Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 5 of 19

A Christian Vote

Source: Ron Paul for President 2008

As a Christian and an ordained minister, I am appalled that too many Christians are so gullible that they would support a candidate without doing some research. The information I found on Huckabee is shocking. First, it is not my place to judge him or any other Christian for what they do in their private life, but the Bible tells us that by their fruits we shall know them. We should be very cautious of electing someone just because he or she proclaims to be a Christian. We would be better off electing someone who has integrity; have not Jimmy Cater, Bill Clinton, and George Bush fooled us enough? Was it not Bush who stated that the Muslims pray to the same God as Christians?

Therefore, here are some of the facts:
Mike Huckabee gave a speech before the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) on September 28, 2007. A short time after this, he started receiving Mainstream media attention he has also stated in an interview with one the major news media that he relies on advice concerning foreign affairs from Richard Haas. Richard Haas is the president of the CFR since 1993. For those not familiar with the CFR, its goal is to bring us under a global one-world dictatorship; this organization was founded by Rockefeller in 1921.
While Huckabee was Governor of Arkansas, the LT. Governor was Winthrop Rockefeller Jr. this may just be coincidence or not.

We know in God’s word that He hates One world government the reason for the destruction of the tower of Babel. In addition, we know that a world dictator will someday control the world through the mark of the beast. So why would any Christian support any candidate Christian or not, who has ties to the CFR?

All the candidates both democrats and republicans either are members of the CFR or have close ties to CFR with the exception Ron Paul. As far as I see it, he is the only candidate that has not bought and paid for by the globalist elites. This is why he gets so little Mainstream media coverage.


Painting: Ron Paul Hope for America



Painting done by Caleb O’Conner

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CNN: Without Honor and Lying

From: Max Kennedy at Nolan Chart

The CNN Debate was held tonight, January 30th, for the Republican party. Again, they excluded Ron Paul from speaking. …

I took particular offense at where Ron Paul tried to answer a question, and the CNN host [Anderson Cooper] PROMISED to let him answer in two minutes, and he would get back to him.  He never did. …

He lied on the air, intentionally, in front of millions. That lying is considered not wrong is outrageous and unbelievable. A Democracy can not exist where debates no longer exist.

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Former CIA Trainee, Anderson Cooper Cheats Ron Paul During CNN “Debate”

From: Prison Planet

Ron Paul was cheated for the umpteenth time last night, this time by CNN, as the corporate media once again engaged in mass public deception by advertising their spectacle as a “debate” when in fact it was nothing more than a staged punch and judy show.

CIA trainee Anderson Cooper directed just five questions at Congressman Paul as well as two half-questions, the answers to which he interrupted on both occasions.

In comparison, Mitt Romney fielded 17 questions and John McCain got 15, not including the time the two spent bickering with each other about their past statements.

Again, just as with the previous MSNBC debate and numerous others before it, Ron Paul was given less than a third of the questions as the other candidates.

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Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation

Amazing Media-is-Manipulated Quotes

CNN: Without Honor and Lying

CNN’s Anderson Cooper chastizes Lt. Colonel for questioning Barack Obama’s (Barry Soetoro’s) eligibility, saying Col. Lakin is a hypocrite because he followed orders of others who may not have been born in the US. But they don’t have to be natural born citizens like the President must be, Mr. Cooper. It’s DISGUSTING how truth loving people are treated by the manipulative press when the press finally give them air time!

All of Ron Paul’s Replies at CNN Debate, 1/30/08

News shocker: Ron Paul was biggest GOP fundraiser last quarter

From: LA Times

Well, it’s official, ladies and gentlemen. Believe it or not, Rep. Ron Paul, the 72-year-old Texan who hardly ever gets mentioned in Republican political news and the one-time libertarian who always gets the least time on TV debates if he isn’t barred completely, was, in fact, the most successful Republican fundraiser in the last three months of 2007.

By a Texas mile.

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Also here 

Devvy: Economic Stimulus Package: Macabre Waltz Into the Abyss

From: News with Views

“If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of money should be taken from banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Despite clever word smithing coming out of the mouths of polished politicians and high paid illusion artists for networks like FOX (in for a very rough 2008) News, only someone in extreme denial can ignore the true state of America’s economy. I’ve written about it for years, warning people that while Congress continues to write hot checks, kissed, blessed and signed off by whatever banking cartel water boy is sitting in the White House, the powder keg was just waiting to blow. BOOM.

With two or three exceptions (Dr. Ron Paul being the stand out), the U.S. House of Representatives, comprised of useful fools, the functionally illiterate and stinking buzzards, has just passed another monumental piece of lunacy called an “economic stimulus package.” This $1.5 BILLION dollar shell game will stimulate nothing and let me tell you why.


Ron Paul has a bill lingering in Congress since July 15, 2007, to abolish the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. There are no sponsors. Why? Because without the central bank to borrow from on a daily basis, Congress would be unable to write hot checks to the tune of more than NINE TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS. Because without the central bank to borrow from, Bush would not be able to steal from the American people to fund his nebulous and endless “war on terror,” his unconstitutional nation building or endless “wars of liberation” to the tune of almost ONE TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS.

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Starring Ron Paul & Ed Griffin: “Fiat Empire—Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution”




Ron Paul really stars at 40:20 minutes into the film. Ron Paul-only excerpts, below.

“Why do rich people seem to be getting richer, while you and all your friends seem to be hardly making ends meet?

Why does a first class stamp cost you nearly 40 cents when it used to cost only 5 cents?

Should a 90% loss of purchasing power be tollerated?

Where does it end?”

– Narrator


Inflation, I think, is a bad word, because really, we think of inflation as rising prices. But in reality, what’s happening: prices are not going up, it’s that the value of the dollar or the monetary unit is going down. …

The Federal Reserve System is the agency of a hidden tax, called inflation.”


Where this graph is headed is for total destruction of our monetary system. Our money will be totally worthless, and it’ll probably be reissued in the form of some international currency, which will be equally worthless. But the value to these people is that once it’s on an international basis, there’s nowhere else to go.

Right now, if you don’t like American dollars you can buy Japanese Yen. … If you don’t like that, you can move to whatever currency seems to be having a little better track record.

Once there’s an international monetary system in place, modeled completely and exactly after the Federal Reserve system—It’s exactly the same—then there’s no place else to go, folks. You’ve had it.

If we don’t turn this thing around, I think we’re going to be living in kind of a modern serfdom.”

– G. Edward Griffin

[transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the movie]

Skousen: Ron Paul One of Few Voting Against Stimulus Package

World Affairs Brief, February 1, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


The president’s economic stimulus package (a short-term spending deficit spending binge) that was promoted during his speech quickly passed the House 385-35 Tuesday, with hardly a whimper of dissent. Those that did vote “no” mostly wanted a bigger bailout. True to principle, Congressman Ron Paul voted no again.

Paul is usually in favor of people getting some of their money back, but “temporary tax cuts and one-time rebates will not fix the economy…. Sending out checks and cutting interest rates yet again is merely a shot in the arm when in actuality, the economy needs major surgery.” Indeed!

Related: Devvy: Economic Stimulus Package: Macabre Waltz Into the Abyss

Alaska Ron Paul Info: Town Hall Meeting, etc.

I just now received this as an email from Ron Paul 2008

Ron Paul 2008

Welcome, Alaskans!

Each year, the Federal government expands and continues to grow far beyond the limits of the Constitution. The Federal government borrows well over 1 billion dollars a day simply to stay afloat. Alaskans who want change should consider Ron Paul on February 5th.

A ten term Congressman, Air Force Captain and Medical Doctor, Ron Paul has a long record of being the most conservative Republican in Congress. Ron Paul votes “no” all legislation that is unconstitutional.

Protect your right to bear arms. Stop the National ID card. End the IRS. Vote Ron Paul 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Tuesday, February 5th. To find your polling location visit or

Super Bowl of Shame


What’s more American than football, apple pie and Chevrolet? How about cool, brand new radial tires?

That’s what Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire, LLC wants us to believe. The former American, now Japanese-owned, tire manufacturer is spending about $10 million to sponsor this year’s Super Bowl halftime show in Phoenix. It will spend that much again in 2009 for next year’s halftime show when the Super Bowl takes place in Tampa. The company would like to fill your head with images of carefree cruising along some coastline, not a trouble in sight, riding on your four new Bridgestone Tires. It’s very important to Bridgestone Firestone that you retain this image and feeling inside of you whenever you hear the name Bridgestone Firestone.

Without this advertising-inspired image, you might start to consider and care about another one. Such as a seven-year-old Liberian girl, sick from toxins, with blistered skin, her eyes unprotected from the latex she is harvesting as she laboring on the Firestone Rubber Plantation. Or perhaps, you’d worry about striking workers and their families being beaten, detained and arrested solely because they want their union elections to be recognized and to, at last, be treated with dignity.

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Why Vote or Work to Elect Ron Paul When Rigged Machines Steal Our Votes Anyway?

From: Freedom Force International, G. Edward Griffin

I would like to address the issue of election fraud and the Ron Paul campaign. In 2004, I produced the first documentary DVD on this topic, called Invisible Ballots. As President of Freedom Force International and Founder of The Coalition for Visible Ballots, I have been a vocal opponent of electronic voting machines and a champion of 100% paper ballots as the only realistic means to insure honest elections; so I come to this topic with a fair amount of familiarity and momentum.

The electronic voting machines being used in America today, not only are capable of being hacked, but are designed to be hacked. The elitists who now dominate the media and the two major political parties have a highly practical strategy for building what they fondly describe as the New World Order. It is to encourage the masses to believe that, through the process of elections, they are, somehow, determining their own political destiny. This is, however, a grand illusion carefully enhanced by reality-TV debates, massive advertising campaigns, and TV talking-heads “explaining” what is supposedly different about the candidates. It makes no difference that all of them (with the current exception of Ron Paul) are in basic agreement on foreign policy, fiscal policy, sovereignty issues, and anything else that materially affects the elimination of the United States and the building of a New World Order.

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All of Ron Paul’s Replies at CNN Debate, 1/30/08




Rep. Ron Paul of Texas:

_ On the federal government’s role in stimulating the economy: “Yes, we have a role to play, but it’s a negative role. We want the people to be free. We don’t want to manage the people and tell them how to live. … But the most important thing as a commander in chief is not moving troops around, as much as it is having a wise foreign policy that doesn’t get us involved in so many things that we get trapped in and we linger year after year. We’ve been doing this for so long. And I like President Bush’s argument that we have a humble foreign policy when he ran in 2000, and that we not be the policemen of the world.”

Source of quote

U2—All Along The Watchtower (Rattle and Hum)



So let us not talk falsely now,

the hour is getting late


U2—Sunday Bloody Sunday (Rattle and Hum)

contains expletive


Tonight, we can be as ONE


U2—When Love Comes To Town (Rattle and Hum)




U2—Pride: In The Name Of Love

[youtube=]Rattle and Hum

Alaska: Dog’s death in trap raises hackles in Indian

From: Anchorage Daily News

[Indian, Alaska is about 10 miles south of Anchorage]

When Holly Grant’s dog ran into the woods near Indian and started making a fuss earlier this month, she thought maybe there had been a confrontation with a wild animal.

“I started calling her name,” Grant said, “calling and calling.”

Trucker, a 3-year-old pitbull-Labrador cross, did not come, however. So finally Grant waded into the snowy forest looking for her pet.

What she found horrified her.

“When I saw her, she was caught in this trap trying to get out,” Grant said.

The trap in question was a Conibear body-gripping trap, the kind of trap known as a killer trap.

Click for Story and Illustration of Conibear Trap (May require registration)

Herbie Hancock: “Our Kids are American Kids AND Iraqi Kids”

From: Real Time with Bill Maher, 1/26/08

[Richard] BELZER: And this thing about Iraq fatigue. How dare we be tired of our kids dying and not be outraged and do something about it? [applause]

[Herbie] HANCOCK: Absolutely. And when we say “our kids,” “our kids” are American kids and Iraqi kids. [applause]


HANCOCK: …the thing is, things are escalating. We’re the ones that are the cause of the escalation, because, instead of creating friends , we’re making many more enemies. You know, if we start to make friends, I think the whole picture – the whole picture will change. I guess we’ve forgotten how to do that.


Related: Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies—All body bags are equally tragic

Ron Paul & PBS: Blowback From CIA Iran Coup—”Death to the American Satan”


About This Video

Here are some articles (if a link doesn’t work copy and paste the headline in Google or on the site it’s supposed to be on). I did not make this video.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis, November 1979 – January 1981

New York Times Special Report: The C.I.A. in Iran

The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup

All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (just go to the C.I.A.’s website and paste the headline in the search engine)

The spectre of Operation Ajax,12858,1022065,00.html

A Very Elegant Coup – “All The Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror” – Book Review

Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran


Ron Paul: The Mis-Named ‘Protect America Act,’ H.R. 5104


Madame Speaker, I rise in opposition to the extension of the Protect America Act of 2007 because the underlying legislation violates the US Constitution.

The mis-named Protect America Act allows the US government to monitor telephone calls and other electronic communications of American citizens without a warrant. This clearly violates the Fourth Amendment, which states:

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Kids for Ron Paul




The song they were singing



Giuliani: “Ron Paul…Won All the Debates”




The War Candidates | The Peace Candidate




College Student: Where is Ron Paul—the Real ‘CHANGE’ Candidate?

From: Dawgnet, Butler University’s Student News Site

Maire Gurevitz is a senior studying political science and history

Where is Ron Paul?
By Maire Gurevitz

… Not only was I outraged that my favored candidate, Dennis Kucinich, was not included in the later debates, even though he remained in the race, but I would have to say that I am most disappointed in the lack of coverage for the Republican candidate, Ron Paul, a Congressman from Texas.

The media has been making a huge deal out of the fact that voters are generally looking for “change.” “Change” has been deemed by the media as the catch word of this campaign, after the Iowa caucuses, and since Iowa, all the candidates have been stumping on the campaign trail about ways in which they are the candidate for change. Well, as far as I am concerned, they are all ridiculous, except for Ron Paul. …

This being said, my wish for the rest of primary season is that the mass media will forget about washed up candidates and not talk about “change” anymore if they are not going to recognize the amazing campaign that Ron Paul is running. So, here’s to Ron Paul and my first foray into flattering a Republican.

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk: Economic Stimulus Concerns


This past week in Washington there has been much talk about the economy.  It seems by their actions the leadership and the Fed is finally willing to admit we have a problem, and we need to do something about the economic mess we are in.  This is a good thing.  However, they are still not being honest about the root cause of our impending crisis and want to deal only with symptoms, not the disease.

There are some positive aspects of the highly lauded economic stimulus package that has been negotiated.  I am in favor of taxpayers getting some of their money back, however temporary tax cuts and one-time rebates will not “fix” the economy.  What we desperately need right now is real deep significant tax cuts that are enabled by big spending cuts and reduction of government waste that is so rampant.  Unfortunately, too many in Washington still believe we can spend our way into prosperity, which does not work and never has.

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Legendary Singer-Songwriter Arlo Guthrie Endorses Ron Paul for President

From: Yahoo Finance

“I love this guy. Dr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of The United States had he been there.

I’m with him, because he seems to be the only candidate who actually believes it has as much relevance today as it did a couple of hundred years ago.

I look forward to the day when we can work out the differences we have with the same revolutionary vision and enthusiasm that is our American legacy.”

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FOX show blatantly snubs candidate Ron Paul in Florida primary coverage

From: News Hounds

FOX and Friends this morning had multiple segments devoted to Republicans and the ongoing Florida primary today 1/29/08. Noticeably missing from their coverage was candidate Ron Paul, whose libertarian, anti-war platform is not condoned by the message-masters at FOX.
With video.

Ron Paul’s face appeared in a graphic of the candidates, twice, but his name, his standing, his supporters, his platform – not mentioned in the two-hour program.  …

“We report, you decide?” Only if “we” approve your message.

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Ron Paul TV Ad: Our Nation is in Trouble




Ron Paul Radio Ad: The Economy


I just posted this, and then a few minutes later heard this exact ad on the Anchorage, Alaska local radio!!! The Republican caucus will be held one week from today.

Friends have told me they’ve heard on radio and/or seen on local TV Ron Paul ads, but this is the first time for me. I don’t listen to or watch local media very much.


Jeff : )




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