Freedom from Alaska!

Category: $Money$ ToBeFree Page 16 of 21

Ron Paul: Governments DISHONESTLY Terrorize People’s Hearts With FEAR to Take Over

Ron Paul, interviewed by Alex Jones, 12/18/08; transcribed by Jeff Fenske (proofing and adding to quotes from article linked below)

Governments that want to take over, and undermine our liberties and have more power always use the fear factor. They did this leading up to the war in Iraq…. They do it on foreign policy, now they’re doing it on economic, monetary, and financial problems.”

“They do that all the time, that’s their technique, is always to build a tremendous fear in the hearts of the people. … Terrorize the people and say that ‘we are your saviors and we’re the only ones that can take care of you’.”

The dilemma that we have is that we’re scared too. There should be a lot of fear. It’s knowing the truth that counts. They use the weapon of fear dishonestly. But in many ways, we have to talk about the dangers too.


“I think everybody knows we’re in a crisis now and they have now gotten to the point where they don’t trust the government, which is healthy. A lot of people are begging and pleading and they’re lining up. But the average guy outside of Washington, especially so many of the young people are realizing that this has all been a hoax and this is the time to really expose the hoax.”

“We have a real opportunity to direct attention to the real culprit and that is those who control the monetary system. Those who counterfeit our money and cause the financial bubbles and then recessions, and now are working real hard on a depression.”

Read Article, Listen to Interview: Ron Paul: Fear Based Bailouts Constitute Economic Terrorism

Related: David Icke: Problem > Reaction > Solution

Jim Rogers: Close the ‘Federal’ Reserve


[video] Why Jim Rogers Moved His Family Close to China

[youtube=] 2009 will be the year of Total decline for US Jim Rogers

Uploaded by on Dec 18, 2008

For more on Jim Rogers

From: Wikipedia

In December 2007, Rogers sold his mansion in New York City for about 16 million USD and moved to Singapore. This is due mainly in his belief that this is a ground-breaking time for investment potential in Asian markets. Rogers’ first daughter is now being tutored in Mandarin to prepare her for the future, he says. “Moving to Asia now is like moving to New York City in 1907,” he said. Also, he is quoted to say: “If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.” In an CNBC interview with Maria Bartiromo broadcast on May 5, 2008, Rogers said that people in Asia are extremely motivated and driven, and he wants to be in that type of environment so his daughters are motivated and driven. He said during that interview that, this is how America and Europe used to be. He chose not to move to Hong Kong or Shanghai due to the high levels of pollution causing potential health problems for his family. His second daughter was born in 2008.


If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that investor Jim Rogers is a huge fan of China. In fact, he’s so sold on its future that he moved his family from New York City to Singapore at the end of last year. Why Singapore and not China? I discussed this in Investorazzi’s sister blog,, back on December 27 of last year. On Christmas Eve, CNN Money got the chance to speak to the CEO of Rogers Holdings. From that post:

CNN MONEY: Why move to Singapore and not Shanghai or Beijing? ROGERS: Well, we would like to move to China, but the air is so terrible, the pollution is so bad, that we can’t bring ourselves to do it. Everything works in Singapore. It’s an astonishing place. It’s got the best education system in the world. It’s got the best health care in the world. And it’s Chinese-speaking. Our 4-year-old daughter, Happy, goes to a school where they only speak Chinese. One of our motivations was that she continue to speak Chinese. It may not be as exciting as Shanghai or New York, but it’s exciting enough for me.

Fast forward to today. Sounds like Jim and his family are settling in just fine, according to a piece by Mak Mun San of the Singapore publication The Straits Times. In reference to Jim, his wife, Paige Parker, and their two daughters, five-year-old Hilton Augusta, or “Happy,” and three-month-old Beeland Anderson, the reporter wrote:

The couple sold their New York mansion and moved to Singapore last December so that Happy can learn Chinese in a Mandarin-speaking environment. Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum Fund with legendary investor George Soros in the 1970s, has repeatedly said he believes China will be the next great country in the world.

The best gift we can give our children is to let them learn Chinese and prepare them for the future,” he tells The Straits Times, while carrying the baby in his arms.

From: CNN Money

You mention the terrible pollution in China. Do environmental and political issues give you pause as you call this the Chinese century?

First of all, the environmental problems are a huge opportunity. Somebody’s going to make a fortune on that. I talk about that in the book and mention some of the companies that will be trying to address the problems. Can they solve their problems? There are going to be horrible setbacks along the way. There certainly were in America as we grew and boomed. In 1907 our whole system collapsed and went bankrupt. Turns out that was a good time to buy. That’s going to happen in China too. They will probably have political setbacks, environmental setbacks. I don’t know when they’re going to be, but take advantage of them.


Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers (on his treadmill) — More on why he moved his family to Asia. People aren’t waking up fast enough while America moves closer and closer to financial collapse, dictatorship and police state. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only candidates who have the solutions, and they’re being ignored. Should we move to Asia?

Ron Paul: Bailouts Will ‘Destroy the Dollar’

From: Newsmax

Paul has called for abandoning the Federal Reserve System and returning the nation to a gold and silver standard. He told Newsmax why.

It’s not so much that gold is perfect, it’s that paper is insane. To give politicians and bureaucrats and secret bankers the license to counterfeit money and create money out of thin air is destined to fail, and it has. That’s why we’ve had this financial bubble develop since the linkage to gold has been severed in 1971…

“Now they’re trying desperately to print and spend, but the bubble was overwhelming and the bursting of this bubble is something they can’t contain. It would never happen under a gold standard because there would be no legal right for our central bank to spend money and create money out of thin air. The arrogance of it all is unbelievable.

“If we continue doing what we’re doing now, we will literally destroy the dollar.”

Paul, who is a physician, was critical of Obama’s stated aim of developing a national health care plan. He said: “He has no money. Where is he going to get the money?

“He has no intention of bringing our troops home. He’s talked a little about Iraq, but we’re maintaining a world empire to the tune of a trillion dollars a year. He wants more troops in Afghanistan … You have to save some money someplace.…

Paul was especially popular on college campuses during his most recent presidential campaign. Martella asked: “Did you sort of feel like a rock star when you spoke to college students?”

Paul responded: “No, not really.:..

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Celente: Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.

From: Prison Planet

Frighteningly accurate trends forecaster Gerald Celente says that America will see riots similar to those currently ongoing in Greece and that the cause will be a hyper-inflationary depression, leading to the inevitable use of troops and mercenaries to deal with the crisis as Americans are incarcerated in internment camps.

As we have highlighted before, Celente’s accuracy is stunning – he predicted the 1987 crash, the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the “panic of 2008,” and is routinely cited even by mainstream news networks as highly credible. …

The trouble would be sparked off by Obama declaring a “bank holiday” whereby people won’t be able to withdraw their money.

“What’s going on in Greece with these riots has nothing to do with a 15-year-old boy being killed, that was only the spark that ignited the pent up, really hatred and disdain, people have for the scandals and corrupt government and the same thing is going on in this country as well,” said Celente. …

“There’s talk of opening all these detention centers and hiring the goon squads, the Blackwaters to run them, so these are realities going on as we speak,” said Celente, adding that the Halliburton subsidiary KBR had been awarded a half a billion dollar contract to build “national emergency” internment camps in the name of detaining illegal immigrants but that they would be used to hold rioting Americans.

“We’re really in a period of ‘off with their heads’ and its going to be the people against the politicians,” said Celente.

Celente said that a breakup of the United States was possible and that the secessionist movement was strong. …

Listen to the interview here.

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Bob Chapman: Hyperinflation and then The Second Great Depression

From: The International Forecaster

We are now 17 months into a credit crisis that continues to expose the corruption and incompetence of government, banking, Wall Street and transnational corporations. The situation has not stabilized and it won’t anytime soon. All we see are sweetheart deals for elitist corporations for which American taxpayers will pay for years to come. The future of our nation is totally out of control. For the last eight years our economy has been running on something for nothing, lies and deceit. The result will be hyperinflation and then the Second Great Depression.

As we predicted long ago the only avenue open to the elitists that control our country is to hyper-inflate to avoid collapse as long as possible. In this process financial institutions, most of whom are bankrupt, are trying with the help of the American taxpayer, to hold on. In that process they are severely limiting credit, which restricts business and growth and has caused crippling de-leveraging in our economy, particularly among hedge funds. Debt totally embraces our lives and finally we see de-leveraging among individuals as all debtors and borrowers come under pressured from the lenders. While this transpires relentlessly, unemployment grows stamping out the buying power of the masses many of whom already are on the edge of bankruptcy. We have this great mass of disintegration on the bottom and massive amounts of money and credit on the top. The money and credit is not reaching consumers who have been forced to stop buying. It is staying on the balance sheets of banks, brokerage houses, insurance companies and transnational conglomerates, such as G.E.

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Peter Schiff: The Hyper-Inflation Cat Will Soon Be Out of the Bag

From: Financial Sense University, A Nightmare Before Christmas

Last weekend Barack Obama announced his intention to implement a New Deal-style stimulus and public works program. What he somehow forgot to mention is that the United States is wholly dependent on the willingness of foreign creditors to supply the funds. But a weakening dollar makes continued foreign purchase of U.S. Treasuries a much more difficult decision.

Once the dollar begins to collapse beneath the weight of all this new deficit spending, accumulation of contingency liabilities, and the socialization of our economy, commodity prices and interest rates will head skyward. In addition, once all the going out of business sales at U.S. retailers are over, and excess inventories have been reduced, watch for big price increases at the consumer level as well.

Once the government runs out of foreign and private sector bidders for new treasuries, the Federal Reserve will be the only buyer, and the hyper-inflation cat will be completely out of the bag. Sensing this, the Fed has recently indicated a desire to begin issuing its own bonds. However….

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“The Next Tsunami to Hit will be the Commercial Real Estate Market”

From: George Washington’s Blog

I am hearing first-hand stories from some top people in the commercial real estate business that the market is crashing.

Even the big boys – big mall-owners and the owners of office buildings – are losing their financing, and can’t to deals.

The Wall Street Journal wrote about the looming commercial real estate crisis in November, leading off with the quote “The next tsunami to hit will be the commercial real estate market”. Bloomberg and others have covered it. Stories of defaults by the owners of shopping malls are everywhere (and see this). Some urban regions are experiencing commercial vacancies of 15 percent to 20 percent.

I’m hearing the same thing from the horses’ mouths.


CNN Censors Federal Reserve Rant? Peter Schiff identifies real cause of financial disaster, CNN cuts the feed?


Click for Story

Bernanke’s Money Printing Helicopters are Here!

From: Ali-Pac

The US Federal Reserve is increasing the monetary base at an unprecedented rate in response to the present deflationary asset crunch, following the longest running inflationary boom in the country’s history.

Newly printed dollars are being used to replace the capital losses of America’s corporations. If it were possible to replace wealth simply by printing money, humanity would have eliminated poverty shortly after discovering the printing press. Instead, it always results in the same fate – destruction of the currency through the process of hyperinflation .

The following chart using data from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis visually reveals just how extreme the latest measures from the US Federal Reserve have impacted the monetary base.

Read Entire Article with Chart & Cartoon

Ron Paul Warns Of Secret Plans To Create International Central Bank — “REAL PLANNING will not be out in the open until they want us to know about it”

From: InfoWars

Texas Congressman Ron Paul has warned that international forces are planning the creation of a global central bank that will see a new fiat monetary system come to dominate the world economy.

The 2008 presidential candidate also warned that Barack Obama’s administration will only represent a change in faces and not in policies.

Secret Citibank Memo: ‘Inflation Shock,’ Depression and/or Civil Disorder Coming in 2009/10

From: Natural News

An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim.

“The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist.

He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly wars.” Either outcome, he says, will cause the price of gold to skyrocket. Gold will push to well over $2,000 per ounce, he explains.

The timing on all this? Sometime in either 2009 or 2010, said the analyst.

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Dr. Stan Interviews Lindsey Williams Whose Below-$50 Oil Prediction Has Now Come True | Tim McVeigh Still Alive?

From: Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Date: 11-26-08
Hour: a – 1 hr.
3:00: Barry Chamish: Israel Update
Standard Player
Hour: b – 1 hr.
4:00: Dr. Dennis Cuddy: Current affairs
Standard Player
Hour: c – 2 hrs.
8:00:L Dr. Stan: Open Lines
9:00: Lindsey Williams: Oil deception
Standard Player

Dr. Stanley Monteith interviews Lindsey for an hour during the second half of this broadcast.

Dr. Stan has three newsletters now posted of whom Lindsey’s recent story is expained:

October 2008 – The Oil Deception: Part III
September 2008 – The Oil Deception: Part II
August 2008 – The Oil Deception

The first hour is also interesting. Among other subjects, Dr. Stan discusses the likely non-lethal injection of Timothy McVeigh, in which it was noted he was still breathing afterward. See Tim McVeigh still alive.

As a physician, keeping close watch on the commercial news, I KNEW for a fact, they had no intention of executing Tim McVeigh, for reasons I will soon disclose.

Tim McVeigh was not a disgruntled member of some rag-tag militia. He worked for the CIA. But this was a false flag operation, meaning a purposeful disaster planned against a government’s own citizens, in this case the U.S. government against U.S. citizens, to frighten the people, to get them to surrender their rights willingly, and to further the government’s goals of increased control. Primarily, it was done by the U.S. Government in order to get the Anti-Terrorist legislation passed – which, indeed, DID happen within weeks of the Oklahoma [City] bombing.

Dr. Stan pointed out that the psychiatrist named Dr. Louis Jollyon West, often referred to as ‘Jolly’ West, had visited Timothy many times, and that Jolly was deeply involved in pushing the false memory syndrome concept to discredit the mind-control-slaves’ testimonies.


Lindsey Williams’ Life Threatened by Tycoon for Speaking Out About the Non-Energy Crisis

Brigadier General Ben Partin: The Oklahoma City Bombing

Trends Forecaster, Gerald Celente: Products that affect spiritual & emotional health will be in demand



“The niche markets we look at with the most potential for growth are in health, fitness, nutrition.

And when I say those three, I also mean spiritual, emotional, as well as physical growth and health.”

And: “Don’t let your quality down.”

Trends Forecaster, Gerald Celente: The GREATEST Depression Coming — “This is the time for innovation … The best of times for the people of a higher moral character”

Alex Jones interviews Gerald Celente, CEO of Trends Research Institute, 11/17/08

Outline and transcriptions by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Part 1 of 6

“Current events form future trends. … We look at over 300 different categories on a daily basis, worldwide, looking for those major trends that are shaping the future.”

“We look at this data [from numerous areas];
we analyze it…as political atheists [completely objective skeptics].”

We look at events for what they are and not what we want them to be,”

Globalnomic: including the entire world + to manage
Because trends can be managed.

How Celente became a trends forecaster
Began Trends Research Institute in 1980

[youtube=]Part 2 of 6

“We think the real breakdown is going to begin in February.”

Why this depression will be the worst.

Unless we have
an alternative energy breakthrough
other than solar, wind, geothermal, etc.

A bank holiday.

Gold goes up. Houses go down.

[youtube=]Part 3 of 6

Gold confiscation?

People will revolt.

“We think the first cracks will become very evident in February. …
From then on, it’s going to go downhill from there.”

Commercial real estate glut. You’ll start seeing ghost-malls.

“As the giants fall, they’re going to leave big gaps left behind.
And that’s where the entrepreneur is to move into these slots.”

Kucinich to Kashkari: “Who are you working for?” (38 seconds)

Assistant Treasury Secretary Neel Kashkari (from Goldman Sachs—as is Secretary Paulson) testifying before Dennis Kucinich’s Domestic Policy Subcommittee, 11/14/08.


No one questions that you are working hard.
Our question is who are you working for?

The New World Order: The Final Showdown for America

From: MND

“Permit me to issue a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.” –Meyer Anshelm Rothchild ~1780

Thomas Jefferson cautioned, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks … will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Similarly, James Madison said, “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” Despite these warnings, the unthinkable happened.

On December 23, 1913, after Congress went home for Christmas, private bankers through craft, intrigue and deceit. indeed grasped control of the nation’s currency, and thereby predestined the total collapse of America. Congress was told that the Federal Reserve Act would not be taken up until Congress returned after Christmas. As soon as the opposition left, those few congressmen, privy and complicit with the bankers’ plans, stealthily brought the FRA to the floor (without a quorum) and quickly “passed” it. They then sent it posthaste in the middle of the night via a confidant of President Woodrow Wilson, who, having not read it, asked, “Is this a good bill?” Upon his friend affirming it was, the President signed it. After President Wilson realized the impact of what he had signed, he said, “I am a miserable man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. … The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.”

Today, the Federal Reserve Board controlling our nation’s “money” is 76% foreign owned by private interests. They have no allegiance whatsoever to America, as they think only in global profit$, nothing else! America is now controlled by a few very extremely wealthy globalists.

In the book Blueprint for Victory, we are told the bankers long ago planned our demise. Their plan is to gently lower your living standard, while juggling figures and presenting lying reports that “better days are coming,” “prosperity is around the corner,” “the economy is growing,” and “unemployment is down,” when the truth is just the opposite.

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Investigation shows that government conspired with banks to suppress silver and gold prices to conceal bank losses. The effect continues today.

From: SilverSeek

There is compelling new proof of a silver (and gold) price manipulation. The evidence connects the investment bank JP Morgan Chase, the dominant force in world commodity trading, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the primary commodity regulator, and the U.S. Treasury Department, the arranger of every conceivable bailout. […]

My analysis shows that Morgan has made many billions of dollars, perhaps tens of billions, from their downward engineering of silver and gold prices from their combined COMEX and OTC short positions. They have used that engineered price decline to buy back as many short positions as possible. If investors are wondering what caused the destruction of billions of dollars in gold and silver values, metal and share price alike, look no further than JP Morgan, and the government officials who enabled them.

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Clips from 2006-07: Peter Schiff Predicts Collapse As Paid Media Pundits Laugh and Boohah


Bob Chapman: Expect The Recession To Increase In Severity

From: The International Forecaster, November 8 2008

The dichotomy between paper and metals, US owes 3 trillion to foreigners, the wiemarization is coming, more banks go belly-up, gold manipulation poses problems for economic stability, consider the recent rallies to be as good as it will get

Recession Nation: All but Alaska at Risk

From: ABC News

No state is immune from falling into a recession, except for one: oil-rich Alaska.

What started out as a housing problem in a few states has now exploded into a full-fledged recession, with a majority of states now in or dangerously close to recession.

At the end of September, 30 states were in recession, according to Moody’s Back in March, only five states were in recession: Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan and Nevada.

Even in the last month, the picture has grown more dire. At the end of August, 27 states were in recession and a few were still expanding. But now, Moody’s has determined that Hawaii, Minnesota and Utah have fallen into recession.

Colorado, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire and Texas are also no longer classified as expanding economies. They now are at risk of falling into recession.

The just leaves one part of the country — Alaska — with a still-expanding economy.

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The Government’s Actions Are Making the Financial Crisis Worse

From: George Washington’s Blog

  • The bailouts are causing HIGHER mortgage rates for consumers
  • The government’s commercial paper buying spree is INCREASING the cost of borrowing
  • They also undermine consumer confidence. For example, consumer confidence is now at an “all-time low”, due partly to “increasing uncertainty about the government’s rescue plan“.

…economists at UCLA have concluded that some of FDR’s policies extended the length of the Great Depression by 7 years.

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In Trying to Stop the Inevitable Deleveraging Process, the Government is Only Making It Worse

From: George Washington’s Blog

The financial system is undergoing a period of deleveraging that cannot be stopped. For example:

• Barrons is running an editorial entitled “The Crash Must Come: Intervention can’t stop the business cycle”. ….

Instead of allowing an orderly deleveraging process, the government is actually trying to prop up the leverage.

For example, instead of requiring banks to deleverage, the government is reducing their cash reserve requirements so they can increase their leverage to loan money they don’t have through fractional reserve banking. See also this.

And – even after Greenspan confessed that derivatives were dangerous (and see this) – the government refuses to rescind them or take any other real actions to contain the nuclear fallout from such “weapons of mass destruction“. Instead, the government is trying to prop up the derivatives market by various means.

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Peter Schiff: 20-30% Hyperinflation, Martial Law Likely in 2-3 Years | Glen Beck: Banksters Hint of Another Weimar Republic!

From: CNN, 10/13/08


Why the Bailout Could Not, Will Never Work

G. Edward Griffen’s title for this video:

US: The debt bubble is greater that the value of the entire Earth – and taxpayers now are forced by their own leaders to pay the losses. When will we stop voting for Republicans and Democrats who jointly did this to us?


Voters are rightly furious at the proposal to spend $700,000,000,000 that the government doesn’t have to bail out Wall Street bankers who created the current economic crisis in the first place. But why then aren’t we concerned about the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve is pumping into the system? Or the trillions missing from the Pentagon? Or the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble.

Ron Paul: Washington’s True Maverick — Talks Bailouts, the US Constitution & Re-Making the US Dollar


Often called the most honest man in Washington, Ron Paul, the unsinkable Congressman from Texas’s fourteenth district, has positioned himself as resident watchdog for the United States Constitution. Ron Paul holds a point of view that, although echoing the wording of our nation’s founding fathers, rings downright alien to the United States government of today.

We are now living in a nation where Federal social and economic programs are our government, where our currency status hinges on the stock market rather than the gold standard and where our current President has taken more liberties with the United States constitution than any other President in our country’s history. Under these circumstances, Ron Paul just doesn’t seem to fit in. Reason being: we’ve grown accustomed to, and quite comfortable with, large Federal government and the act of re-shaping laws for convenience. …

A former physician and devoted family man who never waivers in his beliefs, this quote from eloquently and humorously sums it up, “Ron Paul is 9 feet tall, but the weight of his conscience makes him look shorter.”

During my conversation with Ron Paul I took every opportunity to get a Washington veteran’s perspective on our current financial crisis, the seven hundred billion dollar “rescue package” which flip flopped its way through the House of Representatives, the value of the U.S. dollar, McCain and Obama politics and the future of our economy.

Read Entire Interview

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: A Futile Bailout as Darkness Falls on America

From: CounterPunch

America has become a pretty discouraging place. Americans, for the most part, will never know what happened to them, because they no longer have a free and responsible press. They have Big Brother’s press. For example, on September 28, 2008, a New York Times editorial blamed the current financial crisis on “antiregulation disciples of the Reagan Revolution.”

What utter nonsense. Every example of deregulation that the New York Times editorial provides is located in the Clinton Administration and the George W. Bush administration. I was a member of the Reagan administration. We most certainly did not deregulate the financial system.

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial from investment banking, was the achievement of the Democratic Clinton Administration. It happened in 1999, over a decade after Reagan left office.

It was in 2000 that derivatives and credit default swaps were excluded from regulation.

The greatest mistake was made in 2004, the year that Reagan died. That year the current Secretary of the Treasury, Henry M. Paulson Jr, was head of the investment bank Goldman Sachs. In the spring of 2004, the investment banks, led by Paulson, met with the Securities and Exchange Commission. At this meeting with the New Deal regulatory agency tasked with regulating the US financial system, Paulson convinced the SEC Commissioners to exempt the investment banks from maintaining reserves to cover losses on investments. The exemption granted by the SEC allowed the investment banks to leverage financial instruments beyond any bounds of prudence.

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Oil Prices Tumble Below $69 a Barrel

From: AP, 10/16/08

NEW YORK (AP) — Oil briefly plunged below $69 a barrel Thursday, bringing its price to less than half its July record high after the government reported massive increases in U.S. crude and gasoline supplies.

Investors took the news as more evidence that a global credit crisis and a shaky economy are curbing demand for oil, which at one point Thursday fell to its lowest level in nearly 16 months.

At the pump, a gallon of regular gasoline shed another 4 cents overnight to a new national average of $3.084, according to auto club AAA, the Oil Price Information Service and Wright Express. At this rate, the national average could fall below $3 by the weekend.

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Total Bailout Cost Heads Towards $5 TRILLION [Iraq War Only $560 Billion]

From: InfoWars

The total potential cost of the financial bailout to the U.S. taxpayer is already rapidly approaching $5 trillion, over seven times as much as the meaningless $700 billion bailout bill figure.

Analysts have previously marked out the $5 trillion figure as the actual cost, now those predictions are becoming demonstratively accurate.

Meanwhile, Hank Paulson has defended government intervention, stating “There’s no doubt that the way to get the maximum bang for the taxpayers here was to invest in banks.”

Based on this Reuters summary and the sources linked within the table, here is a breakdown of the bailout’s cost to taxpayers so far.

See Table & Entire Article

Dow Suffers Worst Week in 112-Year History

From: Wall Street Journal, 10/11/08

The Dow Jones Industrial Average capped the worst week in its 112-year history with its most volatile day ever, as hopes for a major international bank-rescue plan were overwhelmed at day’s end by another wave of selling.

Some investors who normally would be jumping to buy beaten-down stocks after a 22% drop over eight trading days said the relentless declines have left them shell-shocked and unwilling to take new risks. Some spent the day trying to protect themselves from further declines.

The Dow fell 697 points shortly after the opening bell, and remained down most of the day. It surged to a 322-point advance less than half an hour before the close. …

This week’s 18% decline, and Friday’s 1018.77-point swing from low to high, were the biggest since the Dow was created in 1896. Until now, the Dow’s worst week was in 1933.

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