Big Pharma LYING about hysterectomies too!!

“The great majority of hysterectomies are unnecessary, and you should really know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“There’s an interesting correlation between vitamin D deficiency in fibroids and endometriosis. So I would just recommend getting enough vitamin D if you have fibroids endometriosis or even heavy periods….”

Potential side effects of a hysterectomy:
1. Negative changes to your figure
2. Low back pain
3. A leaky bladder
4. Loss of libido
5. Fluctuating emotions
6. Fatigue
7. Increased risk of fractures
8. Increased risk of all-cause mortality, including coronary heart disease
9. Increased weight gain

A few main reasons people choose to get a hysterectomy are because they have fibroids, endometriosis, cancer, or heavy cycles. However, there are natural things you can try for some of these issues.

Alternative things you can try:
1. Black cohosh
2. Avoid soy
3. Avoid dairy
4. Lower your carb intake
5. Avoid endocrine disruptors
6. Consume more cruciferous vegetables
7. Take vitamin D

If you’ve already had a hysterectomy, you may want to try the above tips and take a product called Utrophin PMG by Standard Process. If you’ve had your ovaries removed, you may also want to take Ovatrophin PMG by Standard Process.