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The great olive oil fraud: Why your extra virgin olive oil may not be virgin at all — 70 percent of the extra virgin olive oil sold worldwide is watered down with even soy oil! Real EVOO solidifies when it's cold.

Important! Real olive oil is very healthy, whereas most cooking oils sold today aren’t.
Costco’s Kirkland Signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil (First Cold Pressed) does usually solidify when refrigerated, in my experience. There have been times when it hasn’t. Hmmm.
To test this solidifying theory, I just bought  a bottle at the regular grocery store which was more than twice as expensive as Costco’s, De Cecco brand, which claims only Italian olives. And it didn’t solidify at all in the fridge. I’m taking it back, unopened.
And I’m not sure what to do, in that Costco’s EVOO isn’t reliable either.
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From: Natural News

The great olive oil fraud – Why your extra virgin olive oil may not be virgin at all

You thought you were making an informed health choice by using extra-virgin olive oil in place of cheaper, low-quality cooking oils, right? You probably never thought that a tiny, expensive bottle of EVOO might be cut with crap or doctored with chlorophyll to make it taste like olive oil — when in fact it was soybean or another health-compromising, cheap oil. According to Tom Mueller, the fearless author of Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil, 70 percent of the extra virgin olive oil sold worldwide is watered down with other oils and enhancers making them far from virgins and more like sidewalk hookers on the corner of 10th and Main — not exactly good for your health or your pocketbook.

Mueller exposes the billion dollar industry, showing how EVOO is compromised world-wide. During volunteer testing by suppliers to authenticate what they thought were pure extra virgin olive oils, every brand submitted in Australia during 2012 failed the tests and none gained certification for being pure. Authentication tests at UC Davis in 2011 uncovered similar results.

How to recognize genuine extra virgin olive oil

It’s difficult to tell by taste if the brand of olive oil you buy is truly extra virgin. Even the experts get stumped during taste tests. There are two ways that give a hint whether you have the real thing or a fake. Neither is absolutely fool proof; however, they will rule out the hardcore fakes.

Extra virgin olive oil solidifies when it’s cold. When the bottle is placed in the refrigerator, it should become cloudy and thicken or even solidify. As it warms on the counter, it becomes liquid again. Any oil that doesn’t thicken in the fridge is not pure EVOO — simple as that.

Additionally, the real McCoy is flammable and should be able to keep a wick from an oil lamp burning. If your oil doesn’t, it is not pure EVOO.

Entire Article Here


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  1. Anonymous

    What is evoo

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