Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Fun–or–AMAZING Stuff! Page 14 of 15

The Best Chocolate Ice Cream?

I just had to share this.

This is some amazing ice cream, you all!

Alden’s Ice Cream

Chocolate Chip

Organic & All Natural

It’s probably most often found in the health food department in grocery stores, or in health food stores.

It tastes like chocolate truffles, and is still dense, substantive, more-product-for-the-ounce — unlike many brands which are now whipped up with air to deceive (since ice cream is sold by volume, not by weight)?

“No, not another lying post!”

Mmmm — yummy!!!

Images by Rodney Lough, Jr. set to “Breathe” by Superchick

I just visited Rodney Lough, Jr.’s galleries in San Fransisco and Sausalito. He also has galleries in Minneapolis and Portland.

My current favorite photo is the eighth one in this video (two photos after the Tetons image), called Canyon Song. The $4000, 24 x 40 inch version is like paradise! [pdf of article that includes this gorgeous photo!]

His backpack weighs over 100 pounds when he’s out for multiple days, as he shoots an 8 x 10 view camera, so the prints are tack-sharp even when picture window size.

So imagine what these beautiful images look like in high definition, totally sharp and in gorgeous color!


just breathe

Rodney’s website: The Lough Road

Britain’s Got Talent: “I know everyone was against you. We are all so cynical but that was a complete wake-up call!”

“I am so thrilled because I know everyone was against you. We are all so cynical, but that was a complete wake up call. It was a complete privilege.”


From: itv

A star is born!

The audience were on their feet and cheering by the time 47 year-old Susan Boyle had finished singing.

The unassuming, currently unemployed lady from West Lothian near Edinburgh had looked shy and a little out of place as she stepped on stage.

There were even smirks on the judges’ faces when she told them, “I am trying to be a professional singer. I’ve never been given a chance before but hopefully that will change”.

Then Susan, who has ambitions to sing on stage like Elaine Paige, launched into the West End anthem I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables.

And the look of shock and awe on Simon Cowell’s face as he did a double-take at her talent was worth a million pounds in itself. As Simon recovered, Piers and Amanda were giving Susan a standing ovation.

Piers told her, “Without a doubt that was the biggest surprise I have had in three years. When you stood there with that cheeky grin and said ‘I want to be like Elaine Paige’ everyone was laughing at you. No-one is laughing now, that was stunning. I am reeling from shock”.

Amanda agreed. “I am so thrilled because I know everyone was against you. We are all so cynical but that was a complete wake up call. It was a complete privilege“.

Read Entire Article

Steve Vaus: “We Must Take America Back” 2009 [new version, High Quality]

The official music video for the new song WE MUST TAKE AMERICA BACK by Steve Vaus. Visit

Related: Dr. Stan Interviews Singer/Songwriter Steve Vaus: RCA Pulled Steve’s Contract in the ’90s

Turin Shroud ‘could be genuine as carbon-dating was flawed’

From: Telegraph

New evidence suggests the Turin Shroud could have been the cloth in which Jesus was buried, as experiments that concluded it was a medieval fake were flawed.

Radio carbon dating carried out in 1988 was performed on an area of the relic that was repaired in the 16th century, according to Ray Rogers, who helped lead the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STRP).

At the time he argued firmly that the shroud, which bears a Christlike image, was a clever forgery.

But in a video made shortly before his death three years ago, he said facts had come to light that indicated the shroud could be genuine.

Rogers, a chemist from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, said: “I don’t believe in miracles that defy the laws of nature. After the 1988 investigation I’d given up on the shroud.

“But now I am coming to the conclusion that it has a very good chance of being the piece of cloth that was used to bury the historic Jesus.”

Read Entire Article

Vacuum Pot Coffee Brewing

I haven’t tried this yet, but it’s supposed to be an inexpensive and fun way to make great tasting coffee.

[youtube=]Brewing With the Vacuum Pot

[youtube=]Siphon coffee in Tokyo

Time-Lapse Mt. Redoubt Videos — Watch: Redoubt Blow, Ash Fall, Volcanic Lightning

From: Ground Truth Trekking Blog

Redoubt Volcano Ashfall
27 Mar 2009

More Redoubt
28 Mar 2009

How does volcanic lightning form?
02 Apr 2009

SandFantasy: “You’ve Got a Friend”


“You are not alone. You’ve got a friend,
who will help you through your pains and sorrow
and will always be at your side…”

A new sand art from Ilana Yahav for 2009.
You can see more video clips in her website



Penguin jumps into boat to escape Killer Whales.

I have been in contact with the guy who was driving the boat. He said the whales were just playing with it and traning a youger member of the pod and that they could have taken it at anytime. He also said they were never in any danger from the whales. And I did NOT ADD THE MUSIC!

Unbelievable Baby Deer and Kitten Video


Anchorage, Alaska: Twin Baby Moose Playing in Sprinkler with Mom


Twin baby moose and mother playing in sprinkler in Anchorage, AK. June 2008

Dalmation Riding a Bike


Tara and Bella, the Animal Odd Couple: If They Can Do It, Why Can’t We?

“If they can do it, what’s our excuse?”

– Steve Hartman


In this latest installment of CBS News Assignment America, Steve Hartman visits an animal sanctuary where a dog and an elephant have formed a very lasting, and unusual, friendship.

Related: My entire ONEcanhappen website

Squeaky the Herding Pig


Gordon Giltrap: Dodo’s Dream (layers on layers)


The Power of Conformity (From Candid Camera)


Candid Camera was a popular television program in the US in the 1960s.

The program used the classic methodology of naturalistic experiments in social psychology as the source of its humorous scenarios.

The resulting programs were not only entertaining, but also potentially instructive.

For example, how independent is the average person when confronted with the all-powerful “consensus of the group?”

Not very.

Creating a consensus quickly is the goal of every “shock and awe” propagandist.

That’s why it’s often true that “a lie makes it half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.”

Professional liars have their stories worked out well in advance and then pump them out hard and fast long before thoughtful, honest analysts have the chance to ask even the first question.

Once the consensus is pointing in one direction, it becomes very difficult to take, hold and promote a contrary point of view, even if that point of view is accurate and the consensus is completely false.

[video] Christian the Lion—How Our Heart Should Be



Video: Lion Hugs Rescuer – So Cool!!!

Video: Otters Holding Hands – Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!!!

Cute – Otters Holding Hands II!

[Awesome WONDERFUL video!!!] Elephants Shirley and Jenny reunite after a 22-year separation — The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable!!!!!!!

Polar Bears and Dogs Playing


Amazing Dancing Horse!


Photos: Holding the Sun

Photos of people holding the sun

are here

or here

Rescued Burmese Elephant Paints AN ELEPHANT in Thailand


Tornado Caught on Tape Tossing Cars in Leighton, AL


Humor: Grannies On The Road

Grannies On The Road

Sitting on the side of the road waiting to catch speeding drivers, a state trooper sees a car puttering along at 22 mph. He thinks to himself, “This driver is as dangerous as a speeder!” So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over.

Approaching he car, he notices that there are five elderly ladies – two in the front seat and three in the back, wide-eyed and white as ghosts.

The driver, obviously confused, says to him, “Officer, I don’t understand. I was going the exact speed limit. What seems to be the problem?”

The trooper, trying to contain a chuckle, explains to her that ’22’ was the route number, not the speed limit.

A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out her error.

“But before you go, Ma’am, I have to ask, is everyone in this car OK? These women seem awfully shaken.”

“Oh, they’ll be all right in a minute, officer. We just got off Route 127.”

When the Parents Have Gone Out




Popcorn Popper as Coffee Roaster

From: Kevin Kelly Cool Tools

I wanted to try roasting my own coffee but was reluctant to plunk down $100 just to try it. The solution: a hot-air popcorn popper. Sweet Maria’s web site has detailed instructions on how to use a popcorn popper to dry roast coffee beans. I already had a popper (a $3 “Presto” I got at a thrift store), so I ordered a pound of green beans. Turns out it’s very easy. No tinkering, hacking or rewiring necessary.

Click for Presentation

Funny: How to clean your PC Screen


Click Here


A320 Nearly Crashes in Extreme Crosswinds – Hamburg


This Lufthansa Airbus A320 suffered a wing-tip strike before executing a go-around during an attempt to land at Hamburg International Airport during high winds on 1 March. The A320, identified as D-AIQP, was apparently arriving on runway 23 after a domestic service from Munich. Its left wing-tip contacted the runway and the aircraft drifted far to the left of the centreline before the crew aborted the landing. Local reports, citing maintenance sources, indicate that the jet escaped with only superficial damage.

Source of Text

How Disinformation and Deflection Works




‘Funniest’ Overload in Some Asian Countries


Although this has some sad in it,
these overload photos

are mostly fun and very amazing!


Funny: Ron Paul Revolution vs Fox News

If you’ve followed what FOX News has done to Ron Paul during this election, this is hillarious!




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