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Category: Rand Paul Page 3 of 7

(vid) Rand Paul talks about his experience on ‘The View’

(vid) Ron with Rand Paul! – Does Socialism Lead To War?

Father and son!

Tulsi’s boldness inspires Rand Paul: Both sides of Congress want ‘REGIME CHANGE’ • The MAJORITY are interventionists!

Tulsi’s forthrightness during Tuesday’s debate about our ‘regime-change’ goal in our post-9/11 wars seems to have emboldened Rand Paul to speak more straightforwardly as well — which frustrates Jake Tapper of CNN.

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Rand Paul:

3:55 “I would say that the majority of leadership on the Republican and the Democrat side are interventionists. … Republicans and Democrats are unified in being in support of war, support of intervention, and support of never going home.”

5:30 “The U.S. has been preventing any kind of discussion, because it’s been the policy of the war caucus to have Assad removed. This is the John Bolton; this is the Lindsey Graham move. They believe in regime change. They want to get rid of Assad. But also, the Hillary Clinton group wants this too. So it’s really left and right saying we have to have regime change.

(VID) Rand Paul: "Trump Derangement Syndrome has officially come to the senate. The hatred for the president is so intense that partisans would rather risk war than give diplomacy a chance"

“Trump Derangement Syndrome has officially come to the senate. The hatred for the president is so intense that partisans would rather risk war than give diplomacy a chance.

– Rand Paul

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(VID) Sen. Rand Paul Joins PBS to Discuss Trump-Putin Meeting — Good, but Russia now has nuclear superiority to the US, and soon also will China. Dumitru Duduman and many other serious Christians have had visions of Russia and China nuking US, which will likely include EMP bombs too. We need to protect our power grid now and tell the truth about Russia and China's nuclear buildup, and our build-down — and PDD 60, Clinton getting rid of "launch on first warning"

Good, but Russia now has nuclear superiority to the US, and soon also will China. Dumitru Duduman and many other serious Christians have had visions of Russia and China nuking US, which will likely include EMP bombs too. We need to protect our power grid now and tell the truth about Russia and China’s nuclear buildup, and our build-down — and PDD 60, Clinton getting rid of “launch on first warning.”

(VID) Sen. Rand Paul Calls Out 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' on CNN

GOOD JOB RAND PAUL in addressing the whorespondent and spinmaster Wolf Blitzer, who is clearly and sadly one of the Devil’s minions.

(VID) Sen. Rand Paul Discusses Russia with the CBS Presstitutes – July 17, 2018


(VID) Mark Dice: Stop Mentioning Facts!

(VID) Senator Paul joins Jake Tapper on CNN to discuss the Trump-Putin Summit — US has interfered with elections 81 times

US has interfered with foreign elections 81 times, that we know of — Dov Levin, Carnegie Mellon study.

(VID) Senator Rand Paul joins Fox News to discuss Kavanaugh's unconstitutional stand on the 4th Amendment & upcoming Russia visit



(vid) Man Threatens to Chop Up Rand Paul and His Family with an Ax — Rand tells the story – three events now!

(vid) Nathanael: Satan At The 'Wailing Wall' — Performing the right of political passage at the Antonio Fortress' wall is to shake hands with the Devil

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees • Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate
(audio) Amazon Bans Texe Marrs’ Book “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbi’s Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” w/ Jeff Rense 3/13/17 — Claiming free speech, Amazon sells millions of books, including witchcraft, rape, torture, murder, sexual perversion and cannibalism. They sell ‘Jesus in the Talmud,’ which covers the Judaic belief that Jesus was a bastard child of a whore and is burning in a vat of fiery excrement in hell • ‘Holy Serpent of the Jews’ has struck a raw nerve, exposing the true religion of Judaism • Both the Talmud and the Kabbalah are racist documents, claiming the Jew as the ultimate in evolution and as gods on earth. Their ‘Great Purification’—espoused by rabbis today—is at hand, where Gentiles will either capitulate and become slaves to the Jews or they shall die—a truth that must not be known • Jesus warned about the ‘leaven’ of the Pharisees, saying they ‘follow their father the Devil’ • Most pastors today enable these Talmudic, Satanist destroyers, claiming they’re obeying Gen. 12:3, which is about Abraham, not Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel

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(vid) Sen. Rand Paul on Syria…

One of the few anti-war, pro-peace leaders — Rand Paul!
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(vid) Michael Savage, Ann Coulter & *Rand Paul* on Syria

(2 min vid) Sen. Rand Paul on Gina Haspel's cruel "glee" about a guy being tortured:

(vid) Sen. Rand Paul on His Opposition to Pompeo, Haspel Nominations – March 14, 2018

(1 min vid) Sen. Rand Paul Discusses Audit The Fed – March 6, 2018 — How artificially manipulates interest rates destroys the dollar

The “Federal Reserve, which isn’t federal, artificially manipulates interest rates, which destroys the dollar.
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Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders… Look to End Yemen War With First-Ever War Powers Challenge – US involvement in Saudi invasion never authorized by Congress

Senators Look to End Yemen War With First-Ever War Powers Challenge

US involvement in Saudi invasion never authorized by Congress
A bipartisan effort by four senators is looking to end the US military’s involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, with the introduction of the first ever War Powers Act vote to come out of the Senate.
Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) are forwarding the bill, which notes that Congress has never authorized the use of military force in Yemen. This should allow Congress to oblige the administration to end US involvement in the war. Sens. Sanders and Lee had a formal press conference Wednesday.
The US has participated in the Saudi invasion of Yemen since it began in 2015, with US planes performing mid-air refueling missions for Saudi bombers, and US warships at times participating in the Saudi-led naval blockade which is causing mass starvation in Yemen.
Entire Article

Skousen: REPUBLICANS CAVE ON BUDGET DEAL — Accelerates the road to national insolvency, when all US revenues will be needed just to pay the interest on the national debt

World Affairs Brief, February 9, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
The Republican leadership finally gave up any pretense of fiscal responsibility Thursday after RINO Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell forged a budget deal with Democrat Chuck Schumer that abandons all of the previous spending caps that have partially limited government spending for the past two years. President Trump thinks it is “wonderful” and House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed through this new spending bill in the House that will raise the deficit by almost a trillion dollars over the next two years. This follows in the footsteps of back-to-back Obama Administration trillion dollar deficits that Republicans loudly condemned. A fully predictable consequence of this unwise compromise is that it will help Democrats blame the growing deficit on the Trump tax cut rather than their own participation in this increased spending bill. In the House, among Republicans, only the Freedom Caucus block of 30 conservatives opposed the bill and pointed out the obvious—that this only accelerates the road to national insolvency, when in the future, all US revenues will be needed just to pay the interest on the national debt.
Here’s what’s in the Senate deal….
The Senate was expected to pass this vote on Thursday, but Sen. Rand Paul, who is vehemently opposed to this removal of the current spending caps refused to allow a vote. Under Senate rules, all 100 senators must agree to hold a vote, if it violates mandatory time limits for consideration of a bill. Without unanimous consent, the vote could only occur on Friday at 1 a.m. Senators excoriated Paul for standing on principle, saying he was just wasting their time in forcing them to wait until after the midnight deadline. Paul responded that he was elected to stop this kind of spending and that he wouldn’t add his name to the yes list under any circumstances. Bravo!

(vid) Senator Rand Paul Addresses the Christian Student Leadership Conference – Jan. 23, 2018 – "Government isn't going to make us be a virtuous society"

“Government isn’t going to make us be a virtuous society.”

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(vid) Sen. Rand Paul 1/18/18: "I'm for smaller government, and I'm for more American privacy" – Bills should be separate, not all-or-nothing conglomerations

Rand Paul to Filibuster "Long-Term" Surveillance Extension

(vid) Rand Paul assaulted <3 weeks after meeting to discuss Assange proof of Russia not involved in hacking!

Watch at 20:30
Related article:

Rohrabacher, Rand Paul Met To Discuss Assange Giving Up WikiLeaks Source To US Government

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(vid) Rand Paul describes neighbor's attack, first time!

(vid) Rand Paul: Tax Cut Will Appeal Obamacare Mandate — Update from Washington: Nov 28

Would appeal the Obamacare mandate…. Yeah!
Rand Paul!!!!!!!!!!!

Rand Paul's wife speaks out: Since the attack, my husband hasn't taken a single breath without pain — Incredibly hurtful that some news outlets gleefully…

Since the attack, my husband Rand Paul hasn’t taken a single breath without pain
By Kelley Paul
November 22, 2017
The average person takes 20,000 breaths a day. Since November 3, my husband, Rand Paul, has not taken a single one without pain. He has not had a single night’s sleep uninterrupted by long periods of difficult breathing or excruciating coughing.
As his wife, I have been distraught over seeing him suffer like this. There have been several nights where I had my hand on my phone ready to call 911 when his breathing became so labored it was terrifying.
Despite this, he refused to give in to the pain and was determined to fly back to Washington last week to do his job. As we walked through the airport returning from D.C., he was shivering with a 102.5 fever, and the next morning his internist diagnosed pneumonia in his damaged lung.
It is incredibly hurtful that some news outlets have victimized Rand a second time as he struggles to recover, delighting in hateful headlines like “Not A Perfect Neighbor,” and concocting theories about an “ongoing dispute,” based on nothing more than speculation from an attention-seeking person with no knowledge of anything to do with us.
The fact is, neither Rand nor I have spoken to the attacker in 10 years (since before his wife and children moved away) other than a casual wave from the car. …
The only “dispute” existed solely in the attacker’s troubled mind, until, on a beautiful autumn day, he ran down the hill on our property and slammed his body into Rand’s lower back as he stood facing away, wearing noise canceling headphones to protect his ears from the lawnmower.
This was not a “scuffle,” a “fight” or an “altercation,” as many in the media falsely describe it. It was a deliberate, blindside attack. The impact left Rand with six broken ribs, three displaced, pleural effusion and now pneumonia. This has been a terrible experience; made worse by the media’s gleeful attempts to blame Rand for it, ridiculing him for everything from mowing his own lawn to composting.
Entire Article

(vid) A Message of Thanks from Dr. and Mrs. Paul

‘Can lead to life-threatening injuries’: Rand Paul’s ‘minor injury’ not so minor after all


Rand Paul assaulted at Kentucky home: police

Rand is okay. Thank God!!!
One of the only senators who stands against the NWO. Almost all of congress capitulates, but not Rand — which the globalists can’t stand.
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