Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Sexual Assault / Pedo Page 1 of 9

Roseanne Lodges DISTURBING Accusations Against Hollywood Elites!

People’s Voice Reports: “Investigators: Tom Hanks Facing Prison on ‘Sickening’ Pedophilia and Murder Charges”

The People’s Voice

‘Pastor’ Robert Morris Accuser Shares Her Story, Faith Journey

The fallout continues after Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church over furor following allegations he molested a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s. Morris, 62, who resigned from Gateway last week, offered an initial statement on the allegations against him in which he again used the term “young lady.”

In that statement, he described what he said was “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” in a home he stayed in during his 20s. “It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong,” he said. The preacher went on to state that the behavior happened on “several occasions” over a number of years.

Morris said the situation was “brought to light” in 1987. He said he confessed, repented, sought counseling, and returned to ministry two years later with the support of the victim’s father. For the record, the accuser, Cindy Clemishire — now 54 — has denied the latter claim as well as the notion she was a “young lady” at the time, claiming the abuse started when she was just a child.

Clemishire joins CBN News to detail her allegations, to share her faith journey, and explain the reasons she’s speaking out.

Talmudic Israel: Rape Capitol of Middle East — US media’s silence makes them complicit

“Bogus allegations of Hamas mass raping Israeli women ran 24/7 around the world…, which in turn   [juiced?] America and Europe’s tolerance for Israel’s campaign of terror in Gaza and the West Bank — which means every news organization that laundered these lies has the blood of murdered Palestinian children on their hands. The NY Times, BBC, CNN and all the rest are now complicit in genocide.”

SNL Writers Satanic Pedophiles: Dua Lipa Performed Sketches On Eating & Molesting Babies

Karen Kingston is back with Stew to talk about the perverted and disgusting SNL sketches about cannibalism and sex with babies.

Alleged MK Ultra Rape SURVIVOR Jennifer Guskin SPEAKS OUT! Claims Bernie Sanders RAPED Boy

Stew Peters Network


Rabbi Shmuley Goes FULL PERVERT In Jones Interview: ‘Rabbi BUTTPLUG’ Becomes INFAMOUS

Shapiro’s Daily Wire Protects Jewish Power: Candace Owens FIRED Over Her Christian Faith | Rabbi Shmuley’s Filth!

Stew Peters Network

Taylor Swift ‘Murdered a Fan’ In Satanic Blood Ritual To Join Illuminati, Insider Claims

John B. Wells was the weekend host at ‘Coast to Coast AM’ for many years, started by Art Bell, and since hosted by George Noory, who seems like a disinformationist to me. John was let go because he told too much truth, and then started his own show, which was online only. But now it’s syndicated on 1400 radio stations in the USA, late night.

John has had guests on that expose Talmudism, how Israel let Hamas’ 10/7 attack happen on purpose. He even had a show telling the truth about the holo…, the WW II event no one is supposed to question or research.

He’s also not afraid to tell the truth about this kind of thing, and just mentioned this story, which also has a video”

From: The People’s Voice


Anneke Lucas: I Was Sold Into An Elite P_dophile Network

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Cathy O’Brien | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #21 — Trauma-based mind-control, gov’t level, sex slave survivor speaks out!

The strength of the human spirit — what Satan tries to break.

People allowed TalmudVision to mind-control them after 9/11, glued to the TV, getting programmed with the horrible images over and over, so they were easily convinced to support our wars and let our rights be removed via the Patriot Act.

“Repetition is the most basic form of mind-control.”

– –

You asked for it and you got it! The most requested guest in our podcast’s short history, Cathy O’Brien finally joins the podcast! Cathy has been a lifelong whistleblower on child sex trafficking, MK Ultra and trauma-based mind control. She also happens to be one of Roseanne’s best friends. The two have been fighting to expose the deep state since they first met at a conference where Roseanne opened for her in 2007.

Cathy O’Brien:

  / realcathyobrien     / realcathyobrien  

Body Language – Dershowitz on The List

“He’s a Jew, so he’s got victim status,” playing the victim card.

Changes the subject.

Bombards Body Language

🇮🇱 Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, hides his face as he enters Jeffery Epstein’s Manhattan mansion (2016)

‘Christian’ Zionists Don’t Want To Know…

Are in this way reverse-‘pro-life!’

One comment:

“I don’t wanna hear another PRO LIFE lecture from them ever again.”


Whitney Webb_ This is why Epstein documents are coming out now _ Redacted

Pornhub’s Plan To TRANS Children EXPOSED: Employee Caught Saying Trans Porn Is Good For Kids

Anna Perez, the host of Wrongthink Primetime, joins Stew to talk about how porn websites are designed to lead children into the trans and sodomite lifestyle.

Stew Peters Network

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Israel is trying to legalize pedophilia

Jerusalem Post Story

Netflix is Not What You Think It Is — TalmudVision: Sigmund Freud > Edward Bernays > Marc Randolph

Sigmund Freud
Freud’s pedophile grandson: Sir Clement Freud
Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda was Freud’s sister’s son
Social engineering turned people into mindless consumers
Marc Randolph, co-founder & original CEO Netflix, the great nephew of Edward Bernays
“Turn it off, and wake up”

Liz Wheeler read the founding document of queer theory: “Thinking Sex,” by Gayle Ruben

Topic begins at 21:29


Leigh Dundas w/ John B Wells 10/3/23: Child Sex Trafficking Exposed

Whispers in the Dark – John B Wells LIVE

Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips : ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security – The Opperman Report 4/30/2016

#wayne cox #gerald ford #hillary clinton #bill clinton #mormon church #catholic church #country music #most dangerous game

Cathy O’Brien is a recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation.


HORRIFYING: Grandmother Convinces Young Girl Parents’ Sexual Abuse is OK

The Charlie Kirk Show

Jason Bermas interviews Nick Bryant: Epstein Justice And The Franklin Scandal

The Hidden Truth: Human Trafficking in America — “More slavery in the US now than when slavery was illegal”

“There is more slavery happening in the United States now than when slavery was illegal.”

Nick Bryant: Federal Scandal – Epstein Coverup – John B Wells LIVE

The Franklin Scandal is also covered, in which many Republican leaders were compromised, including at the highest level, mostly with boys.

Democrats compromised mostly with girls, Bryant says.

John B. Wells Live

DISTURBING Body Cam Video of Las Vegas Metro Police Rescuing 6 Children, 2 Locked in a Cage

The Charlie Kirk Show

Sound OF Freedom: A Sit Down With Jim Caviezel – Bannon’s WarRoom

Bannons War Room
1 month ago

Why I cant support “Sound of Freedom” – Trust but Verify!

#Mormons #LDS

“as always FOLLOW THE MONEY and it aint pretty!”

Bill Schnoebelen: Sound of Freedom – Child Sex Trafficking, Cover-ups, NWO & Hollywood

#Mormons #LDS

Former Satanist and LDS elder William Schnoebelen warns us that something may be fishy with this movie; though, the Satanic ritual abuse is very real.

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