Excerpt from chapter 12 of Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question, by David Duke 2002

A Holocaust under the Nose of the Red Cross?

Jewish leaders have directed anger toward the International Red Cross for not revealing the Holocaust or doing anything to stop it. They point out that international teams of Red Cross inspectors visited and inspected all the major German concentration camps, including Auschwitz, right up to the end of the war. On one hand, the Holocausters expect us to believe that the Germans were murdering tens of thousands of people a day in a super-secret plan that they dared not mention even in their top-secret orders. On the other hand, they expect us to believe that the Nazis would let the International Red Cross inspect those same camps and interview the prisoners during the same period they were supposedly killing many thousands each day. Here are excerpts from a telling U.S.A. Today article:

Many Jewish leaders and Holocaust experts long have contended that the Red Cross failed spectacularly during World War II — mostly by not raising an alarm about Nazi atrocities — and compounded the failure later by refusing to acknowledge it…

In fact, in a Nov. 22, 1944, letter to U.S. State Department officials about the visit, the Red Cross said: “(We) had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners…

In this case, the documents show, the Red Cross failed at every possible turn. Not only had Red Cross officials neglected to grasp the situation, but they then passed along bad information to the Allies.

Several Red Cross documents suggest that the organization was reluctant, at least initially, to put much faith in tales and rumors of Nazi brutality. Like the general public, Red Cross officials didn’t comprehend the true extent of the Nazis’ crimes… “

There is no doubt that the Red Cross let itself be used by the Nazis,” says Radu Ioanid, director of the Holocaust Survivors Registry at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. “There is no doubt they were fooled.” 570 Kelley, J., Eisler, P., Kelly K. (1997). Silent Witness. USA Today. May 2. FINAL Page 13A

Obviously, if the grievously high death toll was from lack of medicine, shortages of insecticide (for killing disease-spreading lice), and food — because of the destruction and disruption of the war — the Nazis would have had no fear of International Red Cross inspectors and volunteers in the camps any more than the British would have feared them helping in the ruins of East London after an air raid. Do the promoters of the Holocaust story believe the members of the International Red Cross were part of an anti-Semitic, Nazi, Holocaust conspiracy? Or did their members, in spite of visiting the camps during the war and delivering to prisoners 973,000 packages and parcels (as their own records show), simply see no evidence at all of mass gassings or burnings or “extermination facilities” or for that matter, any effort on the part of the Nazis to purposefully exterminate the Jewish people?

While helping hundreds of thousands of refugees, Red Cross volunteers undoubtedly heard stories of Nazi brutality and rumors of mass gassings and they noted those rumors and kept an eye out for any evidence of them, but they saw nothing to indicate that the rumors were true. At the end of the war, in camps such as Buchenwald, they saw great numbers of bodies, but their own reports laid the horror on disease epidemics, which even the British occupiers and the Red Cross itself had great difficulty controlling. For instance, the British estimated that more people perished after they assumed control of Bergen-Belsen than before the camp’s liberation. Jewish forces condemn revisionists who raise common sense questions about the Holocaust, such as “How could there have been a Holocaust right under the nose of the International Red Cross?” It’s no wonder they want such questions quashed and the questioners imprisoned. Their version of the Holocaust story cannot withstand such inquiries.

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Red Cross @ 1:47:00 


A Holocaust Inquiry David Duke
Eva Larsen