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Tag: syria

(video) Watching Videos is Now Terrorism — ISIS = al-CIAda?

[youtube=]Watching Videos is Now Terrorism


Published on Aug 22, 2014

LeeAnn McAdoo breaks down the latest way our liberties are being threatened. Not by ISIS. But by the government.…………

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(audio) Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ 9/9/13: Syria & Geopolitics — Attacking Syria would certify our reputation as the bully of the world” — Russia/China invasion of US at least 8-10 years out — “It’s a magical conflict creation scenario, could have been written only by the Devil himself, so diabolical, so long term in its vision”| Also, Stewart Rodes of Oathkeepers on Defending the Constitution & Community Preparation

“It’s a magical conflict creation scenario, could have been written only by the Devil himself,
so diabolical, so long term in its vision.”

“It’s going to certify our reputation as the bully of the world.”

– Joel Skousen

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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From Coast to Coast AM:

Joining John B. Wells, Stewart Rhodes, founder and President of Oath Keepers, argued that there’s a relentless campaign going on to centralize power, militarize the police, and strip power out of the hands of average citizens. …

His organization, the Oath Keepers, works with military veterans, law enforcement, and first responders to remind them of their oaths to defend the Constitution, and not “just follow orders” that go against the people. Their mission also includes training these veterans and officers to become community leaders, to be able to step in during a crisis….

The real war going on is the elites versus the free people of the world, whom they seek to usher into a police state, Rhodes stated. The American people have to get back to their independence, starting with self-sufficiency and food reserves, yet the survivalist approach of working in isolation isn’t going to work, he commented. We have to think in terms of community, he said, such as a local VFW forming its own battalion.

Syria & Geopolitics

First hour guest, political scientist Joel Skousen provided insights on world affairs such as the situation in Syria. He doubted that Assad was behind the chemical attacks on Syrian civilians. The US and Israel have been looking for a way to justify an attack on Iran, and they hope by attacking Syria, Iran may support Assad with a retaliation, which would open the door for a war with them, Skousen posited. The US wants to target Iran not only to curtail their nuclear weapons development but to cut them off as an oil supplier to China, he continued, adding that he foresees an eventual war between the US and Russia & China.

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[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – Sept 08 2013 – Defending the Constitution – C2CAM, Radio, Disclosure Radio,


Published on Sep 9, 2013

Coast to Coast AM:Date:Sept 08 2013
Coast to Coast AM:Host:John B. Wells
Coast to Coast AM:This Week Guests:Stewart Rhodes, Joel Skousen
Coast to Coast AM:Topic:Defending the Constitution

Coast To Coast AM / C2CAM Radio Broadcast on Youtube:…


Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

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