Freedom from Alaska!

Month: February 2018

Summary of the Memo

Our Letters Are Reaching Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer – Monika Responds!

Our Letters Are Reaching Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer

12 good reasons to question the official 'Holocaust' story — Only 'genocide' which relies on Soviet sources

(vid) Mark Dice: They actually did this! Super Bowl commercials held surprises that nobody thought we would see

They Actually Did This!

Published on Feb 5, 2018

They actually did this! The Super Bowl commercials held some surprises that nobody thought they would see.

(vid) Justin Timberlake's SÜPERBOWL Performance Demonic Symbolism

The Philadelphia Eagles: A Band of Bible-Believing Brothers Whose Faith is Inspiring Millions

… Last fall, Faithit shared the story of Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver, Marcus Johnson, who was baptized by his fellow teammates and coaches in a hotel pool prior to a Thursday night game.

Leading the showcase of Bible-believing brothers is star quarterback Carson Wentz, who has vowed to play for an “Audience of One.” Though a major ACL injury will stop him from playing in Super Bowl 52, nothing can stop him from praising God in the storm and leading his teammates to victory. …


“Every Monday night we have a couple’s Bible study. We have a Thursday night team Bible study,” Wentz shared. “And Saturday nights, we actually get together the night before the game and just kind of pray and talk through the Word and what guys have been reading, what they’re struggling with, and just kind of keep it real with each other. To have that here in an NFL facility like this, it’s really special.”

(vid) Skousen: Las Vegas Shooting Cover-up Continues — The 235 Vista Suite Paddock originally requested is located in the southeast wing of the hotel which would have given the accused shooter virtually no tactical view of the festival and simply defies all logic. If Paddock had gone to the hotel with the intent to shoot at the festival he would have requested the wing they eventually assigned him to, but he did not, which proves he didn’t come with the intent to kill | FBI was present on the 32nd-floor prior to the shooting in the room next to where Paddock was assigned

World Affairs Brief, February 2, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Several stories emerged this week as the official version blaming Stephen Paddock for the mass shooting continues to unravel. The first shows how Paddock was manipulated into that particular wing where Dark Side agents would do some of the shooting, and set him up as the patsy.
The Intelhub reported that Stephen Paddock requested a Vista Suite located on a non-specified floor in the southeast wing of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino before he was internally reassigned, later placed into room 32-135 against his initial request. The 235 Vista Suite he originally requested is located in the southeast wing of the hotel which would have given the accused shooter virtually no tactical view of the festival and simply defies all logic. If Paddock had gone to the hotel with the intent to shoot at the festival he would have requested the wing they eventually assigned him to, but he did not, which proves he didn’t come with the intent to kill.
The Intelhub also reports that sources have divulged that the FBI was present on the 32nd-floor prior to the shooting in the room next to where Paddock was assigned. They ask, “Was [this] room the room occupied at the time of the shooting and if so was the occupant or occupants struck by gunfire? These are all important questions to ask.”
As a more important issue of non-transparency and cover-up, the Clark County Coroner’s report has finally been released, and predictably it tells us nothing about the bullets that were found in the bodies—neither the number nor caliber. That’s telling because a shooting autopsy will always have that information. Police usually follow up with a trace of the bullet to match the weapon used. These glaring omissions are meant to hide the fact that different bullet calibers were found and that none of the bullets probably would match the weapons found in Paddock’s room. There were only a handful of spent cartridges in his room, so he couldn’t have been the only shooter even if he was involved.

According to, The Coroner’s office also told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the autopsy report of Stephen Paddock wouldn’t be released until it was “finalized.” “The coroner’s office has fought to keep autopsy reports confidential,” according to the the Review-Journal. It’s difficult to imagine what component of the autopsy could, at this point, be left unfinished; after all, Paddock’s body was destroyed weeks ago [unless they were trying to cover something up].

"U.S. has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance" – Robert A. Henlein

“There seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously—after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.” – Robert A. Henlein

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Libertarian Party Blocks Ron Paul & Judge Napolitano—Revealing Neocon Takeover | Ron Paul: “The Libertarian Party has failed to live up to what should have been its role as an ideological alternative to Washington’s one-party system. As was quite obvious in the 2016 presidential election, the Libertarians yielded to prevailing attitudes on war, welfare, the Federal Reserve, and more. In believing that winning was more important than standing for something, they ended up achieving neither. …to really fill its role as a challenger to our two-party system… It would need to actually embrace the core libertarian principles of non-aggression and non-intervention in the affairs of others”

Libertarian Party Blocks Ron Paul & Judge Nap—Revealing Neocon Takeover

The new Libertarian Party just claimed that the godfather of the modern libertarian movement, Ron Paul “has no idea what the Libertarian Party represents.”


(vid) Molyneux: The Truth About The FISA Memo | FBI/DOJ Exposed – Exactly how the FBI lies

(vid) Swede Cries Out For Help From Migrant Invasion – 20 Rapes a Day!

(vid) What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Friday 2/2/18: Today's News Talk Show

(vid) Molyneux: THE MEMO HAS BEEN RELEASED — "The ramifications are staggering!!"

(vid) PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR – According To Joe

Sony’s Camera Firmware Updater is a Major Security Risk, Expert Warns


(vid) Molyneux: "Release The Memo" Damage Control Examined – Exactly how the FBI lies through minimizing, weasel words, appealing to emotion – brilliant!

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