This video shows the porta-potties arriving in the afternoon *after* the shooting, not before a drill.
Wolfgang Halbig, who deceived many about the Sandy Hook school shooting, claimed the school wasn’t even open and nobody died. He has made a big deal out of little things like porta-potties, which he claimed supported his and Jim Fetzer’s theory. They both led many truth seekers astray who focused on their “gotcha” points instead of looking at the massive data that proves the event actually happened.
This is like magicians who get people to focus on distractions so they don’t look at what really happened.
Halbig asked ‘who ordered the porta-potties?’ FEMA did. According to an interview of Dave Gahary with C.W. Wade, posted by Deanna Spingola here: Have YOU Been Delphied?, the porta-potties are part of FEMA’s standard response to a mass casualty event, because people need to have a place to go.
A 2:29 minute audio clip is above this paragraph in the Spingola’s article linked above.
Gahary actually muted Halbig so that Wade could explain how the FEMA policies were established after 9/11. Halbig, as is his usual practice had been harassing people again, this time about porta potties. The hoaxers cannot even get their claims right in Fetzer’s book. Halbig knows that the porta potties were delivered in the afternoon on 12/14/2012 while Allan Powell says that the porta potties were delivered in the morning before the alleged drill.
Newtown Elementary School had no records of the porta-potties because they didn’t order them. Halbig’s porta-potty theory was a diversion and waste of time.
In this video broadcast live on ABC after the shooting, we see the porta-potties being unloaded. At minute-0:45. Look at the top-left. Two potties are on on the front of the flatbed, and one is on the partially lowered lift on the back end of the truck.
This article proves that Halbig was given documentation to everything he requested; though, he had been claiming he wasn’t. It was only withheld because he hadn’t paid the fees. After he did, he got all of the documentation.
But Halbig never told us that.
He’s like Fetzer. They only tell us information that supports their “school was closed/nobody died” theory. And then when their points are disproven, they’ll never admit it and tell us about it. They never come clean.
That’s how they roll — deceitfully deceiving truthers and others, not caring who they hurt. Never apologizing, never admitting they were wrong. Such a shame.
Wolfgang Halbig’s 16 Questions – Asked and Answered! Halbig Debunked… Again..
Wolfgang Halbig has been going around asking the same inane 16 questions for over a month. It is about time to put them to rest. Halbig, the front man for the Sandy Hook Hoax Conspiracy Theory, has placed these questions as the essential element to exposing what he believes to be a hoax.