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Category: China

Chuck Baldwin: America’s Greatest Threat

From: News with Views

Every time violence erupts somewhere in the world, our national leaders and news media make it sound like that particular outbreak is America’s greatest threat. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is no exception. Almost as soon as news of the conflict broke, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, was suggesting that the United States (or the United Nations) should send troops to the scene. I guess two wars are not enough for McCain; he now wants to start a third. (And with all his talk about bombing Iran, make that four.) And talk all over Washington, D.C., was mostly about what kind of military response the United States should take.

Have people lost their minds? Or do people really believe that the United States is the world’s–or should we say the United Nations’–policeman? Apparently, that is what our national leaders from both major parties believe.

Let’s face it: most of America’s foreign policy over the last several decades has been more about fulfilling the U.N.’s global desires than protecting the people and property of the United States. And, yes, that includes America’s invasion of Iraq.

Do readers not remember that soon after launching the invasion of Iraq, President Bush appeared before the United Nations and plainly told that sinister organization that the reason he had ordered the invasion of Iraq was to “defend . . . the credibility of the United Nations”? Frankly, I did not know the United Nations had any credibility worth defending. Nevertheless, G.W. Bush was willing to sacrifice over 4,000 American lives for the express purpose of defending the U.N.’s “credibility.” Now, John McCain appears willing to send troops to Georgia.

I will not use this column to analyze the specific events leading up to Russia’s attack against Georgia, except to say that one can count on the fact that there is much more to the story than what NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are telling us.

In addition, one of the major fallacies being perpetrated by most in Washington, D.C., is the notion that America is somehow strengthened and protected by aggressive meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. Such a philosophy was considered anathema to America’s Founding Fathers. They rightly understood that such reasoning created more problems than it solved and that it made America more vulnerable, not more secure.

Regardless of what the underlying and overriding reasons for Russia’s attack might have been, I will say here and now that the Russian-Georgian conflict is not America’s greatest threat. I will also be so bold as to say that Iran or North Korea is not America’s greatest threat, either. In fact, I will categorically state that no foreign nation (although, of all foreign nations, Red China should undoubtedly be our biggest concern–and none of our national leaders seem the least bit concerned about it) is America’s greatest threat. America’s greatest threat comes from within. And I am not alone in that opinion.

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China flaying animals alive: Investigation reveals images so graphic, nightmares rampant among probe team

From: WorldNetDaily

Editor’s Note: The descriptions and video of China’s fur industry in this story will be disturbing to  some readers.

The newest controversy over exports from China has caused nightmares for researchers documenting the abuse inflicted on animals bred and raised in tiny cages and then skinned alive for their fur.

WND has reported multiple times on problems with exports from China, with poison found in pajamas, consumers warned against using ginger, an alert about the dangers from China’s pickled vegetables and even the dangers from honey and fireworks.

Now comes word from an extended investigation into the fur trade that China is estimated to produce approximately 85 percent of the world’s fur products – and it has virtually no regulations or rules for the treatment of the animals.

According to Mark Rissi, a spokesman for Swiss Animal Protection, which has documented abuse of animals raised for their fur as early as 1983, the China project has been going on for several years.

The organization’s report has been made available online, with dramatic images and descriptions that researchers found more than disturbing.

“As animals are considered objects in China, there is little or no awareness for the suffering of these sentient beings,” Rissi told WND from his European base of operations via e-mail. “The cruelty found was beyond our expectations, and it was hard to document without interfering. It caused nightmares to the team, especially in the editing room, because the scenes had to be replayed and replayed to be edited from six hours down to 20 minutes.”

Read Entire Article, Watch Horrific Video

Olympics: American Christians protest over confiscated Bibles

From: The Guardian

Four American Christians are staging a sit-in at a Chinese airport, which they refuse to leave until the authorities return 315 Bibles they were trying to bring into the country.

The group – from Vision Beyond Borders – spent the night sleeping on couches at Kunming airport in southern Yunnan Province after customs officials removed the Chinese language bibles from their luggage.

The bibles were printed in Indonesia, transferred to Thailand and transported to Kunming in duffel bags by the Wyoming-based group which distributes bibles around the world.

Pat Klein, one of the members of the group, told reporters that he was bringing the books into China because his contacts in the Chinese Christian community were unable to get hold of sufficient copies.

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The Totalitarian Olympics: Chinese Athletes Not Allowed to Quit

From: The Daily Page

I would be a lot more excited about the summer Olympics if the host country weren’t fielding teams of athletes who are essentially forced laborers. Talk about taking the fun out of sports.

Yang Wenjun, a gold medalist in flatwater canoeing, told The New York Times recently that he longs to quit, but can’t. The Chinese government refused to let him retire after he won his gold medal in 2004, threatening to cut off the income he and his poor, rice-farming parents live on. Yang’s situation is typical.

The system of government-run Chinese sports schools takes children as young as 6 years old from their parents and trains them in their chosen sports, forgoing regular education. Stars are pushed to compete through injury, denied rest and medical care, and put through a grueling training regimen.

“Every time I think about him training, I feel so sad that my heart hurts,” Yang’s mother told the Times. “For him, and for me, there is so much pain.”

Another gold medalist, 10-meter platform diver Hu Jia, is training for the Beijing Olympics despite a detached retina that threatens to blind him. Hu’s father, like Yang’s mother, hasn’t seen his son more than once or twice a year since he was a little boy. He says if he’d known what his son’s life would be like, he’d have never let him compete.

Parents of Olympic champions filled with anguish and remorse over their children’s lives don’t make for the heartwarming “up close and personal” stories favored by the games’ corporate sponsors. In fact, the whole totalitarian-country-in-the-spotlight theme is a bit of a buzz kill.

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China: The Gathering Threat (book)

From: The Shop WND

By Constantine C. Menges Ph.D.

In a book that is certain to be as controversial as it is meticulously researched, a former special assistant to the president for National Security Affairs and senior official of the Central Intelligence Agency shows that the U.S. could be headed toward a nuclear face-off with communist China within four years. And it definitively reveals how China is steadily pursuing a stealthy, systematic strategy to attain geopolitical and economic dominance first in Asia and Eurasia, then possibly globally, within the next twenty. Using recently declassified documents, statements by Russian and Chinese leaders largely overlooked in the Western media, and groundbreaking analysis and investigative work, Menges explains China’s plan thoroughly, exposing:

  • China’s methods of economic control.
  • China’s secret alliance with Russia and other anti-America nations, including North Korea.
  • China’s growing military and nuclear power-over 90 ICBMs, many of them aimed at U.S. cities.
  • How China and Russia have been responsible for weaponizing terrorists bent on harming the U.S.
  • Damage caused by China’s trade tactics (since 1990, we’ve lost 8 million jobs thanks to China trade surpluses).
  • Did you know China…

  • Can launch nuclear weapons that in thirty minutes could kill one hundred million Americans
  • Has used espionage to steal the designs of nearly all U.S. nuclear warheads and many other military secrets
  • Controls more than $200 Billion of U.S. National Debt
  • Sells more than 40 percent of its exports in the U.S., which provides much of the money used to build up its economy and its advanced weapons systems aimed mostly at the U.S.
  • Remains, along with Russia, the leading supplier of weapons of mass destruction to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Libya, and Cuba
  • Read Entire Article, Buy Book

    Deception at the Games: ‘Cute’ girl chosen to lip-synch 7-year-old whose teeth deemed too crooked for Olympic ceremony

    From: Prison Planet

    China picked a ‘cute’ nine-year-old girl to mime at its Olympic opening ceremony after deciding a seven-year-old with a ‘flawless’ voice was not pretty enough to perform.

    Lin Miaoke, in her angelic red dress and pigtails, captivated the world last Friday as she ’sang’ the national anthem during its £20million opening for the Games.

    But it has now been revealed the voice heard by billions both in Beijing and around the globe was in fact seven-year-old Yang Peiyi, who was banned for her crooked teeth.

    In yet another example of fakery at the Games, China pre-recorded Yang singing Paean to the Motherland but chose her rival to lip-synch before the public.

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    Chuck Baldwin: Bush Trip To Beijing Olympics Shameful

    From: News with Views

    According to numerous press reports, President George W. Bush plans to attend the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China later this month. Bush said that it “would be an affront to the Chinese people” if he stayed away. Other world leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain, are choosing to not attend the opening ceremonies in the communist country.

    It is hard for this writer to laud President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but in this case, even the socialist Roosevelt showed more integrity than our so-called “conservative” President, George W. Bush. When the 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany, President Roosevelt refused to attend those ceremonies for fear that his presence would give honor and prestige to the notorious Adolf Hitler. And so it would have. And, by the same token, when President Bush attends the opening ceremonies in China, he is giving honor and prestige to the bloody butchers of Beijing who have persecuted, tortured, and murdered multiplied thousands of the Chinese people since the communist regime took power in 1949.

    President Bush said it would be an affront to the Chinese people if he did not attend the Olympics. Wrong. It would be an affront to the Red Chinese tyrants. And they deserve to be affronted! Instead, by attending the Olympic ceremonies, Bush is choosing to affront the hundreds of thousands of Chinese victims who have suffered brutality and barbarism at the hands of the very people Bush will be wining and dining with. Actually, by participating in the Beijing Olympics, President Bush is an affront to freedom-loving people everywhere.

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    In China, They Beat Christians With Crowbars: The Olympics will focus a needed spotlight on China’s abusive treatment of believers

    From: Fire in My Bones

    Next week the world will see everything that’s good about China: Its sleek buildings, its new wealth and its talented artists and athletes. What won’t be on display during broadcasts of the Olympic Games in Beijing are any signs of religion—or of China’s brutal record of persecution aimed at Christians and other people of faith.

    Some diplomatically minded evangelicals think this is not the time to rock the boat about China’s shameful record of religious repression. Franklin Graham told reporters in China earlier this year that believers should refrain from talking about their faith throughout the athletic contest. He thinks that we can best help China’s church by muting any evangelism efforts aimed at reaching athletes or the Chinese people.

    But Bob Fu, who once led an underground house church in China and now leads the China Aid Association from an office in Philadelphia, has called Graham’s suggestion “offensive and inappropriate.” He told Charisma recently: “When an unjust law demands [Chinese Christians] to go against their faith and Jesus’ teaching of the Great Commission, they cannot and will not concede to a ‘faith moratorium’ in order to please an atheistic government during the Olympic Games.”

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    China Builds Secret Nuclear Submarine Base in South China Sea

    From: Fox News

    China has secretly built an underground nuclear submarine base in the South China Sea, posing a new threat to powers in the region — a development the Pentagon says it has known about for at least two years.

    Satellite photos of the base obtained by FOX News show a large harbor and massive tunnels that defense experts say could shelter many nuclear subs. …

    The secret base, known as Sanya, is located on the southern tip of Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Defense experts say the harbor feeds into waters so deep that the submarines could launch without having to surface, making it difficult to detect them from the sky.

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    Related: China preparing for nuclear war

    China Ratchets Up Christian Persecution—U.S. Media Maintains Silence

    From: WorldNetDaily

    A Chinese man has been taken into custody and faces a possible sentence of death for charges alleging “subversion of the national government and endangering national security.” But several Christian organizations that monitor human rights activities in China say Alimujiang Yimiti could face the penalty simply because he is a Christian.

    While much headline space has been devoted during recent days to China’s crackdown on residents of Tibet, such attacks are more-or-less everyday experiences for Christians in the communist nation….

    “In the months now leading up to the Olympic Games, we actually see things getting worse,” said Todd Nettleton, a spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs. …

    “Christians and others might stage protests, reveal information,” she said. “I think the manner of going about it is counterintuitive, but they are trying to save face by imprisoning more and more. …

    In the past two years, we found more than 3,000 underground pastors were arrested, detained, some sentenced,” he said. Those sentences were up to and including the death sentence. …

    “Their fingers bleed, but they press on, for if they don’t make the day’s quota – 5,000 bulbs – they are beaten. The Christmas lights that decorate the trees of Christian believers around the world are often made by inmates like these. Their crime? Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. House church pastors are sent to work camps after their arrest, and in some respects, these are the lucky ones, for they survived the standard interrogations that greet most Christian leaders after they are detained; several are killed or ‘disappear,’ never to be seen or heard from again. …,” the report said.

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    2 Sources Confirm Dalai Lama’s Claim: ‘China Cloaking Soldiers as Monks to Incite Riots’

    From: The Epoch Times

    Sources at British Spy Agency Confirm Tibetan Claims of Staged Violence

    LONDON—Britain’s GCHQ, the government communications agency that electronically monitors half the world from space, has confirmed the claim by the Dalai Lama that agents of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the PLA, posing as monks, triggered the riots that have left hundreds of Tibetans dead or injured.

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    Former Advisor to Party General Secretary Claims Regime Staged Lhasa Incident

    The violent riots that the Chinese state-run media have reported as having taken place in Lhasa are not what they seem to be, according to a former highly placed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official.

    Mr. Ruan Ming claims the CCP carefully staged the incidents in Tibet in order to force the Dalai Lama to resign and to justify future repression of the Tibetans.

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    Related: Dalai Lama: ‘China Cloaking Soldiers as Monks to Incite Riots’

    Dalai Lama: ‘China Cloaking Soldiers as Monks to Incite Riots’

    From: IBNLive

    New Delhi: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Saturday alleged that Chinese soldiers disguised as monks were instigating riots in his homeland.

    Dalai Lama joined religious leaders of several faiths at the memorial of Mahatama Gandhi, Rajghat, in New Delhi, to pray for those killed in the unrest in Tibet since March 10.

    The exiled Tibetan leader told reporters later that he had come to New Delhi to take a course on Buddhist teaching and meditation, but his mind had been much distracted after the Lhasa uprising.

    “Since March 10 (when riots begin in Lhasa), I am having the same experience that I had in 1959 (the year he fled to India from Tibet),” he said.

    China was disguising its soldiers as monks to give the impression that Tibetans were instigating the riots, he added.

    “In one picture, we see a lama holding a sword, but it is not a traditional Tibetan sword. We know that a few hundred soldiers have been dressed like monks,” said the Dalai Lama….

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    Related: 2 Sources Confirm Dalai Lama’s Claim: ‘China Cloaking Soldiers as Monks to Incite Riots’

    China: Olympics water diversion threatens millions

    From: Financial Times

    The diversion of water to Beijing for the Olympics and for big hydropower projects threatens the lives of millions of peasant farmers in China’s north-western provinces, according to a senior Chinese government official. …

    Beijing will need an estimated 300m cubic metres of additional water just to flush out the polluted and stagnant rivers, canals and lakes in its central areas to put on a clean, environmentally-friendly face for Olympic visitors, according to municipal officials.

    Click for Story & Water Shortage Map


    “China will be the world’s next great nation,” declared investment and commodities guru Jim Rogers….” Rogers went on:

    Here’s how important I think China will be: My daughter, who was born in 2003, is learning Chinese. Her Chinese nanny speaks only Mandarin to her, and I suspect that she might learn Chinese before she learns English. In her lifetime, Chinese will be the most important language in the world, next to English. If you are young and ambitious, learn Chinese. If you have ambitions for your children, persuade them to learn Chinese.

    … Its impressive advances notwithstanding, the People’s Republic of China remains an inefficient, oppressive, one-party communist state that could not have achieved its recent phenomenal development, except for the suicidal policies of the U.S. government (along with other non-communist governments) that transferred enormous capital, technology, and know-how to the Beijing regime, in violation of all economic and moral principles. And, in spite of its enormous gains and momentum, Communist China would quickly atrophy and crumble if the American people forced our politicians to end the destructive trade, spending, regulatory, and monetary policies that are destroying our middle class and transferring our manufacturing and technology base to China.

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    Skousen: THE BIG PICTURE – 2007 UPDATE


    Once a year I take time out from my normal news analysis to update World Affairs Brief subscribers to the “big picture” of events in the world, including specifically my projections for the next World War, which is the real threat we have to prepare for—not individual terrorism. More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist New World Order (NWO). The foundational document upon which this update is based is entitled “Strategic Threats of the Coming Decade” and is found on this webpage in the column to your right. For a one-time sample copy of these briefings, send an email to “” and request it.


    World Affairs Brief December 28, 2007. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


    Once a year I take time out from my normal news analysis to update World Affairs Brief subscribers to the “big picture” of events in the world, including specifically my projections for the next World War, which is the real threat we have to prepare for–not individual terrorism. More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist New World Order (NWO). The foundational document upon which this update is based is entitled “Strategic Threats of the Coming Decade” and is found at

    A Larger World View of the Coming World War: Each year we see the US engaged in extensive military and covert intervention in nearly every country of the world–either under the guise of spreading democracy or promoting US interests. This intervention is the real source of hatred against America, not our freedoms. However, the true globalist purpose of all this intervention is to antagonize the world, control essential resources necessary for a future war, and to induce a massive nuclear retaliation against the US military that will create a world conflict sufficiently horrible to induce Western nations to yield essential sovereignty to a NWO. As I documented in recent briefs, however, that strategy was halted, temporarily, for the first time that I can remember. The US was planning on a massive air assault on Iran this winter but decided to postpone that attack, perhaps out of fear that another aggressive intervention and unpopular war, based on manipulated intelligence, could affect the upcoming primary elections in favor of Ron Paul–the only Republican anti-war presidential candidate–who is already dangerously close to breaking out of the single digits in the polls. I believe it was also feared, correctly, that the fragile state of the US dollar could not handle another trillion dollars in deficit spending while the establishment was busy funneling at least a trillion dollars into the world economy to bailout subprime mortagage holders and the banks that brokered these debt instruments (still ongoing).

    The Bush administration has used the phony war on terror as a pretext in a seven year campaign of devious and manipulative legal wrangling to undermine Constitutional protections of the people and to incite false patriotism.

    [video] Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

    [youtube=]Jeff Rense – Joel Skousen Interview

    The last part of this interview got me thinking about the cities Joel metioned. They all have a heavy military presence and would be prime targets in a war with another world power. He also mentions Yamantau Mountain, a huge bunker the Russians have built. It’s 15x larger than our own Cheyenne Mountain.


    Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

    (vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”

    [ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

    Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

    [Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

    Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

    [65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

    [4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map

    [2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

    [mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

    [47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

    [70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil

    [65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

    [Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

    Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

    All 100 of my Joel Skousen posts in reverse chronological order

    Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade


    Strategic threats are carefully planned threats by predator nations or groups that transcend their own normal sphere of influence and threaten the entire world with conquest and/or control.

    In this analysis I will discuss three current strategic world powers, which constitute a premeditated threat to world liberty, and the complex tactical maneuvers between them as they position themselves for the coming, inevitable conflict. Two of these world powers are nations–Russia and China–and the third is a transnational conspiracy of power by a combination of individuals in the West attempting to maneuver the world into a New World Order (NWO) of global control, euphemistically masquerading as a “global democracy.” I will refer to the latter as Western globalists.

    All less powerful nations in the world fall under the influence of one of these three powers, either as direct allies, client states for the purchase of arms, and/or diplomatic allies working in collusion to further strategic goals of global hegemony.

    There is one further complicating factor, however. The Western globalists are divided into two main factions: a US/British faction firmly in control of the financial means of the NWO, and a European faction of hard-core leftists, secretly aligned with Moscow, which controls the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the UN. I will attempt to describe each of the three power centers, their allies, and what I believe their individual strategy involves.

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    Related: Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

    China vies for a piece of Alaskan gas project

    BEIJING, Dec. 3 — China Petrochemical Corp is among companies including TransCanada Corp and ConocoPhillips competing to build a pipeline that would allow the first commercial production of natural gas from Alaska’s North Slope. …China Petrochemical is applying through a subsidiary called Sinopec ZPEB….

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    Nick Begich: China’s incremental “Art of War”


    “They keep us over here
    looking in one direction,
    when the whole economy of the country
    is being hijacked from another.”




    “China’s factories are brand new. They’re state of the art. They’re not like some of the old, fallen factories in the US that weren’t properly maintained, and were just essentially disassembled and moved to the third world over the last forty years.

    China is modern. They can make boards for computer games or they can make boards for guidance systems on missiles with the flip of a switch, because all of it is computer driven assembly systems for electronics.

    They have a better educated class of engineers coming in every year in increasing numbers….

    China holds the number one currency reserves in the world, $1.3 trillion.

    And Russia, a bankrupt country just a few years ago holds the third largest.

    And here we are, the United States, functioning under capitalism for over 200 years and not very efficiently competing against this. Why is it?

    It’s because, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been incrementally sold out by both administrations, Democrats and Republicans, on the installment plan. You know, one slice at a time until the bologna is all gone…. It’s the boiling frog syndrome where you don’t even feel it cookin’.

    Economic terrorism is maybe a phrase we should start to become familiar with…. This economic war has already destroyed more of the United States than anything we have seen in the past.

    Multinationals, while we’re down, while we’re beaten into the ground on the manufacturing side
    are ripping us off on the raw commodities side. They’re taking them out of the ground at pennies on the dollar. Most of them are foreign companies.

    Here in Alaska, they’re not even national organizations. They’re foreign companies that are making their money, hijacking the resource at bargain-basement prices as our deficits increase, and as these closed meetings that take six years to find out about, finally get revealed on the outside of this administration, just in time for some indictments, and then Presidential pardons before everybody disappears to go make their [$$$megabuck$$$, payback] speeches.”

    Nick Begich

    Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
    Changing the Way We See the World with Dr. Nick Begich on GCN Live

    Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced

    From: Daily Mail, UK

    When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of its aircraft carriers very seriously indeed.

    At least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry of the world’s only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and deter any intruders.

    That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory.

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    Tortured to Death in Red China: 40 Types of Torture Methods Used


    Weifang is the most notorious region in mainland China for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Over 40 types of torture methods have been reported to be employed in Weifang. The number of Falun Gong practitioners tortured and abused to death in Weifang is the highest among all third tier cities in China. At least 121 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death in the city by end of 2006.

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    Female Falun Gong Practitioner Subjected to Sexual Abuse in Shandong Province

    Lady Arrested Again After Being Tortured by Police: Olympics fervor taking its human rights toll

    Jilin Prison Uses ‘Death Beds’ to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

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