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Category: Benjamin Netanyahu

Judge Napolitano: Would Bibi Netanyahu have allowed the slaughter of some of his own citizens, in order to acquire the pretext of international respectability which would be used to justify this kind of invasion?

Would Bibi Netanyahu have allowed the slaughter of some of his own citizens, in order to acquire the pretext of international respectability which would be used to justify this kind of invasion?

@Judgenap asks former CIA Operations officer @philipgiraldi

Idolatry: Watch Netanyahu get 26 standing ovations during his speech to Congress, 3/3/15

Worshiping and being led by Tamudic Israel, instead of Jesus Christ, Who said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” — not the warmongers.

False Flag: Israel Let Hamas Attack Happen On Purpose To Get the War Mandate… – 29 POINTS — Problem > Reaction > Solution

ISRAEL DEFINITELY LET HAMAS ATTACK HAPPEN on purpose so the people would be outraged (happening right now), SO ISRAEL GETS THE US MANDATE to do what they’ve been wanting to do.

It’s called ‘problem > reaction > solution.’ They create a problem so the people react: “give us a solution?” Then they have public support for their pre-planned solution. This happened on 9/11 too, after which fuming Americans were willing to violently regime change countries, which has been proven to be a reverse-Christian disaster!

Egypt warned Israel the attack was coming, 3 days prior
Former IDF soldiers have reported in videos (which I’ve posted) that breaching the fence is impossible without being detected. The fence even has subsurface detectors. Hamas was even able to go back through with hostages many hours later
IDF forces didn’t arrive until 7 HOURS after the invasion
IDF battalions had just been removed from the Gaza strip to other areas
Nova music festival attendees, incl. active military received a text message to not bring weapons to the event. Normally, IDF carry their weapons everywhere
On September 1st, Israel took the rifles from Gaza envelope Israeli security teams, which they’re only now reversing (Fmr. IDF video & Times of Israel, 10/10/23 “..10,000 Assault Rifles Purchased…”). Israel has no 2nd Amendment
Israelis’ cellphones were working to call for help [BBC Hamas Attack Survivor video 10/13/23, Maya Alper – a Nova Festival Massacre Survivor w/ Efrat Fenigson 10/20/23]
Israeli news didn’t report the event until 12 hours after it started
Hamas released video footage three weeks before the attack of their exact plan (Efrat Fenigson on X, 10/11)
Hamas prepared for the attack in open air for over a year
MOSSAD intelligence is the best in the world, had many agents and informants in Gaza
Patrick Bet-David asks Charlie Kirk (PBD Podcast, Ep. 314): Was this Netanyahu’s “get out of jail card” so “his legacy can be ‘he eliminated Hamas,’ … because the world [now] gave us permission to do so?” Kirk: “The whole country is a fortress … I find this very hard to believe. I’ve been to that Gaza border … The country was separating.” Netanyahu’s support in Israel was tanking — an approval rating of only 27%. Hundreds of thousands have protested in the streets for six months his extreme reform plan to eliminate the judicial branch of government, and he’s been facing corruption charges and possible prison time. Israel also have force-vaccinated ALL citizens. When Bill Clinton was caught with Monica Lewinsky, he bombed Gaddafi to distract, striking a pharmaceutical factory instead. Charlie Kirk: “There were protests planned this week against Netanyah…. That’s all gone,’Patrick. Netanyahu now has an emergency government and a mandate to lead.”
Netanyahu is on video (which I have) telling Israelis that America is easy to push around. He’s a major liar, lying about Iran already having, or a few years from having nukes 6 times from 1992-2012.
MOSSAD’s former motto was: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”
Israel was the main foreign country involved w/ CIA in our 9/11 attack (, after which Americans were willing to launch reverse-Christian wars (overt and covert) that regime-changed Israel’s neighbors
General Michael Flynn said on 10/11/23 he believes there was “some type of stand down order given.” (AMPNews video)
US Rep. Michael McCaul’s official statement as chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on 10/11/23: EGYPT DID WARN ISRAEL of Hamas attack; PLANNED as long as A YEAR ago. We don’t know how Israel missed it. “A failure of intelligence”
So many Israelis (including the media) are taking about the stand-down, that the government is trying to pass legislation to IMPRISON those who question the official story.  “Likud Minister Formulates Emergency Regulations to Imprison Citizens Who ‘Harm National Morale’” (Haaretz, 10/15/23).
Even a famous rabbi says the attack was an ‘inside job’ (Israeli News Live)
Netanyahu tried to blame the IDF & Shin Bet in a tweet for allowing the Hamas attack. Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported he got so much flack, that he deleted the tweet, and posted an apology on 10/29
• Israel wants Gaza’s $500 BILLION of oil & natural gas under Gaza’s waters
• Israel wants to build their 2-way BEN GURION CANAL. The Suez Canal is only 1-way. Gaza & Hamas stand in the way.
Raphael Hayon identified thousands of transmissions that prove with certainty Hamas training before the attack. He alerted and informed the IDF and senior security officials in real time. They revoked his license and took away his equipment; returned it after Oct. 7, when they wanted his help (Efrat Fenigson on X, 11/22)
• Nurit Peled (Israeli founding general’s daughter): Israelis who lived near the Gaza fence saw Hamas’ preparations, but the government chose to ignore it (11/7 interview)
• Israel had undercover intelligence agents in Gaza called Mista’arvim who speak Arabic natively
NY Times reported ‘Israel Knew of Hamas’ Devastating Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago.’  Israel had a 40-page document code-named “Jericho Wall” which detailed the use of drones to disable security cameras and automated machine guns along the border wall, rockets fired at the start of the attack and streams of gunmen pouring into the country
Haaretz reported the women IDF spotters who monitored the Gaza perimeter fence saw Hamas training, and passed the information on to superiors. Ilana recounts: “In the past couple of months, they began to put up drones every daythat came really close to the border…. A month and a half before the war, we saw that in one of Hamas’ training camps, they had built an exact replica of an armed observation post, just like the ones we have. They started to train there with drones, to hit the observation post.”
BBC, 1/14/24: They were Israel’s ‘eyes on the border’ – but their Hamas warnings went unheard — It became a dark joke: who would be on duty when the inevitable attack came?
• Efrat Enignson on X 4/17/23: “The deputy commander who was in command of “Reim” IDF base on October 7th, and under his command Hamas terrorists infiltrated the base, was appointed to investigate the failures of October 7th. This is in line with the IDF policy according to which the person responsible for commanding the decree – is the one who will investigate” (article


Netanyahu: America is easily manipulated, 9-11 was “good” for Israel, removing Saddam would be great for the region (speaking to Congress)

Anya Parampil @anyaparampil
“Just reminding everyone that Netanyahu is on the record saying that 9-11 was “good” for Israel, that removing Saddam would be great for the region, & that he manipulates US leaders to support Israel’s goals with ease

From my 2018 documentary “Netanyahu: Crime or Prime Minister?”


CNN Reporter Retracts Claim of Beheaded Babies — Israeli Prime Minister’s office and President Biden’s also backtracked

Oct 13, 2023


Rep. McCaul’s official US statement: EGYPT DID WARN ISRAEL of Hamas attack; PLANNED as long as A YEAR ago. We don’t know how Israel missed it. “A failure of intelligence” — Netanyahu LIED about Egypt’s warning

October 12, 2023

Egypt says that it had repeatedly warned Israel of Hamas’s surprise attack in the weeks leading up to the assault but the warnings were ignored.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office blasted reports of the Egyptian warning as “fake news” in a Monday post on Twitter/X.

However, Republican Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, has now said that Egypt alerted Israel about Hamas’s plans “three days” before the assault was launched last Saturday.

In a Wednesday [10/11/23] statement, McCaul confirmed what Egyptian intelligence has previously said and contradicted Netanyahu’s claims.

McCaul said officials are trying to ascertain how Israel could have missed the warning.

“There seems to have been an intelligence failure [a failure of intelligence as well – ed.],” McCaul said.

“We’re not quite sure how we missed it.

“We’re not quite sure how Israel missed it.”

McCaul had just received a closed-door briefing for an update on the crisis from Biden administration officials before he issued the statement.

“We know Egypt had warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” McCaul confirmed.

“We know this has been planned perhaps as long as a year ago.” (source)

Benjamin Netanyahu (Mileikowsky) is not a Semitic, Jewish descendant of Abraham?

From: Christopher Bollyn

MEET THE MILEIKOWSKY’S – Benjamin Netanyahu and his father, Benzion Mileikowsky from Warsaw, Poland. Benzion was the executive secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, which calls for the military conquest of all of Palestine and expulsion of the non-Jewish population. His son, Bibi, has furthered these goals. 9-11 was an essential part of the Zionist deception, a terror spectacle designed to change U.S. public opinion and drag the United States military into the Middle East – to fight Israel’s enemies.

NETANYAHU THE ARCHITECT OF TERROR – Netanyahu’s first book, International Terrorism: Challenge and Response, is based on the speeches given at the Jerusalem conference in 1979.  Netanyahu has made a career of pushing the Israeli war strategy known as the “War on Terror”. It is a strategy of conquest in which the United States and its allies fight wars in the Middle East on behalf of the Zionist state and its war agenda.  Creating a greater state of Israel, a goal of the terrorist groups that created the Likud party in the 1970s, is part of the plan.

Benzion Mileikowsky (later Netanyahu) was born in Warsaw in partitioned Poland which was under Russian control, to Sarah (Lurie) and the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. (Wikipedia)

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) is descendant from people who have no relation to Palestine, historic or other, because Ashkenazim or European Jews such as Mr. Netanyahu or ourselves for that matter are in fact descendants of the Khazars, an 8th and 9th century empire that converted to Judaism at that time from which European Jews are descended. (source)

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