Comment by Trig:
“Drug dealers have been using this method for years. Doctors as well, in regards to opiates for that matter. Enticement has always been a great tool to sell a product to people who would be less interested in a product. And a product that gives you relief from reality has increased in popularity of late. Soon reality becomes a blur and less desirable. As much as a person thinks that they can solve all problems under the influence, mean old reality creeps in and is not desirable any longer. An occasional trip to happy land can be enjoyable but people who wish to stay there soon become nonproductive. Encouragement of such products by making them easier to obtain is equal to a ship’s captain unlocking the rum stores and expecting his crew to be able to do their jobs. What the government’s role in all of this seems to only be in collecting revenue from an otherwise untaxed source. It certainly isn’t that they are interested in our well being or public safety.

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Regulations go into effect Oct. 8 allowing licensed marijuana dealers in Alaska to provide free samples of their products.

The regulation, signed by Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom last month, revokes a prior prohibition on free samples.