Related: Assemblyman Cross on tape describing how to buy property with new zoning regs coming online & Meg Zaletel is a “fantastic person”

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[I’ve waited until today to post this, because I had hoped Kevin would do well, despite the warning signs.]

I realized something was seriously wrong with “conservative” Assemblyman Kevin Cross when he publicly praised radical left, married-to-her-wife Austin Quinn Davidson as “one of the most amazing, fantastic human beings I’ve ever met,” and how he considers her family. Then he commended her for “standing up” against the will of the people during Covid, locking us down and force masking us twice, which did more harm than good.

High enough vitamin D levels were the key to Covid, which I testified before the Assembly eight times, peer reviewed studies proven! The Assembly never mentioned vitamin D once; they just pushed lockdowns, vaxxes and masks, while the Mat valley had less deaths than Anchorage with no mandates and an older population.

Here, Kevin praises AQD for ignoring public testimony, and implementing tyranny.

“You put politics aside, you are just one of the most amazing, fantastic human beings I’ve ever met, and I’ve grown to love and respect you as much as you’re my family. I just want to thank you for everything you do. I’m going to tremendously miss having you on this board and sitting next to me. …

Nobody knows how hard it is to do what you did when you were mayor. Agree or disagree, you stood up in a time of need [rejecting the will of the people, locked us down, force masked us twice (the second time by usurping Mayor Bronson’s power after she was back on the Assembly) – ed.], and I just thank you. And I look forward to calling you a friend for the rest of my life.” – Assemblyman Kevin Cross, 4/11/23

Watch here, starting at 2:03:25

Apr 12, 2023 Apr 19, 2023 [Original ‘permanent’ video was removed by the Assembly and replaced with this one one week later, which they never get in trouble for so doing; though, it violates the Open Meetings Act.]