
(Military sexual abuse discussed at minute-25):

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Date: 05-16-13
Hour: 1
3:00: Barry Chamish – Current Events & Israel
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Pastor David Whitney – Why Know Our Constitution?
Hour: 4
9:00: Bill Salus – Psalm 83 Prophecy

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World Affairs Brief, May 17, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

A Scandal a Week at the White House

Immigration Bill’s Hidden Secrets

Syria–Everyone has Arms Except the “Good Guys”

More on Death of SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan

Pentagon Plans to Share Missile Secrets with Russia

Obama to Announce Nuclear Force Cut

Russia Expels US Diplomat


The most corrupt presidency in US history is finally getting the negative spotlight that it deserves. Obama, with the help of powerful protectors in high places, has previously been successful at deflecting huge scandals relative to his foreign birth, his phony Social Security card, and the “Fast and Furious” gun running fiasco. Now, four more scandals have emerged to taint the White House and Obama’s handlers are working overtime to present the alien-in-chief as an indignant protector of justice, shocked about things that are happening on his watch! It is probably only because these latest scandals are less threatening to Obama directly that the media—ever protective of the government side of events—is giving them considerable coverage. Even with the broad, negative coverage, core truths are still being omitted or downplayed—the standard way for the press to assist in a cover-up.


Scandal #4: Sexual Abuse in the Military:

Obama claims to be outraged by the latest Pentagon report on the epidemic of sexual assault in the military. His outrage in feigned just like the other scandals surfacing this week. And, like the other scandals, they aren’t going away despite the claimed anger of the Commander-in-Chief. As CBS reports,

In the last two weeks, two service members have been accused of sexual misconduct. In both cases, the men had been in charge of preventing those type of crimes. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY said,

“We have arguably 26,000 assaults a year, but only about 3,000 are even reported, and only a handful go to trial and result in a conviction,” Gillibrand said. “So what we need to do is change the system, so victims know that they can receive justice.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said, “We’re losing the confidence of the women who serve.” [as they should] and claimed that the increases in sexual assault were linked to “the strains of war.”

Nonsense. Having been a military officer in the Marines, I can tell you that the problem is the culture of sexual promiscuity that is fully imbued in military service. There is no morality in the armed services except “don’t get caught” and “don’t embarrass us.”

Military officers have fully acquiesced to the long-held and flawed psychological garbage that military men at war can’t be expected to control themselves sexually, and thus a long litany of unwritten policies have evolved to control the damage.

When I joined my first fighter/attack squadron in the Marines, the shops and aircraft maintenance offices were wallpapered with pornography. And, it wasn’t just the enlisted Marines. The officers held their own stag parties with prostitutes and strippers. I eventually had to resign from the Marines after getting an “Unsatisfactory” Fitness Report from my outfit over my refusal to attend such parties.

I must note, however, that in my day, the infantry Marines next door on the base ran a much tighter ship and didn’t allow such open displays of shoddy morality. Still there were drug problems spilling over from the Vietnam conflict and a complete toleration for whatever sexual perversions Marines wanted to engage in when on shore leave. Of course, all of this was before the Tailhook scandal where officers were found guilty of sexually abusing women (including female officers) as they passed through a gauntlet of drunken officers.

Tailhook was the rowdy annual convention of Naval Aviators (tailhooks, used to arrest carrier landings are only part of Navy aircraft) that more represented an orgy than a civilized celebration of top military aviators. The convention had become more raunchy each year until they finally went too far. As the NY Times reviewed it this week,

In 1992, a young Navy lieutenant named Paula Coughlin said she had been sexually assaulted at the 35th Annual Tailhook Symposium in Las Vegas. Her complaints revealed an ugly side to the annual convention for “Top Gun” aviators: 83 women and 7 men were later found to have been assaulted during the raucous party weekend in September 1991. The resulting scandal forced the resignation of the secretary of the Navy, the censure of several admirals and the enactment of a reform agenda that stressed a “zero tolerance” policy.

Did it make a difference? More than two decades later the news remains extremely discouraging. Last week the Pentagon released a report estimating that 26,000 people in the military were sexually assaulted in the 2012 fiscal year, up from 19,000 in 2010. Making matters worse, the officer in charge of sexual assault prevention programs for the Air Force was arrested in Arlington, Va., and charged with sexual battery.

And the problem hasn’t gone away. It has only been exacerbated by putting a lot more women in close quarters with men on ships, planes and in the Army. But none of the news articles will criticize the politically-correct notion of “women in combat.” At the unit level there pervades an undercurrent of small talk about women with men eagerly fantasizing about what they are going to do next. You’ve seen it in tens of war movies. It’s a lot worse in real life, especially now that these men are placed in close quarters with women everyday.

Navy Petty Officer Jenny McClendon tells an interviewer of the abuse she faced years after the supposed Tailhook reforms were adopted: “I presumed that I was going to join a group of people who were my comrades. When I got to the ship, it was a while before – was probably a couple of months before we went from harassment to – to the groping, and the groping eventually culminated in several physical assaults and a couple — — a few rapes.”

And, most of these rapes go unreported. That’s because the entire military chain of command is built around protecting the top commander of the unit from embarrassment. If you report a rape, it’s going to cause hours of paperwork, a court-martial, and even a messy trial. People are going to have to be shipped home and that means more work and hassle for everyone. Also in the military, there exists the presumption that everything that happens in a unit is ultimately the responsibility of the commanding officer, so the risk of getting sacked for not controlling your men is high—but only if it gets out in public (hence, the motivation to not prosecute).

Finally, forget about claims that Obama is going to be impeached over this. Impeachment is dead after the Clinton fiasco, and the Republicans are too controlled to do the job. All these scandals will be softened over time and the public pacified by more lies about reform.

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