Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 7 of 19

Bush Pardons Himself & Staff Against War Crimes




‘Dr. No’ Blackout: Supporters Lying to Be Heard

From: Not Just a Campaign, It’s a Movement, by Alan Stang

Notice that our Communist media still treat Fred and Rudy as major candidates while they do their best to ignore Dr. No. In a classic example, the New York Times, which has assiduously promoted Communism since Walter Duranty, reported the Nevada results of all the candidates – even Rudy Who and CFR Fred – complete with pictures, except the man who took second with 14%.

The other day, in a discussion about conservatism on the air, I heard a caller ask Rush Limbaugh about Dr. No. How the caller got through the screener, I don’t know. Limbag stuttered, said he “profoundly disagreed” that Dr. Paul expressed conservative principles, hung up and went to break. That was it; there was not a syllable of argument that proved Dr. Paul wrong, just Limbag’s expression of profound disagreement.

Somebody else called Republican front man Hugh Hewitt. The caller told the screener he was for far leftist John McCain, but on the air he shouted that he was for Dr. Paul. Hewitt told the screener who blew it that his check would be docked $10 if that happens again. Of course, Hewitt was joking, about the $10, not about his desire to squelch Dr. No.

Maybe the editors at the Times are too busy buggering each other to be aware of this, but they and right wing Communist talk radio scumbags like Hannatwit are destroying their own credibility, a symptom of the fact that the Old Media are dying. Of course in their death throes they are more dangerous than ever. I submit that for Dr. Paul to do as well as he has in the face of all this is something of a political miracle.

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Paul: If we pull out of Iraq will Iran move in?




March For Life—Ron Paul

Video is a bit shaky, but the audio is clear.




Always Gotta Be Ready: Man Killed When Engine Crashes Through Roof

From: CNN

Officials probe midair collision that killed man in car dealership

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) — Paint markings found on pieces of two planes that collided over suburban Los Angeles indicate the nose of one aircraft slammed into the middle fuselage of the other, according to a federal investigator.

Five people died in the accident in Corona, California, including a man on the ground who was killed when one plane’s engine crashed through the roof of a car dealership where he worked, said National Transportation Safety Board investigator Wayne Pollack.

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Related: Falling Cow Hits Car (After Church)–Always gotta be ready!

Jim Cramer Calls For Investigation Of The Federal Reserve

From: Daily Paul 

In light of yesterdays “emergency” display of free market principles, Jim Cramer, persistant stock market shill in his role on CNBC, gives this interesting perspective when interviewed elsewhere.

At the 2:22 mark of this interview he says:

“I actually want to call right here for an investigation of what the Fed did. An investigation of the institution, because I think the institution has been behind almost every boom and bust that we’ve had for many many years. And its really starting to [be the] time to look to see what this institution is all about.”

Now who else do we know that has been saying the exact same things? …


Dobbs Drops Ron Paul From Leadership Ability Questionaire

The questionaire is up right now at

Consider that Ron Paul has beat Rudy Giuliani in every almost every state so far by a 2:1 or higher margin, and Giuliani still gets lots of air time—while Paul gets close to zero.

Charlotte Iserbyt writes:

How many of you watched LOU DOBBS TONIGHT… this evening, January 22, at 7 pm EST? If you did, you undoubtedly read the QUICK VOTE, but you were unable to vote since Lou Dobbs left Ron Paul out of his QUICK VOTE!

The question was: Which of the following candidates do you believe has the economic knowledge and leadership to guide the USA for the next four years?

The candidates he listed were:



Total Votes: 20022


If I were Ron Paul, considering the treatment or perhaps “non-treatment” he has had by the establishment media, while other candidates have received coverage worth millions of dollars (FREE), I would quit the race for the Republican nomination and go Independent.

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Dees: ‘Federal’ Reserve’s US Timer




“When the Stock Market Crashes”

Paul Proctor, News With Views

When the stock market crashes – and I mean really crashes, we won’t care about Britney Spears anymore. We won’t care about Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Amy Winehouse, Jessica Simpson, or anyone else in Hollywood struggling through their fame and misfortune.

When the stock market crashes, we won’t care anymore about the Oscars – what the nominees will be wearing on the red carpet – the writer’s strike – who crossed the picket lines – those pesky paparazzi or any of our once-favorite TV shows with or without scripts – no, not even American Idol.

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Lightly cooked broccoli boosts the body’s ability to fight off cell damage

How broccoli can reduce risk of a heart attack

Eating steamed broccoli reduces the risk of a heart attack by boosting the body’s ability to fight off cell damage, researchers have found.

Previous studies have found people who eat broccoli, especially if raw or lightly cooked, are at lower risk of heart disease and some cancers.

…the brassica family of vegetables, including cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, provide antioxidants that prevent the build-up of free radicals.

Broccoli in particular contains sulforaphane, which triggers production of proteins that are part of the body’s cardiovascular defence system.

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“Jane Roe” Endorses Ron Paul

About an hour ago Norma McCorvey, a.k.a “Jane Roe” from the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, formally endorsed Ron Paul at the Phoenix Park hotel in Washington. Why didn’t she endorse a frontrunner like Mike Huckabee? Thank the grassroots: She saw a newspaper ad in Nevada, bought by Paul supporters, using the analogy of the frog and the pot of boiling water to demonstrate what was happening to America. “It touched my heart.” That was three weeks ago, and McCorvey keynoted a pro-life Paul rally in Nevada on January 12th, but the campaign made the official announcement today before Paul spoke at the March for Life. McCorvey:

I support Ron Paul for president because we share the same goal, that of overturning Roe v Wade. Ron Paul doesn’t just talk about being pro-life, he acts on it. His voting record truly is impeccable and he undoubtedly understands our constitutional republic and the inalienable right to life for all. Ron Paul is the prime author of H.R. 300, which would negate the effect of Roe v. Wade. As the signor of the affidavit that legalized abortion 35 years ago I appreciate Ron Paul’s action to restore protection for the unborn. Ron Paul has also authored H.R. 1094 in Congress, which seeks to define life as beginning at conception. He has never wavered on the issue of being pro-life and has a voting record to prove it. He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn.

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Only on Russian TV: Ruination of Granny Warriors’ Ron Paul RV




Ron Paul: $ House of Cards $



“If you don’t deal with the dollar

there will be no retirement for anybody.

We’re going to have chaos.”

 – Ron Paul

(videos) MOLTEN Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

At ground zero, steel was still found in liquid form weeks after 9/11.

Yet sooty, black burning jet fuel (basically diesel) cannot melt any kind of steel, especially fire resistant, structural steel.


Firefighter: “You’d get down below and see molten steel—molten steel running down the channel rails, like you’re in a foundery…like lava.”


6 weeks after 9/11


WTC Ground Zero Molten Steel (Part One)

“Eight weeks later, we’ve steel got fires burning”


Frame by frame stabilization of WTC South Tower molten metal, by JKeogh of


Extreme temperatures of the WTC rubble. How was this created; fire, jet fuel, friction?

Ron Paul: “We’re winning all the time…trying to reverse the course of history”



“I think our people think we’re winning all the time, because we’re working in the sense that we’re trying to reverse the course of history. And our job is a lot different than just winning an election. We’re trying to reverse policies that have been against us for over 100 years: foreign policy, monetary policy, fiscal policy. And this is where we’re winning.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this CNN-with-John-Roberts interview, 1-18-08

Could Paul win if he runs as an independent AND the economy tanks?

Denmark Bank predicts Ron Paul presidency, U.S. depression

Denmark based Saxo Bank predicts Ron Paul presidency in 2008. According to Pravda.Ru, the bank predicts Paul will be the next president and that the U.S. economy will plunge into a depression prior to the election.

Saxo Bank says the U.S. economy will shrink by 25% and the Chinese economy will decrease by 40%. The economic downturn will come about as a result of the housing crash.

Ron Paul has been critical of the Federal Reserve and has blamed the Federal Reserve for causing the real estate bubble and crash. Paul has said that the loose monetary policy of the Fed had artificially inflated real estate prices which lead to the collapse.

Paul supports ‘Sound Money’ and opposes the Federal Reserve’s ‘Inflation Tax’ and says that he wants to prevent a dollar collapse.

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Twins for Ron Paul




My twin sister Rebekah and I (she’s in the blue shirt, I’m in the pink) respond to the “Huckabeevangelical” twin activists who recently made the national press. =) She did the video editing.


Russert: “Ron Paul is Someone to Watch”—But WHERE?

In for the long haul…

Ron Paul is someone to watch.”

– Tim Russert on MSNBC


But where?



You Decide 2008 FOX News? Fair & Balanced

The Spin Room


Note: Ron Paul ended up taking 2nd place by getting over 400 more votes than John McCain




Ron Paul Limo: Ride the Love Train!


“People all over the world (Sisters and brothers)

Join hands (join, come on)

Start a love train (ride this train, y’all)

love train (Come on)”



Herb Triggers Cancer Cell Death

A substance found in the popular Chinese herb huang qin triggers the death of tumor cells, while having virtually no effect on healthy cells.

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What song is this?

The answer becomes evident halfway through




Andre Eggelletion: ‘Federal’ Reserve Causing Economic Failure


[youtube=]Part 1 of 4

Romney Surrounded by Pro-U.N. Lobbyists

Insisting that he is a Washington outsider, Mitt Romney has been captured on tape arguing with a reporter about whether a Washington lobbyist named Ron Kaufman runs or just advises his campaign for president. The more important issue is what Kaufman lobbies for. It turns out that Kaufman’s firm, as well as another Romney adviser, Vin Weber, have worked to put more American taxpayer dollars into the coffers of the corrupt United Nations and other international agencies.

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A Soldiers rLOVEution: “It’s starting to feel like our ruin is their objective”



“I’m starting to feel like the powers-that-be do not have America’s interest in mind at all.

It’s starting to feel like our ruin is their objective.”


N.Y. Times Censors Ron Paul

This is the third piece I have written today about the blatent and disgusting censorship of Ron Paul aftebeat John McCain today and finished second in all voting in Nevada’s primary.Ron Paul finished second today beating McCain, Thompson, Giuliani and Huckabee in Nevada.

yet the rag newspaper New York Times found a way to continue to ignore Ron Paul.

The “official results page” on the New York Times website does not even list Ron Paul as a candidate.

Click for Story & Times’ where-is-Paul? Chart in Miniature or above link, while it lasts

1/25/08 Update: Paul is finally on NY Times’ chart—after Giuliani; though, he’s placed higher thus far

FOX News’ Brit Hume: “God Forbid” You Watch Another Network

“So if you’re in South Carolina tonight and you’re interested in knowing how all this is going, well you could watch us or maybe watch some other program, God forbid. Or you could do what some other South Carolinians are able to do, and Caroline Shively is in Columbia, South Carolina, the state capitol, to tell us about that.

Hi, Caroline.”

– Brit Hume

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from FOX News channel, 1/19.

MSNBC Disgraceful Towards Ron Paul

Just 2 minutes ago I am watching the MSNBC coverage of the Nevada primary…. They then flash Obama, Hillary and Edwards graphic up showing 48%, 46% and 5% for Edwards.They then show the Republican numbers and only show two candidates numbers in their NEW GRAPHIC.

For the first time in all the primaries they decide to use a “top 2″ candidate graphic, because Ron Paul is a very close third place with 12%. In all other primaries they show the top three in their default graphic, and for the first time in all the coverage they decide its time to use just the top 2. They still show the top three in the Democrat race, event though Edwards is 36 POINTS behind the second place slot of Hillary, But the don’t show Ron Paul third when he is only 1% behind being in second place.

Click for Story

Huckabee Threatens Voters Again: “Everybody that votes for us will get our thanks. Those who don’t…”

Presidential candidate/pastor Mike Huckabee speaking yesterday to supporters at Columbia, South Carolina:

“I just wanted to tell you, I wanted to go ahead and get you sort of tuned in to the next secretary of Homeland Security, Rick Flair. [applause]

Actually, what we’re gonna do tomorrow, we’re going to all the polling places.

Everybody that votes for us [pause] will get our thanks.

Those who don’t, Rick’s going to take you down! [applause]”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from CNN, 1/19

Related: Mike Huckabee: “If you vote for me you live. If you don’t…”

At 11am, FOX Shows Huckabee in 3rd Instead of Ron Paul!

According to Digg, this screenshot was submitted before 11 am (Pacific), today—before most Nevadans have even voted! Look who’s missing!!!

With less than 1% of the precincts reporting, Ron Paul is almost tied with John McCain for 2nd place—at 14% with 48 votes, compared to McCain’s 51 and Huckabee’s 26.

But FOX News shows Huckabee instead of Paul!


Ron Paul for President 2008 is saying it this way:

Once again the enemy of the people Faux News omits Ron Paul being in third place at the time of this graphic. Have any doubts as to how they censor Ron Paul? NEVER support Faux again!

Powerful Ron Paul Video with JFK & MLK! [YouTube banned this clip]

If this gets pulled by YouTube, again, please let me know. They may leave it up, now that it’s getting so much attention. See: About This Video. There is nothing here that Americans shouldn’t see.




The picture of the girl and how they laugh at Ron Paul, the peacemaker, reminds me of Roger Waters’ The Bravery of Being Out of Range:

… Hey bartender over here
Two more shots
And two more beers
Sir turn up the TV sound
The war has started on the ground
Just love those laser guided bombs
They’re really great
For righting wrongs
You hit the target
And win the game
From bars 3,000 miles away
3,000 miles away
We play the game
With the bravery of being out of range
We zap and maim
With the bravery of being out of range
We strafe the train
With the bravery of being out of range
We gain terrain
With the bravery of being out of range


The media’s manipulation of these wars and now Ron Paul’s campaign amounts to pure, unconstitutional censorship.

Related: Making Fun of Ron Paul at FOX’s S.C. Debate, 1/10/08

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