summit, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence. Ambassador Haley. was introduced and presented with an award by Pastor John Hagee, CUFI founder and national chair.

(VID) Mike Wallace reports on AIPAC and the Israel Lobby in US Politics – "The most effective lobby in the US today" – 1988

“They’ve done an enormous job of corrupting the American, democratic process.”

“It’s the most effective lobby in the United States today” – 1988.

– George Ball, fmr. undersecretary of state @5:50

• • •

TalmudVision, TV's Subversive Message: Sick is Healthy – Pushing the limits of what is acceptable to make the unacceptable acceptable

From: Henry Makow

TV’s Subversive Message: Sick is Healthy

July 8, 2018

We’ve reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.
Where have we seen this before? Is it any surprise that 
Hollywood is dominated by Jews [author, Henry Makow is a Jew] and homosexuals?

Luciferians always push the limits of what is acceptable
and make the unacceptable acceptable.

“We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order.”  (Protocols of Zion,16 )
“We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities…[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses.” (Protocols of Zion,12)
“All nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain, and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe.” (Protocols of Zion, 4)
“Television is the Satanic family altar,” Anton LaVey, said in 1966, “Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion.”
“Television Ruined My Life” updated from Oct 2013
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

When I was a child in the 1950’s, television was pretty wholesome. That’s how I got hooked.
As a youth and young man, I was naive and idealistic. I assumed I lived in a benevolent and free society that was attempting to raise everyone to a higher level, materially and spiritually.  I looked to mass media and schooling for information, insight and guidance.
After watching “America in Primetime”, (2011) a four-part documentary history of TV, on Netflix, I realize that TV is not entertainment. It is social engineering. It made me dysfunctional and depressed. It has done this to millions of people.

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