I believe this is a key part of the Talmudic Greater Israel Program that Netanyahu has been pushing for for decades. Also, the one-world government globalists see Iran as a formidable power that would oppose the one-world government.

This is NOT God’s will, and will be more blood on the USA’s hands, that we’ve had no business shedding.

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World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com).

2020 In Review: the Big Picture



But Trump has given the go-ahead, I believe, for an attack on Iran. His head has been filled with false propaganda about Iran from both the Deep State and Israel, and has sent two aircraft carrier task forces to Iranian waters as well as a cruise missile submarine and multiple flyovers by B-52 bombers indicates intent of military intervention.

Iran’s radical Muslim government is no friend to liberty of its people, and would be no threat to Israel if Israel weren’t a puppet state of the US Deep State. But Iran knows the globalist intend to attack it because it is the only Muslim nation that is independent of both East and West in arms production. The globalists only want Muslim nations that are puppets to their agenda, like the corrupt Saudi Royal family.

If the attack on Iran doesn’t happen before Trump leaves the White House, it will surely be done by President Biden. But Iran is not Iraq. It has a much more formidable military with sophisticated weapons and lots of of them. I don’t think Iran can prevail in a war with the US, but it can do a lot of damage to the US and its puppet Arab allies. There are no good guys in the Middle East. Turkey is another wild card that the US cannot trust.

I don’t think Russia will join in the fight, not wanting to show its military tactics and advances in hardware until the big war, but both Russia and China will be lending support to Iran to give the US a bloody nose.