Very interesting dot connecting regarding China’s interactions with England, the US and Canada, and how China is now getting back at us — Fentanyl, etc., but in the last 1/3rd of the interview, he strongly supports the great deceptions of our day. He says flat out: “evolution is a fact;” promotes socialism, Big Pharma’s Covid vaxxes, and carbon credits to save us from extinction, which the globalists are using to bring us into a one-world government. He trust the science. Very perplexing how he can be so wise about his subject and so ignorant on these other key points that he defends vehemently.

It’s definitely worth watching, but there is a lot of poison at the end.

Michael’s latest book is “Follow the Money: How China Bought the World.”

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15:00 China is buying up the world, skyrocketing real estate prices.

18:45 “We’re trying to make ourselves happy through shopping. … endorphins,” making China wealthy.

40:30 “I estimate Walmart has destroyed at least 250,000 small businesses all across America.”

44:45 Corruption among businessmen in the CCP: buying influence and high level jobs to be connected.

45:30 Only 7% of the people belong to the communist party. “The rest hate the government…. They watch everyone like a hawk.” Everyone is traced through their cellphones. You open your mouth there you disappear.