Paul Craig Roberts: The Boston Bombing after Four Years
From: Renegade Tribune
The ‘Terror Attacks’ in Nice and Munich Were Filmed by the Same Zionist Cameraman
July 23, 2016 Kyle Hunt
What are the odds that the same man would be on hand to get the only mainstream footage of two terror attacks only a few weeks apart in two different countries? And while I’m at it, what are the odds that a Mormon missionary would survive the Boston Bombing, the Paris attack, and the Brussels bombing? MASON Wells is one lucky guy!
It must be rarer than being struck by lightning twice in the same day, right? Actually, we’re dealing a kind of jewish lightning here, so the odds are quite high. Just consider how the Mossad operates.
“By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War”
And remember those Israeli “art students” who were picked up by the FBI for being involved in 9/11 and then quietly shipped back to the “promised land” – what did they say on Israeli TV?
“We were there to document the event.”
So it turns out that the man who filmed the truck attack in Nice, which supposedly killed 77 84 people and impacted around 200, was also conveniently there to film the shooting outside a McDonald’s in Munich.
His name is Richard Gutjahr and he is married to Einat Wilf, a high-level Mossad agent and member of the Knesset.
From: Paul Craig Roberts
FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Paul Craig Roberts
I have been contacted by attorney John Remington Graham, a member in good standing of the bar of the Minnesota Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. He informs me that acting in behalf of Maret Tsanaeva, the aunt of the accused Tsamaev brothers and a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic where she is qualified to practice law, he has assisted her in filing with the US District Court in Boston a pro se motion, including an argument of amicus curiae, and an affidavit of Maret Tsarnaeva. The presiding judge has ordered that these documents be included in the formal record of the case so they will be publicly accessible. The documents are reproduced below.
The documents argue that on the basis of the evidence provided by the FBI, there is no basis for the indictment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The FBI’s evidence clearly concludes that the bomb was in a black knapsack, but the photographs used to establish Dzhokhar’s presence at the marathon show him with a white knapsack. Moreover, the knapsack lacks the heavy bulging appearance that a knapsack containing a bomb would have.
As readers know, I have been suspicious of the Boston Marathon Bombing from the beginning. It seems obvious that both Tsamaev brothers were intended to be killed in the alleged firefight with police, like the alleged perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo affair in Paris. Convenient deaths in firefights are accepted as indications of guilt and solve the problem of trying innocent patsies.
In Dzhokhar’s case, his guilt was established not by evidence but by accusations, by the betrayal of his government-appointed public defender Judy Clarke who declared Dzhokhar’s guilt in her opening statement of her “defense,” by an alleged confession, evidence of which was never provided, written by Dzhokhar on a boat under which the badly wounded youth lay dying until discovered by the boat owner and hospitalized in critical condition. Following his conviction by his defense attorney, Dzhokhar allegedly confessed again in jihadist terms. As legal scholars have known for centuries, confessions are worthless as indicators of guilt.
Dzhokhar was not convicted on the basis of evidence.
Excellent, except I don’t think these wars about oil.
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“Americans don’t want to believe it can happen here.”
“It’s the United States government that’s supporting the most radical forms of Islam, including rebel groups affiliated with al Qaeda against secular governments in the middle east — in Libya, in Syria, in Egypt. “
“Tyranny is here.”
– Wayne Madsen
* * *
[youtube=]Our Country Is Run By Sicko Murderers
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Wayne Madsen came to Austin for an exclusive interview on the current scandals, murders, and thievery that our current government is heading up. From Benghazi to Snowden and criminality In between Wayne covers a wide array of subjects. But There is hope if we speak out and get real with our situation.
“Reality is usually scoffed at;
illusion is usually king.
And they’re using this to create a police state.”
“This is the pathway to a dictatorship.
They know exactly what they’re doing.”
– Dr. Stanley Monteith
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(Boston bombing discussion starts at minute-20):
Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 05-02-13 | |
Hour: 1 | |
3:00: Bradlee Dean – Christian Music & Preacher | |
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Hour: 2 | |
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief | |
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Hour: 3 | |
8:00: Pastor Billy Crone – The Bible is the Truth | |
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Hour: 4 | |
9:00: Cheryl Hancock – Current Events in the Middle East | |
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“Reality is usually scoffed at;
illusion is usually king.
And they’re using this to create a police state.”
– Dr. Stanley Monteith
* * *
(Boston bombing discussion starts at minute-20):
Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 05-02-13 | |
Hour: 1 | |
3:00: Bradlee Dean – Christian Music & Preacher | |
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Hour: 2 | |
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief | |
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Hour: 3 | |
8:00: Pastor Billy Crone – The Bible is the Truth | |
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Hour: 4 | |
9:00: Cheryl Hancock – Current Events in the Middle East | |
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World Affairs Brief, May 3, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Illegal Immigrants Flood into US Seeking Amnesty
Benghazi Whistle-blowers Threatened
More on Boston Marathon Bombing
TX Airport Shooting: A Failed False Flag Event?
Pentagon Trying to Prosecute Christians for Proselytizing
China Nuclear Strike Policies Purposely Opaque
Giving Advanced Weapons to Israel Means War is Coming
Three friends of the accused bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were arrested for obstruction of justice (hiding evidence from police or lying to protect their friend) this week. One of the boys, according to the feds, did say that Dzhokhar had bragged about knowing how to build a bomb. That is probably true, given how easy it is to purchase large fireworks and build pipe bombs, but it doesn’t change the fact that most of the evidence shows that whatever explosives the two brothers had in their packs that day, the bulge of the pack wasn’t big enough to conceal a pressure cooker. In addition, the colors of the packs they were wearing don’t match the remnants of the single exploded back pack the government has as evidence. What about the other explosion?
One of the most interesting pieces of evidence that has surfaced indicates that the other explosion was NOT a backpack on the ground but placed higher up on a building where a jumbotron big screen TV was attached. Here’s the Fox News live feed and interview: Fox Feed
At 6:45, 7:09 minutes into the video, Maria Stephanos (a Fox News reporter) said the explosion she saw came from the side of a building, higher up on the wall right where a Jumbotron (Big Screen TV) was installed. At 8:01, she said the explosion looked like it took place halfway up the building and at 8:32, she reiterated that the explosion came from the middle of the building, not at ground level. She was adamant about all this.
This is important because it is the first evidence that places the bomb at a place where neither Tsarnaev brothers could have had access. Nor does it match FBI claims (as yet unbacked by any video proof released) about the activities of the brothers that day. This clue about the second explosion is also important because this Fox video was aired immediately in the aftermath of the attack and none of the other media picked up on it, and even Fox News ignored it during subsequent coverage.
Video evidence and voice recordings of the brothers themselves contradict the claims of the hijacked SUV owner who the Boston Globe claims to have interviewed. Here’s the first interview from the Chinese person who the Boston Globe claims has finally surfaced after the alleged hijacking of his Mercedes SUV. I might add that the Boston Globe is a reliable government mouthpiece and had exclusive access to this person:
The 26-year-old Chinese entrepreneur had just pulled his new Mercedes to the curb on Brighton Avenue to answer a text when an old sedan swerved behind him, slamming on the brakes. A man in dark clothes got out and approached the passenger window. It was nearly 11 p.m. last Thursday.
The man rapped on the glass, speaking quickly. Danny [not his real name], unable to hear him, lowered the window — and the man reached an arm through, unlocked the door, and climbed in, brandishing a silver handgun. “Don’t be stupid,” he told Danny. He asked if he had followed the news about Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings. Danny had, down to the release of the grainy suspect photos less than six hours earlier. “I did that,” said the man, who would later be identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev. “And I just killed a policeman in Cambridge.”
This is all very convenient to have second-hand confessions from someone who the FBI kept hidden for days and who now emerges but stays in the shadows of a pseudonym. Why the fear to come forward openly? His claimed version is at variance with the boys own protestations when surrounded by police. Paul Joseph Watson had the story at
Video footage from the scene of the shootout with the alleged Boston bombers appears to contain audio of the suspects screaming out, “We didn’t do it!” as police fire on the two brothers.
Although by no means clear, the words below appear to be shouted by the suspects as they come under police gunfire.
– 24 seconds: “chill out”
– 26 seconds: “chill out”, “chill out”
– 31 seconds: “chill out”
– 37 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 41 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 45 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 1 minute 9 seconds: “hey officer”
Despite being described as a “shootout,” the audio suggests that shots are only being fired in one direction by police and that the brothers are not returning fire at this point in the exchange.
I still think the boys were involved in some portion of the bombing plot, at least as far as being instructed on how to make rudimentary explosives, but the evidence is far from conclusive that the actual bombs that went off were both placed by them. It still looks like they were part of a larger plot—and simply set up to take the fall, while the others, protected by government’s exclusive focus on these two, are allowed to escape.
It is also strange that the police immediately blamed the killing of the MIT policeman on the Tsarnaev brothers. They have no witnesses to the murder and have presented no ballistics matching the one weapon in the brother’s possession. No charges have been filed weeks after the bombing. How long does it take to get a bullet match?
The Military style clearing of a house in Watertown, MA is an object lesson in how easy it is to cower people into submission when government exaggerates an emergency and starts using military tactics—no warrant, no asking permission—just demands for compliance at the point of a gun. The police forced all 8 residents including 2 women to exit with hands up at gun point, while constantly issuing threatening words and brooking no questions or protestations. They were demanding instant compliance. House Clearing
Former Congressman Ron Paul lambasted the Boston Police for Police State tactics. “The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city.”
After seeing the video, I completely agree. Every patriotic American ought to make plans to relocate out of any large city that trains and operates as a militarized police force, ready to push citizens around without cause or warrant, and without any sense of duty to protect a citizen’s civil rights. Steve Watson from had these comments:
People think because these men in uniforms show up on their porch that they have to obey, that they have no right to refuse or any legal leg to stand on. Nothing could be further from the truth, but who is going to tell them? Not the police. If you stand up to them they will beat you. It’s going on all over America all the time, but you’ll only see it or hear about it in the alternative news or videos.
The story floated in the mainstream media that the door to door searches were conducted with the voluntary consent of the residents of Watertown is clearly false. 9000+ Police locked down an entire city and went in with full force, with armored vehicles and combat gear, all to search for an injured 19 year old kid who turned out to be cowering in someone’s back yard.
Katy Waldman of Slate wrote an article claiming that under dire circumstances police can suspend 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches:
In exigent circumstances, or emergency situations, police can conduct warrantless searches to protect public safety. This exception to the Fourth Amendment’s probable cause requirement normally addresses situations of “hot pursuit,” in which an escaping suspect is tracked to a private home. But it might also apply to the events unfolding in Boston if further harm or injury might be supposed to occur in the time it takes to secure a warrant.
This activity, once again, sets a shocking precedent. Police and military are training in these circumstances every single day of the year. They are fully acclimatized to the process, as if it is completely normal. They do not hesitate in carrying out such orders, which are now being implemented whenever the authorities deem a situation to be an emergency.
According to Israeli doctors at Beth Israel Hospital where both bombing suspects were taken, “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never speak again.” The younder Tsarnaev brother, 19, was wounded in his throat, according to expatriate Israeli doctor Kevin Ilan Tabb of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Initially, the government claimed this was the result of a suicide attempt, but they’ve stopped claiming that little lie after it became known he was unarmed.
The CIA connection with the uncle: The most interesting new story this week is evidence linking a high level CIA operative, Graham Fuller, with the two suspect’s uncle Ruslan Tsarni. According to the New York Times in 1988, “Mr. Fuller’s name came to public attention last year when it was disclosed that he was the author of a ‘think piece’ circulated in the intelligence community in May 1985 suggesting the possibility of pursuing openings in Iran.” That’s mild CIA doublespeak for Fuller being part of the team that put together the illegal arms for hostage deal with the Iranians.
Evidence of this type of connection rarely proves that someone was actually under the control of the agency, but when all the pieces come together, it doesn’t paint a benign picture about Tsarni, his background in Russia, nor his ability to come back and forth to the US after dealing with some very bad people overseas.
The following are the claimed by various internet sites about Ruslan Tsarni and Graham Fuller, a high level CIA operative:
1) Tsarni was married to the daughter of CIA agent Graham Fuller in 1995.
2) He became an American citizen after the marriage to Fuller’s daughter, then divorced her.
3) Tsarni didn’t speak English very well back then. Fuller says he also spoke in Russian to him all the time back then. [which raises the question of how did the daughter communicate enough to marry him?]
4) Ruslan Tsarni’s listed residential address that of a home owned by Fuller—but Fuller wasn’t living there at the time
5) Tsarni filed incorporation papers for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations at his father-in-laws address, in 1995, right after “marrying” his daughter -which ended up being just for citizenship, as it didn’t last.
6) The Congress of Chechen International Organizations is a terrorist organization that let in a known terrorist, who went on to lead organization for rebels in Chechen,
There are errors in these claims: In reality, the marriage lasted for 3 years, so it may not have been a marriage only to provide citizenship for Tsarni, though that was certainly a part of it. The length they stayed together may be related to the CIA connection with the father.
The claim about the Congress of Chechen International Organizations connection is problematic for a couple of reasons. Connecting a single listed terrorist with an organization may simply be a reflection that this is a CIA front group providing false leads for future terror acts they want to blame on Chechnya. The Russians did that a lot when Chechnya was being blamed for attacks on Moscow apartments which were actually done by the KGB/FSB.
And then there is other data showing that the U.S.-based Congress of Chechen International Organizations was created in 1995 by Mohammed Shashani, a former professor of Pittsburgh University and an ethnic Chechen—not Tsarni. Something is amiss here.
But the more interesting article is by Bloomberg showing Ruslan’s shady past—perfect material for CIA black operations:
The uncle of the suspects in last week’s Boston Marathon bombing told a London court in 2010 that Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev had overseen the theft of state assets worth billions of dollars.
Ruslan Tsarni, who is from Kyrgyzstan, the former Soviet republic to the south of Kazakhstan, worked “in various capacities” with a closely knit network of associates led by Nazarbayev’s son-in-law [Ablyazov] from 2000 to 2008 that regularly engaged in fraudulent business practices, he said in a witness statement to the High Court in London in December 2010…
In his witness statement in defense of Ablyazov, Tsarni said Nazarbayev gave his “blessing” and protection to the group that rigged auctions of state assets, seized banks to sell for a fraction of their value to pre-determined buyers, and engaged in tax fraud and money laundering.
Comment: This is all pretty unusual for a common guy. After leaving America and Fuller’s daughter, he immediately gets involved with President Nursultan, his son-in-law and various shady associates in a deal that involves billions of dollars, and winds up testifying in a high profile London court case. They he simply waltzes back into the US, no problem.
However, the CIA monitors all these kinds of activities overseas. Are we to believe that Tsarni comes back into the US without the CIA monitoring his every move or tagging him as a person with unsavory connections? I doubt it, unless he’s already working for them.
Believe me, when a high level CIA operative like Graham Fuller (who helped initiate the Iran Contra arms deal with Iran) lets his daughter do a marriage of convenience with a foreign asset, there’s more to the story than love—and the relationship with the family doesn’t seem to end even after the marriage dissolves.
This whole story takes on even more significance after uncle Ruslan lashes out at the boys and tries to point the media toward the boys supposed handler who radicalized them—but he conveniently refuses to name the handler, or help the FBI find this source of radicalization. This leads to the suspicion that Tsarni may have been trying to point the media away from his own potential role as the boy’s handler.
Graham Fuller has been questioned about his connection with Tsarni.The UK Dailymail says:
Mr Fuller was forced to explain the relationship today as news of the family link emerged online. Ruslan Tsarni,[used to be Tsarnaev] who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews’ actions and called them ‘Losers’, even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year.
He told Al-Monitor that his daughter, Samantha, was married to Ruslan, whose surname was then Tsarnaev, for three to four years in the 1990s. The couple divorced in 1999 more than ten years after he left the agency in 1987. “they lived in Bishkek for one year where Samantha was working for Price Waterhouse on privatization projects,” Mr Fuller said.
Of course, no one can be sure that a former CIA agent isn’t still employed by the government once he leaves the agency. Anytime a known CIA agent goes undercover as a civilian the process begins by publicly quitting the agency—even when they continue to get paid via other channels.
Price Waterhouse, by the way, is an insider big 3 accounting firm that has carried a lot of water for government black operations, and has, in the opinion of several critics, whitewashed many CIA front company’s books in the name of “national security.”
It is also of interest that Fuller now works for the RAND Corporation, a known CIA front, according to many sources. Paul Joseph Watson filed this report on RAND with Prison in 2010:
Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered was a plot driven by scientists, behaviorists, and generals who were intent on starting world war three and fleecing the American people in the process. Once he was a skeptic on the subject of conspiracy theories and the new world order, but after his work with the RAND Corporation he is now convinced that this top secret think tank has been pulling the strings of American government for at least 60 years.
People who don’t understand the conspiracy often come to incorrect conclusions like this—thinking that Rand or the CIA runs the government. It isn’t true. Others, totally unseen, run these secret bureaucracies from somewhere above the level of public government]
Abella charts how RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations [all insider-connected foundations promoting globalism and detente with our enemies]. RAND’s decision in the 50’s to re-model the globe towards a new world order [It wasn’t RAND’s decision—they were following orders] changed everything… RAND’s ultimate goal was to have technocrats running every aspect of society in pursuit of a one world government that would be administered under “the rule of reason,”
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
Audio feeds suspicions brothers may have been set up
Paul Joseph Watson
April 30, 2013
Video footage from the scene of the shootout with the alleged Boston bombers appears to contain audio of the suspects screaming out, “We didn’t do it!” as police fire on the two brothers.
Although by no means clear, the words below appear to be shouted by the suspects as they come under police gunfire.
– 24 seconds: “chill out”
– 26 seconds: “chill out”, “chill out”
– 31 seconds: “chill out”
– 37 seconds: “we didnt do it”
– 41 seconds: “we didnt do it”
– 45 seconds: “we didnt do it”
– 1 minute 9 seconds: “hey officer”
Despite being described as a “shootout,” the audio suggests that shots are only being fired in one direction by police and that the brothers are not returning fire at this point in the exchange.
The tape offers little proof as to the Tasrnaev brother’s guilt, but it follows a number of other intriguing caveats which some have offered as evidence that the suspects were framed and had no actual involvement in the bombings.
– A Facebook post attributed to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev although not authenticated reads, “This will be the last message before the police get me. I never done it. They set me up. Father please forgive me. I am sorry it has come to this.”
– The suspects’ mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva continues to insist that her sons are innocent, telling the Associated Press, “It’s all lies and hypocrisy.”
– Tsarnaeva also claims that the FBI “were controlling his every step,” referring to Tamerlan Tasrnaev, and that both the FBI and the CIA were following the brothers since 2011.
– The aunt of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, claims that the footage which emerged of police arresting a naked uninjured man was her nephew, contradicting the official narrative that Tsarnaev was critically injured in a shootout and suggesting he may have been killed while in custody.
– Eyewitnesses to the shootout contradict claims by authorities that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ran over his own brother in a car, stating instead that he was run over by police.
– Despite numerous images of other suspects with large black backpacks at the scene of the bombings, the FBI insisted that these photos not be deemed credible and that the Tasrnaev brothers were the only possible culprits.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Whistleblower, translator and expert in Chechnya, Turkey and the Caucuses, Sibel Edmonds, connects the CIA to the Boston Bombing. Is this blowback or terror by design?
Edmonds examines connections between an Imam brought to the US by the CIA who subsequently became a multi-billionaire and founded over 350 radical mosques, Uncle Ruslan Tsarni and the CIA man in the Chechnya region for decades, Graham Fuller, father-in-law to Ruslan.
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[youtube=]Terror by Design: “Gladio B” and The Boston Bombings
Published on Apr 30, 2013
Whistleblower, translator and expert in Chechnya, Turkey and the Caucuses, Sibel Edmonds, connects the CIA to the Boston Bombing. Is this blowback or terror by design? Edmonds examines connections between an Imam brought to the US by the CIA who subsequently became a multi-billionaire and founded over 350 radical mosques, Uncle Ruslan Tsarni and the CIA man in the Chechnya region for decades, Graham Fuller, father-in-law to Ruslan.
Sibel’s Site: Boiling Frogs
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[10-minute video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Don’t be the last to know
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
“And they clapped when it was over!
They clapped, and applauded, and waived flags!”
* * *
Sibel always greatly impresses me: guts, poise, conviction…! Alex has no choice but to give her the floor! LOL!
Incredible intel here! Why the CIA used the Tsarnaev brothers to demonize Chechnya. If I’m getting this correctly:
1) Russia can now be publicly justified to militarily take out Russian opposition in Chechnya
2) Russia will now stand down and let us invade and regime-change Syria
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[youtube=]Sibel Edmonds: CIA Controlled Tsarnaev Brothers
Published on Apr 26, 2013
Alex welcomes former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to explain the US roots of “Chechen” terrorism.
[ video ] Sibel Edmonds: Terror by Design – CIA’s “Gladio B” and The Boston Bombings
Sibel’s Site: Boiling Frogs
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[10-minute video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Don’t be the last to know
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
[youtube=]Ron Paul’s Dire Warning to America
Published on Apr 26, 2013
Former Congressman and 2012 presidential contender Ron Paul drops in to give us his take on how Congress plans to exploit our fears to take our liberties in the aftermath of the boston terror attack on April 15.
Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 04-25-13 | |
Hour: 1 | |
3:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief | |
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Hour: 2 | |
4:00: Cris Putnam – Exo-Vaticana | |
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Hour: 3 | |
8:00: Dr. Peter Pry – EMP Danger | |
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Hour: 4 | |
9:00: Dr. Orly Taitz – Eligibility for Office | |
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World Affairs Brief, April 26, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Marathon Bombing Update—Answers Lead to More Questions
Rand Paul Unwisely Says Drones are OK
Sequester Shortages Try to Yield More Pain
Internet Sales Tax Must be Stopped
Due to the mass of amateur photos and videos being used in the moments before, during and after the Boston bombing, there has been more private evidence surrounding this supposed “terrorist” event than almost any previous high-profile catastrophe. Although spectators, runners and other outsiders were quickly pushed away from the scene, the massive investigative power of millions of interested people combing through pictures uploaded to social media and picture-sharing websites produced an impressive array of pictures and video that allowed the public to check police statements as they came in.
As the official version of events emerges from contradictory or outright false statements we are told there is more video and photos that provide “clear” and “chilling” proof against the Tsarnaev brothers. However, unlike the circumstantial clips released of the Chechan brothers, the most important videos are held back, forcing us to rely on the government’s word for it all. Given the constantly changing storyline from earlier statements of fact given by official spokespersons to the media this is not reassuring. Here then is a breakdown of what we know relative to what the government is telling us and the contradictions from publicly available evidence.
1) The marathon explosions
The official indictment (available at this website: describes the government’s evidence, but only includes the previously released circumstantial video and photographic evidence of the accused brothers near the bomb sites. The details relative to the criminal accusations in the indictment are supposedly backed up by additional video and photos which are described in detailed but this most important evidence is not included. Here is the central part of the narrative:
At approximately 2:42 p.m. (i.e., approximately seven minutes before the first explosion), Bomber One can be seen detaching himself from the crowd and walking east on Boylston Street towards the Marathon finish line. Approximately 15 seconds later, he can be seen passing directly in front of the Forum Restaurant and continuing in the direction of the location where the first explosion occurred. His knapsack is still on his back.
At approximately 2:45 p.m., Bomber Two can be seen detaching himself from the crowd and walking east on Boylston Street toward the Marathon finishing line. He appears to have the thumb of his right hand hooked under the strap of his knapsack and a cell phone in his left hand. Approximately 15 seconds later, he can be seen stopping directly in front of the Forum Restaurant and standing near the metal [barrier along the race route] among numerous spectators, with his back to the camera, facing the runners, He then can be seen apparently slipping his knapsack onto the ground. A photograph taken from the opposite side of the street shows the knapsack on the ground at Bomber Two’s feet.
The Forum Restaurant video shows that Bomber Two remained in the same spot for approximately four minutes, occasionally looking at his cell phone and once appearing to take a picture with it. At some point he appears to look at his phone, which is held at approximately waist level, and may be manipulating the phone. Approximately 30 seconds before the first explosion, he lifts his phone to his ear as if he is speaking on his cell phone, and keeps it there for approximately 18 seconds. A few seconds after he finishes the call, the large crowd of people around him can be seen reacting to the first explosion. Virtually every head turns to the east (towards the finish line) and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm. Bomber Two, virtually alone among the individuals in front of the restaurant, appears calm. He glances to the east and then calmly but rapidly begins moving to the west, away from the direction of the finish line. He walks away without his knapsack, having left it on the ground where he had been standing. Approximately 10 seconds later, an explosion occurs in the location where Bomber Two had placed his knapsack.
It seems very suspicious that the FBI would release so many photos and video excerpts (including even partial and grainy shots as if they are presenting everything possible) showing the brothers in the area, but then they fail to produce the most conclusive evidence that matches what the indictment says.
This narrative is so specific that it would be very risky for a federal official to make such detailed reference to video evidence if they did not actually possess it—unless they already had a legal strategy worked out where the claimed evidence would be suppressed under the government’s habitual use of the State Secrets doctrine or via a compliant judge who has agreed in advance to seal the evidence. The suppression of key evidence has been a central part of every major government cover-up including the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, Oklahoma City bombing and both WTC attacks.
Here are some of the problems with this part of the official scenario:
The backpack used in the bombing is shown here as part of the crime scene evidence along with the pressure cooker parts (scroll through 5 photos):
Notice the black shoulder straps have lighter strips on them and to of the pack has a white square label. In contrast, the packs of the two brothers (visible here: don’t match those markings. The pack of the older brother is dark gray without lighter strips on the straps nor a square white label. The pack of the younger brother is completely different—light colored, with some black trim. Neither backpack appears bulging sufficiently to account for pressure cookers which were at least 10 inches in diameter.
The Pressure Cooker Bomb. Yes, this is a common and necessary way to contain the charge of a relatively slow burning explosive like gunpowder. Without such a container the powder would simply burn rapidly without explosive force. It is a commonly available pressure container and there are numerous terrorists that have used them before. There is nothing unique here, other than to note that although this type of explosive device might be built by amateurs, the triggering mechanism are necessarily quite complex. So this primitive type of explosive may have been just to give the appearance that this was the work of amateurs using internet plans.
Authorities believe the bombs used gunpowder extracted from fireworks. A fireworks shop has confirmed from credit card records that Tamerlan purchased two large fireworks for about $400 in New Hampshire and many more fireworks have been found in their apartment or stashed nearby. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t reloading powder from a gun store—which would probably cause legislators to restrict all black powder purchases even further. As it is they’ll have trouble banning all fireworks to cut off this supply source. Still fireworks are an expensive way to get gunpowder—the $400 purchase didn’t even net a half pound of powder according to ABC News.
The Triggering Mechanism: The government’s story has changed 3 times on this crucial issue. First, investigators told the media that a sophisticated triggering mechanism was involved leading them to suspect they were part of a larger terrorist cell with “up to a dozen members.” How they could report that one day and then claim they acted alone the next, I don’t understand.
Then, the story changed to the use of common “hobby fuses.” These are green in color and used on everything from hobby rocket booster motors to large fire crackers. They must be ignited by a match or other very hot glowing source.
Now government investigators tell Congressmen who are part of the intelligence committee (only reliable yes-men are allowed on this committee) that the triggering mechanism was from a radio controlled remote used for toy cars. Let’s analyze this:
First the boys could not have lit the fuses manually. They would have had to have a fuse sticking out of the pressure cooker vent hole, opened their packs and manually ignited the fuse with a match. That would have been too obvious and even the government doesn’t claim they saw any such action on their exclusive video evidence.
Using a clock timer is the next easiest way to set off a bomb of this type for an amateur. Unlike plastic explosives gunpowder doesn’t need a blasting cap—a hot spark will do just fine. And, it is easier to create a spark with a clock timer and appropriate capacitors than to ignite a fuse, which requires a flame or some other miniature hot igniter. Clock timer bomb triggers usually connect to a type of electronic blasting cap, not a fuse. But, the government has insisted twice now that green colored hobby fuses were present in the bombs—probably deduced from the unexploded bombs they claim they found in the boy’s car. This rules out a clock timer because of the difficulty of coupling it to a fuse ignition source.
Compounding the difficulty with the fuses is the government’s claim that the brothers used radio controlled remote controllers common to motorized toys. Crime scene photos showed plastic pieces and a battery that look like something from a toy car or model airplane. Battery powered controllers are used on a variety of remote controlled toys, however we come up with the same objection to clock timers—the inability, or extreme difficulty, to light the fuse. Besides, the official indictment of the government does not match the radio remote type of trigger. No one observed the boys holding a remote control at the time of the explosions.
What the government accusation does claim is that the boys were holding a cell phone to their ear, 18 seconds in one case, until the bomb goes off. That’s a problem too, because all you have to do to trigger a cell phone activator is call the number. You don’t have to be listening to anything. The government seems reluctant to go for the cell phone trigger argument, because that clearly requires expertise in bomb making, but that’s what they are leaving us with. If they want us to believe that the boys coupled a cell phone call to a cell phone trigger that was, in turn, linked to a radio remote control unit which actually triggered the bomb, they are asking us to believe even more—all of this is could only be done by a real expert.
This is the biggest hole in their claim that these bombs were set off by the boys acting alone. And, if they did use these timers, then they had expert help. Personally, I think it was the latter, and is the first clue that government may have been involved. Despite all this, the government is now heading in the direction of claiming the boys acted alone, that they were radicalized alone and that no one else was involved. That I simple cannot believe.
Did the younger bomber flee with his backpack? I initially thought there was one picture that showed the younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, (who had the white hat on backwards) fleeing with his backpack on. I’ve changed my mind on that:
There is a high resolution iPad photo taken by David Green of Jacksonville Florida showing the boy running from the bombing. The lighting in the shadows is poor but we see his elbow to the rear as he runs, covering where the backpack would normally be. When I first saw this photo, brought to everyone’s attention by an amateur investigator prone to hype, it appeared that the elbow going back and to the rear couldn’t be that long and that his backpack might still be visible. However, upon closer examination of an enlargement of the picture, I’m now convinced it only shows the elbow and not the backpack.
Everything from this point on gets murky—filled with contradictory claims between police and federal investigators and eye witnesses to the manhunt and subsequent take-down of the two brothers.
2) Shootout and Apprehension of Suspects
Within hours of the FBI naming two culprits in the Boston bombings while aggressively demanding that no attention be focused on any other potential suspects, the official police narrative said the Tsarnaev brothers robbed a 7-Eleven convenience store, ambushed a police officer on the campus of MIT, carjacked an SUV and then engaged in a high speed chase ending in a deadly shootout with police where Tamerlan and another officer were killed while Dzhokhar escaped and went on the run. A representative from the 7-Eleven chain later contradicted the police and reported that after reviewing all security cameras no robbery took place that night by the bombing suspects—adding to the growing list of contradictions to official statements errors that have never been clarified.
The Watertown police said the suspects set off grenades to try to stop police pursuit and that the stolen vehicle was later found to contain other explosive devices. Much of this information was false and fed to the media by Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau as he did an on-camera interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN.
In the battle the Chief claims the boys throw another explosive device at them and that they had various pipe bombs of “improved explosive devices,” making this seem like an Iraqi style terror event. He claims that the police had a raging gun battle with the well armed youths—who police now admit had only one gun between them—and that after several minutes the older brother Tamerlan stepped out from the SUV and started walking toward them shooting as he advanced. This is hard to believe that anyone would walk into a hail of gunfire from multiple police squad cars and not get hit or stopped.
Then the Chief claims that when Tamerlan was out of ammo, the police tackled and handcuffed him. We are supposed to believe one of the officers ran out into the open to do this rather than shoot him dead, disregarding the other brother who had more bombs to through. As a former combat trained Marine, I find it impossible to believe this version of events.
Finally the Chief makes the dramatic and unlikely claim that the younger Tsarnaev brother drove the SUV toward the tackled brother and ran over him as the police dive out of the way. He supposedly drags his brother under the car, killing him and then escapes. The two sources of evidence that we have of that evening contradicts this entire story.
First: A CNN video shows the police arresting a man who looks just like Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The arrested man is made to take off all his clothes to check for bombs, and then put into a squad car. He is later taken out of the car to be photographed and interrogated by another investigator and then told to put his clothes back on. The next day Dan Dicks of Press for Truth television listeners actually hear the voice of the aunt of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, telling Dicks that she is 100% certain that the man in the video is her nephew Tamerlan.
Second: An eyewitness of the shootout comes forward the next day and tells reporters that a police vehicle ran over Tamerlan and then they shot him afterward many times with multiple weapons. The doctor examining the dead older brother says there was not one part of his body not wounded. When you see the picture of his dead body (caution: very graphic image) , you’ll see a huge gaping wound on the side of the chest, that is not explained by gunfire or being hit by a car at fairly slow speeds. One website said that doctors created this opening to help save his life. But others say he was dead long before he got there. I’m not aware of any medical procedure like what is shown, causing a huge jagged hole, cutting across multiple ribs and exposing the whole lung cavity that could possibly have a beneficial medical outcome. This unauthorized picture was taken and circulated by someone in law enforcement gloating over the kill.
It is hard to try to piece together everything that happened that night. So far it seems that the older brother was alive and in the custody of police—and somehow was put back on the street and killed by police in this bizarre and conflicting shootout. Worse, when it was all over the police had to admit, that there was only one semi-auto pistol between both suspects and that was wielded by the older brother. –Some raging gun battle!
Many facts also don’t add up with the final apprehension of Dzhokhar the next evening. Video and eyewitness accounts attest to multiple bursts of gunfire along with flash grenade explosions, but since the boy wasn’t armed the fusillade of bullets aimed at the brother holed up in a parked boat was clearly unjustified.
The official story is that the younger brother exits the boat after being surrounded by police and tries to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth but only doing damage to his throat—keeping him from being able to speak. The live video feed of his capture, however, shows him emerging from the boat on his own power quite alive, and UNARMED. If he tried to commit suicide, where did he get the gun? Why now instead of in the boat? The whole story doesn’t make sense.
3) Why did the FBI claim not to know who the suspects were? After the dramatic killing and capture of the bombing suspects seemed to seal the case against them, the family of the boys cried foul saying the FBI had been tracking Tamerlan for years. Here’s a good synopsis by Activist Post.
Why did the FBI make a spectacle out of releasing the photos of the alleged Boston bombing suspects to the public feigning ignorance on who they were, asking for the public’s help to identify them, when they knew all along who they were? The fact that they were lying proves they have something(s) to hide. Remember the FBI is saying the following:
“These photos should be the only ones the public should view to assist us. Other photos should not be deemed credible. They unnecessarily divert the public’s attention in the wrong direction, and create undue work for vital law enforcement resources.” [This is suspicious in that it appears the FBI wanted to make sure only these two were caught and prosecuted—a sign that this might be a ploy to deter any investigation of others involved].
This entire press conference is now exposed as a lie since we now know the FBI was “monitoring them at every step”, according to their own admission. The FBI originally denied first meeting with the bombing suspect two years ago (lie #2), according to CBS. That was until they were forced to admit their involvement with the suspects.
CBS reported “The FBI admitted Friday they interviewed the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and failed to find any incriminating information about him.”
The FBI story then changed again when the government claimed that the Russian FSB had contacted the FBI last year when the older suspect Tamerlan Tsaranaev went to Russia, Daghestan and Chechnya. According to the FBI the Russians were concerned about Americans of Chechen descent coming over to Chechnya or Dagestan in order to foment trouble. The FBI claims the Russians were worried about his “radicalization.”
However, this is very one-sided evidence coming only from the FBI, who had every reason to invent an excuse of why they had previous contact with the boys, and why it lead “nowhere” as they claim.
Even the Russian’s claimed concern in this is suspect since the KGB/FSB itself has been responsible for creating false flag terror bombings of their own and blaming them on the Chechens (examples: Moscow apartment and subway bombings, and the Breslin school terror attack)—a storyline dutifully repeated many times by the US mainstream media. The Atlantic’s Tom Balmforth gives the best summary of what went on during Tamerlan’s visit to his relatives in southern Russia:
In an interview that raises as many questions as it answers, Tsarnaev’s aunt, Patimat Suleimanova, says her nephew began a six-month stay in Daghestan in March 2012 — possibly even earlier — when his mother and father were both in the United States and not, as previously reported, with him. “[Tamerlan] was here without his father for two months. His father came here later, in May, but [Tamerlan] arrived earlier,” she says.
Many observers are hoping to find a clue to Tsarnaev’s motives and behavior in the time he spent time in the bustling Caspian Sea city of Makhachkala, the capital of a Russian province troubled by a simmering Islamist insurgency.
That contradicts a statement made by Anzor Tsarnaev [father] in an interview on April 21, in which he vouched for his son and said he was never far from his side during their visit to Daghestan. Anzor Tsarnaev said his son slept in late during the day, prayed, helped renovate the family home, and visited relatives in Makhachkala and twice in neighboring Chechnya.
Suleimanova says Tamerlan Tsarnaev was deeply religious by the time he arrived in Makhachkala. She says he prayed regularly and went to the mosque, although she was unable to specify which mosque.
The aunt and the father told other reporters that Tamerlan always visited with other relatives when he went traveling around, but they always “knew where he was.” There doesn’t appear to have been a lot of opportunity to get involved with terrorist training camps.
Rather than concentrate on Tamerlan representing some foreign Chechen terrorists—who have openly denied having targeted the US—more attention should be addressed to the contact he had in the states. But the FBI shows no interest anymore now that they have announced they acted alone. However, one lead that has surfaced is an Albanian named “Misha.” CNN reported this interview with the uncle:
The evolution of Tamerlan Tsarnaev from aspiring Olympic boxer to apparent radical jihadist may have been influenced by a friend in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “This person just took his brain. He just brainwashed him completely,” Tsarnaev’s uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, told CNN from his home in Maryland, describing the friend as an Armenian convert to Islam. Tsarni told CNN he was so concerned about someone brainwashing his nephew that he called a family friend in the Cambridge area to investigate.
While Tsarni did not give the friend’s name [which I find strange], The Associated Press reported that other members of Tsarnaev’s family said the friend goes by the name “Misha.” Asked about those reports, Elmirza Khozhgov, a former brother-in-law of Tsarnaev, told CNN Tsarnaev once introduced him to someone by that name who was an Armenian convert. He said he was not told Misha’s full name.
“It seemed to me that Misha had influence on Tamerlan,” apparently encouraging him to give up boxing because it “is violent,” Khozhgov told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “Misha” taught Tsarnaev “things that would make Tamerlan go away from the people and go more into the religion,” Khozhgov said, but “I didn’t witness him making him radical.”
Officials have not responded to requests for comment on someone named “Misha.” Lawmakers briefed Tuesday on the investigation told CNN they had not heard of anyone by that name. The Islamic Society of Boston told CNN Wednesday that so far no one in its network reported knowing a “Misha” who fit that description.
The government is strangely not interested in pursuing Misha, just as they refused to pursue any of the suspects referred to as “John Doe #2” during the OKC bombing— one Hussein al Husseini who ended up working for the FBI. Back to the FBI’s prior relationship with the family, the Activist Post continues:
The suspects’ family also state that they were well aware of an ongoing relationship between the FBI and the boys. Family members said they were “monitored” and “counseled” at every step, and the FBI was “controlling” and “following” them for years [the FBI tries to downplay the depth of their involvement with the family, implying it was only last year—which is in itself an indication that they are hiding much of what they were doing].
Their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, in an interview with RT, said that the FBI had made contact with the family on multiple occasions: “They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me … they were telling me that he was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him,” Tsarnaeva said.
It’s no wonder the Mother feels her sons were “set up.” She said,
“They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act!”
So the FBI, after first denying monitoring them, says yes, we did meet with him (Tamerlan) but “failed to find any incriminating information about him” while telling their mother that “he was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him.” (lie #3)
There are only two possible conclusions to explain the FBI’s blatant lies; either they’re covering up their complete incompetence to stop attacks that they were monitoring, or they’re covering up the fact that they were spurring and handling the bombing plot in the first place, as they’ve done in countless other fake terror plot cases.
Sadly, the latter is the conclusion I have reached. The mistakes they make happen because they can’t control all of the people that are involved in a complex false-flag operation. Much depends on their ability to control the press after the fact and direct the flow of information. In this case they have to steer the media pundits from asking the obvious questions, such as:
4) Why did the suspects not flee? The boys did not leave Boston or act guilty after the event nor did they go into hiding. The FBI never showed up at their home to arrest them even though they knew where they lived. The younger Tsarnaev brother even went to a college party and his friends said he seemed relaxed and totally normal. However, a couple of days after the event, the mother said that the younger brother told her the FBI called them accusing them of the bombing and that they feared for their lives.
Predictably the two suspects go on the run after the FBI calls the home and talks to the boys. Why didn’t the FBI just show up and arrest them as they do with all other criminals? Why call the suspect and alert him that you are coming to arrest him unless you are trying to spook them into running?
If these two were involved in a large cell controlled by an FBI informer/agent provocateur, and were the designated patsies to take the entire blame, then it is clearly a benefit to the planners of such a black operation that they be killed and not arrested where they might be able to tell more than would be convenient. Certainly, they would have eventually told of everyone else involved in providing them the knowledge and equipment necessary to pull this off.
The FBI has a secret policy of sending into every Mosque in the US not only informers but agent provocateurs, looking for disgruntled young Muslims that can be enticed into planning terrorist acts. The purpose seems not merely to inform, but to goad, entice, help plan and even supply bomb making technology to help Muslims commit terror—or at least get far enough into entrapment to be arrested.
Shifting the Blame: Government leakers and spokespersons are focusing on the storyline that the two brothers were acting alone. in Atlanta reports that,
The Senate Intelligence Committee panel was briefed by federal law enforcement officials Tuesday as well. Members of the panel said there is “no question” that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “the dominant force” behind the Boston attacks, and that him and his brother had apparently been radicalized by material on the Internet rather than by contact with militant groups overseas.
This is convenient because it allows the news media to shift the blame for radicalization onto those who they claim may have helped radicalized them—specifically, the Right wing internet websites involved in the 9/11 truth movement, which are particularly energizing to Muslims who feel that the US has unjustly intervened and occupied Muslim countries around the world based upon false-flag provocations like the 9/11 attacks.
It is an interesting fact that many more people outside the United States believe that our government was responsible for setting the explosives in the World Trade Center towers than inside the US. Foreigners aren’t subjected to the same constant drum beat of propaganda against conspiracy or the regular demonization of the few courageous Americans that are not afraid to put the facts before the people.
In the United States there is a literal vendetta against conspiracy, specifically from mainstream or faux conservative talking heads like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly who target certain alternative media outlets like Alex Jones and his formidable news organization that is always on the cutting edge ferreting out the truth in government black operations.
Government foreknowledge? Yes, there is even some evidence of foreknowledge. We have finally found out the identity of the private contractors in Khaki pants and dark jackets with backpacks. It turns out these guys are members of the Massachusetts National Guard Civilian Security Team (CST), which is trained to handle Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive bomb analysis.
The uniform they are wearing (khaki pants and boots and Navy Blue shirts or jackets) is a common one used by federal agencies (even the Secret Service) when out in the public. This is confirmation of the reports that a bomb drill was going on during the marathon as I covered last week.
I believe the backpacks contained anti-contamination suits which they could don if their meters indicated hazardous substances from a blast—that’s why we see one such individual in a picture with a hand held radiation meter after the explosions. However, I have no explanation for why some of them would have a “Punisher” skull on their shirt and hat since the rest of their outfit was clearly a kind of uniform—other than their link to former military service in the Navy Seals or Special Force who have also used this comic book logo.
But what is important is that their presence does show that the government expected a bomb incident, which is telling of a false flag event. Having a drill or exercise is a convenient cover for bringing in these specialized federal personnel. It is also strange that the government never made any effort to answer the public’s questions about them swirling all over the net. They could have easily done so, but never did. This is additional evidence that they don’t want the public knowing about these special teams—lest people come to a conclusion about prior knowledge.
At least one US Senator knew that some agency had prior knowledge (also reported in the previously cited Atlanta link):
Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss told Channel 2 Action News late Tuesday afternoon that a law enforcement agency may have had information in advance of the Boston bombings that wasn’t properly shared. [That’s always the conclusion—that it wasn’t shared—no implication about what foreknowledge portends about government involvement in false flag operations]
“There now appears that may have been some evidence that was obtained by one of the law enforcement agencies that did not get shared in a way that it could have been. If that turns out to be the case, then we have to determine whether or not that would have made a difference,” Chambliss said.
Some background on government false flag operations: Let’s now look at this attack and compare it to other attacks the US government’s black ops has directed in order to foment and build up this war on terror. Such acts not only justify the continued intervention in other Muslim nations, which has as its ultimate goal prepping the world for a future World War, but to also justify restricting the civil rights and constitutional protections of citizens here at home. Here are the key anomalies I have noticed in the past which point to government induced terror:
First: Terror attacks in the US are always high profile which is not typical for normal acts of terror. Compare this to the regular terror attacks in Israel. There is ample hatred among Palestinians against both the Israeli government and its civilian population which drives consistent kinds of suicide bombings which attack Israeli civilians–at malls, in buses and in crowded shopping areas.
Strangely, in the US we’ve had NO examples of this kind of normal terror, only high profile attacks on such things as the World Trade Centers (twice). Real terror attacks by the Islamist world would send extremists through the porous southern border every week to blow up railroad tracks, electrical pylons or set off car bombs in shopping malls and crowded areas in border towns. We have seen NONE of these, even though thousands of illegals cross the border every day. No one questions why.
But our own government loses no time in using these high profile attacks to justify a curtailment of liberty and essential legal protections against surveillance, indefinite detention and habeas corpus. High profile attacks clearly serve a key globalist agenda of justifying constant warfare and restricting constitutional liberties at home. Ultimately, that agenda is linked to a conspiracy to take down American liberty and force our people, under the exigencies of war and conflict, to accept a global government devoid of real protection of individual rights.
Second: No one claims responsibility for these high profile attacks. That’s a sign they aren’t done by the Islamists the government claims. Normal terrorists have historically claimed responsibility for every hijacking, every attack on the Olympics and every suicide bombing—to show their supporters that they are able to get back at their enemies and destabilize Western nations by making them feel vulnerable. Terror is never done just to kill. It is done to fight for a larger agenda. How is the terrorist’s purpose served if no one claims responsibility? That leaves it to our own government to conveniently place the blame on whomever it will to further its own agenda. Here are three major examples:
No one claimed responsibility for TWA 800. That’s because it was shot down by an errant missile from a US Naval missile exercise going on in the military restricted area (MOA) in the ocean below. A Navy drone was seen flying over Long Island which is proof there was a missile exercise going on at the time. The government decided to engage in a massive cover up rather than admit the mistake, and spent a million dollars with the CIA to create a falsified video blaming the tragic explosion on some mythical spark in a fuel tank.
No one claimed responsibility for the Oklahoma City Bombing. But it was orchestrated specifically to place blame on right wing militias. The patsy, Timothy McVeigh, was lured into black operations after serving in the Army and was set up with various agent provocateurs to assist him with the bomb. Terry Nichols, who did have a Right wing background was brought into the scheme to secure a more believable link to the Right wing militias.
However, the story of a single bomb and the lone bomber began to unravel when evidence of other bombs were discovered, planted inside and around the building, and captured on film by local TV crews. These could not have been placed by McVeigh who was only filmed approaching the building once. It was the government itself that suppressed the evidence of these other accomplices, and bombs. They also suppressed the seismic evidence showing two explosions and the surveillance videos that would have showed the shaking from two explosion. When the feds finally released the videos experts could see they had been edited to cut out the parts showing the second seismic event.
Lastly, no one claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. The CIA created a couple of false videos trying to make it look like bin Laden was behind it, but experts say these were clearly fakes using various look-alike persons. The government covered up so many of the details in this attack, one can only wonder what were they trying to hide. Details such as the stand down of interceptor aircraft, refusing to allow any experts to examine the debris of the WTC collapse including the tons of molten steel deep in the basement areas, the silencing of witnesses to the controlled explosion of WTC-7, the suppression of surveillance videos surrounding the Pentagon attack, and the altering, omission or falsifying of testimony before the rigged 9/11 commission.
As eager as the mainstream media will be to print and believe whatever government investigators come up with in this latest attack, additional millions of Americans have become permanent skeptics about any official version—having been lied to so many times in virtually all of the former official investigations into conspiracies of the past.
What happened in Boston this week fits the pattern of government black operations in fomenting the fear of terror. It was a high profile event, and no terrorist group has taken credit. There was a bomb detection exercise going on that could have provided cover for the placement of the bombs. No one knows for sure, and like the other very secret conspiracies mentioned, we may never know because the government holds all the secrets and controls the investigative and surveillance process. But we have to consider it a possibility given the government’s history of false flag terror attacks—going back to even Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Maine.
In Conclusion: Where will this lead? What we saw happen in Boston during the lockdown of the city as they searched for a single suspect on the run was so over-the-top that I’m shocked at how easy it was to pull off with nary a whimper of protest from the over 1 million people ordered to “shelter in place.” This attack also moved forward in a quantum leap the tendency of American’s to yield to any level of militarization of law enforcement and loss of civil rights if the provocation is big enough. We saw the city of Boston and all other suburbs put under lockdown without even declaring martial law—which certainly would not have been necessary for the pursuit of two criminal suspects. High speed and violent pursuits of criminals happen all the time in large cities and the city is never put into lockdown.
Worse, people were ordered out of their homes and told to lay on the ground without probable cause or without warrants—and no one complained. It’s one thing to have to police ask if you will voluntarily allow a search in times of exigency, but to order people around like this was improper and unlawful. Backpacks are now banned at most large gatherings. We will probably see a much high presence of militarized law enforcement enforcing TSA style searches “for our own protection.”
There has also been a push to dump constitutional protections. The younger Tsarnaev brother is a naturalized US citizen. Incredibly, both liberals like Democratic Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and so-called conservative Senator Lindsay Graham recommended dumping constitutional rights and declaring this suspect an enemy combatant.
They may have to revert to that because federal investigators got the wounded Tsarnaev brother to admit to a lot of things before they read him his Miranda rights. Now he isn’t talking. His lawyer is going to have a field day with the fed’s violation of his rights. But, I suspect the courts may take up the call of Bloomberg and Graham and allow it due to this high profile event. Truly these people never let a “good crisis go to waste.”
Even the Canadian government is using the terror attack to accelerate passage of its version of the NDAA authorization of indefinite detention. The Globe and Mail said,
The Harper government is using the Boston Marathon bombing to expedite the passage of a relatively slow-moving bill that would restrict civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism. The Conservative have cleared time in their legislative agenda Monday and Tuesday to conduct third-reading debate on S-7, legislation that would authorize police to pre-emptively detain Canadians and hold them for up to three days without charging them.
Did the Tsarnaev brothers do it? I do believe they were involved in a plot that day, and had some role, but there are many possibilities that need to be probed. Were they part of a larger group and specifically set up to take the entire blame? I’m certain they were. Were there present in this larger group FBI agent provocateurs who directed the planning, and provided sophisticated equipment like the trigger mechanisms? I think that such direction was present.
FBI agent provocateurs (who the Bureau always labels merely as “informants” but who actually actively encourage and direct terrorist acts) have been involved in guiding the activities of every Muslim terrorist prosecuted since 9/11, with the possible exception of the amateurish Times Square bomb that fizzled.
It is amazing that there has not been more blowback (unintended effects of a black operation) from the revelations of this bombing. A real media discussion of this event would cast a negative light on our support of Syria’s Islamist rebels. Instead it looks like the PTB will try to push us over the edge by engaging more directly in the conflict.
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 04-25-13 | |
Hour: 1 | |
3:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief | |
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Hour: 2 | |
4:00: Cris Putnam – Exo-Vaticana | |
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Hour: 3 | |
8:00: Dr. Peter Pry – EMP Danger | |
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Hour: 4 | |
9:00: Dr. Orly Taitz – Eligibility for Office | |
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World Affairs Brief, April 26, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Marathon Bombing Update—Answers Lead to More Questions
Rand Paul Unwisely Says Drones are OK
Sequester Shortages Try to Yield More Pain
Internet Sales Tax Must be Stopped
Due to the mass of amateur photos and videos being used in the moments before, during and after the Boston bombing, there has been more private evidence surrounding this supposed “terrorist” event than almost any previous high-profile catastrophe. Although spectators, runners and other outsiders were quickly pushed away from the scene, the massive investigative power of millions of interested people combing through pictures uploaded to social media and picture-sharing websites produced an impressive array of pictures and video that allowed the public to check police statements as they came in.
As the official version of events emerges from contradictory or outright false statements we are told there is more video and photos that provide “clear” and “chilling” proof against the Tsarnaev brothers. However, unlike the circumstantial clips released of the Chechan brothers, the most important videos are held back, forcing us to rely on the government’s word for it all. Given the constantly changing storyline from earlier statements of fact given by official spokespersons to the media this is not reassuring. Here then is a breakdown of what we know relative to what the government is telling us and the contradictions from publicly available evidence.
1) The marathon explosions
The official indictment (available at this website: describes the government’s evidence, but only includes the previously released circumstantial video and photographic evidence of the accused brothers near the bomb sites. The details relative to the criminal accusations in the indictment are supposedly backed up by additional video and photos which are described in detailed but this most important evidence is not included. Here is the central part of the narrative:
At approximately 2:42 p.m. (i.e., approximately seven minutes before the first explosion), Bomber One can be seen detaching himself from the crowd and walking east on Boylston Street towards the Marathon finish line. Approximately 15 seconds later, he can be seen passing directly in front of the Forum Restaurant and continuing in the direction of the location where the first explosion occurred. His knapsack is still on his back.
At approximately 2:45 p.m., Bomber Two can be seen detaching himself from the crowd and walking east on Boylston Street toward the Marathon finishing line. He appears to have the thumb of his right hand hooked under the strap of his knapsack and a cell phone in his left hand. Approximately 15 seconds later, he can be seen stopping directly in front of the Forum Restaurant and standing near the metal [barrier along the race route] among numerous spectators, with his back to the camera, facing the runners, He then can be seen apparently slipping his knapsack onto the ground. A photograph taken from the opposite side of the street shows the knapsack on the ground at Bomber Two’s feet.
The Forum Restaurant video shows that Bomber Two remained in the same spot for approximately four minutes, occasionally looking at his cell phone and once appearing to take a picture with it. At some point he appears to look at his phone, which is held at approximately waist level, and may be manipulating the phone. Approximately 30 seconds before the first explosion, he lifts his phone to his ear as if he is speaking on his cell phone, and keeps it there for approximately 18 seconds. A few seconds after he finishes the call, the large crowd of people around him can be seen reacting to the first explosion. Virtually every head turns to the east (towards the finish line) and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm. Bomber Two, virtually alone among the individuals in front of the restaurant, appears calm. He glances to the east and then calmly but rapidly begins moving to the west, away from the direction of the finish line. He walks away without his knapsack, having left it on the ground where he had been standing. Approximately 10 seconds later, an explosion occurs in the location where Bomber Two had placed his knapsack.
It seems very suspicious that the FBI would release so many photos and video excerpts (including even partial and grainy shots as if they are presenting everything possible) showing the brothers in the area, but then they fail to produce the most conclusive evidence that matches what the indictment says.
This narrative is so specific that it would be very risky for a federal official to make such detailed reference to video evidence if they did not actually possess it—unless they already had a legal strategy worked out where the claimed evidence would be suppressed under the government’s habitual use of the State Secrets doctrine or via a compliant judge who has agreed in advance to seal the evidence. The suppression of key evidence has been a central part of every major government cover-up including the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, Oklahoma City bombing and both WTC attacks.
Here are some of the problems with this part of the official scenario:
The backpack used in the bombing is shown here as part of the crime scene evidence along with the pressure cooker parts (scroll through 5 photos):
Notice the black shoulder straps have lighter strips on them and to of the pack has a white square label. In contrast, the packs of the two brothers (visible here: don’t match those markings. The pack of the older brother is dark gray without lighter strips on the straps nor a square white label. The pack of the younger brother is completely different—light colored, with some black trim. Neither backpack appears bulging sufficiently to account for pressure cookers which were at least 10 inches in diameter.
The Pressure Cooker Bomb. Yes, this is a common and necessary way to contain the charge of a relatively slow burning explosive like gunpowder. Without such a container the powder would simply burn rapidly without explosive force. It is a commonly available pressure container and there are numerous terrorists that have used them before. There is nothing unique here, other than to note that although this type of explosive device might be built by amateurs, the triggering mechanism are necessarily quite complex. So this primitive type of explosive may have been just to give the appearance that this was the work of amateurs using internet plans.
Authorities believe the bombs used gunpowder extracted from fireworks. A fireworks shop has confirmed from credit card records that Tamerlan purchased two large fireworks for about $400 in New Hampshire and many more fireworks have been found in their apartment or stashed nearby. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t reloading powder from a gun store—which would probably cause legislators to restrict all black powder purchases even further. As it is they’ll have trouble banning all fireworks to cut off this supply source. Still fireworks are an expensive way to get gunpowder—the $400 purchase didn’t even net a half pound of powder according to ABC News.
The Triggering Mechanism: The government’s story has changed 3 times on this crucial issue. First, investigators told the media that a sophisticated triggering mechanism was involved leading them to suspect they were part of a larger terrorist cell with “up to a dozen members.” How they could report that one day and then claim they acted alone the next, I don’t understand.
Then, the story changed to the use of common “hobby fuses.” These are green in color and used on everything from hobby rocket booster motors to large fire crackers. They must be ignited by a match or other very hot glowing source.
Now government investigators tell Congressmen who are part of the intelligence committee (only reliable yes-men are allowed on this committee) that the triggering mechanism was from a radio controlled remote used for toy cars. Let’s analyze this:
First the boys could not have lit the fuses manually. They would have had to have a fuse sticking out of the pressure cooker vent hole, opened their packs and manually ignited the fuse with a match. That would have been too obvious and even the government doesn’t claim they saw any such action on their exclusive video evidence.
Using a clock timer is the next easiest way to set off a bomb of this type for an amateur. Unlike plastic explosives gunpowder doesn’t need a blasting cap—a hot spark will do just fine. And, it is easier to create a spark with a clock timer and appropriate capacitors than to ignite a fuse, which requires a flame or some other miniature hot igniter. Clock timer bomb triggers usually connect to a type of electronic blasting cap, not a fuse. But, the government has insisted twice now that green colored hobby fuses were present in the bombs—probably deduced from the unexploded bombs they claim they found in the boy’s car. This rules out a clock timer because of the difficulty of coupling it to a fuse ignition source.
Compounding the difficulty with the fuses is the government’s claim that the brothers used radio controlled remote controllers common to motorized toys. Crime scene photos showed plastic pieces and a battery that look like something from a toy car or model airplane. Battery powered controllers are used on a variety of remote controlled toys, however we come up with the same objection to clock timers—the inability, or extreme difficulty, to light the fuse. Besides, the official indictment of the government does not match the radio remote type of trigger. No one observed the boys holding a remote control at the time of the explosions.
What the government accusation does claim is that the boys were holding a cell phone to their ear, 18 seconds in one case, until the bomb goes off. That’s a problem too, because all you have to do to trigger a cell phone activator is call the number. You don’t have to be listening to anything. The government seems reluctant to go for the cell phone trigger argument, because that clearly requires expertise in bomb making, but that’s what they are leaving us with. If they want us to believe that the boys coupled a cell phone call to a cell phone trigger that was, in turn, linked to a radio remote control unit which actually triggered the bomb, they are asking us to believe even more—all of this is could only be done by a real expert.
This is the biggest hole in their claim that these bombs were set off by the boys acting alone. And, if they did use these timers, then they had expert help. Personally, I think it was the latter, and is the first clue that government may have been involved. Despite all this, the government is now heading in the direction of claiming the boys acted alone, that they were radicalized alone and that no one else was involved. That I simple cannot believe.
Did the younger bomber flee with his backpack? I initially thought there was one picture that showed the younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, (who had the white hat on backwards) fleeing with his backpack on. I’ve changed my mind on that:
There is a high resolution iPad photo taken by David Green of Jacksonville Florida showing the boy running from the bombing. The lighting in the shadows is poor but we see his elbow to the rear as he runs, covering where the backpack would normally be. When I first saw this photo, brought to everyone’s attention by an amateur investigator prone to hype, it appeared that the elbow going back and to the rear couldn’t be that long and that his backpack might still be visible. However, upon closer examination of an enlargement of the picture, I’m now convinced it only shows the elbow and not the backpack.
Everything from this point on gets murky—filled with contradictory claims between police and federal investigators and eye witnesses to the manhunt and subsequent take-down of the two brothers.
2) Shootout and Apprehension of Suspects
Within hours of the FBI naming two culprits in the Boston bombings while aggressively demanding that no attention be focused on any other potential suspects, the official police narrative said the Tsarnaev brothers robbed a 7-Eleven convenience store, ambushed a police officer on the campus of MIT, carjacked an SUV and then engaged in a high speed chase ending in a deadly shootout with police where Tamerlan and another officer were killed while Dzhokhar escaped and went on the run. A representative from the 7-Eleven chain later contradicted the police and reported that after reviewing all security cameras no robbery took place that night by the bombing suspects—adding to the growing list of contradictions to official statements errors that have never been clarified.
The Watertown police said the suspects set off grenades to try to stop police pursuit and that the stolen vehicle was later found to contain other explosive devices. Much of this information was false and fed to the media by Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau as he did an on-camera interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN.
In the battle the Chief claims the boys throw another explosive device at them and that they had various pipe bombs of “improved explosive devices,” making this seem like an Iraqi style terror event. He claims that the police had a raging gun battle with the well armed youths—who police now admit had only one gun between them—and that after several minutes the older brother Tamerlan stepped out from the SUV and started walking toward them shooting as he advanced. This is hard to believe that anyone would walk into a hail of gunfire from multiple police squad cars and not get hit or stopped.
Then the Chief claims that when Tamerlan was out of ammo, the police tackled and handcuffed him. We are supposed to believe one of the officers ran out into the open to do this rather than shoot him dead, disregarding the other brother who had more bombs to through. As a former combat trained Marine, I find it impossible to believe this version of events.
Finally the Chief makes the dramatic and unlikely claim that the younger Tsarnaev brother drove the SUV toward the tackled brother and ran over him as the police dive out of the way. He supposedly drags his brother under the car, killing him and then escapes. The two sources of evidence that we have of that evening contradicts this entire story.
First: A CNN video shows the police arresting a man who looks just like Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The arrested man is made to take off all his clothes to check for bombs, and then put into a squad car. He is later taken out of the car to be photographed and interrogated by another investigator and then told to put his clothes back on. The next day Dan Dicks of Press for Truth television listeners actually hear the voice of the aunt of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, telling Dicks that she is 100% certain that the man in the video is her nephew Tamerlan.
Second: An eyewitness of the shootout comes forward the next day and tells reporters that a police vehicle ran over Tamerlan and then they shot him afterward many times with multiple weapons. The doctor examining the dead older brother says there was not one part of his body not wounded. When you see the picture of his dead body (caution: very graphic image) , you’ll see a huge gaping wound on the side of the chest, that is not explained by gunfire or being hit by a car at fairly slow speeds. One website said that doctors created this opening to help save his life. But others say he was dead long before he got there. I’m not aware of any medical procedure like what is shown, causing a huge jagged hole, cutting across multiple ribs and exposing the whole lung cavity that could possibly have a beneficial medical outcome. This unauthorized picture was taken and circulated by someone in law enforcement gloating over the kill.
It is hard to try to piece together everything that happened that night. So far it seems that the older brother was alive and in the custody of police—and somehow was put back on the street and killed by police in this bizarre and conflicting shootout. Worse, when it was all over the police had to admit, that there was only one semi-auto pistol between both suspects and that was wielded by the older brother. –Some raging gun battle!
Many facts also don’t add up with the final apprehension of Dzhokhar the next evening. Video and eyewitness accounts attest to multiple bursts of gunfire along with flash grenade explosions, but since the boy wasn’t armed the fusillade of bullets aimed at the brother holed up in a parked boat was clearly unjustified.
The official story is that the younger brother exits the boat after being surrounded by police and tries to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth but only doing damage to his throat—keeping him from being able to speak. The live video feed of his capture, however, shows him emerging from the boat on his own power quite alive, and UNARMED. If he tried to commit suicide, where did he get the gun? Why now instead of in the boat? The whole story doesn’t make sense.
3) Why did the FBI claim not to know who the suspects were? After the dramatic killing and capture of the bombing suspects seemed to seal the case against them, the family of the boys cried foul saying the FBI had been tracking Tamerlan for years. Here’s a good synopsis by Activist Post.
Why did the FBI make a spectacle out of releasing the photos of the alleged Boston bombing suspects to the public feigning ignorance on who they were, asking for the public’s help to identify them, when they knew all along who they were? The fact that they were lying proves they have something(s) to hide. Remember the FBI is saying the following:
“These photos should be the only ones the public should view to assist us. Other photos should not be deemed credible. They unnecessarily divert the public’s attention in the wrong direction, and create undue work for vital law enforcement resources.” [This is suspicious in that it appears the FBI wanted to make sure only these two were caught and prosecuted—a sign that this might be a ploy to deter any investigation of others involved].
This entire press conference is now exposed as a lie since we now know the FBI was “monitoring them at every step”, according to their own admission. The FBI originally denied first meeting with the bombing suspect two years ago (lie #2), according to CBS. That was until they were forced to admit their involvement with the suspects.
CBS reported “The FBI admitted Friday they interviewed the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and failed to find any incriminating information about him.”
The FBI story then changed again when the government claimed that the Russian FSB had contacted the FBI last year when the older suspect Tamerlan Tsaranaev went to Russia, Daghestan and Chechnya. According to the FBI the Russians were concerned about Americans of Chechen descent coming over to Chechnya or Dagestan in order to foment trouble. The FBI claims the Russians were worried about his “radicalization.”
However, this is very one-sided evidence coming only from the FBI, who had every reason to invent an excuse of why they had previous contact with the boys, and why it lead “nowhere” as they claim.
Even the Russian’s claimed concern in this is suspect since the KGB/FSB itself has been responsible for creating false flag terror bombings of their own and blaming them on the Chechens (examples: Moscow apartment and subway bombings, and the Breslin school terror attack)—a storyline dutifully repeated many times by the US mainstream media. The Atlantic’s Tom Balmforth gives the best summary of what went on during Tamerlan’s visit to his relatives in southern Russia:
In an interview that raises as many questions as it answers, Tsarnaev’s aunt, Patimat Suleimanova, says her nephew began a six-month stay in Daghestan in March 2012 — possibly even earlier — when his mother and father were both in the United States and not, as previously reported, with him. “[Tamerlan] was here without his father for two months. His father came here later, in May, but [Tamerlan] arrived earlier,” she says.
Many observers are hoping to find a clue to Tsarnaev’s motives and behavior in the time he spent time in the bustling Caspian Sea city of Makhachkala, the capital of a Russian province troubled by a simmering Islamist insurgency.
That contradicts a statement made by Anzor Tsarnaev [father] in an interview on April 21, in which he vouched for his son and said he was never far from his side during their visit to Daghestan. Anzor Tsarnaev said his son slept in late during the day, prayed, helped renovate the family home, and visited relatives in Makhachkala and twice in neighboring Chechnya.
Suleimanova says Tamerlan Tsarnaev was deeply religious by the time he arrived in Makhachkala. She says he prayed regularly and went to the mosque, although she was unable to specify which mosque.
The aunt and the father told other reporters that Tamerlan always visited with other relatives when he went traveling around, but they always “knew where he was.” There doesn’t appear to have been a lot of opportunity to get involved with terrorist training camps.
Rather than concentrate on Tamerlan representing some foreign Chechen terrorists—who have openly denied having targeted the US—more attention should be addressed to the contact he had in the states. But the FBI shows no interest anymore now that they have announced they acted alone. However, one lead that has surfaced is an Albanian named “Misha.” CNN reported this interview with the uncle:
The evolution of Tamerlan Tsarnaev from aspiring Olympic boxer to apparent radical jihadist may have been influenced by a friend in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “This person just took his brain. He just brainwashed him completely,” Tsarnaev’s uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, told CNN from his home in Maryland, describing the friend as an Armenian convert to Islam. Tsarni told CNN he was so concerned about someone brainwashing his nephew that he called a family friend in the Cambridge area to investigate.
While Tsarni did not give the friend’s name [which I find strange], The Associated Press reported that other members of Tsarnaev’s family said the friend goes by the name “Misha.” Asked about those reports, Elmirza Khozhgov, a former brother-in-law of Tsarnaev, told CNN Tsarnaev once introduced him to someone by that name who was an Armenian convert. He said he was not told Misha’s full name.
“It seemed to me that Misha had influence on Tamerlan,” apparently encouraging him to give up boxing because it “is violent,” Khozhgov told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “Misha” taught Tsarnaev “things that would make Tamerlan go away from the people and go more into the religion,” Khozhgov said, but “I didn’t witness him making him radical.”
Officials have not responded to requests for comment on someone named “Misha.” Lawmakers briefed Tuesday on the investigation told CNN they had not heard of anyone by that name. The Islamic Society of Boston told CNN Wednesday that so far no one in its network reported knowing a “Misha” who fit that description.
The government is strangely not interested in pursuing Misha, just as they refused to pursue any of the suspects referred to as “John Doe #2” during the OKC bombing— one Hussein al Husseini who ended up working for the FBI. Back to the FBI’s prior relationship with the family, the Activist Post continues:
The suspects’ family also state that they were well aware of an ongoing relationship between the FBI and the boys. Family members said they were “monitored” and “counseled” at every step, and the FBI was “controlling” and “following” them for years [the FBI tries to downplay the depth of their involvement with the family, implying it was only last year—which is in itself an indication that they are hiding much of what they were doing].
Their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, in an interview with RT, said that the FBI had made contact with the family on multiple occasions: “They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me … they were telling me that he was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him,” Tsarnaeva said.
It’s no wonder the Mother feels her sons were “set up.” She said,
“They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act!”
So the FBI, after first denying monitoring them, says yes, we did meet with him (Tamerlan) but “failed to find any incriminating information about him” while telling their mother that “he was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him.” (lie #3)
There are only two possible conclusions to explain the FBI’s blatant lies; either they’re covering up their complete incompetence to stop attacks that they were monitoring, or they’re covering up the fact that they were spurring and handling the bombing plot in the first place, as they’ve done in countless other fake terror plot cases.
Sadly, the latter is the conclusion I have reached. The mistakes they make happen because they can’t control all of the people that are involved in a complex false-flag operation. Much depends on their ability to control the press after the fact and direct the flow of information. In this case they have to steer the media pundits from asking the obvious questions, such as:
4) Why did the suspects not flee? The boys did not leave Boston or act guilty after the event nor did they go into hiding. The FBI never showed up at their home to arrest them even though they knew where they lived. The younger Tsarnaev brother even went to a college party and his friends said he seemed relaxed and totally normal. However, a couple of days after the event, the mother said that the younger brother told her the FBI called them accusing them of the bombing and that they feared for their lives.
Predictably the two suspects go on the run after the FBI calls the home and talks to the boys. Why didn’t the FBI just show up and arrest them as they do with all other criminals? Why call the suspect and alert him that you are coming to arrest him unless you are trying to spook them into running?
If these two were involved in a large cell controlled by an FBI informer/agent provocateur, and were the designated patsies to take the entire blame, then it is clearly a benefit to the planners of such a black operation that they be killed and not arrested where they might be able to tell more than would be convenient. Certainly, they would have eventually told of everyone else involved in providing them the knowledge and equipment necessary to pull this off.
The FBI has a secret policy of sending into every Mosque in the US not only informers but agent provocateurs, looking for disgruntled young Muslims that can be enticed into planning terrorist acts. The purpose seems not merely to inform, but to goad, entice, help plan and even supply bomb making technology to help Muslims commit terror—or at least get far enough into entrapment to be arrested.
Shifting the Blame: Government leakers and spokespersons are focusing on the storyline that the two brothers were acting alone. in Atlanta reports that,
The Senate Intelligence Committee panel was briefed by federal law enforcement officials Tuesday as well. Members of the panel said there is “no question” that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “the dominant force” behind the Boston attacks, and that him and his brother had apparently been radicalized by material on the Internet rather than by contact with militant groups overseas.
This is convenient because it allows the news media to shift the blame for radicalization onto those who they claim may have helped radicalized them—specifically, the Right wing internet websites involved in the 9/11 truth movement, which are particularly energizing to Muslims who feel that the US has unjustly intervened and occupied Muslim countries around the world based upon false-flag provocations like the 9/11 attacks.
It is an interesting fact that many more people outside the United States believe that our government was responsible for setting the explosives in the World Trade Center towers than inside the US. Foreigners aren’t subjected to the same constant drum beat of propaganda against conspiracy or the regular demonization of the few courageous Americans that are not afraid to put the facts before the people.
In the United States there is a literal vendetta against conspiracy, specifically from mainstream or faux conservative talking heads like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly who target certain alternative media outlets like Alex Jones and his formidable news organization that is always on the cutting edge ferreting out the truth in government black operations.
Government foreknowledge? Yes, there is even some evidence of foreknowledge. We have finally found out the identity of the private contractors in Khaki pants and dark jackets with backpacks. It turns out these guys are members of the Massachusetts National Guard Civilian Security Team (CST), which is trained to handle Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive bomb analysis.
The uniform they are wearing (khaki pants and boots and Navy Blue shirts or jackets) is a common one used by federal agencies (even the Secret Service) when out in the public. This is confirmation of the reports that a bomb drill was going on during the marathon as I covered last week.
I believe the backpacks contained anti-contamination suits which they could don if their meters indicated hazardous substances from a blast—that’s why we see one such individual in a picture with a hand held radiation meter after the explosions. However, I have no explanation for why some of them would have a “Punisher” skull on their shirt and hat since the rest of their outfit was clearly a kind of uniform—other than their link to former military service in the Navy Seals or Special Force who have also used this comic book logo.
But what is important is that their presence does show that the government expected a bomb incident, which is telling of a false flag event. Having a drill or exercise is a convenient cover for bringing in these specialized federal personnel. It is also strange that the government never made any effort to answer the public’s questions about them swirling all over the net. They could have easily done so, but never did. This is additional evidence that they don’t want the public knowing about these special teams—lest people come to a conclusion about prior knowledge.
At least one US Senator knew that some agency had prior knowledge (also reported in the previously cited Atlanta link):
Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss told Channel 2 Action News late Tuesday afternoon that a law enforcement agency may have had information in advance of the Boston bombings that wasn’t properly shared. [That’s always the conclusion—that it wasn’t shared—no implication about what foreknowledge portends about government involvement in false flag operations]
“There now appears that may have been some evidence that was obtained by one of the law enforcement agencies that did not get shared in a way that it could have been. If that turns out to be the case, then we have to determine whether or not that would have made a difference,” Chambliss said.
Some background on government false flag operations: Let’s now look at this attack and compare it to other attacks the US government’s black ops has directed in order to foment and build up this war on terror. Such acts not only justify the continued intervention in other Muslim nations, which has as its ultimate goal prepping the world for a future World War, but to also justify restricting the civil rights and constitutional protections of citizens here at home. Here are the key anomalies I have noticed in the past which point to government induced terror:
First: Terror attacks in the US are always high profile which is not typical for normal acts of terror. Compare this to the regular terror attacks in Israel. There is ample hatred among Palestinians against both the Israeli government and its civilian population which drives consistent kinds of suicide bombings which attack Israeli civilians–at malls, in buses and in crowded shopping areas.
Strangely, in the US we’ve had NO examples of this kind of normal terror, only high profile attacks on such things as the World Trade Centers (twice). Real terror attacks by the Islamist world would send extremists through the porous southern border every week to blow up railroad tracks, electrical pylons or set off car bombs in shopping malls and crowded areas in border towns. We have seen NONE of these, even though thousands of illegals cross the border every day. No one questions why.
But our own government loses no time in using these high profile attacks to justify a curtailment of liberty and essential legal protections against surveillance, indefinite detention and habeas corpus. High profile attacks clearly serve a key globalist agenda of justifying constant warfare and restricting constitutional liberties at home. Ultimately, that agenda is linked to a conspiracy to take down American liberty and force our people, under the exigencies of war and conflict, to accept a global government devoid of real protection of individual rights.
Second: No one claims responsibility for these high profile attacks. That’s a sign they aren’t done by the Islamists the government claims. Normal terrorists have historically claimed responsibility for every hijacking, every attack on the Olympics and every suicide bombing—to show their supporters that they are able to get back at their enemies and destabilize Western nations by making them feel vulnerable. Terror is never done just to kill. It is done to fight for a larger agenda. How is the terrorist’s purpose served if no one claims responsibility? That leaves it to our own government to conveniently place the blame on whomever it will to further its own agenda. Here are three major examples:
No one claimed responsibility for TWA 800. That’s because it was shot down by an errant missile from a US Naval missile exercise going on in the military restricted area (MOA) in the ocean below. A Navy drone was seen flying over Long Island which is proof there was a missile exercise going on at the time. The government decided to engage in a massive cover up rather than admit the mistake, and spent a million dollars with the CIA to create a falsified video blaming the tragic explosion on some mythical spark in a fuel tank.
No one claimed responsibility for the Oklahoma City Bombing. But it was orchestrated specifically to place blame on right wing militias. The patsy, Timothy McVeigh, was lured into black operations after serving in the Army and was set up with various agent provocateurs to assist him with the bomb. Terry Nichols, who did have a Right wing background was brought into the scheme to secure a more believable link to the Right wing militias.
However, the story of a single bomb and the lone bomber began to unravel when evidence of other bombs were discovered, planted inside and around the building, and captured on film by local TV crews. These could not have been placed by McVeigh who was only filmed approaching the building once. It was the government itself that suppressed the evidence of these other accomplices, and bombs. They also suppressed the seismic evidence showing two explosions and the surveillance videos that would have showed the shaking from two explosion. When the feds finally released the videos experts could see they had been edited to cut out the parts showing the second seismic event.
Lastly, no one claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. The CIA created a couple of false videos trying to make it look like bin Laden was behind it, but experts say these were clearly fakes using various look-alike persons. The government covered up so many of the details in this attack, one can only wonder what were they trying to hide. Details such as the stand down of interceptor aircraft, refusing to allow any experts to examine the debris of the WTC collapse including the tons of molten steel deep in the basement areas, the silencing of witnesses to the controlled explosion of WTC-7, the suppression of surveillance videos surrounding the Pentagon attack, and the altering, omission or falsifying of testimony before the rigged 9/11 commission.
As eager as the mainstream media will be to print and believe whatever government investigators come up with in this latest attack, additional millions of Americans have become permanent skeptics about any official version—having been lied to so many times in virtually all of the former official investigations into conspiracies of the past.
What happened in Boston this week fits the pattern of government black operations in fomenting the fear of terror. It was a high profile event, and no terrorist group has taken credit. There was a bomb detection exercise going on that could have provided cover for the placement of the bombs. No one knows for sure, and like the other very secret conspiracies mentioned, we may never know because the government holds all the secrets and controls the investigative and surveillance process. But we have to consider it a possibility given the government’s history of false flag terror attacks—going back to even Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Maine.
In Conclusion: Where will this lead? What we saw happen in Boston during the lockdown of the city as they searched for a single suspect on the run was so over-the-top that I’m shocked at how easy it was to pull off with nary a whimper of protest from the over 1 million people ordered to “shelter in place.” This attack also moved forward in a quantum leap the tendency of American’s to yield to any level of militarization of law enforcement and loss of civil rights if the provocation is big enough. We saw the city of Boston and all other suburbs put under lockdown without even declaring martial law—which certainly would not have been necessary for the pursuit of two criminal suspects. High speed and violent pursuits of criminals happen all the time in large cities and the city is never put into lockdown.
Worse, people were ordered out of their homes and told to lay on the ground without probable cause or without warrants—and no one complained. It’s one thing to have to police ask if you will voluntarily allow a search in times of exigency, but to order people around like this was improper and unlawful. Backpacks are now banned at most large gatherings. We will probably see a much high presence of militarized law enforcement enforcing TSA style searches “for our own protection.”
There has also been a push to dump constitutional protections. The younger Tsarnaev brother is a naturalized US citizen. Incredibly, both liberals like Democratic Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and so-called conservative Senator Lindsay Graham recommended dumping constitutional rights and declaring this suspect an enemy combatant.
They may have to revert to that because federal investigators got the wounded Tsarnaev brother to admit to a lot of things before they read him his Miranda rights. Now he isn’t talking. His lawyer is going to have a field day with the fed’s violation of his rights. But, I suspect the courts may take up the call of Bloomberg and Graham and allow it due to this high profile event. Truly these people never let a “good crisis go to waste.”
Even the Canadian government is using the terror attack to accelerate passage of its version of the NDAA authorization of indefinite detention. The Globe and Mail said,
The Harper government is using the Boston Marathon bombing to expedite the passage of a relatively slow-moving bill that would restrict civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism. The Conservative have cleared time in their legislative agenda Monday and Tuesday to conduct third-reading debate on S-7, legislation that would authorize police to pre-emptively detain Canadians and hold them for up to three days without charging them.
Did the Tsarnaev brothers do it? I do believe they were involved in a plot that day, and had some role, but there are many possibilities that need to be probed. Were they part of a larger group and specifically set up to take the entire blame? I’m certain they were. Were there present in this larger group FBI agent provocateurs who directed the planning, and provided sophisticated equipment like the trigger mechanisms? I think that such direction was present.
FBI agent provocateurs (who the Bureau always labels merely as “informants” but who actually actively encourage and direct terrorist acts) have been involved in guiding the activities of every Muslim terrorist prosecuted since 9/11, with the possible exception of the amateurish Times Square bomb that fizzled.
It is amazing that there has not been more blowback (unintended effects of a black operation) from the revelations of this bombing. A real media discussion of this event would cast a negative light on our support of Syria’s Islamist rebels. Instead it looks like the PTB will try to push us over the edge by engaging more directly in the conflict.
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Boston Marathon Bombing Cries Out for Answers — The backpacks don’t match
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
[ audio ] Underwear Bomber Eyewitness Kurt Haskell talks about the 2013 Boston Bombings — Dzhokhar almost certainly INNOCENT. The brown bag lady – the post-detonation pic of where her bag was…
[ video ] Sibel Edmonds: CIA Controlled Tsarnaev Brothers — THE BIG PICTURE – Boston bombing is not blowback, but a deal with Russia!
[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
Published on Apr 22, 2013
Founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief Joel Skousen also talks to Alex about the history of manufactured terror and how governments frequently employ this tried and true technique to enslave populations.
Even though the government has honed in on two brothers of Chechen origin, one of which is now dead in a shootout with police, it is too early to tell who the government is going to ultimately blame for this latest terror attack on innocent civilians. Not a few media pundits have been quick to cast suspicions on domestic terrorism from right wing Americans—at the same time failing to acknowledge that the American Right has never had anything to gain by attacking innocent civilians. These two suspects will now add significant intrigue to the story, being from the disputed and war-torn area south of Russia which has been the source of both Islamic terror and Russian false flag terror blamed on the Chechens. There is no shortage of suspicious activity and interesting evidence in this unfolding drama. You can request a one-time free sample of the briefs by sending an email to
[FBI IGNORES MEN WITH BACKPACKS AT SCENE OF BOSTON BOMBINGS] “Other photos will not be deemed credible”…
[BOSTON BOMBING CULPRITS IDENTIFIED?] FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…
[BEN SWANN: DID FBI KNOW ABOUT BOSTON BOMBINGS BEFOREHAND?] Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Boston Marathon Bombing Cries Out for Answers — The backpacks don’t match
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
[ audio ] Underwear Bomber Eyewitness Kurt Haskell talks about the 2013 Boston Bombings — Dzhokhar almost certainly INNOCENT. The brown bag lady – the post-detonation pic of where her bag was…
[ video ] Sibel Edmonds: CIA Controlled Tsarnaev Brothers — THE BIG PICTURE – Boston bombing is not blowback, but a deal with Russia!
VERY interesting!
Why Dzhokhar is almost certainly INNOCENT!
The brown bag lady — the post-detonation pic of where her bag was….
– –
Kurt Haskell has seen this game before and is not falling for it! Just an everyday American Lawyer and family man before his brush with ‘Terror’ – Kurt’s eyes are now open as he and Jack Blood ask the hard questions about what may or MAY NOT have happened in Boston
* * *
Listen here:
Underwear Bomber Eyewitness Kurt Haskell
talks about the 2013 Boston Bombings
[ video ] Haskell Blows Whistle on Underwear Bomber, Government Op
POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers were trained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.
[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!
Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
God is a 9-11 Truther — “It is past time for Christian leaders and pastors and churches get on the side of TRUTH regarding the 9/11 attacks because God is there. God is on the side of the TRUTH, and deception was the intent of the US 9/11 Commission Report.”
Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”
Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”
9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[10-minute video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Don’t be the last to know
[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
4/26 update: Gerald just said on ‘Coast to Coast AM’:
“Things won’t change until the individual changes.”
– –
“Nothing changes until morality changes. It’s the golden rule. Why shouldn’t America be a target? … The hatred is building around the world.”
“The world changes when the consciousness changes.”
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
* * *
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
4/26 update: Gerald just said on ‘Coast to Coast AM’:
“Things won’t change until the individual changes.”
– –
“Nothing changes until morality changes. It’s the golden rule. Why shouldn’t America be a target? … The hatred is building around the world.”
“The world changes when the consciousness changes.”
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
* * *
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
[youtube=]Boston Chants “USA” in Celebration of the capture of the Marathon Suspect
Published on Apr 19, 2013
On April 19th, 11pm EST the city of Boston congregates to cheer in the Boston Common in celebration of the marathon bombing suspect being in custody.
For people who think this is staged, Here are some other recordings of the same night:
Here are news articles about it:……
[youtube=]Boston Chants “USA” in Celebration of the capture of the Marathon Suspect
Published on Apr 19, 2013
On April 19th, 11pm EST the city of Boston congregates to cheer in the Boston Common in celebration of the marathon bombing suspect being in custody.
For people who think this is staged, Here are some other recordings of the same night:
Here are news articles about it:……
Has some shadowy group of scary bearded men with turbans really caused the American population to cower in fear at the first sign of a homemade explosive anywhere in the country? Or has the government and their cronies in the media primed the population to be afraid of something that, statistically, is less likely to kill someone on American soil than a bee sting?
– James Corbett
* * *
[youtube=]The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost.
Published on Apr 24, 2013
It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can’t be won, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.
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The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost.
By James Corbett
April 24, 2013
It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever.
Just because a war can’t be won, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.
Just look at the images of the Watertown lockdown. A city under a supposedly “voluntary” lockdown that was in fact enforced by bands of roving SWAT team members going door to door, forcibly removing people from their own homes at gunpoint. Whatever the use of the word “voluntary” might mean in this case, I defy anyone to differentiate these images from a martial law scenario.
And yet, amazingly, the media does not show us images of enraged Bostonians. It does not interview those who were treated this way by the SWAT teams. It does not ask those people directly affected what they think, or report on dissent. Instead, we are shown images of mindless celebrations orchestrated to the score of that age-old chant of the mob that has lost all capacity to reason critically: “USA! USA! USA!” Surely it is a mob far under the hypnotic spell of the mainstream fear programming that can cheer the destruction of their own rights. It is even more perverse that this destruction is being done in the name of two bumbling college-age boys who, it must be stressed, have yet to be proven guilty of anything.
The irony seems to be lost on much of the American population that scenes like these are precisely what the all-pervasive “terrorist” boogeymen supposedly want: a people so enslaved to the fear of their own shadow that the actions of two hapless misfits can cause such chaos and the disruption of so many people’s lives. This irony is certainly NOT lost on a government that has tried its utmost to make people afraid of the so-called terrorist threat over the past decade.
Yes, the terrorists hate you for your freedom. So who are the terrorists? And who is trying to take away your freedoms?
If terrorism is the use of violence to further political ends, then the real terrorists by definition are the ones who are ramping up the fear after each and every incident in order to shape the public’s perception. Has some shadowy group of scary bearded men with turbans really caused the American population to cower in fear at the first sign of a homemade explosive anywhere in the country? Or has the government and their cronies in the media primed the population to be afraid of something that, statistically, is less likely to kill someone on American soil than a bee sting?
In the end, the questions answer themselves. All that is needed is reflection over what we have witnessed play out over the past week: an Orwellian two minutes of hate directed not at these boys– about whom almost nothing is known except for their previous contact with the FBI–but at the ghost that has been haunting America’s nightmares ever since the Bush Administration conjured them into existence.
These ghosts will continue to haunt the American population until they, and their like-minded allies around the world, choose to wake up from the nightmare. After all, you can’t win a fight against a ghost. You can lose one, however. The events of the past week have proven that much.
Has some shadowy group of scary bearded men with turbans really caused the American population to cower in fear at the first sign of a homemade explosive anywhere in the country? Or has the government and their cronies in the media primed the population to be afraid of something that, statistically, is less likely to kill someone on American soil than a bee sting?
– James Corbett
* * *
[youtube=]The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost.
Published on Apr 24, 2013
It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can’t be won, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.
* * *
The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost.
By James Corbett
April 24, 2013
It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever.
Just because a war can’t be won, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.
Just look at the images of the Watertown lockdown. A city under a supposedly “voluntary” lockdown that was in fact enforced by bands of roving SWAT team members going door to door, forcibly removing people from their own homes at gunpoint. Whatever the use of the word “voluntary” might mean in this case, I defy anyone to differentiate these images from a martial law scenario.
And yet, amazingly, the media does not show us images of enraged Bostonians. It does not interview those who were treated this way by the SWAT teams. It does not ask those people directly affected what they think, or report on dissent. Instead, we are shown images of mindless celebrations orchestrated to the score of that age-old chant of the mob that has lost all capacity to reason critically: “USA! USA! USA!” Surely it is a mob far under the hypnotic spell of the mainstream fear programming that can cheer the destruction of their own rights. It is even more perverse that this destruction is being done in the name of two bumbling college-age boys who, it must be stressed, have yet to be proven guilty of anything.
The irony seems to be lost on much of the American population that scenes like these are precisely what the all-pervasive “terrorist” boogeymen supposedly want: a people so enslaved to the fear of their own shadow that the actions of two hapless misfits can cause such chaos and the disruption of so many people’s lives. This irony is certainly NOT lost on a government that has tried its utmost to make people afraid of the so-called terrorist threat over the past decade.
Yes, the terrorists hate you for your freedom. So who are the terrorists? And who is trying to take away your freedoms?
If terrorism is the use of violence to further political ends, then the real terrorists by definition are the ones who are ramping up the fear after each and every incident in order to shape the public’s perception. Has some shadowy group of scary bearded men with turbans really caused the American population to cower in fear at the first sign of a homemade explosive anywhere in the country? Or has the government and their cronies in the media primed the population to be afraid of something that, statistically, is less likely to kill someone on American soil than a bee sting?
In the end, the questions answer themselves. All that is needed is reflection over what we have witnessed play out over the past week: an Orwellian two minutes of hate directed not at these boys– about whom almost nothing is known except for their previous contact with the FBI–but at the ghost that has been haunting America’s nightmares ever since the Bush Administration conjured them into existence.
These ghosts will continue to haunt the American population until they, and their like-minded allies around the world, choose to wake up from the nightmare. After all, you can’t win a fight against a ghost. You can lose one, however. The events of the past week have proven that much.
It is true that one of the main reasons for the fall of American society is television. Only the elite could afford to make the programs and run the networks. So Americans had to watch what they programmed US with, or watch nothing at all.
Most watched….
Thankfully, YouTube has changed some of that. And that’s why the elite want to control the internet.
– Jeff
– –
Consensus shredded; major media up against the wall
by Jon Rappoport
April 24, 2013
Television news is shriveling. And it’s under attack from a new breed. You can call them counter-programmers, video freaks, whatever. …
Why does Obama take the Sandy Hook parents around with him, as he promotes his gun agenda? So audiences can hear them speak? So audiences can see them speak.
Why do the networks lay on those interminable news-talk programs, with hosts and guests? Why don’t they consign them to radio? Because people want to see the participants talk. …
Television desperately needs events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston. When the big tragedies hit, and the elite anchors go on the road and show up in the towns where the blood is spilling and the people are in a state of extreme shock, the television audience at home gets another deep injection of mass mind control, through image-insertion.
But now, within days, even hours, counter-programmers are striking back, by playing network broadcast footage and pointing out flaws and contradictions and mistakes and deceptions, and posting these findings.
It is true that one of the main reasons for the fall of American society is television. Only the elite could afford to make the programs and run the networks. So Americans had to watch what they programmed US with, or watch nothing at all.
Most watched….
Thankfully, YouTube has changed some of that. And that’s why the elite want to control the internet.
– Jeff
– –
Consensus shredded; major media up against the wall
by Jon Rappoport
April 24, 2013
Television news is shriveling. And it’s under attack from a new breed. You can call them counter-programmers, video freaks, whatever. …
Why does Obama take the Sandy Hook parents around with him, as he promotes his gun agenda? So audiences can hear them speak? So audiences can see them speak.
Why do the networks lay on those interminable news-talk programs, with hosts and guests? Why don’t they consign them to radio? Because people want to see the participants talk. …
Television desperately needs events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston. When the big tragedies hit, and the elite anchors go on the road and show up in the towns where the blood is spilling and the people are in a state of extreme shock, the television audience at home gets another deep injection of mass mind control, through image-insertion.
But now, within days, even hours, counter-programmers are striking back, by playing network broadcast footage and pointing out flaws and contradictions and mistakes and deceptions, and posting these findings.
Key info at minute-5:30.
They didn’t know who the suspects were, and needed help finding them?
Yeah, sure.
And they said: Don’t look at any of the other photos.
– –
[youtube=]Did The Gov’t Know About Boston Bombings In Advance?
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop…
Chambliss: Law enforcement agency may have known about Boston bombing in advance…
“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…
FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…
Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…
Key info at minute-5:30.
They didn’t know who the suspects were, and needed help finding them?
Yeah, sure.
And they said: Don’t look at any of the other photos.
– –
[youtube=]Did The Gov’t Know About Boston Bombings In Advance?
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop…
Chambliss: Law enforcement agency may have known about Boston bombing in advance…
“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…
FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…
Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…
Alex REALLY FUNNY from minute 10:30 to 12:00 — going for a record paper crinkle : )
– –
Minute 10:30 to 12:00[youtube=]AP links Infowars to Boston Bombings
Published on Apr 24, 2013
Alex thwarts predictable corporate media smear attempts suggesting Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who the FBI has admitted “knowing” since at least 2011, was a fan of Infowars. Alex also continues analysis of the holes in the bombing narrative, and gives further insight into the FBI’s role in creating and foiling its own terror plots.
“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…
FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…
Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…
Alex REALLY FUNNY from minute 10:30 to 12:00 — going for a record paper crinkle : )
– –
Minute 10:30 to 12:00[youtube=]AP links Infowars to Boston Bombings
Published on Apr 24, 2013
Alex thwarts predictable corporate media smear attempts suggesting Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who the FBI has admitted “knowing” since at least 2011, was a fan of Infowars. Alex also continues analysis of the holes in the bombing narrative, and gives further insight into the FBI’s role in creating and foiling its own terror plots.
“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…
FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…
Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…
House to house at gunpoint to find a guy who wasn’t even armed!!
_ _
The pattern was repeated “house after house”, as SWAT police entered the homes of hundreds of residences, sometimes forcibly, without warrants or regard for the Fourth Amendment.
Note how the reporter states that the SWAT teams were “rescuing” residents who had been ordered to stay in their homes in a complete lockdown. The new term for warrantless armed SWAT police raids on your property is “rescuing”.
* * *
SWAT police gunpoint raids in Boston Were Conducted
“House After House”
House to house at gunpoint to find a guy who wasn’t even armed!!
_ _
The pattern was repeated “house after house”, as SWAT police entered the homes of hundreds of residences, sometimes forcibly, without warrants or regard for the Fourth Amendment.
Note how the reporter states that the SWAT teams were “rescuing” residents who had been ordered to stay in their homes in a complete lockdown. The new term for warrantless armed SWAT police raids on your property is “rescuing”.
* * *
SWAT police gunpoint raids in Boston Were Conducted
“House After House”
Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty
Ron Paul
April 22, 2013
This week, as Americans were horrified by the attacks in Boston, both houses of Congress considered legislation undermining our liberty in the name of “safety.” Gun control continued to be the focus of the Senate, where an amendment expanding federal “background checks” to gun show sales and other private transfers dominated the debate. While the background check amendment failed to pass, proponents of gun control have made it clear they will continue their efforts to enact new restrictions on gun ownership into law.
While it did not receive nearly as much attention as the debate on gun control, the House of Representatives passed legislation with significant implications for individual liberty: the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). CISPA proponents claim that the legislation is necessary to protect Americans from foreign “cyber terrorists,” but the real effect of this bill will be to further erode Americans’ online privacy.
Under CISPA, Internet corporations are authorized to hand over the private information of American citizens to federal agents, as long as they can justify the violation of your privacy in the name of protecting “cyber security”. Among the items that may be shared are your e-mails, browsing history, and online transactions.
Like the PATRIOT Act, CISPA violates the fourth amendment by allowing federal agencies to obtain private information without first seeking a warrant from a federal judge. The law also allows federal agencies to pass your information along to other federal bureaucrats — again without obtaining a warrant. And the bill provides private companies with immunity from lawsuits regardless of the damage done to anyone whose personal information is shared with the government.
CISPA represents a troubling form of corporatism, where large companies cede their responsibility to protect their property to the federal government, at the expense of their customers’ privacy and liberty. In this respect, CISPA can be thought of as an electronic version of the Transportation Security Administration, which has usurped the authority over airline security from private airlines. However, CISPA will prove to be far more invasive than even the most robust TSA screening.
CISPA and the gun control bill are only the most recent examples of politicians manipulating fear to con the people into giving up their liberties. Of course, the people are told the legislation is for “limited purposes,” but authority granted to government is rarely, if ever, used solely for the purpose for which it is granted. For example, the American people were promised that the extraordinary powers granted the government by the PATRIOT Act would only be used against terrorism. Yet soon after the bill became law, reports surfaced that it was being used for non-terrorism purposes. In fact, according to data compiled by the American Civil Liberties Union, 76 percent of the uses of the controversial “sneak-and-peak” warrants where related to the war on drugs!
Sadly, I expect this week’s tragic attacks in Boston to be used to justify new restrictions on liberty. Within 48 hours of the attack in Boston, at least one Congressman was calling for increased use of surveillance cameras to expand the government’s ability to monitor our actions, while another Senator called for a federal law mandating background checks before Americans can buy “explosive powder.”
I would not be surprised if the Transportation Security Administration uses this tragedy to claim new authority to “screen” Americans before they can attend sporting or other public events. The Boston attack may also be used as another justification for creating a National ID Card tied to a federal database with “biometric” information. The only thing that will stop them is if the American people rediscover the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin that you cannot achieve security by allowing government to take their liberties.
Former Congressman Paul’s article first appeared at, the temporary home for his weekly column until his personal web page is up and running.
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