40 years of medical misinformation and suppression of the pharmaceutical truth.

To have covered up the knowledge for four decades that viruses could potentially be treated by antimicrobials required extensive effort:

Censorship. It is likely that some scientists were never
published again after authoring one paper on the antiviral benefits of CQ.
Buying silence of news media. This is evident from the
blackout across the political news spectrum concerning
vaccine adverse effects. Pharmaceutical manufacturers
provide the most lucrative advertising for both written
and broadcast news programs.
Misdirection. For years, pharmacology professors in
medical schools have perpetuated lies of omission.
Lies by drug companies. Merck was caught publishing its
own “peer reviewed” journal to promote its drugs.54
Regulatory capture. “Big Pharma” essentially owns the
FDA by being its biggest funder and employing more
than 58 percent of the FDA’s upper-level regulators and
administrators either before or after their tenure.55,56
Research funding. Big Pharma is the major funder of
nearly all “independent” drug research, and there is no
incentive to research cheap/ less profitable solutions.

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