Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2009

Bob Chapman: Stock market is artificially up; Dollar done in 2 years

The stock market is up because of massive liquidity injections as corporate insiders sell their shares on a 30 to 1 basis. This is absurd, there is no recovery only a flattering out which will stretch into the next election. After that its just more stimulus and money and credit injections accompanied by hyperinflation. At the height of that inflation 1-1/2 to 2 years from now the dollar will be officially devalued and default will take place.

From: The International Forecaster

Posted: September 30 2009

The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading.

We were informed that the group could by working together could manage a transition to a more balanced pattern of global growth. Tending to domestic demand as private savings increase. It is obvious to us this cannot work. We are seeing increased savings and decreased consumption. The IMF as well agrees with these policies. We cannot recall that the IMF has made a correct decision over the past 50 years. The group gushed forth the same platitudes we’ve heard for years. The shared understanding and deepened dialogue that produces no solutions, only more power and wealth for the entrenched elite.

LRAD Weapons Used in Pittsburgh: “It’s like serving notice to the American people that THE AGE OF PEACEFUL PROTEST IS OVER”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 10/2/09

What happened in Pittsburgh is really very, very disturbing, because it’s like serving notice to the American people that the age of peaceful protest is over. If you go to a peaceful demonstration you risk losing your hearing from this LRAD*, which is a monster. …

I would personally prefer that people protested peacefully than be driven to other forms of protest, because peaceful protest is now past history in this country.”

“It’s a deterent thing. They want to say to people: you go out and be part of a peaceful protest and you don’t know what’s going to happen to you, so stay away.

And I just don’t see any opposition to it. The mainstream media are writing themselves into the history books by their refusal to face these big new issues that are coming up in this country.”

– Peter Dale Scott

* LRAD = long range acoustic defense weapons


From: Infowars

DHS Doles Out Fed Cash to Deploy Military LRADs in U.S. Cities

Kurt Nimmo
October 2, 2009

The LRAD devices used against protesters and the residents of Pittsburgh last month were a beta test for things to come. As reported by the Washington Times on October 1, the Department of Homeland Security is doling out federal money to get police departments around the country stocked up on the LRAD weapons.

“With the help of Homeland Security grants, police departments nationwide looking to subdue unruly crowds and political protesters are purchasing a high-tech device originally used by the military to repel battlefield insurgents and Somali pirates with piercing noise capable of damaging hearing,” write Jerry Seper and Chuck Neubauer.


Cops use LRAD against people in Pittsburgh for the crime of assembly.

According to San Diego-based American Technology Corp., the company that makes the devices, LRADs are not weapons. American Technology insists LRADs are to be used in order to “influence the behavior and gain compliance” from people.

“It is designed to get people to do what police want. It makes them uncomfortable but does not hurt them,” he said Raymond DeMichiei, Pittsburgh’s deputy director of emergency management and homeland security.

In other words, as was the case in Pittsburgh, LRADs will be used prevent people from engaging in the First Amendment and the right to peacefully assembly and protest government policies.

American Technology stated in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing in September 2008 that the device is “capable of sufficient acoustic output to cause damage to human hearing or human health,” expressing concern that its misuse could lead to lawsuits. It is said the decibel range of the LRAD used in Pittsburgh was similar to standing next to an exploding IED.

“The association said that at 130 to 140 decibels, damage to the ear can be instantaneous, adding that the 145 to 151 range of the LRADS is ‘the kind of sound that can cause tinnitus and hearing damage immediately.’ Tinnitus is a condition that causes ringing in the ears, sometimes permanently,” the Times reports.


In 2006, The Discovery Channel described LRAD as a psychological weapon.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente has an uncanny ability to predict the future. In 1987, he predicted the stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union. In November of last year he predicted revolution in America, food riots, tax rebellions, and angry people taking to the streets as the economy implodes and the nation is wracked by mass unemployment.

“America’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,” said Celente.

It looks like the government will be prepared — to assault the desperate hordes that will gather and make demands on the government — and that is why the Department of Homeland Security is doling out wads of cash to militarized and federalized cops around the country for high-tech weapons.

G20 Riot Police Trap U of Pittsburgh Students on a Staircase and Tear Gas/Pepper Spray Them


G20 Riot Police Trap U of Pittsburgh Students on a Staircase and Tear Gas/Pepper Spray Them – police attack students in UPitt complex from all sides. For more information and videos visit

Related: Sickening account of a woman attacked for helping students escape brutality

“Total Proof of the New World Order”


Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s


Click on headlines to see full articles
If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon. See
the entire collection here.

Private police and military force arrives in Hardin, Montana, to take over prison facility and build training center for foreign military forces. Head of organization is a career criminal and may be fronting for the disgraced Blackwater group.
Prison Planet 2009 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: Federal government helps local police purchase sonic weapons used to inflict pain and damage hearing to disperse demonstrators.
Washington Post
2009 Oct 1 (Cached)

US: Auto sales take a nosedive after cash-for-clunkers program expires. All it did was take money from everyone and give it to auto dealers and a few buyers. This is stimulus? Business Insider 2009 Oct 1 (Cached)

US: Federal government is stealing American land and resources as part of UN program called “Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.” Its goal is to erase humans from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, including water! Unfiltered News 2009 Oct 1

New York health care workers revolt over swine flu vaccine. Those that refuse will lose their jobs. Most of them say they would rather be fired than be vaccinated. WCBS-TV � 2009 September 30 (Cached)

Lou Dobbs at CNN reports on the above story. YouTube 2009 Sept 30

US relinquishes control of the Internet. Future control will be shared by all governments via the UN. Censorship now is inevitable.
2009 Sept 30 (Cached)

US: Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains as Obama�s Pentagon spokesman. Another example of commonality between Republicans and Democrats in spite of campaign rhetoric. Raw Story 2009 September 29. (Cached)

Luke tells what happened to demonstrators in Pittsburg following the G-20 meeting. Police surrounded them, demanded that they disperse, wouldn’t allow them to do so; then abused, gassed, and arrested them. See it for yourself.
YouTube 2009 Sept 29

New York school district forbids students to walk or ride their bikes to school – even with their parents. Collectivist control freaks are in charge.
Times Union 2009 September 29 (Cached)

Michigan forbids woman from baby-sitting neighbors’ kids while they wait for the school bus, because that makes her an unlicensed day-care provider. Collectivist control freaks are in charge here, too. Yahoo 2009 Sept 29. (Cached)
See the MSNBC report of the above story, including interviews with the woman and the mothers of the kids. MSNBC Sept 29

UK: 14-year-old girl dies after receiving an HPV vaccine while thousands of girls suffer adverse reactions. Previous illness may have weakened their resistance to toxic components of the vaccine. Telegraph 2009 Sept 28 (Cached)

New Jersey mandates that all children be vaccinated for swine flu or be expelled from school. [It could be argued that non-compliant parents are keeping them out of school and be jailed.] Such is the face of collectivism. YouTube 2009 Sept 28

Famous “hockey stick” graph, showing recent global warming, is exposed as a fraud. Tree-ring data was cherry-picked to produce a false result. Using the entire data set, the hockey stick disappears and the graph actually turns downward.
National Review 2009 Sept 28 (Cached)

China: Communist Party goal is to maintain one-party rule and to keep people docile.
The Star
2009 Sept 27 (Cached)

Canada, Ontario: Authorities reveal that seasonal flu shots raise risk of catching swine flu! Instead of critically looking at the whole vaccine campaign, they urge people to postpone seasonal flu shots until after they get swine flu shots. Is this stupidity or what? CBC Posted 2009 Sept 26

When drugs and therapy won’t cure depression, running will. This is an inspiring true-life recovery. You probably know someone who should know this. Washington Post Posted 2009 Sept 26 (Cached)

Vaccine Nation is the title of this documentary. Whatever else you do this week, take the time to watch it – and get your family and friends to do the same. Prime Meridian Posted 2009 Sept 26

A compelling comparison between the global warming movement and a religious cult. Entertaining and, at the same time, eerie in its accuracy. American Thinker Posted 2009 Sept 26 (Cached)

Stupid in America, a 20/20 program hosted by John Stossel, compares the worst and best schools in America. The difference is not the amount of money spent but the degree to which competition and freedom-of-choice are present. This is a classic. YouTube Posted 2009 Sept 26

Ron Paul on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (9/29)


Control-Line Model Aircraft World Speed Record

[youtube=]F2A World Record – Control-line model aircraft speed.

On Saturday 13 October 2001 at Fairmile Common near Cobham in Surrey, UK, Paul Eisner made an attempt on his existing World Record for Control Line Speed (1.0 to 2.5cc) which he had held at just over 194 mph since 1987. In unseasonably warm conditions (24C) the best run of the afternoon registered a provisional speed of 208.28 mph. This beats his existing record by the considerable margin of around 14 mph. The model is powered by an Irvine 15 “special” and uses a single-blade carbon fibre prop – as is usual with models of this type. More details and photos on my website at…

Nature Deficit Disorder

Richard Louv:

“There have been studies of the environment outside a house. If it’s greener. If there is even a green view from a window, kids’ stress levels go down, so do parents’ stress levels.”

“Studies have been done all over the world of what kind of images people relate to, and in all kinds of cultures, all kinds of settings, urban, rurual, etc., people are always attracted most to natural landscapes as images.”


A growing number of children’s advocates and political leaders are worried that our culture’s disconnection from nature is harming kids. Concerns about the long-term consequences on children’s physical and emotional well-being have spawned a national movement to “leave no child inside.” QUEST explores why we need nature, and efforts to encourage children to play outdoors.

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