Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2009 Page 3 of 4



(video) Regina Spektor’s “The Calculation” Interpreted: If one has the courage to go there, beneath the facade of ‘perfect love’ are hard-as-stone hearts unknowingly cursing one another. “Hey, this fire is burning US up”


we made our own computer out of macaroni pieces
And it did our thinking
while we lived our lives
It counted up our feelings
And divided them up even
it called that calculation perfect love

Didn’t even know that love was bigger
Didn’t even know
That love was so, so …

So we made the hard decision
And we each made an incision
Past our muscles and our bones
Saw our hearts were little stones

Pulled ’em out they weren’t beating
And we
weren’t even bleeding
As we lay ’em on the granite counter top

We beat ’em up
Against each other

We beat ’em up
Against each other

We struck ’em hard
Against each other

We struck ’em so hard
So hard until they sparked

Hey this fire it’s burnin’
Burnin’ us up


But we didn’t mind
We didn’t know better


Regina Spektor performing “The Calculation” on Good Morning America (6-23-09)

Related: John Prine: Some Humans Ain’t Human [Austin City Limits]

Regina Spektor: “All went to the university where they were put in boxes and they all came out the same”

Little Boxes” is a song written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962 that lampoons the development of suburbia and what many consider its bourgeois conformist values. (source)

And the people in the houses
All went to the university
Where they were put in boxes
And they all came out the same


Regina Spektor singing “Little Boxes” for the ‘Weeds’ intro

Senate Blocks Bid to Audit Federal Reserve: “The value of our dollar, our whole economic system, rides on this unelected, SECRET AGENCY called the Federal Reserve” (Senator Demint)

Senate Blocks Bid to Audit Federal Reserve

From: Fox News

This is a rush transcript from “Glenn Beck,” July 8, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO, GUEST HOST: Despite growing pressure from the House and ordinary people, the Senate decided not to increase scrutiny on the Federal Reserve. They actually blocked a bid on procedural grounds to have the Government Accountability Office audit the Federal Reserve and issue a report.

Here is Republican Senator Jim DeMint. Senator DeMint, welcome to the program.

SEN. JIM DEMINT, R-S.C.: Thank you, Judge.

NAPOLITANO: Why should the Federal Reserve be audited?

DEMINT: Well, the value of our dollar, our whole economic system, rides on th[is] unelected, secret agency called the Federal Reserve. We’re not sure what they’re doing right now. And Ron Paul in the House with over half of the House signing up as cosponsors, and me and Bernie Sanders in the Senate are pushing the idea of a complete audit of the Federal Reserve, because frankly, a lot of us here in this country and around the world, are concerned that we’re going to destroy the American dollar and the worldwide reserve currency.

Video: Watch the segment [May have pro-evolution ad – ed.]

NAPOLITANO: How is it that legislation that has more than half the members of the House behind it and is proposed by a staunch conservative Republican like you and then independent socialists like Bernie Sanders is stopped on the floor of the Senate cold before you can even formally introduce it, before you can make a speech in favor of it?

Entire Transcript Here

Chuck Norris: The Federal Reserve is a Secret Society

From: WorldNetDaily, A force of one: the Federal Reserve

I agree with Judge Andrew Napolitano, who said last week, “We know more about the CIA than we do about the Federal Reserve.”

The Federal Reserve is the Freemasonry of government agencies. It is a virtual secret society unto themselves – a group of unelected brokers who hold the value of our dollar in the palms of their hands. This one agency, with its power to raise and lower interest rates, has exercised more control over the economy than any other government body.

So with that type of single-handed power, why should we be surprised when the U.S. Senate blocked a bill last week to audit the Federal Reserve? Tis true! Rep. Ron Paul and more than half of the House cosponsored the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207, which they hope to have hearings on soon. On the Senate side, however, Sens. Jim DeMint, Mike Crapo and David Vitter cosponsored S 604, companion legislation introduced by Bernie Sanders. But it was stopped cold before even being introduced on the floor on “procedural grounds.”

Could it really be a mere coincidence that the bill to audit the Federal Reserve was refused from even being introduced and that this agency remains the “quick convenience store-house of money” for the Obama administration’s borrowing and bailout monies?

Sign WND’s latest petition, demanding the U.S. Senate support an audit of the Federal Reserve now!

Again, as Judge Napolitano said, “The Obama administration not only doesn’t want the Federal Reserve audited, it now wants to put the power to regulate all financial institutions – banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses – into the hands of this super secret bank. What are they afraid we might see if we get a chance to look at their books?”

Entire Article Here

Ron Paul: Instead of Bombs and Bribes, Let’s Try Empathy and Trade

“Sadly, one thing that has entirely escaped modern American foreign policy is empathy.

Without much humility or regard for human life, our foreign policy has been reduced to alternately bribing and bombing other nations, all with the stated goal of “promoting democracy.” But if a country democratically elects a leader who is not sufficiently pro-American, our government will refuse to recognize them, will impose sanctions on them, and will possibly even support covert efforts to remove them. Democracy is obviously not what we are interested in. It is more likely that our government is interested in imposing its will on other governments. This policy of endless intervention in the affairs of others is very damaging to American liberty and security.”


Transcript from:

What if tomorrow morning you woke up to headlines that yet another Chinese drone bombing on U.S. soil killed several dozen ranchers in a rural community while they were sleeping? That a drone aircraft had come across the Canadian border in the middle of the night and carried out the latest of many attacks? What if it was claimed that many of the victims harbored anti-Chinese sentiments, but most of the dead were innocent women and children? And what if the Chinese administration, in an effort to improve its public image in the U.S., had approved an aid package to send funds to help with American roads and schools and promote Chinese values here?

Most Americans would not stand for it. Yet the above hypothetical events are similar to what our government is doing in Pakistan. Last week, Congress did approve an aid package for Pakistan for the stated purposes of improving our image and promoting democracy. I again made the point on the floor of the House that still no one seems to hear: What if this happened on U.S. soil? What if innocent Americans were being killed in repeated drone attacks carried out by some foreign force who was trying to fix our problems for us? Would sending money help their image? If another nation committed this type of violence and destruction on our homeland, would we be at all interested in adopting their values?

Sadly, one thing that has entirely escaped modern American foreign policy is empathy. Without much humility or regard for human life, our foreign policy has been reduced to alternately bribing and bombing other nations, all with the stated goal of “promoting democracy.” But if a country democratically elects a leader who is not sufficiently pro-American, our government will refuse to recognize them, will impose sanctions on them, and will possibly even support covert efforts to remove them. Democracy is obviously not what we are interested in. It is more likely that our government is interested in imposing its will on other governments. This policy of endless intervention in the affairs of others is very damaging to American liberty and security.

If we were really interested in democracy, peace, prosperity, and safety, we would pursue more free trade with other countries. Free and abundant trade is much more conducive to peace because it is generally bad business to kill your customers. When one’s livelihood is on the line, and the business agreements are mutually beneficial, it is in everyone’s best interests to maintain cooperative and friendly relations and not kill each other. But instead, to force other countries to bend to our will, we impose trade barriers and sanctions. If our government really wanted to promote freedom, Americans would be free to travel and trade with whoever they wished. And if we would simply look at our own policies around the world through the eyes of others, we would understand how these actions make us more targeted and therefore less safe from terrorism. The only answer is get back to free trade with all and entangling alliances with none. It is our bombs and sanctions and condescending aid packages that isolate us.

Bernanke’s Great Lie – The ‘Gold Standard’ and the Great Depression

To make a long story fairly brief, President Hoover began the ill-fated government-assisted economy called the ‘New Deal,’ which FDR fanatically continued.  FDR ended the “classical” gold standard with his theft by force of America’s remaining coin bullion. On March 5, 1933, he cajoled the American public to return their gold coinage to the banks. On April 5, 1933, he made the private ownership of gold illegal and demanded that all remaining gold be surrendered to the government. The next step was obvious, as Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz wrote in A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, FDR devalued the dollar from $20.67 to $35.00 per troy ounce….


Bernanke’s Great Lie – The ‘Gold Standard’ and the Great Depression

Posted October 7th, 2009 by Jake Towne

The claim that the “gold standard” caused or worsened the Great Depression debunked.

(If you like this article, a more formal paper version of this article may be downloaded here. Please distribute if you see fit.)

The purpose of the following is to argue that the “gold standard,” as understood by most of the public, did not cause or worsen the Great Depression as current FED Chairman Ben Bernanke has based many of his papers, speeches, and, to a large extent, his entire career on. In our contemporary times, I do believe this blame must be firmly rejected and monetary policy should, at the very least, be debated in a national forum. Indeed many other economists, such as the Friedman family, Anna Schwartz, Alan Greenspan, and Jeffrey “Shock Doctor” Sachs, have all propagated this lie. (photo)

My premise is simple. I charge that these renowned Keynesian and Friedmanite-Monetarist-Chicago-Shock-School economists have consistently used the term “gold standard” to mislead their audiences and readers. For the sake of brevity, I will focus on Mr. Bernanke as he is the current standard-bearer of the FED’s fiat monetary system. Frequently, these economists do concede there are differences, but instead of clarifying they muddy the waters. For instance, in his 1990 NBER paper Bernanke frequently refers to an “interwar gold standard” and in his 2002 salute to Milton Friedman he acknowledged that “the gold standard was not adhered to uniformly as the Depression proceeded.”

Continue reading at Towne for

Puppet or not? Could President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize be a revelatory litmus test and an encouragement to do what is right? If he truly does peace, we’ll know he’s not fully controlled by the globalist elite who put him into power

From: Jeff Fenske, “Power to the Peaceful!”

President Obama campaigned on a peace platform — that change will come to America in the form of peace — but he’s done almost the exact opposite, even in regards to Guantanamo:

Guantanamo: Obama will bypass Congress to detain suspects indefinitely

Wayne Madsen: Why give Peace Award to man at helm of conflicts?

Skousen: Nobel Peace Prize to Obama has People Asking Why!

So with war seemingly still full speed ahead, will President Obama now change his plans now that he’s been awarded a real peacemaker?

Imagine if you or I were were in such a position and received such an award, wouldn’t we feel a degree of hypocrisy and shame if our intentions were to still continue the pro-war agenda? I would think President Obama is feeling this somewhat now.

So how will he respond? Will he reverse his actions and actually bring the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; end our meddling  on the ground and in the air in Pakistan; stop illegal rendition overseas and indefinite detention of Guantanamo suspects? And will he oppose Israel or the U.S. using our new 30,000 pound bunker busting bombs on Iran?

If he does truly move ahead in peace, then we will know that he isn’t a New World Order globalist puppet who is only allowed to carry out the one-world government agenda, which requires wars for it to happen quickly.

But having now been given this ‘great’ honor, having now been dubbed one of the greatest men of peace, this must be weighing on his heart if he is still planning on carrying out his handlers’ pro war policies that will be disastrous to America and the world.

Will he be a man of integrity and really promote peace, or will he embarrassingly carry out the orders of those who put him in charge, who gave him the limelight while dissing Ron Paul?

If he really isn’t beholden to the Puppeteers and his cabinet members whom he promised wouldn’t be insiders, then this prize should make it easier for him to really be a peacemaker.

But if he really is blackmailable (Larry Sinclair, the birther issue, etc.), which is usually the case for the leaders they quickly move up the ladder (candidates, left or right, must be fully controllable), then we’ll see more of this continuation of the Bush/Cheney anti-Constitutional and anti-peace policies.

Many are shocked by President Obama receiving this award, but maybe some of those on the Nobel committee really do have some noble intentions — hoping to help President Obama do what is right regardless of the pressure to continue America’s warmongering.

Maybe this prize is a good thing; even though, it doesn’t appear that he’s deserved it yet. It puts the pressure on.

I suspect we’ll continue to see more of the same under the guise of ‘change.’ But it would be a pleasant surprise if President Obama would, like President John F. Kennedy, stand up and say: “I’m going to do what is right regardless of what the string pullers dictate.”

This Peace Prize may actually help us see what Obama is really made of.


Related: David Icke: The Mind-Game Called Operation Obama

Ron Paul: No Peace with This Prize — Dr. Paul looks at the President’s pro-war record, and talks about the need for a true pro-peace movement


In his latest C4L video, Dr. Paul gives his thoughts on awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, looks at the president’s pro-war record, and talks about the need for a true pro-peace movement.

Wayne Madsen: Why give Peace Award to man at helm of conflicts?


Barack Obama receives Nobel Prize as US plans to increase troops in Afghanistan. While in Pakistan, the ever expanding number of American security firms are causing concerns. Blackwater, known for its controversial tactics in Iraq, is now reportedly working in Pakistan. Another US-contracted company, InterRisk, were raided last month by Islamabad police. Priya Sridhar talks on latest developments with RT’s contributor Wayne Madsen.

Skousen: Nobel Peace Prize to Obama has People Asking Why!

Hopefully, the rest of the world will now rightly discount this award for what it is—blatant political manipulation.

World Affairs Brief, October 9, 2009 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


President Obama has only been in office a few months and has done nothing so far to achieve peace in any conflict–not in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or even at home. In fact he’s heading for more war in Iran and Afghanistan. His increased intervention in Pakistan is leading to greater instability.

So, why the prize? Honest observers have always known the prize was rigged, as typified by awards to globalist warmongers like Henry Kissinger and terrorists like Yasser Arafat. It is also politically skewed to the Left.

As the Washington Post noted, “At least the Nobel committee came clean this time. In awarding the peace prize to President Obama its chairman acknowledged that it did so because it agrees with and wants to promote his politics. ‘We are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do,’ Thorbjorn Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said.”

Hopefully, the rest of the world will now rightly discount this award for what it is–blatant political manipulation.

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2009 OCTOBER 3 – 9

Click on headlines to see full articles
If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon. See
the entire collection here.

US: Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal law by failing to prove neither safety or effectiveness. Natural News 2009 Oct 9 (Cached)

UN extends mandate for war in Afghanistan for another year – to control the insurgents, of course. PressTV 2009 Oct 9 (Cached)

US: Foreign investors no longer buying federal-agency debt. Federal Reserve, with money created from nothing, is buying all of it plus other debt as well. More inflation and Dollar decline is inevitable. Business Insider 2009 Oct 8 (Cached)

Top researcher who worked on cervical-cancer vaccines says they don’t work at all and are actually more dangerous than the cancer itself.
Natural News 2009 Oct 8 (Cached)

Hepatitis-B vaccine triples the risk of autism in infant boys. Mercola 2009 Oct 8 (Cached)

A Crash Course on Money
by G. Edward Griffin
The author of The Creature from Jekyll Island;
A Second Look at The Federal Reserve
will conduct a one-day seminar on money:
How to earn it, protect it, and invest it.

Los Angeles, 2009 October 24
Marriott Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa

● Where does money come from; who makes it?
● How are you being plundered without knowing it?
● Why should you care about the price of gold?
● What’s behind bailouts and stimulus packages?
● What lies ahead and how to protect yourself?
● Are we headed into inflation or deflation?
● Will the Dollar be replaced by a new currency?
● How will you live if everything is nationalized?
● How can we restore a sound money system?
● How to receive income by spreading knowledge?
● How to acquire foreclosed real estate at 20% of
its previous price? *
● How to help low-income families acquire homes at
below bank-sale prices? *
● A home will be given away at this seminar. It can
be kept, sold, or donated to someone in need. *
● Each attendee will receive an autographed copy of
Mr. Griffin’s book, The Creature from Jekyll
Island; A Second Look At The Federal Reserve
*A bonus presentation by Pinnacle Property Solutions.

For additional information, click here.

UK: Teen girl suffers permanent brain damage after cervical cancer vaccine. Natural News 2009 Oct 7 (Cached)

China: Falon Gong practitioner dies from forced labor and persecution in Beijing.
Epoch Times 2009 Oct 7 (Cached)

Arizona sheriff told by head of federal Homeland Security to stop arresting illegal aliens, but he refuses to comply. This should heat up and bears watching. eXaminer 2009 Oct 7 (Cached)

California faces drought and failed crops caused by government decree that much of the water must run into the Pacific Ocean – to protect endangered species, of course. Humans are becoming the most endangered species of all. Unfiltered News 2009 Oct 6

Gold price breaks above $1040, an all-time high. Expect it to continue upward as value of the dollar goes down. Those who own gold are preserving their wealth, while those who own dollars are losing it.
Fox Business 2009 Oct 6 (Cached)

US: Autism rates skyrocket as vaccines target more children. John Travolta’s autistic son dies of seizure. Natural News 2009 Oct 6 (Cached)

Doctor, who is infectious disease expert, says vaccine is more dangerous than Swine Flu and will not give it to his kids. Fox News Posted 2009 Oct 6

Doctors express concern that FluMist vaccine may actually spread the swine flu. Why? Because it contains live swine-flue viruses.
Prison Planet 2009 Oct 6 (Cached)

US: 47% will pay no income tax this year. Most of those will receive payments or benefits from the government – which means from the 53% who still pay taxes. When those who receive can outvote those who pay, the nation is doomed. CNN 2009 Oct 3 (Cached)

Journalist uncovers high-level criminal collusion behind the collapse of Bear Sterns – and that it was covered up by government regulators. If you are not familiar with “naked short selling”, details are here. YouTube Posted 2009 Oct 3

Retired US Air Force Colonel who specialized in investigating airplane crashes says the government’s official version of 9/11 is impossible. Physics911 Posted 2009 Oct 3 (Cached)

No trapeze artist ever surpassed the performance of this kid on a bike. Seeing is believing. TelegraphTV Posted 2009 Oct 3

Landmark Kansas court decision will protect many homeowners from foreclosure. This will cause huge bank losses, and that will trigger more bank bailouts with taxpayers’ money. The middle class is being squeezed out of existence.
Web of Debt
Posted 2009 Oct 3 (Cached)

Inspired Bicycles — Danny MacAskill April 2009


Filmed over the period of a few months in and around Edinburgh by Dave Sowerby, this video of Inspired Bicycles team rider Danny MacAskill (more info at features probably the best collection of street/street trials riding ever seen. There’s some huge riding, but also some of the most technically difficult and imaginative lines you will ever see. Without a doubt, this video pushes the envelope of what is perceived as possible on a trials bike.

Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

From: News with Views

Yesterday morning on FAUX News Network, the morning stooges were gleefully talking about how our military could drop this big old “bunker buster” bomb on selected targets in Iran. We all know how well that has worked in the past. Well, what the heck, they’re just collateral damage.

Greta Van Susteren (FAUX) seems to be unable to find any new guests because she constantly has war monger, John Bolton, as her guest. Bolton’s sole purpose in life seems to be that we must “bomb Iran now.” Of course, that useful fool has a powerful ally named John McCain. Remember when Sen. McCain gave his famous, “Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran” jingle? Yeah, real funny.

How easy it is to wave the flag for war when one hears this constant chant to “bomb Iran,” because if we don’t, Iran will obliterate Israel by dinner time. I would ask you: Is anyone giving a thought to just exactly what this means in real time and the consequences?

New lies plastered over old wall paper and being hyped by writers all over the media: October 4, 2009. The Coming War with Iran. When not if. “War with Iran is now inevitable. The only question is: Will it happen sooner or later? Tehran’s recent missile tests and war games suggest that the apocalyptic mullahs have reached the same conclusion.”

Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision. Just ask the authors of ‘The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy‘ by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt.

I read every word of that book. It is fully footnoted and scholarly. There is no “anti-Semitic” rhetoric, only facts. We the people have every right to question foreign policy of our government regardless of which countries are involved. That should not be a sin or reason to destroy someone’s reputation. It is our duty because a constitutionally declared war should always be the last choice. How long has this drum beating been going on?

Entire Article Here

“Brother David’s Jig” by Touch the Strings

Based in Houston, fingerstyle guitarist Mark McCain and Houston Grand Opera Cellist Erika Johnson have brought their diverse talents together to create what some industry notables are calling “…timeless music that will last for decades in people’s music collections…” With music ranging from modern classical, to Celtic, to bluegrass and jazz. This two-some has quickly become one of the most creative and versatile duos of their day. “If you enjoy the music of artists like Phil Keaggy, Tommy Emmanuel, or Yo Yo Ma, you are sure to love Touch the Strings.”


Fingerstyle Guitar Cello Duo Touch the Strings plays Brother David’s Jig
copyright Mark McCain

Infowarrior Alex Jones Shows Us His Artistic Side


Alex brings in some of his art work to show that there is more to alex then just fighing the NWO on Talk Radio.

Alex Jones’ “Fall of the Republic” – TRAILER 3 – Mind Control – Coming OCT. 21st


Coming to DVD on October 21st 2009 – Alex’s Most Powerful Film To Date! Pre-order Yours Today! Ships October 21st!…

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

Massive Ordnance Penetrator: Another Sign Obama Will Strike Iran

The corporate media is now gearing up for an attack by manufacturing census in much the same way they did in the lead-up to the devastating mass murder campaign on Iraq that ultimately resulted in more than a million dead Iraqis.


From: Infowars

The Pentagon has put a new weapon on the fast-track. The Massive Ordnance Penetrator is a 30,000-pound bomb designed to hit targets buried 200 feet below ground. Earlier this year, the Pentagon comptroller sent a request to shift funds to the House and Senate Appropriations and Armed Services Committees in order to fast forward the development and procurement of the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, or MOP, according to ABC News. The notification was included in a 93-page “reprogramming” request that included hundreds of items.

See the Pentagon memo here.

Entire Article Here, including photo: Boeing employees proudly display the Massive Ordnance Penetrator.

Limbaugh Says He Won’t Get Vaccine Because a Democrat Told Him To

From: Infowars

Rushbo fails to mention the danger of the vaccine and instead engages in the same old false right-left nonsense.

Watch Video Here

Lurid Butt Bomb Threat Used to Expand Airport Full Body Scans

The non-radioactive electromagnetic wave scanners produce strikingly graphic images of passengers’ bodies. Those images reveal not only private body parts, but also intimate medical details like colostomy bags.

From: Infowars

Kurt Nimmo
October 6, 2009

The Times Online reports today that travelers in Europe may face intrusive airport security measures in response to an absurd stunt by Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri who blew himself up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in August with a bomb allegedly inserted in his rectum. The terrorist, supposedly a member of al-Qaeda, was attempting to assassinate Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, the Saudi anti-terrorism chief, when he blew himself into some 70 odd pieces, according to the Times.

It is said al-Qaeda has promised to put instructions on assembling and concealing such a device on the internet. In yet another al-Qaeda video, released in early September, al-Asiri, who was one of Saudi Arabia’s most wanted suspects, shows off the metal cylinder and larger detonator which he carried to meet the Saudi minister.

Now governments in Europe and so-called terrorism experts in the U.S. are warning that terrorists may attempt to use a rectum bomb to bring down commercial airliners.

“Such a blast, though limited in force, could be catastrophic in a pressurized airliner, say experts. Counter-measures would be draconian. As well as taking offshoes and handing in liquids,passengerscould be subjected to X-ray screening or be required to hand in all electronic devices becausethey could be used as detonators, police commanders told Le Figaro newspaper,” Charles Bremner and Marie Tourres write for the British news website.

The Daily Mail reports that French anti-terror chiefs are expected to propose new measures in response to the ludicrous “keister bomb” threat, such as full body X-rays or handing in all electronic devices, thus making airports even more restrictive and intrusive Gestapo zones.

As it turns out, Hassan al-Asiri probably did not shove a bomb up his butt. When the bomb went off there was a flash of light, suggesting that the bomb was not hidden inside the assassin’s body, according to CNN. Doctors consulted by the Saudi government judged that the toxicity of the plastic explosives would make them hard to hold for many hours inside the rectum, and the environment in this area of the body would make detonation “difficult,” according to the Saudi official close to the investigation.

CNN’s report was buried by a landslide of lurid headlines about the new body cavity threat by the perennially elusive al-CIA-duh — and for good reason: not unlike the Richard Reid shoe bomb “threat,” al-Asiri’s failed assassination attempt will be used as an excuse to expand the police state control grid in Europe, Britain, and eventually the United States.

As noted above, the French have exploited the bogus threat as an excuse to expand use of body scans at airports. It will likely be used as well to push for the expanded use of the machines in the United States.

In 2008, the Transportation Security Administration installed virtual strip search body scanning machines in 10 airports around the country. “It’s the wave of the future,” James Schear, the TSA security director at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, told USA Today. Schear said the scanners could eventually replace metal detectors at the nation’s 2,000 airport checkpoints and the pat-downs done on passengers who need extra screening. “We’re just scratching the surface of what we can do with whole-body imaging,” Schear said.

The non-radioactive electromagnetic wave scanners produce strikingly graphic images of passengers’ bodies. Those images reveal not only private body parts, but also intimate medical details like colostomy bags. That degree of examination amounts to a significant – and for some people humiliating – assault on the essential dignity of passengers that citizens in a free nation should not have to tolerate, according to the ACLU.

Unfortunately, we no longer live in a “free nation,” as readers of Infowars understand all too well. Airport Gestapo zones where everybody is considered a terrorist until proven otherwise will eventually be expanded to the streets, malls, and public buildings of America. The purpose is not to ferret out al-Qaeda terrorists or even “rightwing extremists,” but rather get the populace acclimated to living in a police state where complete submission and cavity searches will be required.

Lurid reports about an al-Qaeda patsy blowing himself up with a bomb inserted in his rectum — never mind he probably did not put the device where the sun does not shine, as the Saudis insist — are designed to scare the populace and get them accustomed to the government and militarized police and officials demanding they reveal the most intimate and heretofore private parts of their bodies.

Related: Air passengers face full body X-rays after suicide bombers hide devices INSIDE their bodies

WMD All Over Again. “It is possible to wake up in October 2009 and imagine that one is still in George W. Bush’s America”

From: AntiWar

It is possible to wake up in October 2009 and imagine that one is still in George W. Bush’s America.  President Barack Obama promised change but has yet to deliver unless one counts his ownership of a huge budget-busting stimulus package that would likely make even Alan Greenspan recoil in horror.  Overseas, the United States is still embroiled in Iraq in support of a government that is increasingly developing into one party rule while a new surge into Afghanistan is being considered that might add as many as 45,000 soldiers to a conflict that appears to have no realizable objective and surely cannot be won.

… And the US media smelled blood in the water.  The always-ready-to-bomb-first Washington Post featured an op-ed on September 21st by the so-called Bipartisan Policy Center called “Last Chance for Iran”

Entire Article Here

Fox News Hypes H1N1 Nasal Vaccine: Don’t believe the “Conspiracy Theories.” Trust us (Rupert Murdoch’s disinfo specialists). “We have ALL THE FACTS for you” as the great bastion and depository of ALL TRUTH. Entrust your family to our information only. Don’t research elsewhere to make sure we are telling the truth that vaccines are safe and necessary. Put your family’s lives entirely in our hands that poisoned Republicans against Ron Paul.

“Don’t believe the negative hype on these vaccines.
The vaccine conspiracy theories about killed Great Britain at one point.*
We have all the facts for you….”

— Shepard Smith

* We aren’t “Great Britain at one point.” We have refrigeration, vitamin D…. It would be interesting to get the full story on what really happened in Great Britain in that era from a non-Fox-spin specialist.


Shepard Smith tells Fox News viewers not to believe the “Conspiracy Theories” regarding the Swine Flu Vaccine.

US: For second straight year, Arctic ice cap sees record increase. Last year’s increase was 150,000 square miles; this year’s is 220,000 square miles. The NSIDC, a government agency, reports the fact but then buries it beneath the usual spin about global warming


This is a press release from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), which is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Media Relations Contact: Katherine Leitzell, NSIDC: or +1 303.492.1497

At the end of the Arctic summer, more ice cover remained this year than during the previous record-setting low years of 2007 and 2008. However, sea ice has not recovered to previous levels. September sea ice extent was the third lowest since the start of satellite records in 1979, and the past five years have seen the five lowest ice extents in the satellite record.

NSIDC Director and Senior Scientist Mark Serreze said, “It’s nice to see a little recovery over the past couple years, but there’s no reason to think that we’re headed back to conditions seen back in the 1970s. We still expect to see ice-free summers sometime in the next few decades.”

Entire Article Here

Related: Media Deception: Arctic Ice Actually Increased this Summer as Much as 30%

Trailer for Alex Jones’ “Fall of the Republic” — Coming to DVD on October 21st


Coming to DVD on October 21st 2009 – Alex’s Most Powerful Film To Date! Pre-order Yours Today! Ships October 21st!

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

HeartQuotes: “Resentment is one BURDEN that is incompatible with YOUR SUCCESS. Always be THE FIRST to forgive…”

“Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success.
Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first always.”

– Dan Zadra

Click for Islands Version

How the elite used repetition in music to desensitize society. It’s not just rock, and now rap, but: Cole Porter, Ginger Rogers, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como; even Debbie Boone’s croon “It can’t be wrong when it feels so right?” Study: 37% of COUNTRY MUSIC songs mentioned getting high on substances

Excerpt from: Dr. Dennis Cuddy — Conditioning by Music, Part 1

In Plato’s Republic, he [Oliver Sacks (Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center)] stated that “the introduction of a new kind of music can alter the character of a nation.” The modern assault upon traditional American moral values began with the permissiveness of the Roaring ‘20s (e.g., look at the lyrics of the popular 1921 song “Sheik of Araby”). In previous columns, I have quoted from Antonio Gramsci, John Dewey, and Edward Bernays concerning their roles in altering societies and values, and in this column I’ll focus on the role of music in this regard.

After the Roaring ‘20s, in 1934, the bisexual Cole Porter introduced a popular musical and song by the title “Anything Goes,” which was about a shift away from restrictive codes of conduct. And in 1936, Irving Berlin composed the music and lyrics for the motion picture “Follow the Fleet” starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, in which she sang “Let Yourself Go.” In that same movie, Harriet Hilliard (later to be Harriet Nelson of “Ozzie and Harriet” TV fame) sang a song with the following lyrics: “Get thee behind me, Satan… but the moon is low and I can’t say ‘no.’… Get thee behind me, Satan, but the moon is low and I may let go. Get thee behind me. Someone I’m mad about is waiting in the night for me, someone that I mustn’t see. Satan, get thee behind me. He promised to wait, but I won’t appear, and he may come here. Satan, he’s at my gate. Get thee behind me. Stay where you are. It’s too late.” The message is clear – resistance to temptation is futile (also look at the lyrics of the popular 1942 song “That Old Black Magic”).

Two years after “Follow the Fleet,” in February 1938, Theodor Adorno (formerly of the Frankfurt School in Germany) was made chief of the music division of Princeton University’s Radio Project, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Adorno believed that repetition in music and other areas could create popularity, and that one could change the culture away from “the authoritarian personality” (belief in traditional authority) toward the “revolutionary,” liberating individuals from traditional values. He also believed that the mass media could be used for “opinion management.”

… Adorno also theorized that an emphasis on fractious music could help destabilize society.

Excerpt from: Dr. Dennis Cuddy — Conditioning by Music, Part 2

With the undermining of Biblical values through music, it was therefore not surprising that the year after “Age of Aquarius” was released as a single in 1969, Perry Como in 1970 recorded “It’s Impossible” which became very popular despite its lyrics, I would sell my very soul and not regret it.” Similarly, in 1977 Debbie Boone recorded the popular “You Light Up My Life,” with the lyrics, “It can’t be wrong when it feels so right,” intimating that how one feels about a female-male relationship is more important than whether it might otherwise (e.g., morally) be wrong.

In the late 1960s and through the 1970s, rock music was followed by “hard rock.” Writing about this in Crisis in Christian Music (2000), Dr. Jack Wheaton explained that “the repetitive, constant loud backbeat” of the drummer, “the pulsating (at an ear-splitting level), low-frequency vibrations, and the soaring, wailing, crying sounds of the amplified guitar trigger major subconscious emotional responses in the body, primarily stimulating aggressiveness, as well as providing increasing, but difficult to control, energy.” He further related that when this music triggers the listener’s fight-or-flight syndrome, “the body is actually getting ‘high’ on its own internally-produced drug (adrenaline), resulting in… an increased tendency to aggressive and anti-social behavior.”

According to Dr. David Noebel, this type of music has harmonic dissonance and melodic discord, which violate man’s natural body rhythms. And Dr. John Diamond, a New York City psychiatrist, some years ago studied beats of over 20,000 recordings and concluded “that a specific beat (‘stopped anapestic rhythm,’ which is contrary to our natural body beats and rhythms) found in over half of the top hits of any given week can actually weaken you…. It interferes with brain wave patterns causing mental stress.”…

Kimberly Smith in Music and Morals (2005) has explained that what is going on in music today is about “control.” Traditional music, including traditional Christian music, is characterized by self-control, but rock music, including “Christian rock,” causes a loss of self-control.

Music has been used to destroy our traditional Biblical values, conditioning us to abandon self-control over our emotional impulses. And often the conditioning mechanism isn’t obvious. Click on the highlighted phrase “hidden, sometimes illicit message” in the ABC News report, “Lewd Lyrics Hidden in Hit Songs” (March 24, 2009), and it leads you to “Drug Drenched Lyrics No Music to Parents’ Ears” by Carla Williams (ABC News Medical Unit). The news report quotes “Coke and rum; got weed on the ton,” and says “So chime the lyrics of one of rapper 50 cents top singles in 2005. And such provocative messages, including those about alcohol and drugs, may well constitute a dominant theme in popular music.” The report then indicated that Brian Primach at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Prof. Lisa Merlo in the Division of Addiction Medicine at the University of Florida “agreed that these messages have potential to sway behaviors in younger listeners.” The report revealed that 77% of rap music songs mentioned the use of illicit substances and 37% of country music songs studied made such references.

Excerpt from: Dr. Dennis Cuddy — Obamacare?

[NOTE: There has been some interest in my earlier series “Conditioning By Music,” and one point I want to make is that the examples I gave were just a few of the many that exist. For example, in addition to songs like “That Old Black Magic,” there are other similar ones like “Witchcraft” released in 1957 and made popular by Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and others. Look at the lyrics to the song and ask yourself why would it be so popular? The words say:

Those fingers in my hair
That sly come hither stare
That strips my conscience bare
It’s witchcraft.

And I’ve got no defense for it
The heat is too intense for it
What good would common sense for it do?
‘Cause its witchcraft, wicked witchcraft
And although, I know, it’s strictly taboo
When you arouse the need in me
My heart says yes
indeed in me
Proceed with what you’re leading me to.
It’s such an ancient pitch
But one I wouldn’t switch

‘Cause there’s no nicer witch than you.

In addition, one can see conditioning by music today in such things as TV ads for certain medicines with possibly fatal side effects. The announcer recites the benefits of the medications in a slightly positive tone of voice, and then as the possibly deadly side effects (e.g., heart attack, stroke) are described, a soothing music might be played lessening the apprehension of the viewer/listener.

Do NOT Let Your Child Get Flu Vaccine — 9 Reasons Why

From: Dr. Mercola

This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. This article on Lew Rockwell discusses how:

The swine flu is simply another flu. It is not unusually deadly.

This is the first time both seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines will be administered. Both seasonal flu and swine flu vaccines will require two inoculations. This is because single inoculations have failed to produce sufficient antibodies. This is an admission that prior flu vaccines were virtually useless. Can you trust them this time?

Adjuvants are added to vaccines to boost production of antibodies but may trigger autoimmune reactions. Some adjuvants are mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and squalene. Why would you sign a consent form for your children to be injected with mercury, which is even more brain-toxic than lead?

This is the first year mock vaccines have been used to gain FDA approval. The vaccines that have been tested are not the same vaccines your children will be given.

Over-vaccination is a common practice now in America. American children are subjected to 29 vaccines by the age of two. Meanwhile, veterinarians have backed off of repeat vaccination in dogs because of observed side effects.

Modern medicine has no explanation for autism, despite its continued rise in prevalence. Yet autism is not reported among Amish children who go unvaccinated.

Entire Article and Video Here

Omega-3 Fat Deficiency Kills More People Every Year than Breast Cancer

Fat Deficiency Kills More People Every Year than Breast Cancer

From: Mercola

Omega-3 deficiency is the sixth biggest killer of Americans, according to a new study.

Harvard University researchers looked at 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors such as tobacco smoking and high blood pressure, and used a mathematical model to determine how many fatalities could have been prevented if better practices had been observed.

The study determined that there were 72,000-96,000 preventable deaths each year due to omega-3 deficiency….

Read Entire Article

Stop! Internet Highway Closed. Exit Right to Route 1984 (Government Controlled ‘Internet 2’)


Photographer Nancy Rotenberg: “What happened to the light we had as small children when we were filled with awe and excitement?”

I was incredibly blessed to be able to take a class with Nancy this summer!

Related post at my personal blog: Self-Portrait: “Bridge to Somewhere”





“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill but always keep that hunger
And when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance…I hope you dance.”

— Mark D. Sanders and Tia Sillers

“In most men,” wrote Augustin de Saint Beuve,” there is a dead poet whom the man survives.” Why does the poet die so young? Why are so many men and women limping along the trail of life, the doors to their hearts tightly bolted? What happened to the light we had as small children when we were filled with awe and excitement? Where or when did we learn that original thinking is wrong? At what point did we begin to follow the path of others’ perceptions of who we should be? How do you want to travel on the journey that is your one precious life? How do you get home to your one authentic self?

We can’t always find the answers to these questions but we can cultivate a way of living that celebrates uniqueness and we can travel deeper into our seeing. As we journey, we can develop a quality of mind that not only enriches the creative process in art, but results in a return to our true souls and to a more imaginative, richer state of being.


There are dragons that roam the wilderness of creative quests. If left to run amok, they can inhibit the most determined artist. The creative process transforms you, the artist, into a creative warrior – arming you to slay the dragons or at least keep them at bay.

The first step is to develop the courage to venture into the unknown, to climb into the mode of exploration – of subject and light, of assumed boundaries of photography and on paths that travel beyond personal horizons.

The dragons that plague the creative process appeal to the part of your mind that deals with product and ego. The way to combat these dragons and to discover images that grow from your heart and soul is not by searching in the drawers of your mind.

Prevailing mythology has it that creativity is a gift of some sort, but really it is a state of being – a quality of mind available to all. In a creative mind, the world is unique, has beauty, and is filled with potential. Creativity is an attitude. Creativity is like being in love – with life and with yourself. Creativity doesn’t have a simple definition, but we know that it is an ongoing process and it is about the search to discover the place where truth, beauty and fire live.

Joseph Campbell said, “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” Campbell knew that we don’t always know where we’re going or what the path will look like, but on the photographic path, the creative warrior knows photographic technique, owns great optics and good tripods, but that is not where they stop. On this path, craft is fine and necessary, but this is a search for transcending technical knowledge and is the quest for imagination and love.



Learn to slow down and dare to be idle. We live in a culture that looks at idleness as something slovenly, lazy, and non-productive. It is only when you stop and reflect, that you can be filled and recharged. What you photograph today will be the result of yesterday’s “idling.”


To be on a creative path, we must work at ridding our thought processes of internal judges, worrying about winning camera club ribbons, or impressing editors. Photography should not be a competitive sport.


Have the courage and conviction to do whatever works for you. Do not let the appetites of those who “need” to stay in the box consume your taste for creativity.


We can’t blame the people around us who try to thwart our artistic expression. They don’t know any better. We can choose however, to trust what we know and who we are. We can move through fear and soar with the wings of our original creative selves. Eleanor Roosevelt knew this when she wrote, “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”


When viewers ask the question, “How long did it take you to get this shot?” There should be only one answer – “My whole life.” And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, make sure that you step onto the dance floor of a creative life and enjoy your dance.

Entire Article Here as PDF File

Related: Emerson: The Greatest Accomplishment — “Be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else”

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