Freedom from Alaska!

Month: February 2013

[FreedomQuotes] 1,000 Green Berets Stand Against Obama's Gun Ban Decree — "Throughout history, disarming the populace has always preceded tyrants' accession of power. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizens prior to installing their murderous regimes"

[youtube=]1,000 Green Berets Stand Against Obama’s Gun Ban Decree


Published on Feb 1, 2013

Over 1000 Green Berets have signed a letter re-asserting their oath to support and defend the Constitution by protecting the second amendment rights of American citizens.

The letter, which originally featured at, was written by “current or former Army Reserve, National Guard, and active duty US Army Special Forces soldiers.”

It highlights the fact that the Constitution was drafted primarily as a means of protecting citizens against “governmental tyranny and/or oppression,” further citing the words of Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, who outlined the purpose of the second amendment when he stated, “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.”

“Throughout history, disarming the populace has always preceded tyrants’ accession of power. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizens prior to installing their murderous regimes,” states the letter. “At the beginning of our own nation’s revolution, one of the first moves made by the British government was an attempt to disarm our citizens. When our Founding Fathers ensured that the 2nd Amendment was made a part of our Constitution, they were not just wasting ink. They were acting to ensure our present security was never forcibly endangered by tyrants, foreign or domestic.”…

[video] Larry Pratt Executive Director, Gun Owners of America: "If they get a gun registry, then it's all over, baby." "Every single one of our mass murders in the last 20 years, with one exception, was in a legally required 'NO GUN ZONE.'"

“If they get a gun registry, then it’s all over, baby.”

“Every single one of our mass murders in the last 20 years, with one exception, was in a legally required ‘NO GUN ZONE.'”

– Larry Pratt

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[youtube=]Obama Gun Ban Models That of Hitler


Published on Jan 31, 2013

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:

* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.

* The framework for national gun registration and confiscation by requiring every gun transaction to have a Brady Check.

* Supposed “toughening” of anti-gun trafficking measures, but without doing anything about the man responsible for allowing more gun trafficking than any other American — Attorney General Eric Holder (with his Fast and Furious program).

Let us backtrack and explain a couple of things: Increasingly ATF is going into gun dealers and xeroxing all of the 4473’s. This is illegal under McClure-Volkmer, but, in case you hadn’t noticed, Obama is increasingly ignoring the law when it inconveniences him.

[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place "AFTER THE TRIBULATION" — "Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself"

“Christians, today, are not being warned about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]After the Tribulation – Sneak Peek


Published on Feb 1, 2013

Why have so many modern day Christians been conditioned to stand down to tyranny?
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed
Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming.

In this hard-hitting documentary, film-maker Paul Wittenberger (What in the World are They Spraying? and The Great Culling), Pastor Steven L Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, and creation scientist Kent Hovind, prove from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER THE TRIBULATION but before God pours out his wrath upon this earth. They also expose Satan’s plans for a global government and new world order.


12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
Why There is No Pre-Trib or Mid-Trib Rapture: Jesus will destroy the Lawless One at the same time he is gathering the saints to meet him in the air
Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
Dave Macpherson, author of “The Rapture Plot”: Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty — John Darby, Edward Irving, Cyrus Scofield, Tim Lahaye, John Walvoord, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, Jack van Impe, Grant Jeffrey …
The Rapture: History and Influence in America — “Christians trade the message of Revelation as a call of discipleship in a fallen world for escapism.”
Corrie Ten Boom: Prepared for the Coming Tribulation
Warmongers Unite: Rapture Ready – The Christians United for Israel Tour with ‘Pastor’ John Hagee
John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law
Preemptive-Striker John Hagee Endorses 100-Years-in-Iraq John McCain

John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

John Hagee: Unrepentant Heretic? — Today, churchgoers stand hand in hand with a Jewish people who would crucify Christ again if He walked their streets.
Alex Jones: The pre-trib rapture doctrine is a big, sickening, psyop, bringing US into tyranny! “Most of you are a bunch of torture loving, war loving people…” — Truthful commentary by a non-pastor
Mike Bickle’s (IHOP) prophetic dream: “What is coming is so much more intense than we imagine.” “We must experience manifestation of His majesty that makes us tremble and His kindness that moves us to repentance and servanthood.” “We will receive angelic assistance and great power…”
After America Went Down Music: Our Demise Theme [Barber: “Adagio for Strings”] / The Demons Rejoice Dance Mix [Dj Tiesto] ||| WWWIII ||| “Once saved always saved” + pre-tribulation rapture + old covenant law tithing + “Support Bush no matter what”/dis the peacemakers and Ron Paul = Doomsday! ||| Where were the Bonhoeffers and therefore the disciples of Christ?!!
Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Israel, US & Saudi Arabia sponsor Al Qaeda to overthrow Syria and Iran

Israel, along with the US & Saudi Arabia, are Al Qaeda’s chief sponsors.

It must be remembered that as far back as 2007, it was admitted by US, Saudi and Lebanese officials that the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia were intentionally arming, funding, and organizing these “global jihadists” with direct ties to Al Qaeda for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the governments of Syria and Iran.

From: Israeli Attack: Desperate Bid to Save Failed Syrian Campaign

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