Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Secret Societies Page 13 of 22

[AWESOME 5-minute video!!!] Alex Shore, former worker of Bohemian Grove speaks out about the club and its members — and the local police!

WoW!!! AWESOME 5-minute video!!!
I hope she gives a full interview really soon, for her sake (she is taking a BIG risk here, like she says) and so the people will more fully realize what is really going on!!!
We need more gutsy whistleblowers like Alex Shore!!!
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[youtube=]Alex Short [Shore – ed.] old bohemian grove employee

Published on Jul 14, 2012 by 

A public press interview, with ex-Bohemian Grove employee spilling their secrets.

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Different angle, two minutes shorter[youtube=]Former worker of Bohemian Grove speaks out about the club and its members

Published on Jul 15, 2012 by 

Alex Shore, who worked at the Bohemian Grove for 11 years, speaks out about what she learned from working there. Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. Check out Mark’s books in paperback on or e-book on Kindle, Nook, or Google Play.

[1-minute video] Anthony J. Hilder with Peter Tscherneff, Eyewitness To Bohemian Grove “Satanic” Sacrifice

[1-minute video] Anthony J. Hilder with Peter Tscherneff, Eyewitness To Bohemian Grove "Satanic" Sacrifice

Researcher, journalist and film maker, Alex Jones’ Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove, documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizzare pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members, all men, including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissenger to name but a few.  Here Anthony Hilder talks to Peter Tsherneff, who claims to be a witness to an actual human sacrifice at Bohemian Grove. (source)

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[youtube=]Eyewitness To Bohemian Grove “Satanic” Sacrifice – Peter Tscherneff – Anthony J Hilder

Published on Jul 17, 2012 by mranthonyjhilder

Peter Tsherneff claims to be a witness to a Sacrifice at Bohemian Grove.
Clams he has Proof of a Satanic Sacrifice.

[AWESOME 5-minute video!!!] Alex Shore, former worker of Bohemian Grove speaks out about the club and its members — and the local police!

[4-minute video] Abby Martin: Occupy protesters take on Bohemian Grove — 2,000 of the world's most rich and powerful take a yearly voyage to the Bohemian Grove, a secluded camp out in the redwoods of Monte Rio, CA. With little to no media coverage…

[youtube=]Occupy protesters take on Bohemian Grove

Published on Jul 16, 2012 by 

2,000 of the world’s most rich and powerful take a yearly voyage to the Bohemian Grove, a secluded camp out in the redwoods of Monte Rio, CA. With little to no media coverage of this elite pow wow, RT correspondent Abby Martin set out to cover the event herself. There, activists, protesters and grove attendees elucidate the dangers of power players colluding behind closed doors and how it affects the rest of humanity.
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[video] Newt Gingrich Confronted 5 Times about Bohemian Grove

Pics of Newt & others at Bohemian Grove:

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[youtube=]Newt Gingrich Confronted 5 Times about Bohemian Grove at CPAC 2012

Uploaded by  on Feb 16, 2012 Please consider donating to help us continue to make videos like this. We Are Change would not exist without YOU! Also support We Are Change by purchasing an item at our store!

Watch Newt Gingrich dodge Luke Rudkowski five different times when he asks the former House Speaker about his attendance at the Bohemian Grove. Filmed at CPAC 2012.

Pics of Newt & others at Bohemian Grove:
Song at end: Immediate Music – Serenata Immortale

[videos] Mark Dice Outside the Gates of Bohemian Grove – 7/12/12

[youtube=]Sheriff: The Bohemian Grove wants people arrested if they approach

Published on Jul 12, 2012 by 

Mark Dice pokes around out front of the Bohemian Grove and is told he’ll be arrested if he doesn’t walk back past the “private property” sign.

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[youtube=]Outside the Gates of Bohemian Grove

Published on Jul 12, 2012 by 

Mark Dice outside the gates of the Bohemian Grove. Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. Check out Mark’s books in paperback on or e-book on Kindle, Nook, or Google Play.

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Several of Mark’s YouTube videos have gone viral, earning him a mention on ABC’s The View, Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor,, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post’s Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran.

Mark Dice appears in several documentary films including Invisible Empire, The 9/11 Chronicles, and has been featured on the History Channel’s Decoded and the Sundance Channel’s Love/Lust: Secret Societies and more. He enjoys enlightening zombies, as he calls them, (ignorant people) about the mass media’s effect on our culture, pointing out Big Brother’s prying eyes, and exposing elite secret societies along with scumbag politicians and their corrupt political agendas. You can support Mark’s work by sending a PayPal donation to or by using the Donate link on

He has called into several top-rated talk shows dozens of times, including the Sean Hannity Show, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage, and verbally battles with the hosts on various issues since he has never been asked to be a guest on them as of yet. Audio of some of these calls are then posted online.

The term “fighting the New World Order” is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others’ resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues.

Dice and his supporters sometimes refer to being “awake” or “enlightened” and see their knowledge of these topics as part of their own personal Resistance to the corrupt New World Order. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Mark Dice is the author of several books on current events, secret societies and conspiracies, including his newest book, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True which is available on, Kindle and Nook. While much of Mark’s work confirms the existence and continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts from the fiction; hence the “Facts & Fiction” subtitle for several of his books. He has a bachelor’s degree in communication.

If you have an iPad or Android tablet, then you can download the Kindle app and then download any of Mark’s books from the Kindle store for only $6.99 or $7.99. Some of them are also available in e-book on Google Play. Or you can get paperback copies from too if you prefer a physical book. They are not available in stores. A lot of work and research went into them and they’ll save you countless hours of web surfing or YouTube watching in your search for pieces of the puzzle. Your support also funds more of Mark’s videos and other operations. Equipment, software, travel, and the props all cost money, so by purchasing his paperback books and e-books, you are helping The Resistance continue and your help is greatly appreciated. Be sure to subscribe to Mark’s YouTube channel, and look him up on Facebook, and Twitter.

[ 1-minute audio ] Glenn Beck asked about Bohemian Grove by Mark Dice — makes up story to avoid answering

There is no way Beck was going to do “a whole show” on Bohemian Grove. None of the presstitutes allow any discussion about the secret society meetings and the rituals which many of our leaders attend.
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[youtube=]Glenn Beck asked about Bohemian Grove

Uploaded by  on Nov 1, 2008

[video] Bilderberg: The Great Game with Author Daniel Estulin

[youtube=]Bilderberg: The Great Game with Author Daniel Estulin

Published on Jun 19, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

On the Tuesday, June 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Russian ex-patriot and Bilderberg researcher and author Daniel Estulin about the last Bilderberg confab in Virginia and the agenda devised in secrecy for humanity by the global elite. Estulin is the author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.!/RealAlexJones

[video] Real-historian Dr. Stanley Monteith traces back through history how powers create war for social change

[youtube=]The World Revolution – Dr. Stan Monteith

Uploaded by  on May 1, 2011

Dr. Monteith of traces back through history, to show how powers create war for social change.

Many people think the wars we face happen by chance or that the enemies we face just pop up out of nowhere, but that’s not the case.

The Power elite using their networks are responsible for much of the horror we have faced as a people.

This video also includes an interview from 1980 with Ambassador Smith about who was at fault for the rise of Communism in Cuba. This is an upsetting video of manipulation against the people of the world by the rich, for their quest for their VISION called the New World Order

Interesting article on The Georgia Guidestones:

[video & chart] Alex Jones: Bilderberg Secret Web Revealed

The chart Alex is talking about — Click on the image to expand

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[youtube=]Bilderberg Secret Web Revealed

Published on Jun 14, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] RT's Abby Martin: Alternative Media Becoming Mainstream

Wise lady!

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[youtube=!]Alternative Media Becoming Mainstream

Published on Jun 7, 2012 by 

Aaron Dykes recaps Bilderberg 2012 with RT’s Abby Martin!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] Aaron Dykes: 1966 Bilderberg Documents Leaked! — "Nationalism is dangerous"

[youtube=]Strictly Confidential: 1966 Bilderberg Documents Leaked

Published on Jun 7, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] Charlie Skelton ('The Guardian') — Four separate eyewitnesses inside the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly Virginia told London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton that Mitt Romney was in attendance at Bilderberg 2012, suggesting the Republican candidate could be the elite's pick for the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

[youtube=]Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012: Charlie Skelton Reports

Published on Jun 6, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Four separate eyewitnesses inside the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly Virginia told London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton that Mitt Romney was in attendance at Bilderberg 2012, suggesting the Republican candidate could be the elite’s pick for the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

“Four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff told me Willard Mitt Romney was here at Bilderberg 2012. My four eyewitnesses place him inside. That’s one more than Woodward and Bernstein used. Romney’s office initially refused to confirm or deny his attendance as Bilderberg is “not public”. They later said it was not him,” writes Skelton.

The London Guardian writer adds that the fact Romney’s name did not appear on the official list of attendees is meaningless. Numerous power brokers, including Bill Gates, were photographed arriving at the event yet were not included on the list of participants, as is routinely the case.

With speculation already raging that Romney’s potential VP — Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels — was already being groomed by Bilderberg cronies, Romney’s appearance at the secretive confab of global power brokers suggests that he is being favored by the elite, who have seemingly lost faith in Barack Obama.

As Skelton noted in a separate report, on Saturday afternoon a limousine arrived at the hotel surrounded by a police motorcade, signaling the arrival of a “heavyweight politician”. Could this have been Mitt Romney? It’s unlikely given the fact that he was appearing at fundraisers on the west coast all weekend, but Romney’s schedule for Thursday, the first day of the Bilderberg meeting, was clear.

An invite to the Bilderberg conference has routinely proven beneficial to future Presidents and Prime Ministers.

Four years ago during a heated battle on the campaign trail, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave reporters the slip to attend the 2008 Bilderberg meeting at the same hotel. On precisely the same weekend as the confab was taking place, the Washington Post announced that Hillary was withdrawing from the presidential race and would support Obama.

Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were both groomed by the secretive organization in the early 1990′s before rising to prominence. Portugal’s Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster of Portugal.

Bilderberg also played a key role in selecting John Edwards and John Kerry’s running mate in 2004 and Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson also hand-picked Joe Biden as VP in 2008.

Confirmation that Romney attended Bilderberg 2012 may be hard to come by, but news that the former Governor of Massachusettes email account was compromised by a hacker could offer proof, although no emails have been leaked thus far.
by Paul Joseph Watson!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012, reports Charlie Skelton of The Guardian — “Did Romney have to get down on one knee in front of David Rockefeller? This sounds flippant, but it’s a serious question: has Bilderberg switched allegiance? Are they going to toss away Obama after just one term?”
Jerome Corsi: The Provenance of Barack Obama — Important! Jerome Corsi believes that the Bilderbergs will now push their globalist agenda through Romney, because Obama is ‘damaged goods.’ And they might pull a false flag or start a war just so Obama can make it through his last term.

[3-minute video] Lionel: Ted Baxter Can't Deny Bilderberg Any Longer — "For 58 years the MSM swore these folks never existed. And then came their website. So, who's nuts?"

[youtube=]Ted Baxter Can’t Deny Bilderberg Any Longer

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by LionelY2K

NY’s PIX 11 News Commentary
Aired: June 4, 2012

For 58 years the MSM swore these folks never existed. And then came their website. So, who’s nuts?

[video] A real treat!!! John B. Wells guest-hosts The Alex Jones Show (entire 3-hr. program) from his personal studio!: Interviews Alex about Bilderberg 2012; Theresa Dale Ph.D. about the effects of Fukushima radiation; and Craig B Hulet, an expert on government policy, international relations, and terrorism

I really like John’s style!
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“Do you really want to sign on with Satan?

Even if you don’t believe in the Devil, folks, it might as well be the Devil,
because only the Devil could come up with something like this.”

– Alex Jones

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“I’ve said it many times: 
you can deny religion;
you can deny God;
you can deny Christ and all that. 
Please keep in mind, though, 
that the people at the top of the pile
who are dedicated to enslaving mankind
are all up in that Satan thing.”

– John B. Wells

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Middle segment of the show, part 2, is Wells interviewing Jones![youtube=]TSA Ideology: Guilty Until Proven Slave!

Published on Jun 5, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Noted radio and television host John B. Wells guest hosts the Alex Jones Show today, Tuesday, June 5. Alex co-hosts today’s show from the road via video Skype as he works his way back to Texas from the 2012 Bilderberg confab in Virginia. Wells is heard on radio and television stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America, and is one of the world’s most recognized voice artists.

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Part 1[youtube=]Treating Radiation Sickness from Fukushima with Dr. Theresa Dale

Published on Jun 5, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Noted radio and television host John B. Wells guest hosts the Alex Jones Show today, Tuesday, June 5. Alex co-hosts today’s show from the road via video Skype as he works his way back to Texas from the 2012 Bilderberg confab in Virginia. Wells is heard on radio and television stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America, and is one of the world’s most recognized voice artists. He talks with Theresa Dale, Ph.D., about the effects of Fukushima radiation.

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Part 3[youtube=]NSA Illegally Spying on Everyone: Craig B. Hulet Reports

Published on Jun 5, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Noted radio and television host John B. Wells guest hosts the Alex Jones Show today, Tuesday, June 5. Alex co-hosts today’s show from the road via video Skype as he works his way back to Texas from the 2012 Bilderberg confab in Virginia. Wells is heard on radio and television stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America, and is one of the world’s most recognized voice artists. Craig B Hulet, an expert on government policy, international relations, and terrorism. He talks with Mr. Hulet who will talk about the NDAA, Congress treasonous acts and the 9/11 connection to the house of saud.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[ audio ] Alex Jones on 'Coast to Coast AM' 6/3/12: Bilderberg 2012

Alex Jones interview starts at minute-10[youtube=]3.6.2012 – 1/4 – Prophecy of the Popes

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by Andrej Klobasa



Bilderberg Update:

First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones provided an update from Virginia, where he’s been observing the secretive Bilderberg conference, along with a group of protestors. By design, the globalist/bankers are imploding the world’s economy, and they are using al Qaeda agents to help overthrow Syria, he delcared. Jones also suggested that the Bilderburgers are pushing for Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana to be Romney’s running mate rather than Sen. Rand Paul. For more Bilderberg coverage, see this page at

[video] Alex Jones & Jason Bermas Reunite at Bilderberg 2012 — Alex and Jason discuss Bilderberg as attendees arrive

It really is this serious, and it’s great to see Alex with Jason!!
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[youtube=]Alex Jones & Jason Bermas Reunite at Bilderberg 2012

Published on May 31, 2012 by NotForSale2NWO

Alex and Jason discuss Bilderberg as attendees arrive to the Globalist meeting in Chantilly.

Bilderberg Members Label Protesters “Cockroaches” — Hotel staff rooted for Alex Jones while conference was in progress

Bilderberg Members Label Protesters “Cockroaches”
Hotel staff rooted for Alex Jones while conference was in progress
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 4, 2012

Once again betraying their sneering arrogance towards the American people and the first amendment, Bilderberg members attending their annual confab in Chantilly Virginia this past weekend referred to protesters outside as “cockroaches,” according to one of the hotel employees at the Westfields Marriott.

London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton managed to grab a quick word with one of the hotel staff as he was departing the venue. Skelton also gleaned from police that they were far from friendly towards Bilderberg.

“I was helping a cop move a security cordon near some trees, when he lowered his voice and casually let slip: “We don’t support Bilderberg, trust me.” And there’s what a hotel employee told me as he drove through the gates of the hotel. He lowered his window and beckoned me over. “I want you to know that they call you people ‘cockroaches’. I work in the hotel and they asked me if those cockroaches were still out there. They meant you.”

As we reported on Friday, in another conversation that took place in the hotel lobby, arriving Bilderberg members openly expressed their desire to see the demonstrators die in a plane crash.

Despite being sworn to secrecy, hotel employees routinely let slip information about private conversations held by Bilderbergers, primarily as a means of retribution for the rudeness and disrespect with which they are treated by attendees.

Skelton’s report confirms that despite some of the richest people on the planet being in attendance, hotel staff received no tips whatsoever. “This year, no one got anything,” he was told by a source inside the hotel.

After befriending an insider, protester Karen Field also revealed that hotel staff were watching the protests live on their computers while the conference was in progress.

“We had a load of the hotel staff gathered round a computer in the back office, watching Alex Jones – and they’re all rooting for him,” the source told Field.

Field also revealed that despite Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands getting the Penthouse Suite back in 2008, this year it was reserved for Henry Kissinger.

Another leak to emerge according to Field’s source was the fact that, “They don’t just all sit together in a big room – which is what I always thought – but they have tons of separate rooms and they split up for the meetings. The first ones are after 4:30 on Thursday.”

This more private dimension to the conference gives further credence to former NATO Secretary General and Bilderberg attendee Willy Claes statement that Bilderberg expects each member to implement what has been discussed in their relative fields of influence after the meeting is concluded.

Skelton also reports how Bilderberg organizers were confronted by photographers when they were preparing to leave the hotel. Some of the organizers tried to shield their faces, presumably ashamed to be working for a gaggle of globalists who display such malice towards the American people.

The admission that Bilderberg members view those who protest against them as “cockroaches” illustrates how the group represents nothing less than a sinister anti-American, undemocratic, authoritarian and elitist gaggle of control freaks.

During the 2010 Bilderberg confab in Spain, members were overheard complaining about the fact that these “cockroaches” could even afford to travel to different countries in order to make their voices heard.

This yet again underscores how Bilderberg’s political agenda, conducted behind closed doors and with the compliant silence of most of the mainstream media, is brazenly nefarious in that it is being crafted by people who display absolute contempt for ordinary citizens and their inherent freedoms.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

[video & photos] War Criminal Kissinger Pictured Leaving Bilderberg

Photos Here

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Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger in Ireland

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[youtube=]War Criminal Henry Kissinger Filmed at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by NotForSale2NWO

Noted war criminal Henry Kissinger is filmed by crew. HUGE NEWS! If you pause the video at 1 second you get a clear shot of him. We are also going to take a screen shot of the original video blown up so you can see better but this is him FOR SURE.

[Ustream archived video] Last Day of Bilderberg, midday: Alex Jones Calls End to Diplomatic Immunity at Bilderberg

Mostly good vibes, with some exceptions. I watched this live — almost like being there!
This is how it went down, unedited — the globalists departing in their limos — many covering up their faces with newspapers.
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[youtube=]Alex Calls End to Diplomatic Immunity at Bilderberg

Published on Jun 3, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex confronts police harrasing protestors, blocking them from crossing the driveway of hotel entrance, but won’t do anything to known murders in-side confab. Alex also explains the original purpose of governments granting, ‘Diplomatic Immunity’and how it’s gotten way out of control and lawless.

[video] Looking Back at The Huge Success of Occupy Bilderberg 2012

“The universe bends towards liberty and justice.”

– Alex Jones

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Shout out to his little sweetsy-pies at minute-15.
At 1 hour and 9 minutes and 1 hour and 23 minutes, Alex talks about how men are focusing on sports as a diversion, instead of being engaged in the real infowar against tyranny — learning about sports players and teams, instead of the real players who will affect their family and their future.
At 1 hour and 17 minutes, Alex discusses the current move to demonize Ron Paul.
At 1.04:50, Aaron Dykes is on fire like I’ve never seen — obviously wonderfully affected by the Bilderberg protest experience.

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[youtube=]Looking Back at The Huge Success of Occupy Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 3, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

On this Sunday, June 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex files a report from Chantilly, Virginia, where the Bilderberg meeting is wrapping up. This year’s event drew a large number of activists and protesters opposed to the global agenda promulgated by the elite, including carbon taxes, the continued crash of the world economy, and endless wars of bankster conquest. Alex provides a run-down of events and what we can expect from the global elite now that they have concluded another confab held in America prior to an election.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[Bilderberg behind-the-scene videos] Alex Jones speaks with Jim Tucker while Webster Tarpley interrupts — and then is fully interviewed as well as Mark Anderson — geopolitical overview

Very informal and some bad language, but mostly sweet and light.
Tarpley tries to interject his Ron and Rand Paul theories, which Alex doesn’t buy — but interesting — a battling of the minds.
Bilderberg pioneer-sleuth, Jim Tucker is in bad health, still smokes.
I think these times shown are in Alaska time, 4 hours early. I feel blessed to have been able to watch this live via this exciting Ustream technology.
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Part 1: 

June 2, 2012 at 5:33pm

Part 2:

June 2, 2012 at 5:52pm

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The Tarpley/Jones debate is now also here, as Alex’s batteries continue to not lose their charge:

[youtube=]Tarpley, Jones: The Great Debate!

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Pro-drug war activist and historian Webster Tarpley demonizes Ron Paul, likening his drug & gold policies to an evil leprechaun, after an in-depth interview. The drug war has enabled the police state but for Tarpley, marijuana is a dangerous “narcotic” and users should be jailed. We invite friend Tarpley to return to earth or clarify his statement. Ron Paul does not encourage drug use but knows decriminalization is the only way to diffuse the CIA drug ops. The prison industrial complex ruins many lives of non-violent offenders, particularly minorities, unnecessarily.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[videos] Protestors Unite Behind Alex Jones at Bilderberg 2012

DISCLAIMER: Mostly wholesome and upbeat — encouraging, heartwarming — cracks me up at times — but some of these things shouldn’t be said.

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[youtube=]Protestors Unite Behind Alex Jones at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 2, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

All the latest breaking news from the Infowars team on the ground in Chantilly, Virginia.

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[youtube=]Disrupting Bilderberg Party on Final Night

Published on Jun 3, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex and infowarriors bullhorn one last time on the final night of bilderberg 2012.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] Alex Jones Drive-By Bullhorning at Bilderberg 2012

I wish Alex would be more careful in his choice of vocabulary, and we need to be overcomers, not lusting, but it’s great to see Alex having so much fun fighting tyranny along with other infowarriors!
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[youtube=]Alex Jones Drive-By Bullhorning at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex bullhorning bilderberg at night.

Alex talks about his lust problem.

[10-minute video] Henry Kissinger arrives at Bilderberg | Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller tries to embarrass Alex Jones | Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC) denies Bilderberg influence

[youtube=]Dinosaur Media Fails as Daily Caller Gets Owned by Alex Jones

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller tries to embarrass Alex Jones, but only embarrass themselves.

A ridiculous ambush attempt on Alex Jones by reporters working for Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller at the site of the Bilderberg protest spectacularly backfired as the crowd and the Daily Caller’s own readers lambasted the website’s attempt to characterize the Bilderberg Group as insignificant.

While recording his live radio show, Jones was accosted by Daily Caller reporter Jamie Weinstein, who tried to insinuate that Jones had traveled over a thousand miles with his crew at great expense, with streaming and equipment costs running into the tens of thousands, to try and make money out of “stirring up people’s emotions”.

Asked how much money he had made, Jones adeptly responded, “Well not as much as the bomb makers and globalists in here, the trillions they’ve stolen in taxpayer money.”

Weinstein then began to imply that the Bilderberg Group had no power because Americans were still allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights and protest against it, before being drowned out by the crowd.

Weinstein’s attempt to confront Jones not only ended up looking like a pathetic failure on camera, the Daily Caller’s own readers responded to the clip by savaging Weinstein.

“I just left this site, i thought DC was different,” wrote one.

“You have failed miserably and that’s why the void you left is being filled with people of ethical quality who want the truth such as Alex Jones,” wrote another.

“Sad reporting from the daily caller. Your no different than the mainstream media to me now.” added another.

“I didn’t see him dancing around questions (the suggestion seems to mean he has something to hide) I saw a douche bag reporter trying to make Alex Jones look dumb with his manipulative questions. Be a real journalist and ask real questions. Only a fool calls someone else a fool without looking into the merits of what they are saying,” responded another.

“J-School drop out, Jamie Weinstein, encounters independent journalism for the first time and doesn’t understand it; so he acts like his usual obnoxious self instead,” added another respondent.
by Paul Joseph Watson!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] David Icke on how Bilderberg elites control society

[youtube=]Infowars Exclusive: David Icke on how Bilderberg elites control society

Published on Jun 2, 2012 by travels to Britain’s Isle of Wight to speak with pioneering author and public speaker David Icke about the Bilderberg Group, trends in global activism and how the global elite are able to control society, as well as their ability to manipulate our reality.

[video] Secrets behind Bilderberg 2012: day two

The annual Bilderberg Conference is a meeting of bankers, billionaires and government leaders. For years the session’s guest list has been kept secret, but this year that all changed. Many critics believe revealing the guest list was done in an effort to prove how open the summit really is, but where is the media coverage? Abby Martin is on the ground to give us the latest on Bilderberg.

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[youtube=]Secrets behind Bilderberg 2012: day two

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by 

The annual Bilderberg Conference is a meeting of bankers, billionaires and government leaders. For years the session’s guest list has been kept secret, but this year that all changed. Many critics believe revealing the guest list was done in an effort to prove how open the summit really is, but where is the media coverage? Abby Martin is on the ground to give us the latest on Bilderberg.

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David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”
Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself
David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”
Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!
Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
Alex Jones: The mantle is being passed. The true Governor of North America is Jay Rockefeller
All of my The Rockfellers posts (latest posts appear first)
“Conspiracy?” “Surely People Couldn’t Be That Evil?” George Soros: Republic Enemy #1: Illegal Market Manipulation, Felony Insider Trading, Villain, Currency collapses

[video] Bilderberg Plot JFK-Like End to Ron Paul!

[youtube=]Bilderberg Plot JFK Like End to Ron Paul!

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

During a heated conversation in the lobby of the Westfields Marriott hotel yesterday, Bilderberg members expressed their desire to see Ron Paul die in a plane crash, according to veteran journalist Jim Tucker’s inside source.
full interview with Jim Tucker ( will be posted later.
The shocking exchange took place just after Bilderberg attendees started arriving yesterday morning as they were driven through crowds of hundreds of Paul-supporting demonstrators.
Wasting no time to shoot their mouths off, one Bilderberg member expressed his desire to, “Get Ron Paul and all of his supporters on an airplane with a Muslim suicide pilot and take ’em down,” according to Tucker’s source, which has been proven routinely accurate with Bilderberg information in the past.
“That was the harshest comment made but there were a lot of mean-spirited comments made as the Bilderberg boys gathered in the lobby of the hotel,” added Tucker.
Tucker explained that the Bilderbergers are becoming increasingly irate at the resistance amongst patriotic Americans to their program, with protest figures rising at each annual confab.
“The program planned by Bilderberg has been set back for years and every year it gets worse and every year they get more depressed and every year they get more outraged — we’re winning, they’re losing,” said Tucker.
Bilderberg is furious that Paul is working to stop the full ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which as we documented yesterday is being discussed at this year’s conference. The treaty would hand the United Nations control over all U.S. oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the global body.
This is not the first time Bilderberg members have expressed their desire to see the Texan Congressman and staunch constitutionalist meet his maker.
Back in December 2007, best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin told the Alex Jones Show that the U.S. intelligence establishment was considering assassinating Paul as a means of derailing the Ron Paul Revolution, which later gave rise to the Tea Party and spawned a generation of anti-big government grass roots activists.
by Paul Joseph Watson!/RealAlexJones
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[video] Alex Jones Meets The MSM at Bilderberg 2012

[youtube=]Alex Jones Meets The MSM at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

June 1: On the second day of the Bilderberg confab, Alex and the Infowars crew continue their coverage of the global elite plotting our future from behind closed doors in Chantilly, Virginia. Alex covers a raft of breaking and important news, including a Bilderberger death wish for Ron Paul, the arrest of activists for the unpardonable crime of exercising the First Amendment in public by photographing participants as they arrived in limos, and the debate underway if the next hand-picked presidential selectee will be Obama or his supposed rival Mitt Romney.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[video] Liberty Lovers Speak Out at Bilderberg 2012

[youtube=]Liberty Lovers Speak Out at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Infowars team footage taken from a live stream earlier today of the gathering protest outside the Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, as cops and hired security goons looked on.
police and other security types work overtime to prevent Alex and crew from reporting on the Bilderberg confab on Thursday.!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

Bilderburg 2012

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