Freedom from Alaska!

Month: February 2018 Page 4 of 5

(video) German women raped by Soviets

(vid) Lauren Southern: Why I am not a feminist

(vid) James Perloff w/ Nathan Laurenson: Talmudic Zionism & the NWO – Real History

James Perloff writes on his blog:

February 9. I was Nathan Laurenson’s latest guest on Battle of New Orleans. Our topic: Zionism.

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Talmudic Jews explain WHY they bring millions of Muslims and African immigrants to Europe — Thomas Barnett, Jewish director of Israeli military consultancy Wikistrar: “The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. … European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed”

Thomas P.M. Barnett, Jewish director of the Israeli military consultancy Wikistrar in his book `The Pentagon’s New Map’, 2004 he said:

“The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an AVERAGE IQ OF 90 that is so dumb to grasp anything but intelligent enough to work. The European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed.”

(vid) Jim McKay: "The Agony of Defeat" – Wide World of Sports

I grew up in the ’60s and ’70s watching ABC’s Wide World of Sports, which began like this:
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(vid) White Farmers Slaughtered in South Africa | Lauren Southern w/ Stefan Molyneux | Witch doctors call the shots!

(vid) Syria shoots down Israeli F-16

Talmudic Israel is using US money and planes, and supports ISIS to illegally occupy Syria to kill more people and steal more land.
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(vid) Tomoyasu Hotei Guitar & Symphony: ‘Battle Without Honor or Humanity’

Starts at 1:15 with fine sounding horn section!
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(vid) Tomoyasu Hotei – 'Battle Without Honor and Humanity' Live | 'The Godfather Theme'

(vid) 'Battle Without Honor or Humanity' – Hotei Tomoyasu Live 2016-07-15

U.S. Murders 100 Syrian Soldiers, Claims “Self-Defense” In Country America Invaded And Occupies — To claim “self-defense” in a country that you have destabilized, invaded, and occupied is hypocrisy to say the least. It is also a violation of national sovereignty and international law

Every American should be ashamed for what we do to people in other countries.
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Haaretz: Israel Becoming a 'Refuge for Jewish Pedophiles,' Warns Advocate for Child Sex Abuse Victims

…may be a ‘significantly higher proportion’ of cases in the ultra-Orthodox community.
Israel has become a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles from around the world, a leading advocate for child sexual abuse victims warned Monday at a Knesset committee pre-hearing on pedophilia in the…

Now Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People – US Tomahawk missile strike immoral

Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.
This assertion flies in the face of the White House (NSC) Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.
Mattis offered no temporal qualifications, which means that both the 2017 event in Khan Sheikhoun and the 2013 tragedy in Ghouta are unsolved cases in the eyes of the Defense Department and Defense Intelligence Agency.
Mattis went on to acknowledge that “aid groups and others” had provided evidence and reports but stopped short of naming President Assad as the culprit.
There were casualties from organophosphate poisoning in both cases; that much is certain. But America has accused Assad of direct responsibility for Sarin attacks and even blamed Russia for culpability in the Khan Sheikhoun tragedy.
Now its own military boss has said on the record that we have no evidence to support this conclusion. In so doing, Mattis tacitly impugned the interventionists who were responsible for pushing the “Assad is guilty” narrative twice without sufficient supporting evidence, at least in the eyes of the Pentagon.

(vid) Las Vegas: Fuel tank update – bullet origin angles

I commented:

Photo at 7:00 shows much more black residue to the left of the hole, indicating a shot from the right. Also, the paint is chipped off drastically on the left and above, which would indicate a shot from the right and perhaps even from below. The lip may have trapped energy between it and the hole, which could also be a factor in the result of more paint being removed above the hole.

In the photo at 3:10, the east-west plane is probably to the right of what you indicate. The v-shaped bar in front is almost perfectly edge on, and the opening on the right v-shaped bar is larger than on the left, indicating that the photographer would have to be further to the right to be at a 90°. This indicates that these v-shaped bars aren’t perfectly aligned at 90° to the fence. One could return to the location and check this out, or further analyze the videos.

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(vid) Ernst Zundel w/ Michael Hoffman on his book 'White Slaves' — Before 1840, whites have been enslaved as much or more than blacks

(vid) Can the TROOPS Even "Support the Troops" After Watching THIS?!?

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(vid) Ernst Zundel Interviews IHR's Greg Raven, fmr editor of the Journal for Historical Review

From back in the day. Would be wonderful to see IHR functioning healthily again.
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German women in fear: New anti-rape pants sell out very quickly

-The pants consist of a tear- and cut resistant material. They also feature a protector in the groin to protect from any grabbing

-Strings along the waist cross at the groin. They are being lashed down to prevent the pants from being pulled down/ripped down. A combination lock is supposed to provide additional safety.

-The pants have an alarm (130dB) that is being triggered by someone pulling/tugging/tearing on them. It can also be activated manually if needed.


(vid) Photographic evidence vs the 'holocaust' – Ernst Zundel w/ John C. Ball

The book:
Air Photo Evidence – World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed,  By John C. Ball – 3rd, corrected and greatly expanded edition, January 2015
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(vid) Mark Weber explains Myths about WW2

(vid) James O'Keefe: "Take risks, make sacrifices, have courage. The vast majority of American people are afraid" – News Section for CTM Episode 879

Minute-48: “Take risks, make sacrifices, have courage. The vast majority of American people are afraid”

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(vid) Veronica Clark w/ Ry Dawson: Germany Myths Debunked – Reichstag fire, Gleiwitz incident, Prescott Bush funding Hitler

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline – The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Mark R. Elsis


(vid) Witness claims Stephen Paddock thought he was Mind Controlled – Las Vegas Shooting UPDATE

David Knight talks about a story that broke recently involving a 27 year old prostitute named “Mikaela” that slept with Stephen Paddock on a regular basis. She claimed that Paddock was sending alarming text messages to other call girls about various topics. According to her boyfriend she went missing during the shooting, and it was verified by the other “call girls” who received the messages. This witness claims “Stephen Paddock believed he was on “Mind Control” & was being controlled by the government as an experiment”. He was reportedly paranoid and would rant about conspiracy theories such as 911. The woman missing named Mikaela stayed with Paddock inside his suite during his stay at the Mandalay Bay shortly before the mass shooting.

Perloff: The Korean War – Another Conflict that Served the Illuminati Agenda

On June 25, 1950, Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s communist dictator, sent his troops to invade South Korea. American forces, fighting under UN authority, came to South Korea’s defense, in a bloody three-year war that ended in stalemate.
But how did Kim Il-sung and the communists come to power in North Korea? U.S. foreign policy put them there, in a roundabout way.

Perloff: Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism — The War began after Spain was blamed for the sinking of the USS Maine. But the war was provoked by powerful U.S. newspapers and served the interests of big banks


Perloff: Holodomor – The Secret Holocaust in Ukraine — 14.5 million murdered, 3 million children!

From: The New American

Thursday, 05 February 2009

Holodomor: The Secret Holocaust in Ukraine

When Ukraine resisted Soviet attempts at collectivization in the 1920s and ’30s, the Soviet Union under Stalin used labor camps, executions, and starvation (Holodomor) to kill millions of Ukrainians.

In 1933, the recently elected administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt granted official U.S. recognition to the Soviet Union for the first time. Especially repugnant was that this recognition was granted even though Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had just concluded a campaign of genocide against Ukraine that left over 10 million dead. This atrocity was known to the Roosevelt administration, but not to the American people at large, thanks to suppression of the story by the Western press — as we shall show.

Perloff: China Betrayed Into Communism

From: The New American

Friday, 24 July 2009

China Betrayed Into Communism

Written by James Perloff

Although the mass media present China today as “progressive,” especially after the 2008 Olympics fanfare, it remains among the world’s cruelest regimes.

The term “Red China” is not anachronistic. Though certainly less oppressive than during the Cultural Revolution, when it executed millions, China is still governed by a single regime, the Communist Party, which requires members to be atheists. It imprisons dissidents without due process, oppresses Tibet, and enforces a policy, backed by compulsory abortion, restricting most families to one child. (Since Chinese traditionally prefer male offspring, this has led to disproportionate abortion — even infanticide — of female babies, creating an artificial majority of males in China.) The government directly controls most media, blocking criticisms of itself on the Internet.

Perhaps worst is suppression of religious freedom. Christian churches, though permitted, must submit to government control and censorship — either as part of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement or Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. Independent house churches, comprising some 90 percent of China’s Christians, face persecution. The Voice of the Martyrs reports:

The human rights record in China is one of the worst in the world. Its system of “re-education through labor” detains hundreds of thousands each year in work camps without even a court hearing…. The house church movement (unregistered churches) endures unimaginable persecution, yet stands on its commitment to preach the gospel, no matter the cost. China continued its crackdown against Christians and missionaries in 2008, as they sought to purge the country of religion before hosting the Olympic games…. Church property and Bibles were confiscated. Christians were harassed, questioned, arrested and imprisoned. Christians in prisons are routinely beaten and abused.

Japan and Manchuria

What surprises many Americans: the regime ruling China was largely put there by the United States.

Entire Article

"During times of *universal deceit*, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" – George Orwell

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

– George Orwell

Congress: 11% Approval Rating, 96.4% Re-elected


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