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Category: $Money$ ToBeFree

Inflation – 1950 Dollar Worth Only 12 Cents Today

From: Opening page of The Inflation Report (contains 14 charts)

Inflation Report
By Michael Hodges – email
updated Sept. 2007
– a chapter of the Grandfather Economic Reports



– a dollar in 1950 will buy only 12 cents worth of goods today, 88% less than before –

Inflation in my adult years increased average prices 1,000% or more –
example 1: a postage stamp in the 1950s cost 3 cents; today’s cost is 41 cents – 1,266% inflation;
example 2: a gallon of 90 Octane full-service gasoline cost 18 cents before; today it is $3.05 for self-service – 1,870 % inflation;
example 3: a house in 1959 cost $14,100; today’s median price is $213,000 – 1,400% inflation;
example 4: a dental crown used to cost $40; today it’s $1,100 – 2,750% inflation;
example 5: an ice cream cone in 1950 cost 5 cents; today its $2.50 – 4,900% inflation;
example 6: monthly government Medicare insurance premiums paid by seniors was $5.30 in 1970; its now $93.50 – 1,664% inflation; (and up 70% past 5 years)
example: several generations ago a person worked 1.4 months per year to pay for government; he now works 5 months.
And in the past, one wage-earner families lived well and built savings with minimal debt, many paying off their home and college-educating children without loans. How about today?

Few citizens know that a few years ago government changed how they measure and report inflation, as if that would stop it – – but families know better when they pay their bills for food, medical costs, energy, property taxes, insurance and try to buy a house.

Is inflation a threat to society? Consider this famous quote:
“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.” Lord John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), renowned British economist.

Inflation is the loss of a constant purchasing value of the dollar,
caused by an increase out of ‘thin air’ of the supply of money and debt creation by the financial system

See Entire Article & Charts

Related: All of my posts on INFLATION

[Corsi] Billionaire to Canada: Time for amero is now

From: WorldNetDaily

Stephen Jarislowsky, a billionaire money manager and investor the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail bills as the Canadian Warren Buffet, has told a parliamentary committee Canada and the United States both should abandon their national dollar currencies and move to a regional North American currency as soon as possible.

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The Ron Paul Library–Writings & Speeches of Ron Paul

From: The Ron Paul Library

This library is a collection of over 900 articles and speeches written by Congressman Ron Paul.
To understand his ideas, just review what he has written over the past 10 years.

Click Here for Library

Wall St. Journal: The Backlash Against Tithing

From: The Wall St. Journal

Can you put a price on faith? That is the question churchgoers are asking as the tradition of tithing — giving 10% of your income to the church — is increasingly challenged. Opponents of tithing say it is a misreading of the Bible….

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G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel


Victor Thorn:
John Rockefeller said, “Competition is a sin.”

G. Edward Griffin:
“Absolutely! All of his biographers quoted him on that. So they began to look for ways to eliminate their competition, and of course, if they couldn’t beat them in the open marketplace, which was the old way of eliminating competition, now they were looking for new ways, and that was to form monopolies and cartels – to go into joint ventures with competing firms so that they could no longer compete on price or markets, patents and processes. They would come together and form a cartel, and then they wouldn’t have to compete and they could share the market. Well, that was what was happening at the turn of the century; and lo and behold, when you look at these men sitting around the table at a clubhouse on Jekyll Island, all of a sudden you realize, “Oh my gosh, the Federal Reserve System is a CARTEL.” And that is exactly what it is. It is not a government agency. It is a cartel no different than the banana cartel, the oil cartel, or any other. It just happens to be a banking cartel. That is the second thing that emerges from the study of what happened on Jekyll Island.”

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Pat Robertson’s Deceptive Tithing Doctrine: ” an irreducible MINIMUM,” “ANTICIPATORY tithing”



In determining a giving pattern, the Christian should consider 10 percent as an irreducible minimum. We belong to the Lord and so do all our possessions. Therefore:, what we give should be determined by God’s leading in our lives [Exactly. “God’s leading, period.” Not a percentage from the Old Covenant as being a starting point, designed to finance the Levites. Pastors aren’t of the Levitical priesthood, and we are now capable of being Spirit-led – jeff] may give 25 percent, others 50 percent. Some might use 10 percent to live on and give away 90 percent.

We give as God has blessed us. I believe there is also merit in the concept of anticipatory tithing. Consider the income that you anticipate receiving, and tithe as if you already had it.

Tithing was in the old covenant, Old Testament law so the Levitical priesthood would have income no matter what. Now that Jesus died on the cross and the Holy Spirit has been given, the law is now written in Christians’ hearts. So the Holy Spirit now helps us determine how much and where to give. This is the new and better way spoken of in Hebrews 7 and:

2 Cor. 9:7: Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart….

In Acts 15, the elders decided to keep only a few practices from the old covenant, none of which was tithing.

Teaching viewers to give 10% of their income helps keep The 700 Club on the air whether it’s God’s will or not. Many ‘churches’ do the same, teaching ‘benchmark’ tithing (10% should be the minimum).

But Pat goes one step further:

“I believe there is also merit in the concept of anticipatory tithing. Consider the income that you anticipate receiving, and tithe as if you already had it.”

Paul warned us about the love of $$money$$:

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1Tim. 6:10 (WEB)


(video) Pat Robertson Cheating Comments: ‘Well, He’s a Man. Males Have a Tendency to Wander’

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Why is Pat Robertson Supporting Giuliani?

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Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Best And Worst Of 2008 — The Religious Right has become nothing more than a gaggle of glorified hacks for the Republican Party

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve ‘Robbed’ Americans of their Wealth


“There is a dollar crisis out and people’s money being stolen,” Paul said. “People who have saved, they’re being robbed. I mean, if you have a devaluation of the dollar at 10 percent, people have been robbed of 10 percent.”

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