First, key related posts and this video help understand why this HUGE deception prevails:

Only 6 minutes!

Hitler did not have an extermination program. There were no gas chambers except the fumigation chambers to de-lice clothing to protect the prisoners’ health. Dachau even has a plaque on the wall stating this was not a gas chamber. The ‘Holocaust’ has been scientifically disproven on every level, as Auschwitz is here:

(video) Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz’s Curated Lies (PowerPoint) — Part 1: How the Auschwitz Museum dupes millions of visitors • Part 2: How the Auschwitz Museum lies about documents in its archives

Only a few hundred thousand, not 6 million Judaics died from Typhus and starvation, largely because the USA and England destroyed Germany’s supply lines to the camps.
The survivors’ strongest testimonies were proven false when survivors took the stand during Ernst Zundel’s ’85 trial, so they don’t dare take the stand anymore. This is why Deborah Lipstadt didn’t have any testify during the Lipstadt/Irving trial, of which a recent movie was made. Lipstadt didn’t even speak during the trial herself. Here, Germar Rudolf shares many of the reasons why survivors’ testimonies can’t be trusted.

Germar Rudolf ‘HOLOCAUST’ Q&A: How about the TESTIMONIES BY SURVIVORS and CONFESSIONS BY PERPETRATORS? — PRESSURE – almost everybody in the world expects survivors to “remember”. That pressure is huge, in particular for Jewish survivors, who are considered traitors if they don’t remember the “right” things

• MISUNDERSTANDINGS – partial information about events are frequently misinterpreted to fit into preconceived notions

• Manipulating the human memory – research has shown that many people tend to INTEGRATE information and disinformation they receive from others INTO THEIR MEMORY

• Disease – TYPHUS was a widespread epidemic. One of its symptoms: the patient experiences nightmarish horror delusions

FEAR and THREATS – anyone failing to remember the “right” things, or even contesting certain things, must fear negative social and sometimes even legal repercussions. After all, there is nothing more vile in this world than to deny that “it” happened

Right after the World War II, Soviet, British and US forces maintained TORTURE centers. Some of the most “important” confessions resulted from this

Germar Rudolf ‘HOLOCAUST’ Q&A: WHAT ABOUT THOSE PICTURES of Mountains of Dead Bodies in the Concentration Camps? — ALL photographs of heaps of corpses were taken in Western camps around the end of the war, where historians now agree *no mass murders* took place. There are NO such photographs taken at the camps in which mass murder is *alleged* to have occurred • Toward the end of the war, Himmler ordered the evacuation of the eastern camps as the Red Army approached, which led to hopeless overcrowding in the western camps. By that time, ALLIED BOMBING had completely destroyed the German infrastructure, making it impossible to supply the camps with food, medicines, and sanitation supplies

Another main reason why survivors cannot be trusted: rabbis consider the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah their most holy books, not the Old Testament. Texe Marrs’ book exposing this was banned by Amazon, as have been most revisionist books that tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust.’ And since Hollywood and the media is run by the Talmudists, we never hear the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ and modern Judaism on TalmudVision (TV). The Talmud encourages ‘Jews’ (in quotes because many are not even Semitic, true Jews) to deceive non-Jews, and Kol Nidre gives them a license to lie.
Many “survivors” who have lectured for decades in schools, etc. have been exposed as liars, but Jewish run media will never broadcast this, so few people know.
I consider Ted Pike, a Christian, to be one of the most reliable and balanced teachers on modern Judaism and Israel. He writes:

Ted Pike: Kol Nidre – Talmudic Judaism’s License to Lie — Including Jewish ‘Holocaust’ Survivors 

Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

And this is my favorite video in which Ted Pike exposes ‘Christian’ Zionism, which has deceived evangelical Christians into supporting Talmudic Israel no matter what; even though, Jesus warned us of the ‘leaven’ of the Pharisees, which is their Babylonian Talmudic, power-over-others thought. Jesus even warns of the synagogue of Satan in Revelation 2 & 3. Pastors have been leading the church astray.

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning” 

Another key video:

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel

Significantly in 1933,
The Judaics’ anti-German boycott to economically starve the German people began in March, 1933, BEFORE the Germans had enacted any anti-Jewish laws.
This is only one of the MANY things the Jews did to destroy Germany (even before and during WWI), which are the reasons why Hitler considered the Jews an enemy of the state.
It was STILL WRONG for Hitler to round up a large percentage (not all went into the work camps) of Jews who were not directly involved with this destruction of Germany, but helps explain the mindset. The US incarcerated the Japanese.
Martin Luther also saw what the Jews were doing to Germany in his day, and wrote a book about what should be done. Germany carried out many of Luther’s proposals, some of which were worse than what Hitler did.

“When the Jews declared war on Germany…

Benton Bradberry tells how Germany was falsely vilified by the Talmudic press in England and the U.S. as early as pre-WWI in his book, The Myth of German Villainy,’ discussed here:

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Most Outrageous Tales of the Holocaust

Please remember when you skim through this long list and read individual stories, that although most of this may appear completely outrageous, impossible and laughable, these stories and allegations were presented dead serious as nothing but the truth.
These stories were and are still being used to defame the German people and their ancestors, to extort sympathy, cash and even submarines for the further glory of the state of Israel.
The suffering of many Jewish, and many more other non Jewish people during WWII was real. But these stories are part of a criminal enterprise, and are being used for ulterior purposes such as special rights for Jews, legislation against free historical research, persecution of dissident writers, the continuing oppression of the Palestinian people, falsification of history, propaganda for mass immigration, denationalization and globalization, and the deliberate brainwashing of school children in European and other western countries.
Many of the subjects mentioned below have suffered from persecution or inprisonment. But despite that they are criminals themselves for spreading all these evil stories. Some of these lies led to the torture and execution of German prisoners of war, and the relentless persecution of thousands of people whose only crime was that they were enrolled in the German army, and happened to have been near places were bad things allegedly went on.

These stories are not innocent, and the enormous number and variation of them surpasses those about any other historical account. Jews are generally gifted people.
Also when it comes to telling the most outrageous lies and sadistic fantasies.

Important Articles Exposing False Holocaust Stories

More Miscellaneous Articles

More Preposterous Tales of the Holocaust

Websites attempting to ‘debunk’ revisionists

The articles on this page are reproduced here with the sole purpose of safekeeping the information – Original:
 Exposing the Holocaust November 12 2012 – Holocaust Demotivational

Related: 18 October 2012 – Important Quotations For A Better Understanding Of WWII 7 maj 2008 – Mainstream Danish holocaust researcher refutes claims of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust 7 maj 2008 – Dansk holocaustforsker afviser påstanden om 6 millioner dræbte Jøder under Holocaust 26 January 2007 – Six Million – 140 Occurrences of the Word Holocaust and the Number 6,000,000 Before the Nuremberg Trials Began – The American Hebrew October 31, 1919 – The Crucifixion Of Jews Must Stop – Martin H Glynn – Six Million Holocaust

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