Freedom from Alaska!

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death? — Under Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays’ PR spell, the popular image of fluoride (which at the time was being sold as bug and rat poison) became that of a beneficial provider of 'gleaming smiles,' 'absolutely safe,' and 'good for children' • Fluoride was given the “green light” by a scientist who was working for the largest producer of fluoride in the entire country • 500 peer-reviewed studies document the adverse effects of sodium fluoride ranging from cancer to brain damage

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death?

There’s nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench your thirst! But the next time you turn on the tap, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer is likely yes. For decades, we have been told a lie; a lie that has led to the deaths of millions of Americans and weakened the immune system of tens of millions more. THIS LIE IS CALLED FLUORIDATION: The process of dripping fluoride into our municipal water supplies, which we were told was a safe and effective method of protecting our teeth from decay, but realistically, it is a deception of monumental proportions. …
In the USA, the practice of adding sodium fluoride to your tap water began in the 1940’s, but this wasn’t the first time fluoride had been added to the water supply. USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before  the UN-American Activity committees of Congress in the 1950’s that in his post as USA-Soviet liaison officer (1930’s), the Soviets openly admitted to “using the fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient.
But isn’t fluoride good for your teeth? Contrary to popular opinion, fluoride doesn’t stop tooth decay at all and scientific studies have actually proven that fluoride causes dental fluorosis, brain damage, birth defects, and osteoporosis. If you use fluoridated toothpaste, check the warning label on the tube; it will shock you. The following warning is required an all fluoridated toothpaste by the FDA since April of 1997 due to the large number of calls to the Poison Control Centers for children who became acutely ill from ingested sodium fluoride:
WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately.
In his book, Fluoride, The Aging Factor, Dr. John Yiamouyiannis warns:

Fluoride is a poison! . . . it has been used as a pesticide for mice, rats and other small pests. A 10-pound infant could be killed by 1/100 of an ounce and a 100-pound adult could be killed by 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride.

In 1977, epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the US National Cancer Institute’s cell chemistry section, and Yiamouyiannis reported that fluoridation is linked to about 10,000 cancer deaths yearly.

Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical . . . more people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States.
—Dr. Dean Burk, Congressional Record, 21 July 1976.

In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of DENTAL HEALTH found that there is a direct correlation between fluoride and osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in young boys. Sodium fluoride inhibits enzyme activity, paralyzes white blood cells, and causes collagen to break down. Enzymes, the immune system, and collagen are all fundamental in fighting cancer. All in all, there are more than 500 peer-reviewed studies documenting the adverse effects of sodium fluoride ranging from cancer to brain damage. …

A Little History—How a Toxic Poison Became “Safe”

In the 1920’s, aluminum manufacturing, due largely to the flourishing canning industry, was booming. But it was also a big producer of toxic waste, namely sodium fluoride. The biggest dilemma was the cost to safely dispose of this hazardous waste, since it was extremely expensive. A company in Pittsburgh, ALCOA, led by their founder and major stockholder, Andrew Mellon, had some “revolutionary” ideas of how to cut the costs of disposing of sodium fluoride.
Under EPA regulations, sodium fluoride was previously required to be disposed of in a landfill for toxic waste. However, Mellon got himself appointed Secretary of the Treasury which at that time was in charge of the US Public Health Services (PHS), and to make a long story short, without any studies, Mellon found a market for his toxic waste (and the toxic waste of the soon to emerge nuclear industry)—the municipal water supplies of the USA.
Under Mellon’s supervision, ALCOA-funded scientist Gerald J. Cox publicly declared that fluoride was good for your teeth, and in 1939, he proposed that the USA should fluoridate its water reservoirs. In essence, sodium fluoride was given the “green light” . . . not by a doctor, not by a dentist, but by a scientist who was working for the largest producer of fluoride in the entire country. I’m not joking, that’s how it all started!
At that time, the ADA and AMA were not yet on the take and they were screaming at Congress to stop this toxic assault. The Journal of the American Dental Association, in 1936 warned that “fluoride at the 1 ppm (part per million) concentration is as toxic as arsenic and lead.” In the 1940’s, countless studies proved conclusively that fluoride is toxic, causes cancer, damages the immune system, causes brain damage, and damages internal organs. But ALCOA, backed by the Military Industrial Complex, wanted a market for the waste created by the nuclear industry, promptly “classified” the incriminating results of each and every study.
They were bound and determined to make a profit from this toxic substance called sodium fluoride. In 1947, Oscar R. Ewing, a long-time ALCOA lawyer, was appointed head of the Federal Security Agency, a position that placed him in charge of the PHS. Under Ewing, a national water fluoridation campaign began. The public relations strategist for the water fluoridation campaign was none other than Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edwin [Edward] L. Bernays, known as the “Father of Spin.”
Bernays pioneered the application of his uncle’s theories to advertising and government “half truths.” In his book, Propaganda, Bernays argued that “scientific manipulation of public opinion is the key.” He stated, “A relatively small number of persons pull the wires which control the public mind.” His techniques were simple: Pretend there is some favorable research by using phrases like “Numerous studies have shown…” or “Research has proven…” or “Scientific investigators have found…” but then never really cite anything. Say it long enough and loud enough, and eventually people will believe it. If anyone doubts you, attack their character and/or their intellect.
Bernays never strayed from his fundamental axiom to “control the masses without their knowing it.” He believed that the best “PR” occurs when the people are unaware that they are being manipulated. So, under Bernays’ spell, the popular image of fluoride (which at the time was being sold as bug and rat poison) became that of a beneficial provider of gleaming smiles, absolutely safe, and good for children. Any opponents were quickly and permanently engraved on the public mind as crackpots, quacks, and lunatics. In 1950, the government officially endorsed fluoridation, and today, over 70% of the nation’s reservoirs are fluoridated with almost 150,000 tons of sodium fluoride each and every year, despite the fact that it is a toxic waste and causes countless health problems.
[Edward Bernays was the son of Ely Bernays and Anna Freud Bernays. His great grandfather was Isaac Bernays, chief rabbi of Hamburg. Bernays was a “double nephew” of Viennese psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud—by virtue of his mother, Freud’s sister, and of his father’s sister, Martha Bernays Freud, who married Sigmund. (source) – ed.]

In Summary

Truth be told, fluoride is a hazardous-waste by-product from aluminum, fertilizer, and the nuclear industries. But rather than paying to dispose of their hazardous waste, these companies are able to sell their waste to municipalities so they can drip it into our water and forcibly “mass-medicate” the entire population!

I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious damaging effects on a long term basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.
—Dr. Charles G. Heyd (past Presiden tof the AMA)

I leave you with this quote from EPA scientist, Dr. Robert Carton:

Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud in this century, if not of all time.

Until next time, may God bless you all.
Entire Article


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  1. Great info!
    Ingenious plan to get rid of toxic waste and kill us at the same time.

    • Jim, ‘ingenious’ for sure, and so incredibly sick — because they knew…, which I didn’t know.
      I’ve read many articles on fluoride, but this one ties it all together. I hadn’t realized that they already knew back then exactly what they were doing. The studies, even that long ago told the truth. The whole campaign was a lie from the start!
      Also, I was unaware of the Talmudic connection until now, which drives their hatred of Christ and Christians, and so often it involves the “love of money.” Destroying people’s health is a “good thing,” as long as they don’t destroy their own. Certainly, the elite can afford to drink only Perrier, and can afford fresh, nutritious food and natural remedies to counter fluoride’s negative effects.
      This Edward Bernays character is shocking!
      His great grandfather, Isaac Bernays was chief, Talmudist, orthodox rabbi of Hamburg, Germany.
      He persuaded women to smoke cigarettes by calling them “torches of freedom”:

      His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist “Torches of Freedom(Wickedpedia)

      Bernays must have laughed at the dumb Goyim, who are too good natured to imagine that anyone could lie so treacherously.

      Of his many books, Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) gained special attention as early efforts to define and theorize the field of public relations. Citing works of writers such as Gustave Le BonWilfred TrotterWalter Lippmann, and his own double uncle Sigmund Freud, he described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct—and outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desirable ways. (Wickedpedia)

      Fluoride is the ideal, globalist tool, in that it passifies the people so they’re more easily controlled, and also lowers IQ.
      It’s one thing for Americans to fall for this (Europe mostly has not) way back then, but to still not have woken up, now that we have the internet, is unconscionable.

      • One lie that I heard spread is that the Germans used it to make the people, docile of course in this article it said that the Communists did so I really wonder about the authenticity of that rumor.
        That the biggest point of all this when I get out of it is this that they had to get rid of this toxic poison and the best place to get rid of it was in the water because it dissolved and the they convinced everybody that it was a good thing, actually having some good medicinal good qualities.
        Talk about duping the people and pulling a big scam over them.

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