Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 2nd Amendment Page 4 of 8

Florida's concealed carry expansion bill (SB 140) was being considered, and would have stopped the shooter — but now the bill will likely be stopped instead — False flag alert!

Concealed carry would have stopped the shooter if enacted. Looks like a false flag to stop SB 140 from becoming law. The globalists want a police state instead.
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Florida senator files controversial bill to expand open carry

Posted By The News Service of Florida on Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 10:39 am

Senate Judiciary Chairman Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, introduced a controversial measure Friday that would allow the more than 1.67 million Floridians with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry handguns.
Steube’s bill (SB 140), which is filed for the 2017 legislative session, also would expand the places where people with concealed-weapons licenses are allowed to carry guns. It would allow them to be armed at legislative meetings; local government meetings; elementary and secondary schools; airport passenger terminals….


Wikileaks Bombshell: Leaks Say Clinton Plants Gun Grabbers in Town Halls

(video) Hillary Clinton Wants Your Guns!

Hillary Clinton Wants Your Guns!

Skousen: Multiple Shooters at Dallas Police Ambush — This was a government operation using paid mercenaries and an unstable ex-military wannabe who probably got talked into doing a “special op” by agent provocateurs and then was betrayed in the end to take the blame

World Affairs Brief, July 15, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Trump’s VP Pick Postponed

Multiple Shooters at Dallas Police Ambush

How Tories Picked Theresa May Without an Election

GMO Labeling Law Passes with Loopholes

Obama Plans More Disarmament by Edict

China Loses Court Ruling

NATO to Continue to Fund Afghan War

FBI Protecting Hillary in Email Scandal



It was clear from the beginning of the news coverage of the shooting of Dallas police officers (5 killed and 9 others wounded) that multiple shooters had to be involved. Cops mentioned they were being shot at from different directions. The Police Chief talked about triangulation. He said, “the snipers were working together with rifles, triangulated at elevated positions in different points in the downtown area where the march ended up going, the route of the march.”

Police also announced they had 4 suspects in custody including two shooters, but the next day they refused to identify or say anything about them. They were subsequently released without comment. This follows the pattern I mentioned last week about how multiple trained mercenaries do the shooting and but only one patsy is found and takes the blame.

That’s exactly what happened the following day when the police killed Micah Johnson and then inexplicably claimed he was the lone killer. From this point on, there appears to be a massive cover-up of all those arrested and detained, and released, except Johnson. The Dallas Morning News reported the following on July 7 and 8, beginning with a clarification that this was NOT a Black Lives Matter event.

Thursday’s protest was not a Black Lives Matter event, according to the Rev. Dominique Alexander, president of the Next Generation Action Network. Alexander said his organization, in partnership with Jeff Hood, organized the march through downtown Dallas as a call for justice for black victims of police shootings. “There is no local chapter of the Black Lives movement,” Alexander said. “That’s just national rhetoric.”

Amateur video captured the chaos from many angles Thursday night when snipers opened fire on police in downtown Dallas on Thursday. He said police were five to 10 feet in front of him when the first shots rang out.

The last sentence is important because that’s when the first policeman was hit, along with two civilians, at the front of the protest. One video posted to YouTube by “Wolves and Sheeple” has an embedded amateur video starting at the 3 minute mark (mentioned within the Dallas News story below) where a shooter is engaging police aggressively a block away from the protest at the El Centro College. Notice that the streets are empty but you can hear the sirens and multiple shots being fired in the background. This is proof that the shooter in the video is not the only one shooting during the protest, where a firefight is going on a few blocks away. We know the firefight is not directed at him because he is not under fire initially as he walks around. When police begin to engage this shooter, he shows obvious professional combat training based upon his daring moves charging an officer behind a pillar and shooting him, and later coming back to execute him.

In one video a hidden gunman emerged from behind the pillars of a building [El Centro College a block away from the rally] and firing on officers. In another [at the protest rally near Bank of America], officers take cover behind their squad cars as gunfire rings out.

Jeff Berwik has maps of all the videos taken which explain to you where the shooters had to have been in order to engage police in various places. Berwik concentrates on the engagement of the shooter in front of the college and shows how he could not have ever gotten into the Bank of America parking garage (where he would have had to cross Main street) once the college was surrounded by police. For Micah Johnson to have been the lone shooter,

Micah Johnson would have had to engage police in a full on gun battle outside El Centro College on Lamar Street for several minutes before entering El Centro and running up to the 7th floor to continue shooting. He would have had to have been in that 7th floor room for at least the duration of the deleted cell phone video [showing him on the 7th floor] and presumably longer giving him time to shoot.

Then he would have had to run back down while avoiding all the police that had entered the building, get outside and evade all of the surrounding police and SWAT vehicles, cross Main Street apparently with an SKS rifle shoved down his pants (police say they only found one), make his way into the garage, and get up to the top floor to continue shooting. And he would have had to do all of this in less than half an hour.

Then somehow he would have had to end up on the 2nd floor in order to engage in negotiations for several hours with Dallas police prior to being bombed, but not before supposedly telling police that he acted alone.

Obviously this not humanly possible or even remotely realistic. If it were possible to timestamp the deleted cell phone footage of the 7th floor, it is likely that the suspension of belief required to entertain the official story would become even more extreme.

And when the bag man and the black Mercedes are considered, [a man was seen going into El Centro college with a camouflaged bag and then driving off at high speed] it becomes clear that a different account of the events emerges. While many questions remain, the evidence suggests that at least three individuals, including Micah, were involved in the attack.

The narrator from the “Wolves and Sheeple” video also points out that the weapon the police says was used (an old SKS with wooden stock) does not match either the short assault style rifle the shooter is using in the video or the weapon shown in the leaked police photo after Micah Johnson was blown up by a robot-transported explosive device. The video in front of El Centro College clearly shows the shooter using a smaller assault style rifle, not a long and awkward SKS.

The fact that someone in the police leaked the photo of the dead Johnson indicates at least one officer realized there was a cover-up going on and wanted the public to know the truth. You cannot confuse the SKS (which only carries 10 rounds) with a modern Saiga AK-47 with a 30-round magazine, nor their different sized shell casings, so this had to be an attempt to pin the blame on a patsy where the government chose the wrong planted weapon to associate with him. And, an SKS with limited rounds could not have been responsible for the multiple shots fired at police, exceeding 50 rounds.

This smacks of the lone assassin claims of the government in the JFK assassination where an old WWII rifle with Oswald’s fingerprints was planted in the school book depository to seal the case against the patsy, and a bullet fired from that rifle was planted on governor Connally’s stretcher to make it appear as if that was the assassin’s weapon.

The video also points out that the assailant in the video shooting around the pillars of the building was wearing different clothing (very light colored pants and light brown shirt or jacket) than Micah Johnson, whose clothes were dark. More facts that there were at least two shooters.

Other witnesses and police say that there were at least two snipers firing from elevated positions, one up on a parking garage, who was eventually killed. Notice that the video above takes place on the ground floor, so it couldn’t have been the shooter or shooters up high until much later.

Another witness said she heard a rapid fire succession of shots lasting several minutes with no break until it all ended. You can hear the constant and distant firing of shots in the above video. And while that isn’t absolute proof of multiple shooters, it’s very unlikely that if there were only one person shooting that he could survive being fired upon with that kind of concentrated firing response.

As I conjectured last week, I do think that this was a government operation using paid mercenaries and an unstable ex-military wannabe who probably got talked into doing a “special op” by agent provocateurs and then was betrayed in the end to take the blame. Let’s look at the background of Johnson for evidence of the emotional changes in behavior that lead to being targeted as a patsy. FoxNews reported,

The sniper who killed five Dallas police officers Thursday night was a former Army reservist who posted “black power” images online and told police negotiators in the moments before his death he “wanted to kill white people.” [There is a lot that police claim he told negotiators, but without a recording, we can’t trust what they claim.]

Although a group calling itself the Black Power Political Organization claimed on its Facebook page that it was behind the attack, and that “more assassinations are coming,” Brown said Johnson told police he was “not affiliated” with any group.

This is probably true. It came out later that Johnson had tried to join the New Black Panthers but was rejected because he was deemed “unfit.”

Still, Johnson, who wore a dashiki and held a fist aloft on his Facebook page, had a temper and owned “a lot of guns,” according to the friend. “He did have some anger issues but never said he would hurt anyone,” the friend said, adding with distrubing irony, “His shots were terrible.”

This is telling: if his accuracy was so bad, he certainly wasn’t the highly trained shooter in the video who engages multiple police officers in the foregoing video, running from one pillar to the next. One of his military buddies told Fox News that,

“He was absolutely normal, a really good friend. We lost touch once he deployed to Afghanistan and I stayed back,” the friend told “I don’t really know how or why it got to the point it did…When he came back from Afghanistan, he got in touch with some bad folks and went all Black Panther,” the man, who asked not to be identified, told

So something happened between the time he left the service and the shooting to radicalize him. He wasn’t allowed into the Black Panthers but when a person goes from normal to irrational killer, there is usually some dark influence on his life, and it generally is more than just being upset with police shooting of unarmed blacks. I think he was under the influence of someone pushing white police hatred for months prior to getting talked into participating in this rampage.

Finally, as in the government-directed 9/11 attack, there were those promoting the need for another “Pearl Harbor” type event to jumpstart the war on terror. The Daily Bell was rightly incensed by Time Magazine’s call for “Another Big Attack Needed.”

After the September 11 attacks, TIME’s Lance Morrow wrote a powerful essay titled, “The Case for Rage and Retribution,” in which he argued: “For once let’s have no fatuous rhetoric about ‘healing.’ A day cannot live in infamy without the nourishment of rage. Let’s have rage. What’s needed is a unified, unifying, Pearl Harbor sort of purple American fury—a ruthless indignation that doesn’t leak away in a week or two…” – TIME

As we can see from the above statement, Jeff Kluger has in mind another convulsive episode like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 that will unify the “anger” that Americans feel. Kluger seems to imply that this anger is stemming from current elections. His concern is that it is spilling over into other areas of life… Kluger obviously wants a unified America. In order for rage to be unifying it needs to be a “purple American fury.” TIME is hopeful that this anger can be channeled into some horrible, outsized event that will unify the current emotional anarchy.

What many fear, and this is being fed by internet rumors, is that there will be massive racial unrest in this country and that the government will justify declaring martial law in response. Others are claiming that this will give Obama an excuse to take a third term in office.

I do think there is a conspiracy to use race as a basis for attacking Donald Trump and that the PTB are planning on transporting thousands of angry blacks and Latinos to Cleveland to disrupt the GOP national convention. But it is all hype to suggest that the government would declare martial law, or that it will lead to Obama getting a third term in office. That latter rumor has been going around for years. It is dead wrong because the PTB are not stupid enough to make it appear they are commandeering the government. Instead, they concentrate on giving us puppet presidents of either party so we think the system is intact and not controlled.

The Washington Times had an article promoting the claims of very deliberate racial unrest this summer, based on the Black Lives Matter movement, which is surely organized and promoted for conflict creation purposes. One of the comments after the article had a link for the list of locations in 37 cities where protests are going to take place.

As the Times noted, these kinds of rumors have a history of being hype:

The Army last week warned all military personnel in the United States to avoid 37 American cities this week over concerns that anti-police protests, dubbed “Days of Rage,” are planned and could turn violent.

The Army notice appears based on an online rumor, since denied, that the anarchist hacker group Anonymous had called for nationwide protests Friday in the U.S. cities.

While I believe there will be planned social and racial unrest, this specific list is really no big secret nor does it mean that there will be violence in all of these areas. Black militant groups have posted these types of events before, and often no one shows up.

On a final note, the downside of the Police killings in Dallas is that the law enforcement lobby has been given more leverage to pass more restrictions on public access to police body cams. Compromising Governor Pat McCrory signed a bad public law this week that shields police from public access to police recordings, as Will Grigg wrote for Liberty News Daily:

North Carolina’s Republican Governor, Pat McCrory, has signed into law a measure that withdraws dashcam and bodycam footage of police encounters from public access. Invoking the recent killing of five police officers in Dallas, McCrory insisted that in making it practically impossible for the public to obtain police video records, “My goal is to protect those who protect us.” 

Citizens who are captured in either video or audio of police encounters can file a request to view or listen to the records, but if it is turned town they will have to fight a lengthy court battle at their own expense in order to reverse that decision.

Orlando False Flag Success: Hawaii becomes first U.S. state to place gun owners on FBI database

From: Reuters

Hawaii becomes first U.S. state to place gun owners on FBI database

Hawaii’s governor signed a bill making it the first state to place its residents who own firearms in a federal criminal record database and monitor them for possible wrongdoing anywhere in the country, his office said.

The move by gun control proponents in the liberal state represents an effort to institute some limits on firearms in the face of a bitter national debate over guns that this week saw Democratic lawmakers stage a sit-in at the U.S. House of Representatives.

Hawaii Governor David Ige, a Democrat, on Thursday signed into law a bill to have police in the state enroll people into an FBI criminal monitoring service after they register their firearms as already required, his office said in a statement.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation database called “Rap Back” will allow Hawaii police to be notified when a firearm owner from the state is arrested anywhere in the United States.

Hawaii has become the first U.S. state to place firearm owners on the FBI’s Rap Back, which until now was used to monitor criminal activities by individuals under investigation or people in positions of trust such as school teachers and daycare workers

“As you can imagine, the NRA finds this one of the most extreme bills we’ve ever seen,” said Amy Hunter, a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association’s institute for legislative action.

Entire Article

Skousen: More Evidence of False Flag Attack on Gays – Orlando, Santa Monica – The government attacks groups through agent provocateurs whom they want to create sympathy for

World Affairs Brief, June 24, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

British Sovereignty Wins Over Globalism—For Now

Obama Defies Supreme Court

Behind the State Departments Push to Overthrow Assad

Trump Campaign Under Pressure

More Evidence of False Flag Attack on Gays

Gun Control Agenda Defeated Again



As I pointed out last week, one of the main reasons for the government planned attack in Orlando was to give yet more justification for treating homosexuals and their variants as a protected class. In typical case of conflict-creation strategy, the government attacks groups they want to create sympathy for, as in Orlando.

But it wasn’t the only one. Apparently another similar false flag attack was planned for a Gay Pride parade in Los Angeles. As Ed Griffin reported,

Santa Monica; Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons on Sunday morning, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California.

Howell told police he was turning himself in because he wanted protection. His story was that he had been assured by his recruiters that he would not be harmed in the shooting but, when he heard on the news that Omar Mateen, the lead gunman in the Orlando group, had been killed by sniper fire, he realized he was being set up as a patsy and would be killed.

More evidence has surfaced this week relative to the Orlando massacre that continues to indicate contradictions in the official narrative.

1. According to the Daily Mail, A doctor who is listed on the psychological evaluation for Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, said she did not see him and she was not even living in Florida at the time when G4S security firm ordered the evaluation. Psychologist, Dr Carol Nudelman, who now lives in Colorado, said in a statement released through her attorneys to the Miami Herald that she never evaluated Mateen nine years ago for G4S, a security firm that was known as Wackenhut at the time.

G4S says this was a clerical error but refuses to say who the actual doctor was who did the exam. This problem indicates that Mateen was being groomed for something and the company was covering for his erratic mental state from the beginning.

2) The Justice Department said they would release partial recordings of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s 9/11 calls. As the uproar grew about partial release, the FBI said they would release full transcripts, but as The Intercept pointed out, the full transcripts did not include at least one call made by Mateen to 9/11. Why was that call entirely omitted?

According to, “On Wednesday, Catherine Herridge told the “Kelly File” audio captured on cell phones during the attack reveals Mateen was conversing with one or more people about tactics and he “was not talking to 911.”

The conversation was mentioned during an ABC News interview with one of the victims. “During the interview the eyewitness, who played dead for several hours during the attack as a strategy to stay alive, said that he had overheard a phone conversation that the shooter was engaged in,” Shepard Ambellas wrote on June 15.

“The eyewitness said that the shooter made mention that he was the ‘fourth shooter’ and that there were ‘three others,’ ‘snipers,’ along with a ‘female suicide bomber’ that was playing dead.

This is important because it means that the three other police in uniform that were supposedly shooting at Mateen were likely the other shooters. Last week, I said that it would have been impossible for Mateen to shoot over a 100 people if he were in a firefight with even one officer, let alone three. But as you will see below, the story about how many officers arrived on the scene is in dispute.

3) This account by one officer reported by the Washington Post describes 5 or 6 other officers arriving at the club “within minutes” of the call for help by a uniformed officer who had engaged Mateen. By the time they arrived they said they heard shots but couldn’t see the shooter because he was already holed up in a bathroom. However, the only reason the shooter was holed up in the bathroom is because he was escaping the fire of the first officer, who only had a handgun with limited rounds. The big question remains, if all of this is true, how did Mateen kill and wound 103 people while being engaged by a security officer and retreating to the bathroom? It just doesn’t add up.

4) One of Mateen’s gay partners said that they were in a threesome together when it was discovered that one of the partners had AIDS. Mateen wanted revenge on the gay club for being exposed to AIDS.

5) Here’s evidence of the first encounter where the FBI tried to lure Omar Mateen into an act of terror. Max Blumenthal and Sarah Lazare report for AlterNet:

“Before Omar Mateen gunned down 49 patrons at the LGBTQ Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, the FBI attempted to induce his participation in a terror plot. Sheriff Ken Mascara of Florida’s St. Lucie County told the Vero Beach Press Journal that after Mateen threatened a courthouse deputy in 2013 by claiming he could order Al Qaeda operatives to kill his family, the FBI dispatched an informant to ‘lure Omar into some kind of act and Omar did not bite.’

“While self-styled terror experts and former counter-terror officials have criticized the FBI for failing to stop Mateen before he committed a massacre, the new revelation raises the question of whether the FBI played a role in shifting his mindset toward an act of violence. All that is known at present is that an FBI informant attempted to push Mateen into agreeing to stage a terror attack in hopes that he would fall into the law enforcement dragnet.” The piece is part of AlterNet’s Grayzone Project.

In all government induced attacks like this, the FBI agent provocateur looks for emotional triggers that will agitate the target into action, like this AIDS revenge scenario that pushed Mateen into attack mode. The anti-gay narrative originally proffered was clearly false, but the government continues to insist upon it in order to promote gays as a protected class. Incredibly, the FBI still maintains there is “no evidence of gay lovers.”

If you are still skeptical about the FBI running domestic terror attacks, we have the testimony of a whistleblower within the agency who backs up these claims. David Stockman published this account, quoting

A former FBI agent has claimed that the agency manufacture[s] nearly all of the major terrorist plots they claim are carried out by terror groups. According to Michael German, the FBI routinely entrap vulnerable individuals who would never have committed any violence, and brainwash them into committing terrorist acts so they can be “caught” and “punished” by the FBI.

“They’re manufacturing terrorism cases,” Michael German, a former undercover agent with the FBI who now researches national-security law at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, told The Times. “These people are five steps away from being a danger to the United States.” ‘They target people who are genuinely psychotic’

Stephen Downs, an attorney and founding member of Project Salam , which gives legal support to Muslims, told Business Insider that ” the government has developed a technique of engaging targets in conversations of a somewhat provocative nature, and then trying to pick up on things the target says, which might suggest illegal activity – and then trying to push them into pursuing those particular activities.”

This is the definition of an agent provocateur, not an informant, as the FBI claims.

Last March, The Intercept profiled 25-year-old Sami Osmakac, who was “broke and struggling with mental illness” when he became the target of an FBI sting operation. “The FBI provided all of the weapons seen in Osmakac’s martyrdom video,” The Intercept reported. “The bureau also gave Osmakac the car bomb he allegedly planned to detonate, and even money for a taxi so he could get to where the FBI needed him to go.”

A recent study cited by BuzzFeed examined undercover operations for signs of entrapment by looking at terrorism prosecutions dating back to 9/11… The vast majority of the 317 cases involving undercover operations contained signs of entrapment.

While no case has ever been thrown out on the basis of this kind of entrapment, judges have taken notice and raised concerns over the danger of entrapping otherwise innocent individuals in sting operations.

Coleen Rowley, a former FBI special agent and division counsel whose May 2002 memo to the FBI Director exposed some of the FBI’s pre-9/11 failures, was named one of TIME magazine’s “Persons of the Year” in 2002. She is quoted in the AlterNet piece:

“It looks like it’s pretty much standard operating procedure for preliminary inquiries to interview the subject or pitch the person to become an informant and/or plant an undercover or informant close by to see if the person bites on the suggestion. … In the case of Mateen, since he already worked for a security contractor [G4S], he was either too savvy to bite on the pitch or he may have even become indignant that he was targeted in that fashion. These pitches and use of people can backfire.”

What many whistleblowers don’t understand is that these provocations are purposeful, not simply an attempt to recruit an informant backfiring.

Crisis-actor Mom @ Orlando Pulse shooting


(audio) Joel Skousen: Hillary Will Destroy The Second Amendment, Enslaving America – w/ Jeff Rense 6/13/16

Jeff Rense & Joel Skousen – Hillary Will Destroy The Second Amendment, Enslaving America

Bill O’Reilly Calls for Gun Control

Fox News is Spin Central!

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From: The New American

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Bill O’Reilly Calls for Gun Control

A horrific event such as the mass shooting in Orlando early last Sunday tends to reveal where politicians and political commentators really stand on the issues of liberty and the Constitution. This has certainly been the case with Bill O’Reilly, host of highly ranked Fox cable show The Factor.

O’Reilly, as is his practice, made a pretense of being “fair and balanced” by offering some criticism of liberal politicians, before he launched his attack on what he called “right-wing responsibility” for the massacre, which left 49 people dead and even more wounded in the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse.

An analysis of his remarks reveals the intellectual bankruptcy of those who seriously argue that increased gun control will be either effective or constitutional.

“The FBI and other federal agencies need the power to stop suspected terrorists and other evildoers from buying weapons,” O’Reilly insisted.

Entire Article


A highly paid DIS-infowarrior, unfair and unbalanced:
Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star


Orlando Shooting a False Flag

Kurt Richard Haskell, a FALSE FLAG terrorism survivor himself shared this today on his Facebook page:

“When the Orlando shooter called 911 and put down his gun while holding 50 hostages, he not only pledged allegiance to ISIS but talked about the Boston Bombers. This is a CLEAR sign of a false flag attack. The perpetrators of false flag attacks almost always reference previous false flag attacks. This is the way for the elites pulling off these events to continually keep people in fear and remind them of their previous false flags. …

“Approximately 2:22 a.m. ET: Shooter calls 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS. He also mentions the Boston Marathon bombers.”

(video) Ted Nugent VS the ADL – Who is Behind Gun Control?

[youtube=]Ted Nugent VS the ADL – Who is Behind Gun Control?

David Duke

David Duke

Published on Feb 11, 2016


This video, Dr. David Duke, PhD and former member of the House of Representatives-LA completely and utterly refutes the vicious J. Greenblatt, ADL attack on Rocker Ted Nugent. It definitely answers the question of who is behind gun control in America and the hypocrisy of Zionists who have exactly opposite policies for their precious Israel than they do for America and the entirety of the Western World.

(video) Kurt Haskell: Mini False Flags and Barry Wants Your Guns – Real Investigations Episode 14, Part 4 — False-flag PATSIES: often, their sentences in their prior crimes do not match their convictions because they’re offered a deal that they will help be involved in a future, propagandized, terrorist attack

“Often in these cases, we see patsies that have had prior criminal involvement, and their sentences in their prior crimes do not match their convictions… because they’re offered a deal. And that deal is that they will help be involved in a future, propagandized, terrorist attack.

“They cut deals to get out of prison time and to agree to be involved in a future, false-flag event.”

– Kurt Haskell

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Real Investigations Episode 14, Part 4: Mini False Flags and Barry Wants Your Guns

Kurt Haskell 

(video) Nathanael: Obama Rebrands Gun Control — Bypassing the 2nd Amendment, calling it a health issue. Complete, unconstitutional deception!

Bypassing the 2nd Amendment, calling it a health issue. Complete, unconstitutional deception!

Talmudic Zionists want to disarm US, so they can bring in the Satanic, one-world government, launched from Jerusalem.

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[youtube=]Obama Rebrands Gun Control

Brother Nathanael

Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? — Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away the guns. Using Hitler to defend your position on gun control is a bad idea

Ben Carson Is Wrong About Hitler and Guns


Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? …. Here’s what they say:

  • In 1919, the Treaty of Versaille disarmed Germany. “Fearing inability to hold the state together during the depression, the German government adopted a sweeping series of gun confiscation legislation.” This was long before Hitler came to power.
  • In 1928 this legislation was relaxed. “Germans could possess firearms, but they were required to have permits…Furthermore, the law restricted ownership of firearms to ‘…persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a permit.'” Again, this was before Hitler came to power.
  • In 1938, Hitler relaxed the law further. Rifles and shotguns were completely deregulated, permits were extended to three years, and the age at which guns could be purchased was lowered to 18.

Now, Hitler did effectively ban Jews from owning guns in 1938. However, this is highly unlikely to have affected the fate of the Jews even slightly.…

The bottom line is familiar to anyone with even a passing knowledge of history: Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away anyone’s guns. Whatever you think about gun control, using Hitler to defend your position is a bad idea.

Entire Article Here


Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

“Hitler did not have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. The people were armed” – V.K. Clark

Chuck Baldwin: Burns, Oregon, Is Not Bundy Ranch — There is no justification for what Ammon Bundy and his followers have done in Burns • Ammon Bundy and the others are helping to reverse the pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment momentum and to provide an excuse for gun-grabbers like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to justify more anti-gun legislation. In other words, Ammon and his followers are actually assisting the very people they claim to be resisting

From: News With Views

Burns, Oregon, Is Not Bundy Ranch

By Chuck Baldwin
January 7, 2016

Let me be clear: the situation in Oregon does not remotely compare to the events that took place at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. In Nevada, the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was the aggressor, which included a very real threat of violence against the Bundy family. The Bundy family appealed to their neighbors and friends for help. And help rightly arrived. The legal nuances of the Bundy situation notwithstanding, BLM gave the appearance of preparing another Waco incident that just could not be tolerated. Over 80 innocent Americans, including elderly men and women and small children, were murdered by our federal government during that unconscionable raid. There must NEVER be another Waco in this country.

The decision of Ammon Bundy (Cliven Bundy’s son)–and the men who are with him–to mount an armed takeover of the remote, empty Malheur National Wildlife Refuge building in Harney County outside Burns, Oregon, is unwise, careless, and downright foolish. There is no just cause for such action.

Previous to the move to take over the federal building, a peaceful protest in support of the Hammond family had taken place in Burns. This protest was commendable and well-conducted. Hundreds of local residents took part in that peaceful protest. The local community of Burns was very sympathetic to the plight of the Hammonds and rightly angered by the federal government’s treatment of them.


I personally believe that government agent provocateurs infiltrated and agitated these men into taking this action, thereby giving the federal government the excuse it needs to justify Obama’s Executive Order enacting stricter rules on gun purchases. In my opinion, both of these events happening during the exact same week is NOT a coincidence.


Whether my supposition is true or not, it doesn’t justify the individual decisions of Ammon Bundy and his followers to act in this manner. If I could talk to them, I would encourage them in the strongest terms possible to peacefully walk away from this situation. All this does is fuel the anti-gun hysteria of already hysterical anti-gun zealots in and out of Washington, D.C., and also serves to allow the anti-gun media to further demonize proponents of the Second Amendment and constitutionally-ordained militia.

By taking the action they did, Ammon Bundy and the others are helping to reverse the pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment momentum and to provide an excuse for gun-grabbers like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to justify more anti-gun legislation. In other words, Ammon and his followers are actually assisting the very people they claim to be resisting.

Speaking of Obama’s gun grab, we can all thank House Speaker Paul Ryan and his fellow Republicans such as Montana congressman Ryan Zinke for Obama’s Executive Order further restricting the purchase of firearms. It was Ryan’s $1.1 trillion Omnibus bill that fully funded Obama’s executive decision.

See this report here.

Furthermore, while bemoaning the President’s decision, Republican House members have said absolutely NOTHING about defunding Obama’s Executive Order, which is in their power to do, and which would completely take away the means for the executive branch to enforce the order.

See this report here.

Entire Article Here


(video) KrisAnne Hall: What’s Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative!


Nathanael: What To Expect In 2016

[youtube=]What To Expect In 2016

Brother Nathanael

“Hitler did not actually have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. The people were armed” – V.K. Clark

Heads up about Veronica. After posting, I found this post, Veronica Clark Says Europeans Need to Mass Convert to Islam, which along with the comments, shows that Veronica shouldn’t be fully trusted.

On the other hand, the attack on Veronica could be a psy op too. I just now discovered her material.

This Metapedia article is interesting.

– –

“Hitler did not actually have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. So the people were armed. I suppose they could have had an armed insurrection.”

– Veronica Kuznier-Clark @ minute-32:50 on Spingola Speaks w/ Deanna Spingola on RBN

• • •

[youtube=]V.K. Clark Historian – Anti German Myths & Communist Subversion

Apollo Mastiff


Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

(video) The Lies and Myths of Alex “Judas” Jones (GUN CONTROL) — Hitler did NOT take the guns as Alex yelled on ‘Piers Morgan Live’

Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

From: Mother Jones

Was Hitler Really a Fan of Gun Control?

—By Gavin Aronsen Fri Jan. 11, 2013


Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? — Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away the guns. Using Hitler to defend your position on gun control is a bad idea

(video) The Lies and Myths of Alex “Judas” Jones (GUN CONTROL) — Hitler did NOT take the guns as Alex yelled on ‘Piers Morgan Live’

(video) Steven Seagal: Many Mass Shootings Are “Engineered” by the Government — "The right to bear arms wasn’t just to protect the people from foreign invaders, it was to protect them from evil governments, and anyone that would violate their inherited rights as human beings” • "A lot of these mass murders and all this funny stuff that’s going on, I believe a lot of this is engineered”

Steven Seagal Thinks Many Mass Shootings Are “Engineered” by the Government
Jake Anderson
October 8, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) There are few issues right now more contentious than gun control. One of these issues happens to be “false flag” operations. Actor Steven Seagal has previously sounded off on both. In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed “a lot” of domestic shootings in America were “engineered” in order to drum up support for gun control legislation.
In the video, Steven Seagal speaks forthrightly about his belief that there is a concerted effort by the government to violate our rights as part of an assault on the constitution:
“I believe in the second amendment and our constitution more than anything in the world, and I think that Adolf Hitler – for example — when he wanted to annihilate the people of Germany —  the first thing he did was to take away their guns.
And the right to bear arms wasn’t just to protect the people from foreign invaders, it was to protect them from evil governments, and anyone that would violate their inherited rights as human beings.”
He continues, “I believe that, and I hate to say this, a lot of these mass murders and all this funny stuff that’s going on, I believe a lot of this is engineered.”

Entire Article Here

(video) Tom Selleck on the Rosie O'Donnell Show – Gun Rights — Rosie ambushed Tom for his support of the NRA and demanded that he justify the freedom to buy assault weapons. He had only intended to plug a movie…

Painful to watch:

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[youtube=]Tom Selleck on the Rosie O’Donnell Show

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2008

May 19, 1999, daytime TV talk show host Rosie O’Donnell ambushed guest Tom Selleck for his support of the NRA and demanded that he justify the freedom to buy assault weapons. It seems he had only intended to plug a movie, but, of course, he commanded the “debate” with reason and logic. As opposed to Rosie’s irrational, emotionally driven tirade.

(video) Baltimore Walmart Bans Ammo Sales


Walmart employee says Baltimore location ordered to pull all ammunition from shelves
Infowars reporters have confirmed that a Baltimore-area Walmart has ceased the sale of ammunition due to riots and protests throughout the city.

A sales associate also admitted that BB guns and knives were also pulled from shelves and locked up in the wake of the riots.
This proves the Second Amendment will be the first casualty during a civil disturbance.

(video) Gayle Trotter: Guns are the great equalizer for women

[youtube=]Gayle Trotter: Guns are the great equalizer for women


Published on Feb 25, 2013

Gayle Trotter of the Independent Women’s Forum spoke yesterday at the Senate gun violence hearings. She talked about how firearms are the great equalizer for women who are in imminent physical danger. 90% of violent crime occurs without a gun. The attacker uses size and strength to attack women. She is an advocate for concealed carry. With a concealed women reverse the inequality when a women is in danger.

(video) The Desecration of Charlton Heston — "I just don't understand the SPIRIT OF PATHETICNESS that is taking everything over" – Alex Jones

After seeing Alex talk about it, when I first saw Jim Carrey’s satirical music video, “Cold Dead Hand,” I shuddered! I thought this was so despicable that I didn’t even post it. It really is a desecration of Charlton Heston. But a ‘Christian’ said how much she likes Jim Carrey, and wasn’t even phased after I showed her this video, so I decided to address this subject more. I just now posted more Carrey exposé videos (linked below), and now this one, with the disgusting link above.
Those of you who are ‘Christians’ and think guns are evil should realize that Jesus told his disciples to buy swords, which at least two of them did carry. Total pacifism is not Christian (neither is warmongering, the other extreme). Also, the 2nd Amendment isn’t about hunting. It’s about protecting the United States from becoming a tyranny, like what happened in England. Without the 2nd Amendment, we would probably already be fully in the NWO, with Satan in charge.
America is on its last leg.
– –

“I just don’t understand the spirit of patheticness that is taking everything over.”

– Alex Jones

* * *

[youtube=]The Desecration of Charlton Heston

<a href="/channel/UCvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-sessionlink="ei=coqcVKDxJaqv-APtvYHYDQ" data-ytid="UCvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg" data-name="">TheAlexJonesChannel</a>


Published on Mar 26, 2013

legendary guitarist and devoted NRA supporter Ted Nugent joins [actually, Ted is in another video discussing this with Alex – editor] Alex in discussing firearm phobe Jim Carrey’s anti-Second Amendment music video, which blasts millions of law-abiding gun owners while also desecrating American hero Charlton Heston’s memory.


(VC video) Jim Carrey “I’m a Senior Member of the Illuminati” – Dressed as Baphomet on SNL !!!

(VC video) Jim Carrey Admits He is Illuminati on Jimmy Kimmel with Comedic Truth Hidden in Plain Sight

(video) Jim Carrey Jokes about Illuminati and Bohemian Grove on Jimmy Kimmel “I’m blowing the lid off it”

(video) Jim Carrey “I’m a Senior Member of the Illuminati” – Dressed as Baphomet Hosting Saturday Night Live

The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws — "Even their right to freedom of worship was taken from them under the infamous Black Codes"

From: The New American

The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws

… Even after abolition of slavery with the 13th Amendment, racist gun control laws were used to keep African-Americans in a state of subjugation. Across the former Confederate states, reconstituted legislatures in 1865 passed laws designed to reduce the status of African-Americans back to slaves without the name. These laws became known as the “Black Codes,” and even some of the Northern states — such as Oregon — enforced Black Codes for decades. In the South, many of the old slave codes were simply re-enacted, with the word “slave” struck out and “negro” or “freeman” inserted. Most also passed apprenticeship and vagrancy laws that placed African-Americans in long-term, forced agricultural contracts unless they carried work papers with a plantation.

Even their right to freedom of worship was taken from them under the infamous Black Codes. Ever since the abortive Gabriel Prosser slave revolt in Virginia in 1800, organized under the auspices of religious meetings, slave codes restricted black people’s religious gatherings. Mississippi’s Black Codes of 1865 likewise prohibited African-Americans from “exercising the function of a minister of the Gospel without a license from some regularly organized church.” Freedman’s Bureau Assistant Commissioner Thomas Conway testified to Congress on February 22, 1866 that in Louisiana, religious meetings were often broken up under a similar law that banned religious meetings after 9:00 in the evening: “There was an order issued at all the station-houses of the city, that the police in their various beats should break up any meetings of colored people held after 9 o’clock, and in some places meetings were broken up and the worshipers were all carried off to jail. This was done violently, and, on account of it, the city was almost reduced to a state of riot and revolution, the colored people having been unwilling to endure the persecution.”

But there was no armed resistance, since only the white population possessed guns. And the recently freed population of ex-slaves were often slaughtered by new secret societies bent on terrorism and murder, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the White Leagues (and after 1875, the less secret Red Shirts).

Entire Article Here

Stefan Molyneux: Liberals are Very Pro-Gun — "You [liberals] just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns … centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions"

“If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.”

– Stefan Molyneux


(video) John McAfee Shoots .50 Caliber with Alex | Alex Reminisces

[youtube=]John McAfee Fires Handheld Cannon

TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Oct 23, 2013

Founder of the McAfee antivirus empire visited Infowars Central Texas Command Center on Monday. After the show Alex took John out to Steiner Ranch to fire two different .50 Cal guns.

[youtube=]Alex Reminisces Shooting 50 Caliber Rifles with John McAfee

TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Oct 23, 2013

Alex reminisces on the fun of shooting .50 Caliber rifles with legendary programmer John McAfee, the beauty of the true freedoms of America.
Stay in the know – Follow Alex on Twitter:
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(video) John McAfee Exclusive: How I Escaped from Belize

(video) Software Expert John McAfee: Obamacare Unfixable, Scrap it!

(video) Anti-virus pioneer John McAfee Reveals New Project to Stop NSA Spying & Why People are Indifferent

(video) Explosive Interview! John McAfee Talks to Alex Jones

(video) Alex Breaks Down Historic Armed March at The Alamo

[youtube=]Alex Breaks Down Historic Armed March at The Alamo


Published on Oct 20, 2013

Alex will look at the aftermath of Saturday’s historic armed march at the Alamo, and the mass awakening that’s taking place across the country as more people become aware of the imminent threats to gun rights and self defense. Alex also examines the battles over Obamacare, as the website struggles to stay afloat amid glaring detrimental glitches, and attempts to take down Ted Cruz for daring to stand up to the healthcare-at-gunpoint scam.…
Stay in the know – Follow Alex on Twitter:
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(video) Alex Jones Loses Voice at the Alamo 2nd Amendment Open Carry Rally

[youtube=]Alex Rallies at the Alamo with Gun Owners for Open Carry


Published on Oct 20, 2013

Alex’s Speech at Open Carry Rally at the Alamo

Piers Morgan to be Dumped by CNN

Piers Morgan Dumped by CNN

It appears anti-gun Piers Morgan is going to be leaving CNN. … Because he is a British citizen, many Americans have been insulted and infuriated by his relentless attacks on the 2nd Amendment and endless interrogations of pro-2nd Amendment Americans. …

Piers Morgan’s show can hardly be regarded as journalism, but fall squarely in the realm of propaganda. In his shows, his questioning of Americans have followed a predictable script. As Ben Shapiro of Breitbart described Morgan as standing in the graves of the dead children of Sandy Hook. Morgan typically begins with a few leading questions, and then would go into “you don’t care about the children of Sandy Hook.”

Usually Piers would begin with a discussion of what type of gun was used in one shooting or another.  His second step in the interview is to call people names. “You are stupid,” “That is total claptrap,” ….

Prior to his stint on American TV, Pier Morgan was involved in several scandals in Britain.

Entire Article Here

(video) Adam Kokesh Beaten After SWAT Unit Raids Home

[youtube=]Adam Kokesh Beaten After SWAT Unit Raids Home


Published on Jul 10, 2013

Days after Adam Kokesh staged an open carry protest by loading a shotgun in Washington DC, “storm trooper” police raided the former Marine’s home last night, smashing in his door and deploying a flash bang grenade before arresting Kokesh.

Kokesh’s team alleges that police also assaulted Kokesh by kicking him to the floor when he politely asked to use the bathroom. Throughout the ordeal “police repeatedly showed a volatile desire to initiate aggressive, forceful conduct with detainees,” according to the press release.…


(video) Adam Kokesh’s Last Interview Before SWAT Raid

Joel Skousen: Adam Kokesh Arrested, Charged by Feds — “In my opinion, Kokesh is too unprepared to enter this world of civil disobedience”

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