From: Ron Paul 2008 Campaign Headquarters, Alaska

Dear Anchorage Voters,

Please forward this basic voter’s and delegate guide to all known Ron Paul supporters in Anchorage. This includes friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. …

I will be setting up a table at the Egan Center to help sign people in, gather supporters, and hand out materials. I’m sure our table will be the biggest/best display.

Yours in Liberty,
*-Chris Robertson-*

Anchorage Field Coordinator

Voting on Tuesday
An Overview

Anchorage residents have the luxury and convenience of voting at one central polling location. The preference poll as well as the district conventions will take place at the Egan Center.

555 W. 5th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99501

Polls Open: 4:30pm
Polls Close: 8:30pm

We are encouraging all supporters to show up 30 minutes early at 4pm.
Expect to encounter traffic congestion as well as lines at the polls.

Registered to vote Republican: Bring your voter registration card.
NOT registered to vote Republican: Bring a current photo ID or bill.

We will have a table set up at the Egan Center to sign-in supporters as well as answer any questions that you may have.


The District Convention will begin at 6:00pm at the Egan Center. We encourage all Ron Paul supporters to participate in the process of becoming delegates.

*There will be a $35 fee to participate in the District Convention

Alaska will ultimately be won by the number of Ron Paul delegates we receive. If you have any questions concerning the delegate process, please refer to the delegate guide also included in this email.

Chris Robertson
Anchorage Coordinator



Interested in Becoming a Delegate in Anchorage?


What is a delegate?
Delegates are directly responsible for nominating the next Republican Presidential Candidate at the Republican National Convention in September.

What is the delegate selection process?
550 delegates from around the state will be selected from each of the 40 districts to go to the State Convention on March 13-15th. From there, 26 pledged delegates plus 3 RNC delegates will be selected to go to the Republican National Convention in September to represent Alaska.

How much does it cost to become a delegate?
District Convention – $35 fee
State Convention – $225 for delegates and $200 for alternate delegates

So is this important?
YES! We need to fill all the delegate slots with loyal Ron Paul supporters. We need to have as many pledged Ron Paul supporters as possible at the Republican National Convention.

For More Information Please Visit



This video explains the caucusing process:
Jeff Greenspan Discusses Precinct Walking and National Delegate Process

– jeff