Freedom from Alaska!

Month: December 2007 Page 4 of 6

[music video] Keith Green – Make My Life a Prayer to You




[music video] Keith Green – Asleep in the Light (Live 1982 & LP)


[music video] Phil Driscoll – America the Beautiful




[Music Video] Phil Driscoll – Hosanna!




[Music Video] The Call – The Walls Came Down (1983)




[Music Video] David Crowder Band – O Praise Him!




Illustrated: Dr. Ron Paul Ready to Resuscitate America




Illustrated: America on Life-Support/ Constitution in Flames







Clergy Joins “Tapegate” Battle

NEW YORK, Dec 11 (IPS) – A coalition of more than 130 religious organisations has joined a growing chorus calling for appointment of a special counsel to investigate allegations regarding the Central Intelligence Agency’s destruction of videotapes and its use of “harsh” interrogation techniques.

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ABC Bans from TV the 20/20 Ron Paul Interview–Put On Net Only

Congressman Ron Paul and 20/20 host John Stossel have more than a few things in common. Specifically, they both think a lot of libertarian thoughts, and unlike a lot of libertarians, they’ve both learned to communicate these thoughts so effectively that they have earned the respect of their peers.

Paul, in his tenth Congressional term, is known as “Dr. No” for his refusal to vote for bills that cater to special interests, raise taxes, or violate his literal interpretation of the Constitution. Stossel, the Emmy-winning consumer reporter who discovered free-market theory via Reason magazine, has been permitted to air provocative specials such as “Stupid in America,” which criticized the government’s monopoly in education.

So what happens when the champion of freedom and free markets from the U.S. Congress sits down for a chat with his counterpart from the mainstream media? That’s when we learn that freedom is simply too hot for TV, or at least, too hot for ABC.

That’s right, they are only airing this interview on the internet, in pieces. And the justification is a laugh, at best.

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See the 20/20 Ron Paul Interview – too hot to let America see

Make Ron Paul’s Day on December 16th!

World Affairs Brief, December 14, 2007. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

Rep. Ron Paul, the only presidential candidate who won’t be controlled by the establishment, is on the verge of staging an upset in several primary contests. Paul hopes to win an upset in Nevada with its large group of libertarian-leaning Republicans in the state’s Jan. 19 caucus. Another chance may be in Alaska which has a sizable population of independent minded citizens. As Channel 2 News of Anchorage reluctantly admitted, “A slim majority of respondents (polled by that station) support Ron Paul, a Texas congressman known for wanting to abolish the IRS and opposing the Iraq War. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who’s surging in national polls as well as Iowa caucus polls, came in a close second.” Notice how they downplayed Paul’s victory as a “slim” majority. Actually it was 30% to Huckabee’s 22%. That’s almost 1/3 -hardly slim! Of course, Huckabee is “surging” according to them. Why don’t they ever use that term for Ron Paul, whose surge is happening spontaneously, without his direction?

Join in the Ron Paul revolution and make a contribution this Sunday in celebration of the Boston Tea Party. I don’t know if anything will help to force the media to give Ron Paul the kind of free boost they are giving to phony conservative Mike Huckabee, but money talks. At least with millions in his campaign coffers Ron can pay his way around the media ban. All donations are placed at Encourage others.

Skousen: Omaha Mall Shooting–Another Disturbed Youth on Prozac

World Affairs Brief, December 7, 2007. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

There has yet to be a single mass shooting in this country that doesn’t have the telltale connection to mood altering drugs. Omaha television station KETV reported that, “Robert Hawkins, the 19 year old who killed himself and eight other people with a [stolen] assault rifle last night in Omaha, Nebraska had a history of treatment with psychiatric drugs for depression and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and was on Prozac according to press reports.” The state of Nebraska spent over $265,000 on this mentally unstable kid while he was a “ward of the state.”

Here is yet again another tragic case of a person whose mind is made susceptible to Satanic depression and deadly ideas, including “going down with fame” killing others, and committing suicide–while under the conscience-suppressing effects of these mood altering drugs. There is evidence that these drugs do more than alter moods. The suicide rates are much higher for youth on these drugs, and especially as they begin withdrawing from them. Naturally, the psychology lobby does not admit to their partial culpability in these affairs. They usually blame the “easy access to guns in this country,” and actively downplay the known suicidal effects the drugs they prescribe. Sadly, they don’t believe in conscience (at least as a divine source of help) nor Satan’s powerful abilities to distort and corrupt the thinking patterns of disturbed youth.

Since Gulf War 1: 73,846 US Dead & 1,620,906 Disabled

Data from –

73,846 US TROOPS DEAD (near top of page 6)

1,620,906 PERMANENTLY DISABLED (near top of page 7)

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75% of Physicians Refuse Chemotherapy Themselves

The great lack of trust is evident even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 per cent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the entire human organism.

This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:“The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.” (Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, “The Healing of Cancer”, Marcus Books, 1990).

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Related: Can You Trust Chemotherapy to Cure Your Cancer?

Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use

Robert Hawkins, the 19 year old who killed himself and eight other people with an assault rifle last night in Omaha, Nebraska had a history of treatment with psychiatric drugs for depression and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and was on prozac according to press reports .

Of course the headlines will once again focus on how evil and dangerous guns are, how the second amendment should be reevaluated and will once again ignore the fact that this young man was subject to dangerous brain altering chemicals for a number of years prior to this tragic incident.

Hawkins is the latest in a long line of shooters all of which were on prescribed antidepressants before they suddenly snapped and decided to kill as many people as they could before taking their own lives.

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Pastor Baldwin: Buy a Gun

“He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV)Most of us are aware that the heroic actions of a brave woman at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado a few days ago saved the lives of perhaps scores, or even hundreds, of people. However, her bravery would not have counted for much had she not been armed.

On that fateful December Sunday, a man by the name of Matthew Murray entered the church armed to the teeth. According to press reports, he was armed with a semi-automatic rifle, two handguns, some smoke grenades, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

By the time Murray arrived in the Colorado Springs church, he had already killed four people: two at a missionary training center miles away, and two in the church parking lot. He had wounded several others. No one realized it at the time, but the man was a serial killer in the midst of a rampage. He doubtless planned to kill as many people as he could, as there were thousands of people inside the church. Had there not been an armed citizen in the church house, the death toll would have been massive. …

Have you noticed how the media dropped the Colorado story as soon as it was discovered that a lawfully armed citizen ended the potential massacre by using her own handgun? Had the killer been successful in murdering scores of people, however, it would have been at the top of the news for weeks. …

Even our Lord understood and validated the right of every person to arm themselves for personal self-defense. He said, “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV) The old Roman sword was the First Century equivalent of a modern handgun. It was the most practical and convenient form of self-defense available at that time. Also, please note that at least two of Jesus’ disciples (one of whom was Simon Peter) were in the habit of carrying their own personal swords, and Jesus never rebuked them. (See Luke 22:38.) …

Furthermore, the Apostle Paul said, emphatically, “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (I Tim. 5:8) Does “not providing for his own” include not providing protection? Of course it does. …

James Madison said, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms.”

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Other Chuck Baldwin articles

The Ron Paul I Know, by Carol Paul


The story of our family would have to start with the man Ron Paul, who saw the American Dream and decided that it could be his – and now he wants it to be yours if you so choose.

Click for Carol’s story of her husband, Ron Paul

Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!

From: A Creationist’s Challenge To Evolutionists

The earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the sun, even though the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Yet the earth only receives one part in 2 trillion of the sun’s total energy.

And since the sun is only an average star among the 100 trillion billion* stars in the universe, the total energy in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension.

( I have read that the number of stars is greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world! )

* * *

* 100 trillion billion stars = 100 trillion x 1 billion


100,000,000,000,000 x 1,000,000,000




10 to the 23rd power

So the total energy of the stars in the universe

is about the power of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 suns!

Or is even greater than

if all of the grains of sand in the world

would each emit the power of the sun


Lower portion is © 2007 Jeff Fenske – copy freely


How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Star Size Comparison HD

Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

The Universe is Young––Evidence from Space, Earth, Biology & History

From the article, below:

The Bible teaches that: God created the universe approximately 6000 years ago, ex nihilo (out of nothing) in six literal, twenty-four hour days. Then, approximately 4400 years ago, the earth was destroyed by a worldwide Flood.

Some significant very young Earth indicators from the article:

The oldest living coral reef is less than 4200 years old. (6, p. 39; 7)

The oldest living tree in the world is about 4300 years old. (6, p. 40; 7)

The oldest known historical records are less than 6000 years old. (1, p. 160)

Dividing the amount of various minerals in the ocean by their influx rate indicates only a few thousand years of accumulation. (1, p. 153; 5, p. 24; 6, p. 42)

Topsoil formation rates indicate only a few thousand years of formation. (6, p. 38)

Niagara Falls’ erosion rate (four to five feet per year) indicates an age of less than 10,000 years. Don’t forget Noah’s Flood could have eroded half of the seven-mile-long Niagara River gorge in a few hours as the flood waters raced through the soft sediments.) (6, p. 39; 7)

The size of the Mississippi River delta, divided by the rate mud is being deposited, gives an age of less than 30,000 years. (The Flood in Noah’s day could have washed out 80% of the mud there in a few hours or days, so 4400 years is a reasonable age for the delta.) (3, p. 23; 6, p. 38; 7)

Video: Chad Bastian Flying with Kemo

This is a pretty laid back video (called “El Perro Loco”) of my first paragliding instructor ridge-soaring with his dog, Kemo.





Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

One thing that Christians should come to terms with is the truism that government cannot do the church’s job. Not in any shape, manner, or form. Yet, by the way many Christians and pastors behave these days, one gets the impression that they don’t really understand this truth. Instead, it seems that many Christians and ministers see the government–especially the federal government–as an extension of the church

….many Christians and ministers today have developed the attitude that somehow the federal government is supposed to enforce by law what only the Spirit of God can enforce through grace. Let’s be plain: the federal government cannot do the church’s job….Here is the problem: our pastors have become spiritual pantywaists and our churches have become spiritual playgrounds. Pastors and churches have sold their souls to success-driven “ministry.” We want big attendances, big offerings, big family life centers, big youth departments, big Sunday Schools, and big-name people on our membership rolls. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

And most of the time, in order to accommodate our overwhelming desire to be a “big success,” pastors and churches will soften the message to the point that the average Sunday sermon is little more than a glorified “how-to-get-rich,” or “how-to-be-happy,” or “how-to-avoid-guilt,” ad infinitum, ad nauseum, pep-talk. Words such as “sinner,” “Hell,” “judgment,” “retribution,” and “repentance” have been permanently removed from the vocabulary of the average pastor. The plain, powerful, old-fashioned Gospel has been replaced with sloppy, mushy, offend-no-one sermonettes that could not bring Holy Spirit conviction if one even wanted it–which hardly anyone does.

Click for Article

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

[video] Crow and Kitten are Friends


VIDEO: PBS program airing December 14, 2007 – The Ron Paul Phenomenon!

This is a preview of a NOW on PBS program airing December 14, 2007 (check local listings). In it, NOW talks to Congressman Ron Paul and his supporters across the country about Paul’s surprisingly popular run for the Republican nomination, led in large part by people acting on their own without help from Ron Paul or his campaign. Check out the video to your right for more.

Click to see this excellent preview video

Ron Paul Wins Anchorage, Alaska KTUU TV News Poll

Unfortunately, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Ron Paul is leading in the Anchorage area. For Paul supporters are probably the most enthusiastic and the most proactive. But this is great to see!

– jeff

Viewers pick Paul
by Channel 2 News Staff
Monday, Dec. 10. 2007

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — In a poll conducted Monday, Dec. 10, Channel 2 News asked which Republican presidential candidate they plan to support in the Alaska caucus

Respondents support Ron Paul

Which Republican presidential candidate will you support in Alaska’s caucus?

Rudy Giuliani — 14%

Mike Hucakbee — 22%

John McCain — 9%

Ron Paul — 29%

Mitt Romney — 9%

Fred Thompson — 12%

Other — 6%

All polls conducted by Channel 2 News and are unscientific.

Girls taught to value sex over achievement and intelligence

TEENAGE girls would rather be sexy than clever, according to a new book which blames celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears for the phenomenon.Carol Platt Liebau, a leading political commentator in the US and the first female managing editor of Harvard Law Review, warned young women were being taught to believe “sexy” equates to empowered.The author said “promiscuity and sexual aggression” were now being seen as the only way to achieve admiration.

And she suggested girls now competed for attention based on how much they were sexually willing to do for boys.

Women’s groups last night also warned that the sexualisation of young girls was making them increasingly vulnerable.

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Illustrated: What FOX News Does To Your Brain


Sheepled by Murdoch


Illustration by Dees: Flying for Ron Paul


O’Reilly: Fox News Turned Down Pro-Constitution Ad Because It Was ‘Anti-American’

The Center for Constitutional Rights recently produced an ad called “Rescue the Constitution” that criticizes the Bush administration for “destroying the Constitution” through the use of tactics like renditions and torture. Fox News refused to air the ad, claiming that it needed “documentation” that the Constitution “is indeed being destroyed.”

In the ad, actor Danny Glover states, “Trials. Renditions. Torture. The Bush administration is destroying the Constitution. They can be stopped. Rescue the Constitution.”Yesterday, while discussing NBC’s recent refusal to run an ad from the White House front group Freedom’s Watch, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly explained why Fox News turns down ads:

“Yeah, but I understand why. Fox News turns down blatantly anti-American ads. We just turned one down recently. I understand that.”

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Skousen in 2006: Big Inflation Coming––M3 No Longer Being Reported!

World Affairs Brief March 31, 2006 Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

BIG INFLATION COMING reported this week that, “the federal reserve ordered two trillion dollars to be printed! … Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The US Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ordered not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.” That’s a bit inflammatory. Press officials are never supposed to tell how much money is being printed. Even another $2 trillion isn’t going to cause a collapse, though it would and will eventually impact the value of the dollar. I’ve always said that the US has not yet used up all its power to inflate. I guess the PTB are starting in earnest. It is important to note that in response to growing dollar weakness, silver is at a ten year high and gold is nearing a 25 year high.

Robert HcHugh lets us in on what M3 was doing recently – and it was very inflationary. “M-3 has been launched into outer space, up another $56.3 billion last week, up $92.4 billion over the past two. This is some real horsepower. Over six weeks, the meaningless figure, ahem, is up $177.8 billion. These annualized growth rates are 28.7 percent, 23.6 percent, and 15.3 percent respectively. Those are the seasonally adjusted figures. The raw, non-seasonally adjusted, figure is up $293.3 billion over the past 12 weeks, on a pace to add 1.2 trillion in money to the economy … That’s right folks – soon to be discontinued money supply data ALREADY showing annualized growth rates in excess of 28% – and the Fed would have us all believe that this is a non-event.”

The staff at Free Market News tried to imply a direct relationship between the decision to not report M3 money supply figures and this new print move. “The M3 was the amount of cash the government printed to put into circulation, propping-up the U.S. economy.” This is not true, specifically. M1 is the sum of currency that is held outside banks, travelers checks, checking accounts (but not demand deposits), minus the amount of money in the Federal Reserve float. M2 is sum of M1 plus savings deposits (this would include money market accounts from which no checks can be written), small denomination time deposits (less than $100,000), and retirement accounts. M3 (discontinued) is M1 plus M2 plus the large time deposits (more than $100,000), Eurodollar deposits, dollars held at foreign offices of U.S. banks, and institutional money market funds. Cash eventually shows up in all of these, but the significance of removing M3 has more to do with hiding the numbers of dollars outside the US where most inflation goes so as to deny currency traders a key piece of the data which helps evaluate the dollar versus other currencies. They have alternates, of course, but losing M3 was important. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced legislation to require the Fed to resume reporting the M3 statistic. Urge your Congressmen to support The Sunshine in Monetary Policy Act.

Ron Paul on Inflation: Every time new dollars are printed…your income & savings are worth less

Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases,
your income and savings are worth less.
Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you.

Inflation is nothing more than
government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses.

– U.S. Congressman Ron Paul

What do Rising Gold Prices Mean?

December 5, 2005

The market price for an ounce of gold rose to over $500 last week, a significant milestone for economists watching precious metals and commodities markets. The last time gold topped $500 was December 1987, in the wake of the “Black Monday” stock market collapse earlier that fall.

Gold prices historically rise when faith in paper currencies erodes, as investors seek the intrinsic value of gold to protect themselves from inflation. It’s interesting to note that while the U.S. dollar has regained some of its value relative to other paper currencies like the Euro, it continues to lose value relative to gold and other hard assets. This shows the folly of using one fiat currency to value another.

Gold is history’s oldest and most stable currency. Central bankers and politicians don’t want a gold-backed currency system, because it denies them the power to create money out of thin air. Governments by their very nature want to expand, whether to finance military intervention abroad or a welfare state at home. Expansion costs money, and politicians don’t want spending limited to the amounts they can tax or borrow. This is precisely why central banks now manage all of the world’s major currencies.

Yet while politicians favor central bank control of money, history and the laws of economics are on the side of gold. Even though central banks try to mask their inflationary policies and suppress the price of gold by surreptitiously selling it, the gold markets always cut through the smokescreen eventually. Rising gold prices like we see today historically signify trouble for paper currencies, and the dollar is no exception.

President Nixon finally severed the last tenuous links between the dollar and gold in 1971. Since 1971, the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury have employed a pure fiat money system, meaning government can create money whenever it decrees simply by printing more dollars. The “value” of each newly minted dollar is determined by the faith of the public, the money supply, and the financial markets. In other words, fiat dollars have no intrinsic value.

What does this mean for you and your family? Since your dollars have no intrinsic value, they are subject to currency market fluctuations and ruinous government policies, especially Fed inflationary policies. Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases, your income and savings are worth less. Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you. Inflation is nothing more than government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses.

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