Alison will have a verdict to her free speech case in May in England.
I wrote this comment to Richie:

Richie Allen, you say: “…the Nazis were killing Jews. There’s no doubt about that.” But there absolutely is. There was no extermination plan, and there is no proof of the Germans killing Jews. All that’s left now are the testimonies of the supposed eyewitnesses, but the best eyewitnesses were proven to be liars in court during Ernst Zundel’s ’85 trial, so they don’t dare take the stand anymore.

This is why Deborah Lipstadt didn’t have any testify during the Lipstadt/Irving trial, of which the recent movie was made. Lipstadt didn’t even speak during the trial herself.

Richie, you should have Germar Rudolf on. He’s a just-the-facts scientist. Here, he shares many of the reasons why survivors’ testimonies can’t be trusted:

Germar Rudolf ‘HOLOCAUST’ Q&A: How about the TESTIMONIES BY SURVIVORS and CONFESSIONS BY PERPETRATORS? — PRESSURE – almost everybody in the world expects survivors to “remember”. That pressure is huge, in particular for Jewish survivors, who are considered traitors if they don’t remember the “right” things

• MISUNDERSTANDINGS – partial information about events are frequently misinterpreted to fit into preconceived notions

• Manipulating the human memory – research has shown that many people tend to INTEGRATE information and disinformation they receive from others INTO THEIR MEMORY

• Disease – TYPHUS was a widespread epidemic. One of its symptoms: the patient experiences nightmarish horror delusions

• FEAR and THREATS – anyone failing to remember the “right” things, or even contesting certain things, must fear negative social and sometimes even legal repercussions. After all, there is nothing more vile in this world than to deny that “it” happened

• Right after the World War II, Soviet, British and US forces maintained TORTURE centers. Some of the most “important” confessions resulted from this

Alison is on at minute-23.
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