Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2008

Gordon Lightfoot: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald—Dedication Version


Gordon Lightfoot: Summertime Dream


Gordon Lightfoot: Seven Island Suite


Gordon Lightfoot: Too Late for Prayin’


Gordon Lightfoot: Protocol

pro·to·col [ prṓtə kàwl ]

noun  (plural pro·to·cols)


1. etiquette of formal occasions: the rules or conventions of correct behavior on official or ceremonial occasions

2. code of conduct: the rules of correct or appropriate behavior of a group, organization, or profession

3. international relations international agreement: a formal agreement between states or nations



Gordon Lightfoot: Wherefore and Why


Gordon Lightfoot: Ode to Big Blue


Gordon Lightfoot: Beautiful


Byron J. Richards: Cell Phone Cover-Up—Is Your Brain at Risk?

From: News with Views

The cell phone industry will have to have people lining up for brain cancer treatment before they even admit there is a potential problem. By that time they hope to have stalled long enough to have safer phones. And then they will use lawyers to create doubt that any such tumors were caused by cell phones in the first place – blaming multiple other stressors in modern society as the likely problem. This strategy will minimize liability, spread it out over many years, and most likely make it disappear. The only thing that prevents the cell phone industry from escaping unscathed is if enough consumers demand safer phones now.

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Doctor Ron Paul

Devvy Kidd: Do you have a plan? (Personal)

From: News with Views

Despite the propaganda coming out of Washington, DC., millions of Americans are in deep financial trouble. Last week the media cranked up the mantra that Wall Street may be getting more optimistic. Really?


Debt is not prosperity. When you have a full 1/3rd of credit card holders defaulting, what you have are millions of people who have no disposable cash to even make minimal payments. What they have is going to buy food and absolute necessities. I have little respect for Ronald Reagan, but he was right about ‘trickle down’ and the effect on the economy. What you see above is killing this economy and that doesn’t include the massive costs the states are and will continue to incur as crime increases, the cost of funding the mobs and our elderly Americans (in the tens of millions) who have no health care, no retirement care set aside and basically depend on the state for their food, housing and medication.

I can’t tell you what to do, but I’ve known all of this was coming since 1991 when I ‘woke up.’ I urge everyone: if you don’t have a plan for survival for you and your family – and don’t forget elderly parents – I hope you will make this a priority THIS WEEK. Regular readers of my columns know I have been harping on this for years. The time is here and now. Remember Katrina? The government didn’t fail. The people weren’t ready for disaster and the suffering was horrific.

While most people don’t like to think about it, we’re all one heart beat away from our trip to eternity. I’m not trying to encourage panic, but rather to hopefully get out the message that the time to make a plan and put it into action is now. I know, summer is coming and everyone is tired, frustrated, stressed and would like to take some “down time.” But, remember: you’re one heart beat away and no one knows when our Heavenly Father will call us from this earthly world. Are you ready for that last heart beat, spiritually, first and foremost, and those you leave behind?

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China Ratchets Up Christian Persecution—U.S. Media Maintains Silence

From: WorldNetDaily

A Chinese man has been taken into custody and faces a possible sentence of death for charges alleging “subversion of the national government and endangering national security.” But several Christian organizations that monitor human rights activities in China say Alimujiang Yimiti could face the penalty simply because he is a Christian.

While much headline space has been devoted during recent days to China’s crackdown on residents of Tibet, such attacks are more-or-less everyday experiences for Christians in the communist nation….

“In the months now leading up to the Olympic Games, we actually see things getting worse,” said Todd Nettleton, a spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs. …

“Christians and others might stage protests, reveal information,” she said. “I think the manner of going about it is counterintuitive, but they are trying to save face by imprisoning more and more. …

In the past two years, we found more than 3,000 underground pastors were arrested, detained, some sentenced,” he said. Those sentences were up to and including the death sentence. …

“Their fingers bleed, but they press on, for if they don’t make the day’s quota – 5,000 bulbs – they are beaten. The Christmas lights that decorate the trees of Christian believers around the world are often made by inmates like these. Their crime? Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. House church pastors are sent to work camps after their arrest, and in some respects, these are the lucky ones, for they survived the standard interrogations that greet most Christian leaders after they are detained; several are killed or ‘disappear,’ never to be seen or heard from again. …,” the report said.

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OnStar Can Shut Down (‘Slowdown’) Your Car—2009 Models

From Traffic Technology Today

OnStar has set its sights on stolen vehicles. The company unveiled its Stolen Vehicle Slowdown technology in Los Angeles this week. The system actually slows a stolen vehicle remotely. “We are the first to do anything like this. We are pioneering the way,” says OnStar spokesman Brad Williams.

The devices will be featured on 2009 GM car and truck models. Once an owner reports a car has been stolen, OnStar works with police.

The OnStar advisor sends a signal to the car that interacts with the powertrain system to prevent the driver from accelerating.

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Your commute could be killing you—Air coming into your car worst in the whole city

From: KING5, 5/4/08

Your risk on the road may not come from a crash.

The air coming into your car is the worst air in the whole city,” said Scott Fruin, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health at USC Keck School of Medicine.

An electric car tracked just how much pollution drivers are exposed to. Los Angeles commuters spend an average of 90 minutes sucking in diesel fuel fumes and ultra fine particles or UFP every day. These particles, smaller than 1/1,000 the size of a human  hair, can enter the bloodstream  and disperse throughout the body. They have been linked to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

They get deepest into your lungs. They get into your bloodstream, and those are particularly high on freeways and busy roads,” said Fruin.

The American Heart Association found high concentrations of diesel exhaust increases clot formation by almost 25 percent, which can lead to deadly cardiovascular problems.

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Related: Is cabin air killing pilots, passengers? Vaporized jet oil contains sarin-related elements

DC Madam Palfrey’s Murder? Alex Jones On Geraldo


Alaska: Latest Spring Thaw So Far at My Mom’s House

Just for the record.

Each year, I look to see at about what day the last patch of snow thaws in my Mom’s yard in Anchorage, Alaska. It’s always in the same spot, and it usually thaws around April 15th.

This year, after having some earlier weather that gave us hope we could expect an early thaw, it got colder, and we got a record, late snowfall that delayed the thaw of this patch until Saturday, May 3rd!

Jeff Fenske

Chuck Baldwin — If I Were President

From News with Views

Due to my frequent criticisms of President George W. Bush, I am often asked what I would do if I were President of these United States. This column will serve as an attempt to answer that question.

If I were President, I would begin the process of safely extracting our troops from Iraq. In the first place, our troops are no longer fighting a war, they are an occupation force, which occupies a sovereign country. And this is being done without a Declaration of War. The Iraqi people resent our occupation as much as we would resent another nation stronger than ours invading and occupying America. If such a thing happened to our beloved country, I’m sure many of us would also become “insurgents.”

In the second place, the invasion and occupation of Iraq was absolutely unnecessary. Instead of sacrificing more than 4,000 American lives and the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens (not to mention some 2-3 trillion dollars), President Bush should have supported Ron Paul’s bill, H.R. 3076, the September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001. This is the constitutional way to deal with rogue terrorist organizations. This is the way President Thomas Jefferson responded to the Barbary pirates.

According to Congressman Paul, “A letter of marque and reprisal is a constitutional tool specifically designed to give the President the authority to respond with appropriate force to those non-state actors who wage aggression against the United States while limiting his authority to only those responsible for the atrocities of that day. Such a limited authorization is consistent with the doctrine of just war and the practical aim of keeping Americans safe while minimizing the costs in blood and treasure of waging such an operation.”

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D.C. Madam Suicided to Protect High-Level Officials?


Related: Alex Jones’ Articles on Deborah Jeane Palfrey

Skousen: Election Manipulation—Nevada GOP Sabotages Ron Paul Delegate Vote

World Affairs Brief, May 2, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


The Republican Party has a real problem with Ron Paul. He just won’t go away quietly. He is still a candidate for President. He hasn’t conceded or dropped out–despite media wishful thinking. Best of all, he refuses to endorse front runner John McCain, the worst warmongering candidate of the entire Republican field. Frankly, Dr. Paul both scares and embarrasses the Republican leadership. They are afraid that if he gets any momentum or significant number of delegates to the convention they will have to let him make a major address on prime time TV and thus more converts. And, Dr. Paul is certainly capable of making converts. He takes all the traditional positions the Republican Party was built upon and that core Republican voters love: small and limited federal government, low regulation, non-aggressive foreign policy, honest money, anti-abortion, and pro-family values. The Republican National Committee wants him to go away so they can get on with the promotion of Sen. John McCain-a totally dishonest and corrupt insider, according to his own son–and continue the hidden globalist agenda which now rules the Party at the highest levels. This week in the Nevada GOP convention, the party leadership shut down the convention when it became obvious that Ron Paul supporters outnumbered those loyal to party leaders who wanted to elect only McCain delegates to the national convention–even though Romney won the primary and Paul came in second, above McCain. It’s as if they are saying, “If we don’t like the results of the vote, we’ll adjourn till we can muster enough of our people to outnumber you!”

Here’s the best account of what happened by C. Bunce of the Daily Paul online newsletter. It is specific enough to show my readers just how evil this really was and who did it [edited for clarity].

Skousen: Chuck Baldwin Wins Constitution Party Nomination for President

World Affairs Brief, May 2, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


I was delighted to hear that Pastor Chuck Baldwin won the Constitution Party nomination for president over the very talented Alan Keyes.   Alan Keyes is a good man. He ran against Barak Obama for the Senate race in Illinois, but his being part of the black minority didn’t help him garner any endorsements from the establishment.  He was TOO conservative and the media hates black conservatives.  Keyes is a dynamic speaker with few peers, but (in my opinion) sometimes plays to the audience too much with catchy phrases designed mostly to drum up applause and trigger religious fervor-at the expense of more substantive discussions.  These kinds of speeches play well to the conservative-Christian choir and provide political excitement, but ultimately narrows the candidates appeal by turning away those who aren’t interested in organized religion or who are suspicious of a flamboyant preacher-type style.

In the brief of April 18th, I brought up the problem of the traditional political approach of the Constitutional Party being too narrowly focused on its core supporters–all ardent evangelical Christians.  If the party is going to grow it needs to more closely emulate Ron Paul’s approach by championing liberty for all without excessive religious rhetoric in speeches–which makes non religious conservatives uncomfortable about using the role of government to enforce religious values (where there is no violation of fundamental rights to life, liberty, property and family covenants).

Those who know my political writings know that I do support an elected officials’ right to make reference to and appeal to God (even in prayer) as part of his service to the nation, but he should do so judiciously and sincerely since pushing God openly is a favored political ploy of the most ungodly politicians.  Bill Clinton, for example, would use the name of God (in vain, of course) just to impress naive Christians.  Then there is George Bush Jr., wily enough to verbally support being “Born Again” while maintaining his furtive allegiance to with the satanic power cult/club Skull and Bones.

I’ll take an honest, straight-talking statesman like Ron Paul, who follows conscience in his daily walk with Christ, than one of the many charismatic televangelist preachers like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Billy Graham and others who compromise with the world in order to gained access to high level establishment leaders. The personal prestige that gained by such associations is illusory.  The establishment despises religious leaders who seek their approval and fail to see they are being played the fool.


Video: G. Edward Griffin On the Alex Jones Show—Alex & Ed Meet for the 1st Time!

Click to see this excellent interview with
one of the great pioneers of the freedom movement

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