This is another video I saw in the ’90s that opened up my eyes. Ted Gunderson, former L.A. FBI head discusses all of these topics I tag above and more.
[googlevideo=]Part 1
[googlevideo=]Part 2
This interview with Dr. Stanley Monteith shows some of what Ted has been going through lately. Unfortunately, it’s no longer in the online archives, but is available for purchase from Radio Liberty. It’s pretty heavy: the many ways they’ve tried to take Ted out.
There is another recent Ted Gunderson interview still available currently, which I link to below:
Date: 02-16-09 | |
Hour: a – 1 hr. | |
3:00: Michael Shaw – Dangers of Sustainable Development | |
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Hour: b – 1 hr. | |
4:00: Bob Chapman – The Economy & World Events | |
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Hour: c – 2 hrs. | |
8:00: Ted Gunderson – Assassinations 9:00: T.J. Davis – FEMA Camps |
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Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?
[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House
I understand Mr Tatum was Murdered, Tortured then Murdered
When they Declair Martial law, Rex84 and Operation Garden Plot
and the American people are rounded up like cattle and classfied, taken if they have any Value to the Fema Concentration Camps for Training and to Indiana to be disposed of
The American People will wish that instead of Drinking Cola’s , Water and consuming Food Containing HexaFluorsilic ACID falsely labled Sodium and Sodium Fluoride, they will wish at that time,I sure should of Listen to People like Tatum, Instead of Drinking all that Micro ALUMINUM, LEAD etc into my body which was carried to the Pineal gland in my BRAIN and to other organs, and after it builds up it turns into Cancer, causes Alzheimers Disease etc
See Films and scientific reports at & Fluoride Action
5o Reasons not to Drink Fluoride or Micro Aluminum particles into my body
Watching Digital TV, Programs that were written by and For HEAD of THE CHURCH of SATAN, and 4 sTAR GENERAL at the National Security Agency (NSA) Michael Aquino see marsboy683 films on Youtube
These digitized programs are more addictive, they cause the Endorfins to be released into the BRAIN causing PLEASURE more ADDICTION
As long as Your watching TV and Drinking Cola, Your keeping Your eyes and mind offf the important things like Protecting Your Freedom and Health.
For those Concerened, see how they stole American Money System google film-=FIAT EMPIRE,Mind Control, Operation Paper Clip,, Code Name ArtiChoke, MkUltra see Cathy OBrian, project Monarch, Phoenix and other control projects see Edward Bernays, see google Black Pope and the Jesuits, see Jews VS Zionist, see the late Patriot Eustace Mullins,
See Religious SECRETS HIDDEN for 1,600 years at
and visit and down load andy of my uploads for FREE, DEADADELTA youtube
May YHVH Bless you and open our minds and Protect us I ask for this in teh Name of Jesus Christ.