Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 10 of 19

Hand Count Shows 15% For Ron Paul?

This would have placed Dr. Paul in 3rd place, just as the polls were showing before the primary…

Click for Details

1/12 Update: Paul doesn’t think so — Ron Paul: New Hampshire Recount?

Alaska: Energy company wants to test wind power in Hatcher Pass

WASILLA — A company that hopes to one day build a wind farm on Fire Island in Anchorage wants a permit to install towers to test the winds at Hatcher Pass.

“This company is wind-prospecting,” said Mike Sullivan, a natural resource manager with the state Department of Natural Resources.

Cook Inlet Region Inc. spokesman Jim Jager said the Hatcher Pass project is in the very early stages of development. It’s one of several wind ideas being working on by CIRI, an Anchorage Native corporation, and its partner enXco, a California wind energy company.

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Moderate Alcohol Use, Exercise, Keys to Longevity, Study Finds

From: Fox News

A little exercise combined with a little alcohol may be the key to living a longer life, according to a new study published in the European Heart Journal.

The study found people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol and are physically active have a lower risk of death from heart disease and other causes compared to people who don’t drink at all.

Click here for the full study

In fact, the Danish researchers found people who neither drink nor exercise have up to a 49 percent increased risk of heart disease than people who either drank, exercised or did both.

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Slain Girls’ Mom Knew Husband Practiced Magic

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — The mother of two Sioux City girls that police said were killed by their stepfather said her husband described himself as a pagan and routinely practiced spells to keep those around him healthy and happy.

Marla Harris told The Des Moines Register that her husband, Lawrence Harris Sr., told her at the police department that he was trying to help the girls.

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Ron Paul VS Laura Ingraham




Thought Crime HR 1955 Just Passed




Diebold Voting Machinery




Ron Paul Votes Not Counted In New Hampshire District

Vote fraud confirmed, Clinton reversed mammoth pre-polling deficit to beat Obama, Diebold machines aid Giuliani, RomneyMajor allegations of vote fraud in New Hampshire are circulating after Hillary Clinton reversed a mammoth pre-polling deficit to defeat Barack Obama with the aid of Diebold electronic voting machines, while confirmed votes for Ron Paul in the Sutton district were not even counted.

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Possible Black Box Voter Fraud in New Hampshire

See Ron Paul War Room for info.

Ron Paul for President 2008 is on top of it too!

Alex is talking about what looks like voter fraud in the New Hampshire primary with Bev Harris in the repeat stream at GCN Live On Demand [Then click on The Alex Jones Show (Mon – Fri)].

Today’s continuous stream will only be up for 24 hours. The show is 3 hours. So far, it seems this is by far the main topic today; though, other topics also discussed.

GCN Live On Demand is also a great place to listen to The Power Hour—my favorite radio show!

Subscribers can listen to archives of any program, anytime.

The owner of GCN Live, Ted Anderson, is a great Ron Paul supporter, and the man behind the Ron Paul Air Corp.


Pastor Baldwin: Why Does the Establishment Hate Ron Paul?

What is it about Ron Paul that the Establishment finds so disturbing? This is a man who perhaps personifies Christian character and integrity, American patriotism, and family values more than any other public figure. …

Now, how in the name of common sense can a man such as Ron Paul be hated? Maybe it is because he is a man of integrity and honesty. Remember, our Lord said that men who love darkness hate the light. And if there is a word that describes the Establishment in America today, it is DARKNESS.

Name it: the establishment Democrat and Republican Parties, the establishment media, the establishment financial institutions, and even the establishment churches all seem to be run by people who exude the power of darkness. It should not surprise us, therefore, when a man arises who personifies the light of integrity and honesty, that the powers that be should hate him–and hate Ron Paul they do.

Conservative Republican Ron Paul is loathed as much by members of his own party as he is by liberal Democrats . Even though he is the epitome of a Christian gentleman, Ron Paul is despised by Christians and pastors as much as he is by pagans–maybe more. The media despises him–especially Fox News. The so-called conservative Fox News celebrity Sean Hannity practically goes ballistic at the mere mention of Dr. Paul’s name. …

The Establishment hates Ron Paul because his honesty and integrity expose the rest of them for the moral reprobates they are. Their own conscience cannot bear the sight of him. His very presence condemns them. Their personal greed and ambition cringe at the very thought of Ron Paul. If Dr. Paul became President, the Gig would be up!

Click to read the rest of this story

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

“Fair & Balanced” FOX News: Paul Blackout


Dees created this more than a month ago to protest Ron Paul being excluded from FOX’s December 4th, Iowa debate.

Now it speaks even stronger to FOX’s second and more famous Ron Paul banishment in the New Hampshire debate .




Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 1-7-08






Related: Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/30/07

The Fox / Leno Miracle
Posted January 8th, 2008 by zenpiper

If there is one amazing aspect to this campaign is that miracles happen all the time. Or, for the non-spiritual readers, that no matter how many lemons are thrown at Ron Paul, he comes up with lemonade. I like the idea of miracles better because so many unexplained windfalls have happened that it defies the odds.

When Fox stated last week that RP was not invited to the event, many of us reacted in shock, dismay and anger. It was not fair nor justifiable by any measure: it was dirty politics. Everybody saw that. Many posters (including me) mused about ways we could give Fox a kick in the shins (or worse) including stock sell-off, barrages of emails and phone calls and generally sticking a finger in the Fox eye. It was maddening.

Then a little miracle appeared in the form of The Tonight Show and Jay Leno. Not only did RP get a lot of air time, a good solo intro by Jay, Ron’s message was carried to many more viewers than the Fox debate would have offered. Ron was in top form and the audience was clearly stoked to hear him. It doesn’t get much better.

But the real message is that–no matter what happens in terms of negative stuff–something wonderful comes out of it. It is though an unseen hand is guiding this campaign, and has been all along. This is just amazing to me.

Ron Paul: How Do I Say Thank You?

January 07, 2008

How Do I Say Thank You?

In Iowa, many hundreds of volunteers worked day and night for our campaign. College kids took their Christmas vacations in the snow for freedom. Thousands of people donated to make it all possible. We had many phone calls, brochures, mailings, advertising. Revolutionaries from all over the country sent handwritten letters to every voter, and despite national media attacks and censorship, we got more than 10 percent of the vote. We also soundly beat a certain ex-mayor who started off the first debate by attacking a pro-American foreign policy and the explanatory doctrine of “blowback,” the CIA’s term for foreign intervention that causes trouble for us in return. The Golden Rule applies to nations as well as to individuals.

And speaking of debates, FOX blocked my participation in its last New Hampshire debate, but I think that hurt FOX more than us. We had a terrifically successful townhall meeting at the same time, and Jay Leno invited me on the Tonight Show again to discuss it. Many members of our movement were galvanized to overcome the bias, including me!

In our Iowa campaign, since it was a caucus, we were dealing with party activists for the most part, not the people. And some of the activists were very unhappy to hear our views, trying to scream them down! Others thought that peace violates Christianity. But New Hampshire is another story. There is a state and a people tailor-made for us. Live Free! Then there are Michigan, South Carolina, and Super Tuesday and its nearly 20 primaries. Frankly, we need $23 million more to have a chance of beating the establishment candidates.

I am working hard for our ideas, as I know you are. The attacks and even smears will increase as we do better. But they will not defeat our ideas. They cannot defeat out ideas. At this moment of urgency for America, with spending, taxes, spying, inflation, and wars out of control and threatening all we love, let us rededicate ourselves to freedom, prosperity, and peace. Already, I owe you all my thanks. Join me in this great endeavor in New Hampshire and beyond. Please make your most generous donation now:




Ron Paul [Lego] Brickfilm: stop-motion animation on inflation/Fed


Ron Paul Town Hall Meeting: Response to FOX’s Banishment (1/6/08)

Since FOX News banned Ron Paul from their 1/6 debate, Congressman Paul held his own, 1-hour, town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire on the same night!

Stuck in the center of the tiny, round rug, it takes Ron about 10 minutes to get warmed up. The meeting then becomes very lively and great intro to Ron Paul!

One even asks “who owns the Federal Reserve?”






ABC Republican Debate with Ron Paul Follow-up – 1/5



PAUL: Try to visualize how we would react if they did that to us, if a country, say China, came that great distance across the ocean, and they say, “We want you to live like us. We want you to have our economic system. We want bases on your land. We want to protect our oil.”

Even if we do that with good intentions — even if the Chinese did that with good intentions, we would all be together and we’d be furious.

PAUL: We, in foreign policy, ought to have a golden rule. We ought to treat others as we would want others to treat us. And we don’t treat others so fairly. We treat them like we’re the bully, that we’re the policeman of the world, and we’re going to tell them to behave.

Click for Transcript


Ron Paul After the Debate



6 Delightful Minutes with Ron Paul: The Candidate Cafe (CNN 1/6)




An Open Letter To Ron Paul Supporters: Never Give Up for Liberty!




N.H. Debate: Candidates Mock Ron Paul – Persecuted for Righteousness!

Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

– Jesus (Mt. 5:11,12)

During Saturday night’s ABC/Facebook debate American’s witnessed presidential candidates laugh at, patronize, and mock Congressman Ron Paul. Well, it is not Dr. Paul they are laughing at, but it is the majority of Americans who they mock, patronize and abuse.

A bully can’t hide their psychopathy. And these candidate’s exhibit their psychopathy when someone like Dr. Paul presents sound, principled and ethical discussion around current important issues. The candidates repeatedly interrupted Ron, shook their heads while he spoke, made faces, and utter comments like John McCain, who was caught on microphone saying: “we’ll miss you tomorrow,” referring to Fox’s decision to keep Ron out of Sunday’s debate.

Click for Story

“We, in foreign policy, ought to have a golden rule. We ought to treat others as we would want others to treat us. And we don’t treat others so fairly. We treat them like we’re the bully, that we’re the policeman of the world, and we’re going to tell them to behave.”

– Ron Paul in the ABC, N.H. Republican debate: Transcript

Related: Making Fun of Ron Paul at FOX’s S.C. Debate, 1/10/08

Huckabee’s I’m-the-“CHRISTIAN LEADER” Ads VS Ron Paul


The Ad: “Believe”






The Ad: “What Really Matters”



“It’s only a bookshelf” Screenshot




RON PAUL: “I happen to be a believer. I’m a Christian. And I do write about it. But I specifically say I don’t carry my religion on my sleeve. Sometimes I had been annoyed about the prayer breakfast in Washington. I never attended the prayer breakfast in Washington, although I am a believer. I just thought that was more publicity. And, you know, the Bible does teach us that we should say our prayers in a closed room, and not flaunt it, and not to pretend you’re holier than– others. So, I’ve approached it that way.”

From: Ron Paul with Bill Moyers (PBS) 1-04-08

Propaganda Photos: Hitler Wore the Cross on His Sleeve Too


The following photos provide a pictorial glimpse of Hitler, how his Nazis mixed religion with government, and the support for Hitler by the Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany. In, no way, does this gallery of photos intend to support Nazism or anti-Semitism, but instead, intends to warn against them.

Click for the Photos

Pastor Baldwin: We Desperately Need Bonhoeffer’s Confessing Church

From: News with Views

If the reader has not already done so, I again urge you to read the book, Hitler’s Cross, which was written by Erwin Lutzer and published by Moody Press. This book should be “required reading” for every pastor and Christian layman in America. In his book, Lutzer focuses on the attitudes and actions of Germany’s pastors and churches during the rise and reign of the Third Reich. It is a masterpiece.

For those of us living in a country and time far removed from Hitler’s Germany, it is hard to comprehend how that nation’s Christians–and especially its ministers–could have been so thoroughly taken in by old Adolf. We assume such an event could never happen again–especially to us. However, to any honest observer of history, the conditions of the Church in America today are eerily similar to those of the Church in Nazi Germany.

When Ron Paul was asked about Mike Huckabee’s overt usage of a cross for a campaign advertisement, he quoted Sinclair Lewis as saying, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.” Many Christians railed against Dr. Paul for making this comment. However, the truth is, Ron Paul (himself a committed Christian) is one hundred percent right! (To see how Hitler used this same tactic, I invite readers to note the photograph of the German Fuhrer in Lutzer’s book, on page 75, which shows Hitler coming out of church with a large emblem of the Cross directly over his head. This photo was used extensively by Hitler during his political campaigns.)


[Click for more “Hitler wearing the cross…” photos]

… As a result of Hitler’s brilliant deception, Christians throughout Germany were convinced that he was “God’s man.” …

Of course, there were a few in Germany who saw through Hitler’s deception. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Christian minister who actively opposed Hitler by organizing what he called the “Confessing Church.” These were believers who would not surrender Christ’s sphere of authority to Hitler. They saw through “Hitler’s Cross.” Unfortunately, of the more than 14,000 pastors in Germany, only 800 joined with Bonhoeffer.

To the vast majority of Germany’s pastors, Bonhoeffer was an “extremist,” or a “kook,” or a “nut.” They relegated Bonhoeffer to the fringe of Christendom. They believed Hitler and repudiated Bonhoeffer; they chose Hitler’s “German Church” over the Confessing Church. …

For example, Mike Huckabee’s success in Iowa is largely due to the pastors and Christians of that State buying into his “Christian” campaign. In a manner very similar to the 2000 campaign of George W. Bush, Huckabee has carried his political campaign on the Cross. At the same time, however, Mike Huckabee (as does George W. Bush) embraces and promotes globalism. And, unfortunately, many Christians and pastors do not seem to notice or care.

Click for Story


Mike Huckabee: “If you vote for me you live. If you don’t…”

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

Are Angry Americans Cursing Indian Call Center Workers?

“You are making nice money. But the trade-off is also big,” said Vats, who spent nearly two years at an IBM Corp. call center handling customer calls from the United States.

Call centers and other outsourced businesses — such as software writing, medical transcription and back-office tasks — employ more than 1.6 million people in India, mostly in their 20s and 30s. But at this young age, they face sleep disorders, heart disease, depression and family discord, according to doctors and several industry surveys. …

Most call center jobs involve responding to phone calls through the night from customers in the United States and Europe, some of whom can be angry and rude. It’s monotonous and there is little meaningful personal interaction among co-workers.

“There are times when the stress is so overwhelming that they fail to cope with it,” said Archana Bisht, who started a counseling company — — in Bangalore six years ago. …

About 32% of respondents complained of sleep disorders, 25% had digestive troubles and 20% reported eyesight problems, according to the survey, which covered 1,749 employees.

Read: A cry for help at India’s call centers

S. Africa: People asked to stop casting spells at the police

Mavis Makoba, 35, of the nearby Boschfontein area, allegedly told police that a Pretoria sangoma had told her that if she mixed the soil from the police station with that from her home, her son would no longer be arrested.

Police released her after questioning and have asked members of the public to refrain from casting spells at the police.

Click for Story

The Torture President Wields His Veto

… So what on earth caused Bush to veto the bill, and thus leave those in Iraq in connection with the war effort without funds in the pipeline? The answer is torture. You should have guessed it. …

The Philadelphia Inquirer sees this very clearly:

Bush knows that if Iraq can get sued for torture, so can the United States. Even now, the CIA is trying to keep secret all of the ways it pulled information from captives.

Click for Story

Ron Paul on MacNeil/Lehrer in ’88




Ron Paul vs Mike Huckabee – A Soldier Speaks Out

[some strong language]




Ron Paul with Bill Moyers (PBS) 1-04-08


Now we’re living in an age today in this post-9/11 atmosphere where our civil liberties are being undermined constantly, all in the name of safety and security, we’re supposed to give up our rights for our privacy? We’re allowed now to accept the idea of secret prisons and secret renditions, and the loss of habeas corpus.

Skousen: My Analysis of the Iowa Caucus Race

World Affairs Brief, January 4, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief <>


For the Democrats, Obama came in first with 39%, Edwards second with 30% and Clinton third with 29%–a major embarrassment. For the Republicans, Gov. Huckabee received 34%, and Gov. Romney was second with 25%. Thompson and McCain were in a tie for distant third at 13% and Ron Paul finally burst out of the single digits with 10% –not what his ardent supporters hoped for but certainly a respectable showing considering the media blackout against him and his anti-establishment cause. The big losers were Hillary Clinton and Rudolph Giuliani. Although both were promoted all year long by the mainstream press as front runners, they were clearly not popular in Iowa. It was also clear that the Des Moines Register, which tried to sway the race in favor of McCain and Clinton, is out of touch with it’s own constituency.

As I have pointed out in recent briefs, we are front and center watching a major case of media manipulation. Huckabee’s strong showing in Iowa was almost solely due to his ministerial attractiveness to rural Christian conservatives in Iowa, and even that would not have gained any notice without a major media campaign to promote him out of nowhere, as they made a major issue out of Romney’s Mormon faith–which predictable galvanized some evangelical Christians against Romney and for Huckabee.

However, Huckabee’s God and Big Government campaign has little pull in other larger states where the number of secular voters is much stronger than in Iowa. He will get a boost in New Hampshire from the media label as a “winner,” but it is doubtful he will break the 20% support level. Before Iowa, he was at 10%. It is interesting to note the grouping of Iowa counties that voted for Romney were concentrated around the cities where he visited personally –indicating that he was successful in converting a majority in urban areas which had a chance to meet him. Huckabee’s support was almost exclusively found in the small rural counties which rely on the news media and what fellow church-goers are saying to form political opinions. That will not translate to a winning percentage in other states with larger urban populations.

McCain wouldn’t even be in this race if it were not for the massive media support he receive just recently –with six major newspapers endorsing him in an attempt to boost him over Romney (when it became apparent that Giuliani might not be able to sustain his front-runner status). This strategy of boosting McCain to cut off Romney is probably not going to work either. McCain’s poor showing in Iowa, despite the Register’s endorsement, does not bode well. If McCain doesn’t beat Romney in New Hampshire (currently in a dead heat), the Powers That Be will be looking for another strategy. They’ve still got spoiler Michael Bloomberg in the wings. Using a major liberal newspaper in NH to editorialize against Romney (“Anyone but Romney” without endorsing anyone else) suspiciously smacks of media manipulation on a grand scale. But New Hampshire voters can be pretty independent when they want, so the results next week should be interesting.

Ron Paul continues to build support in the “Live or Die Free” state, so it will be interesting to see how much higher than his current 7% polling numbers he is able to reach. I fear that the false media coverage promoting Huckabee as an anti-establishment conservative (which is false) may keep last minute voters from switching to Paul. It won’t help that the Fox media moguls are intent upon keeping Ron Paul out of the New Hampshire Republican debates–even though Paul polls higher in NH than Fred Thompson, who is invited. ABC News is hinting that they may use the same double digit national polling criteria in their debate selection process as well. So, it is important that Ron Paul breach the 10% mark in New Hampshire. The establishment really doesn’t want the electorate to have an anti-interventionist, anti-big government, anti-globalist choice in this election.

“LOVE” in the Ron Paul REVOLUTION Flies Backlit Over Iowa!

Because many Americans still don’t know who Ron Paul is, supporters launched the Ron Paul blimp in December. But the blimp is limited by weather and its slow airspeed, so supporters have come up with a new idea to raise the banner of freedom: The Ron Paul Air Corps!

The gigantic Ron Paul Air Corps Banner flies high over Cedar Rapids, Iowa this afternoon after the launch of the first flight of a planned 50 due to take to the skies over dozens of major American cities this month.

You can sponsor flying time by donating online at

Click for Story and Photos


Here the “LOVE” in the “REVOLUTION” is backlit by the sun:



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