Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2008

Dennis Cuddy: Will Rush Limbaugh Re-Awaken?

From: News with Views

Several decades ago, Rush Limbaugh entertained the idea that there might be a conspiracy toward a world government. However, when someone informed him that his hero, William F. Buckley, Jr., might be part of this as secretly a Commie sympathizer, he then no longer entertained such notions, saying on his radio show, “You have to believe all of this or none of it.”

Actually, though, Rush a number of times through the 1990s referred to events in terms that could be described as conspiratorial. On his October 19, 1993 show, he referred to the strange things the Clinton administration had been doing in its first year as “part of a master plan.” Then on June 8 of the next year, he went even further, saying. “We have these people (in the White House) with a carefully orchestrated scheme to take over America.”

A few months later, on his February 7, 1995 show, Rush pronounced that “If you amount to anything in Washington these days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked,… plucked so-to-speak, and you are assigned success. You are assigned a certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and tracked, and you go where the pluckers and handpickers can put you.”

Thus far, Rush had only spoken in terms of the U.S., but on August 20, 1997 he broadened his scope to a global scale….

During the 1990s, Rush had ridiculed those who talked in terms of President George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” being part of the global conspiracy. However, regarding permanent normal trade relations with China, Rush seemed finally to begin to wake up when on May 25, 2000, he commented: “How come George W. Bush and Clinton are on the same side of the permanent normal trade relations with China issue? New World Order?”

Even given this apparent awakening, Rush still refuses to allow conspiracy callers on his radio program. Yet he hasn’t recently demeaned such people by playing his “Kook Test” over the air. Among the items on this test which could qualify someone as a “kook” was if you believed David Rockefeller and the CFR were conspiring to bring about a world government.

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Bush 41 dons Bohemian Grove hat during interview about VP race

Both President Bushes are Bohemian Club and Skull & Bones members.

From: InfoWars

During a somewhat gimmicky Today Show interview with George H.W. Bush, the elder ‘41′ reminisced about his debates with Geraldine Ferraro, the only other woman to run for Vice President in a major party, who sat alongside him in a discussion about gender roles and discussed the significance of Sarah Palin’s VP candidacy in anticipation of the debate.

At about 2:20 into the interview, the Today Show cuts to another location where the former President is wearing a ballcap displaying the Bohemian Grove owl logo along with his boastful ‘41′ wind jacket. As the screenshot (right) indicates, the owl is distinctly that of the Bohemian Club, as shown in the noted designs. …

Bush 41, proud member as he is of the Bohemian Grove, is known for his shadowy influence over government dealings. He is also a member of Skull & Bones and has attended or belongs to the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club and was the head of the COG program revealed during the Reagan Administration (see Fabled Enemies, which discusses this at length).

Read Entire Article with Video and the Extracted Photo


Alex Jones’ Bohemian Grove Exposed! Page

Ralph Nader on Bohemian Grove


Ralph Nader was interviewed on KSRO by Pat Thurston in July 2005, talking about the annual retreat of the Bohemian Grove Society about to take place along the Russian River. In the interview Ralph explains what these rich and powerful men do up in the woods each summer, and why we should care.

Ron Paul: On Passage of the Bailout



Related: Ron Paul: Bailout Unconstitutional, Special Interests Forced Bill Through Congress

Tonight (10/3) on ‘Coast’: Bob Fletcher will discuss the mysteries surrounding Sonny Bono’s death — Was About to Expose Top Officials Involved in Drug Running | Recap of Program

Schedule for 10.04.08 – 10.09.08

Hosted by
Ian Punnett

Bob Fletcher

Saturday, October 4
Ian will be joined by retired investigative researcher Bob Fletcher, who’ll discuss mysteries surrounding Sonny Bono’s death.

6-10pm PT: Art Bell- Somewhere in Time returns to 1/14/97 for a conversation on disaster preparedness with Philip Hoag.

Coast to Coast AM is live nightly from 10pm to 2am Pacific.



The Assassination of Sonny Bono

Ian was joined by investigative researcher Bob Fletcher, who discussed the mysteries surrounding Sonny Bono’s death and why he believes the former entertainer-turned-politician was assassinated.

Fletcher began by providing background on the toy manufacturing company he started in Marietta, GA in the early ’80s. Fletcher said he merged his operations with a man he’d met at a marketing show in New York, and soon discovered that his new business partner was using the toy company as a front to supply armaments for covert NSA/CIA operations.

Fletcher left the partnership, tried to sue, and began an investigation into the activities of high ranking U.S. military and government officials, who he claims were involved not only in secret weapons dealings but in drug smuggling as well. Fletcher said he’d sent Bono his documentation and the congressman had looked it over and decided to go after the people mentioned in the report. A week and half later Bono was dead.

Read Entire Recap


Bob Fletcher’s comments at: Tomorrow (5/11) on ‘Coast’: “Bob Fletcher will talk about Sonny Bono’s mysterious death” (First Hour)

[Audio] Mysterious Death of Congressman Sonny Bono: Bob Fletcher on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 10/4/08

Congressman Sonny Bono Didn’t Ski Into a Tree—Was About to Expose Top Officials

Excellent Bob Fletcher interview currently at: Radio Liberty, Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Hot Audio: The Story Behind the Story — The Way It Really Is

Wachovia faced a ‘silent’ bank run: Fearing a loss of funding over the weekend, the FDIC forced the sale

From: Charlotte Observer

On Friday, with its stock plunging 27 percent, Wachovia experienced a “silent run” on deposits, but the bigger worry for regulators was that other banks wouldn’t provide the Charlotte bank with necessary short-term funding when it opened for business Monday, sources familiar with the situation told the Observer.

With Wachovia already looking for a merger partner, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., in consultation with other regulators, required the bank to reach a sale to Citigroup on Monday morning.

The FDIC, for the first time, used legislative authority created in 1991 to help it deal with a “very large complex bank failure” on short notice. It requires approval from heavy hitters – two-thirds of FDIC board members, two-thirds of Federal Reserve board members as well as the Treasury secretary, who must consult with the president.

When Wachovia opened Monday it would not have had a source of liquidity,” a source familiar with the situation said. “It really could not have opened….”

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Congressman Sherman: Representatives Were Threatened With Martial Law In America Over Bailout Bill

From: InfoWars

A Democratic Congressman has warned that a panic atmosphere is being intentionally created in order to get the financial bailout billed passed, further stating that several members of Congress were told before Monday’s vote that martial law will be instigated in America if the legislation fails.

Congressman Brad Sherman of California’s 27th congressional district told the House in a speech yesterday evening that he personally knew of several Congressional representatives who have said they were threatened with the prospect of all out martial law should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout.

Sherman essentially intimated that powerful forces who want the bill passed have attempted to blackmail elected representatives.

The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. That atmosphere is not justified.” Sherman stated.

Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.” The Congressman continued.

That’s what I call fear mongering. Unjustified. Proven wrong. We’ve got a week, we’ve got two weeks to write a good bill. The only way to pass a bad bill is to keep the panic pressure on.” Sherman urged. …

Sherman has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1997 and also serves on the Committee on Financial Services along with Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Read Entire Article with Video

Related: Paulson was Behind Bailout Martial Law Threat to Congress

Why the Bailout Stinks

From: Counterpunch

For nearly a year, we have been asking ourselves why the investors and foreign banks that bought up hundreds of billions of dollars of worthless mortgage-backed securities (MBS) from US investment banks have not taken legal action against these same banks or initiated a boycott of US financial products to prevent more people from getting ripped off?

Now we know the answer. It’s because, behind the scenes, Henry Paulson and Co. were working out a deal to dump the whole trillion dollar mess on the US taxpayer. That’s what this whole $700 billion boondoggle is all about; wiping out the massive debts that were generated in the biggest incident of fraud in history. Rep Brad Sherman explained it Wednesday night to Larry Kudlow:

“It (The bill) provides hundreds of billions of dollars of bailouts to foreign investors. It provides no real control of Paulson’s power. There is a critique board but not really a board that can step in and change what he does. It’s a $700 billion program run by a part-time temporary employee and there is no limit on million dollar a month salaries……. It’s very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn’t owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can’t buy it. It was rejected.

“The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20 that it can’t be sold to the Treasury. Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure it can happen.”

So, why hasn’t the Treasury Secretary explained the real purpose of the bailout to the American people? Could it be that he knows that his $700 billion bailout would end up like the Hindenburg, vanishing in sheets of flames?

This is a terrible bill, and it confers absolute authority on one of the central players in the scandal, Henry Paulson, who was the Chairman of Goldman Sachs at the time this MBS garbage was being peddled around the planet to credulous investors. Now Paulson will be in a position to buy up any “troubled asset” he that he believes could pose a threat to “financial market stability”. It is clear that Paulson will use his unchecked powers to wipe the slate clean and remove any possibility that foreign investors will take legal action against the perpetrators; the giant Wall Street investment banks.

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Ron Paul: “You’re Going to Guarantee a Depression” | Bush’s Dictatorship Remark


The George W. Bush remark at the end—from this InfoWars article, McCain: “I Always Aspire To Be A Dictator”

Bush infamously said, “If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” during a December 2000 speech.

He also remarked, “A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it,” in a July 2001 Business Week interview.

When Bush was Governor of Texas in 1998 he stated, “You don’t get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.”

Related at ToBeFree: John McCain: I always aspire to be a Dictator

Skousen: More Evidence Cheney Is Running The Bush Administration


World Affairs Brief, October 3, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


I found some very interesting hints in Barton Gellman’s extensive research on Vice President Dick Cheney that confirms what I have been saying for years–Cheney controls the Bush administration with his huge staff that has fingers in every part of the administration (my conclusion, not Gellman’s). Gellman’s book is called “Angler” and here is an excerpt from a recent interview.

WASHINGTON POST: “There are a few lines in the book saying national security staff on the White House, and tell me if I’m correct here, were having their email bcc’d to the vice president’s staff.

GELLMAN: “That is correct. It was not just emails either. It was for certain sensitive documents. They travel by hand on paper and not electronically. If somebody on the national security council staff wrote a memo to say Condi Rice when she was the national security advisor, the procedure was, it would be sent to her, she had an executive secretary and an administrative assistant and it would also go to the deputy national security advisor. What you didn’t know was that it was going to be copied automatically to Cheney’s office. Same for emails, they were blind copied. …

WP: “You explained that much of the way Cheney exerted his influence– rather than, again this sort of caricature, that Bush was a marionette—-you suggest, per the title of your book, that Cheney would work the angles. …

GELLMAN: “Cheney acted, I think, probably always or nearly always in support of what he believed the president’s objectives were… [but] it is certainly not true that Bush authorized and approved in advance everything Cheney did.” It was Cheney who was setting the objectives, not Bush. Bush knew from the time he was selected to run for president that he would be controlled by the group who had selected him.

Robert Fisk’s War Reality Check: “What on earth are we doing out there? … We even have Mrs. Palin talking about victory in Iraq”

“…we now have twenty-two times as many military personnel per head of population as the Crusaders had in the twelfth century. You know, what are we doing?”

From: Democracy Now!

JUAN GONZALEZ: And, of course, here, in this country, as the number of US casualties has declined, so has the attention in the media or in the public to the situation in Iraq, and everyone has now bought into the thought that things are getting better.

ROBERT FISK: Ha ha ha, yes. Look, the degree of ethnic cleansing that actually took place—genocidal, in some ways—and the fact that the Americans have now built walls through every community in every major city in Iraq, which has divided between the communities, means that there isn’t, in fact, any free flow of movement. There isn’t a country operating anymore.

But now, I mean, if you stand back a little bit and look at it like this, first of all, we went to Afghanistan, we won the war. Then we rushed off to Iraq and won the war. Then we lost the war in Iraq, or maybe we won it again. And then we’re going back to Afghanistan, where we seem to have lost the war, to win it all over again. And in due course, perhaps we’ll have to go back to Iraq. I mean, in my reports, I’m calling this Iraqistan. And now, we’ve actually got soldiers on foot turning up in Pakistan. I mean, has nobody actually stood back and said, “What on earth are we doing out there?” I mean, I calculated for our Sunday magazine that we now have twenty-two times as many military personnel per head of population as the Crusaders had in the twelfth century. You know, what are we doing?

It was a baker in Baghdad who asked me this very obvious question. He said, “Why are you”—“you” meaning Western military—“Why are you in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, French air base at Dushanbe running close as support for the British in Helmand province in Afghanistan? Why are your people going into Pakistan? Why are you in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why are you in Turkey? Why are you in Jordan and Egypt and Algeria? US Special Forces have a base outside Tamanrasset in the southern Sahara. Why are you in Bahrain? Why are you in Oman? Why are you in Yemen? Why are you in Qatar? Biggest US air base.” I didn’t have a reply.

But I was struck when I was having lunch on the West Coast a few days ago, by a very educated lady sitting next to me, saying, “But the Muslims wanted to take over the world, and they had already taken over France.” I mean, how does this happen? I mean, she might have told me that Martians had landed in New Mexico, only thing you could do to counter that kind of argument. It looks like somehow we’re on a brainwashing trip. And we’ve all bought the narrative. You know, we even have Mrs. Palin talking about victory in Iraq. It doesn’t feel it if you go to Iraq. It doesn’t feel it if you live there.

AMY GOODMAN: She also has talked about Iraq as being God’s war.

ROBERT FISK: Yeah, well, we’ve had some generals who’ve talked about that, too—haven’t we?—and kept their uniform on in church when they said it. You know, more and more, I look back on the early statements by bin Laden, statements we never actually read. The narrative is always “Is this bin Laden?” when he appears. “Is he ill? When did he make the statement? And have the CIA confirmed it’s his voice?” What his voice actually says is never of any interest to us.

But if you remember, he went on and on about crusaders, and he actually made a very important statement before we invaded Iraq, in which he called upon Muslims in Iraq to collaborate with Baath Party officials against the crusaders, on the grounds that Salahadin had collaborated with the non-Muslim Persians against the crusaders in the twelfth century. We missed all this. And this was the detonation that set off the insurgency.

Read/Watch/Listen to this excellent Interview

Why Weren’t There 6 Podiums in Last Night’s Debate?

Note: In this report, Democracy Now! plays clips from all of the third party candidates that are on enough ballots to win except for the candidate Ron Paul endorsed: Chuck Baldwin.

So Democracy Now! does their own exclusions — as they completely excluded Ron Paul while he was running.


From: Democracy Now! — No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Control the Presidential Debates

When you exclude third parties from the election process, third parties that the vast majority of Americans would like to see in the presidential debates, you’re not only denying those people the right to choose who they want to run for president and who they want to vote for, but you’re denying the very fundamental and critical issues that, in a generative democracy, we need to have aired in from of tens of millions of voters.

Read/Watch/Listen to the Interview

Devvy Kidd: The fake $700 billion bail out/rescue plan

From: News with Views

Few things shock me anymore, I’m sad to say. However, Monday, September 29, 2008, was something to behold. Not only didn’t the insidious “bail out” pass in the U.S. House of Representatives, but a substantial number of Americans put up such a ruckus, it had to have had a very chilling effect on the shadow government. As I watched the DOW tank to -777, I wondered why the Bush Administration’s PPT (Plunge Protection Team) didn’t step in and stop the dive. It occurred to me why the money cartel may have decided not to intervene. The American people would come home from work, already worried about the economy, see the stock market had tanked big time and panic.

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John McCain: I always aspire to be a Dictator


“If I were Dictator, which I always aspire to be….”

U.S. CALL TO ACTION: The Bush Admin. failed in its first plan to bail out the banks, but now is planning to spend billions of American tax dollars to purchase junk mortgages FROM OTHER COUNTRIES!!! Here are the incredible facts.

Title from: G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island


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