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(vid) Corbett: 9/11 $Trillions: Follow The Money — Silverstein profited to the tune of $4.55 billion, but there was a much deeper, more complex, and well-hidden heist…


The 9/11 Heist

In 1998, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to privatize the World Trade Center, the complex of office towers in Lower Manhattan that they had owned and operated since their construction in 1973. In April 2001 an agreement was reached with a consortium of investors led by Silverstein Properties and on July 24th, 2001 Larry Silverstein, who already owned World Trade Center Building 7, signed a 99 year lease for the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5.

The lease was for $3.2 billion, and was financed by a bridge loan from GMAC, the commercial mortgage arm of General Motors, as well as $111 million from Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre, individual real estate investors. Silverstein Properties only put down $14 million of its own money.

The deal was unusual in a variety of ways. Although the Port Authority carried only $1.5 billion of insurance coverage on the WTC complex, which earlier that year had been valued at $1.2 billion, Silverstein had insisted on doubling that amount, insuring the buildings for $3.55 billion. Silverstein’s insurance broker struggled to put that much coverage in place and ultimately had to split it among 25 dealers. The negotiations were so involved that only temporary contracts were in place for the insurance at the time the lease was signed and by September the contracts were still being finalized.

Silverstein’s group was also explicitly given the right to rebuild the structures if they were destroyed, and even to expand the amount of retail space on the site if rebuilding did take place.

Within hours of the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, Silverstein was on the phone to his lawyers, trying to determine if his insurance policies could “construe the attacks as two separate, insurable incidents rather than one.” Silverstein spent years in the courts attempting to win $7.1 billion from his $3.55 billion insurance policy and in 2007 walked away with $4.55 billion, the largest single insurance settlement ever. As soon as the deal was announced Silverstein sued United and American Airlines for a further $3.5 billion for their “negligence” in the 9/11 attacks, a claim that was struck down by the courts but is still on appeal.

Perhaps even more outrageously, in a secret deal in 2003, the Port Authority agreed to pay back 80% of their initial equity in the lease, but allowed the Silverstein group to maintain control of the site. The deal gave Silverstein, Goldman and Cayre $98 million of the $125 million they put down on the lease, and a further $130 million in insurance proceeds that were earmarked for the site’s rebuilding.

In the end, Silverstein profited from the 9/11 attacks to the tune of $4.55 billion and counting.

But that’s the 9/11 insurance heist you saw. There was a much deeper, more complex, and well-hidden heist that was taking place behind closed doors on September 11, 2001, deep in the heart of the World Trade Center itself. …

So what was the project really about? Why was it so important for it to be finished before September 11th, and what kind of transactions did it enable? More importantly, what information was lost when the data center on the 95th floor of the North Tower suffered a direct hit on 9/11 and the buildings were demolished? …

Although the put options on American and United Airlines are usually cited in reference to the 9/11 insider trading, these trades only represent a fraction of the suspicious trades leading up to the attack. Between August 20th and September 10th, abnormally large spikes in put option activity appeared in trades involving dozens of different companies whose stocks plunged after the attack including Boeing, Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Munich Re and the AXA Group. …

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9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

Published on Sep 11, 2015


Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.


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  1. Interesting how most people are looking past this most crucial evidence.
    The Jews always lead you down the wrong road and many 911 truthers are not getting the whole picture.
    When you take the Jews out of the equation then what do you have? Nothing!


    • Yes. James Corbett is a very careful and capable researcher who seems to also make sure he will never consider the crucial, Talmudic, power-over-others factor. He still exposes the Talmudists like Silverstein and Yes, it’s a very serious problem when truthers self-censor, which I’ve seen James Corbett do many times. He does such a great job laying out exactly what Silverstein did, and reveals much of what the banksters were up to, but then emphasizes the wrong people, it seems, and ignores the biggest factor.

      I normally watch every single minute of the videos I post, but about 1/3 into this one, it seemed like he was pulling us off course, so I watched a little more than 1/2, and called it quits.

      The first part is excellent though.

      I’m guessing that James is a ‘Christian’ Zionist. He is, or at least was an English teacher in Japan, which many Christians do, tutoring people one on one. And maybe he has never let himself awaken to the fact that these ‘Jews’ aren’t whom God was speaking of in Genesis 12:3 (which was about Abraham), but are rather, the “synagogue of Satan” that Jesus warned us about in Revelation 2 & 3.

      These are among the most cold hearted people on the planet, who slaughtered 3,000 Gentiles on 9/11, while they made sure the ‘Jews’ weren’t in the buildings that day, so then it was all good, and we have the dancing Israelis celebrating even.

      So Corbett is partially misleading here, but his information at the beginning is outstanding, and can help many see exactly what Silverstein did, but how that was a drop in the bucket compared to how much money they made on 9/11, while they slaughtered us, and got US to slaughter many more overseas out of revenge for what the Muslims did not even actually do to us. The Talmudists used them as the scapegoat, while they all got off scot-free.

      I posted it because it’s an essential piece of the puzzle that I haven’t heard laid out this clearly before.

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