Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 9 of 19

Body Language Example: Romney Blasted, Looks Down, Why?


“We look down when we’re accessing emotions, up when we’re thinking about pictures, side to side when we’re thinking about things we’ve heard in the past” – Tonya Reiman

Body Language Experts: Lying? Here’s How You Can Tell

Lying? Here’s how you can tell


By where they are looking: left-brain, right-brain

O’Reilly Lies About FOX Being “Fair & Balanced”


The Body Language of Hillary Clinton—”Evil Laughter?”




[2007 Video] Hillary Laughs About Bombing Iran

MikeGravel is a former United States Senator from Alaska, who served two terms from 1969 to 1981.

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[youtube=]Hillary Laughs about Iran War Resolution

Uploaded by  on Oct 10, 2007

What’s so funny about moving closer to war with Iran? When Mike Gravel challenges Hillary Clinton about her vote for the Kyl- Lieberman Amendment, reminiscent of her vote for the Iraq War authorization, she laughs and responds that it is her “understanding” that terrorist activity justifies her vote. Is our intelligence reliable this time? John Edwards rebukes her, too.
From the Democratic Debate in New Hampshire on September 26, 2007


[2012 Video] Hillary Laughs About Bombing Iran, AGAIN!

McCain Laughs, Sings “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran”

McCain Laughing About Killing Iranians Again

Huckabee Thinks McCain’s “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran” Was Funny

N.H. Debate: Candidates Mock Ron Paul – Persecuted for Righteousness!


Ron Paul Fans Who are Getting It—It’s Not Just About Ron Paul




THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT — Arkancides Galore!

NEW! Updated for Hillary’s 2016 run!

My thanks to everyone who took the time to write and suggest corrections. Many changes have been made to this list based on the info sent in and more will be added in the very near future.

NEW – Download this article as a PDF!

In compiling this list I have tried to find as much photographic evidence as I can, but surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) these people in many cases seem to have been erased from the internet!

The following is a partial list of a large number of persons who have recently met their demise in suspicious circumstances who appear to have some connection to the Clintons. I stress partial because new additions are coming in faster than closets can be found to hide the bodies in!


Entire Article Here


[REAL History Video] ‘The Clinton Chronicles’ — An investigation into the alleged criminal activities of Bill & Hillary Clinton and their circle of power

(video) Larry Nichols: Hillary Clinton a Satanist — While First Lady, she attended a church for witches and worshiped Satan

(video) CLINTON CASH OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY MOVIE ( FULL ) — How Bill and Hillary went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR Runs the Government — “We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I wont have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think…”

(video) Mark Dice: Hillary Clinton Admits Illuminati Front Group, Council on Foreign Relations Runs Washington D.C.

(video) ‘Hillary Clinton Exposed’ – Movie She Banned From Theaters — Deny, threaten and neutralize • “I saw her vent on her husband many, many times … lit into her husband with every profane, four-letter word you’ve ever heard … when the elevator opened they were holding hands and smiling and waiving”

Bush convenes Plunge Protection Team

On Friday, Mr Bush convened the so-called Plunge Protection Team for its first known meeting in the Oval Office. The black arts unit – officially the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets – was created after the 1987 crash.

It appears to have powers to support the markets in a crisis with a host of instruments, mostly by through buying futures contracts on the stock indexes (DOW, S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell) and key credit levers. And it has the means to fry “short” traders in the hottest of oils.

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72% Say the Church is Full of Hypocrites: Survey

A new survey of U.S. adults who don’t go to church, even on holidays, finds 72% say “God, a higher or supreme being, actually exists.” But just as many (72%) also say the church is “full of hypocrites.”

Indeed, 44% agree with the statement “Christians get on my nerves.”

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Big Brother to control thermostats in homes?

Add thermostats to the list of private property the government would like to regulate as the state of California looks to require that residents install remotely monitored temperature controls in their homes next year.

The government is seeking to limit rolling blackouts and free up electric and natural gas resources by mandating that every new heating and cooling system include a “non-removable” FM receiver. The thermostat is also capable of controlling other appliances in the house, such as electric water heaters, refrigerators, pool pumps, computers and lights in response to signals from utility companies. If contractors and residents refuse to comply with the mandate, their building permits will be denied.

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Pentagon, Big Pharma: Drug Numbs Troops to Horrors of War—”mourning after pill”

In June, the Department of Defense Task Force on Mental Health acknowledged “daunting and growing” psychological problems among our troops: Nearly 40 percent of soldiers, a third of Marines and half of National Guard members are presenting with serious mental health issues. They also reported “fundamental weaknesses” in the U.S. military’s approach to psychological health. That report was followed in August by the Army Suicide Event Report (ASER), which reported that 2006 saw the highest rate of military suicides in 26 years. And last month, CBS News reported that, based on its own extensive research, over 6,250 American veterans took their own lives in 2005 alone — that works out to a little more than 17 suicides every day.

…But I find myself extremely anxious in the face of some of these new suggestions, specifically what is being called the Psychological Kevlar Act of 2007 and use of the drug propranalol to treat the symptoms of posttraumatic stress injuries. …What they have come up with has already been dubbed “the mourning after pill.” Propranalol, if taken immediately following a traumatic event, can subdue a victim’s stress response and so soften his or her perception of the memory. That does not mean the memory has been erased, but proponents claim that the drug can render it emotionally toothless. …

But is it moral to weaken memories of horrendous acts a person has committed?

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Ron Paul: Republican Debate Highlights


Ron Paul video footage from each debate he’s been allowed to be in


Delta lets the guessing continue on merger talks with Northwest/United

Delta Air Lines refused to show its hand after its board of directors apparently met Friday to consider a management request to authorize merger talks with United and Northwest airlines.

A spokesman for the Atlanta airline declined to confirm either the meeting or that it was to consider a request from Delta Chief Executive Richard Anderson to begin formal talks with the two airlines, as was widely reported Thursday.

“Delta has a longstanding policy not to comment on board meeting dates or agendas,” said spokesman Kent Landers. …

Even if formal talks are approved, it’s far from certain a merger will follow — or that a proposed deal could survive regulatory scrutiny or possible opposition from politicians or consumer advocates.

Either combination would create the world’s largest airline and mark the biggest merger ever among two U.S. carriers.

Anderson arrived at Delta on Sept. 1 saying he had no plans to pursue a merger. But in recent months, amid souring industry conditions and slumping airline stock prices, he has made no secret he’s open to a deal if Delta is in the driver’s seat.

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Ron Paul: New Hampshire Recount?

January 12, 2008New Hampshire Recount?

After a careful investigation, I have decided against seeking a recount in New Hampshire. I am confident that not asking for a recount is the right decision.

I carefully considered the arguments for and against a recount before instructing my campaign staff not to pursue it. Without a firm belief that vote fraud had taken place, and without the possibility that a recount would have increased the chances for success of our campaign, a recount would have diverted campaign resources, time, and energy away from crucial battles elsewhere.

We have taken concerns about vote fraud seriously. In Iowa, campaign volunteers carefully monitored the caucuses. Campaign staff placed Paul supporters in every precinct to watch and verify the voting and count. We had supporters phone in results from their precincts to a campaign hotline while others ensured that those numbers were reflected on the official display board at the Polk County Convention Center. The numbers our caucus watchers reported agreed with the official tally, and both results also aligned with the campaign’s internal polling. In relatively pro-Paul counties, our sampling pegged support at 11.5%. This is consistent with an overall 10% finish for the entire state.

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Neil Young: Let’s Impeach The President—For hijacking our religion & using it to get elected


Lets’ Impeach the President

Let’s impeach the president for lying

And leading our country into war

Abusing all the power that we gave him

And shipping all our money out the door

He’s the man who hired all the criminals

The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors

And bend the facts to fit with their new stories

Of why we have to send our men to war

Let’s impeach the president for spying

On citizens inside their own homes

Breaking every law in the country

By tapping our computers and telephones

What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees

Would New Orleans have been safer that way

Sheltered by our government’s protection

Or was someone just not home that day?

Let’s impeach the president

For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected

Dividing our country into colors

And still leaving black people neglected

Thank god he’s racking down on steroids

Since he sold his old baseball team

There’s lot of people looking at big trouble

But of course the president is clean

Thank God

Ron Paul Standing Tall—the ‘Man of Peace’


Mark the perfect man,
and behold the upright;
For there is a happy end
to the man of peace

Psalm 37:37 (ASV)




They are bowed down and fallen,
But we rise up, and stand upright.

Psalm 20:8


Amazon’s Music Downloads Now Trump Apple’s iTunes

I just wanted to let those of you who buy your music that has stripped all of their music of DRM (Digital Rights Management). This means that your music will be in MP3 format and transferable to any future music player. … They just got the last big record company, Sony, to go along with it. So I would suggest you use Amazon instead of iTunes or wherever else to buy your music.

Oh, and the sound quality seems to have jumped from 128 to 256. And finally, most of the music is 89 cents instead of iTunes 99 cents. I have a feeling that Apple will be following suit during the Macworld conference in just a few days. Still, those songs will be in ACC format so DRM or not, it still won’t work on anything but an iPod. Yay Amazon!

Ok, so maybe not everyone shares the same excitement as I do…..

Source: my favorite geek

Skousen: Election Manipulation in Full Swing

World Affairs Brief, January 11, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


We live in a fractured society pitting a few million ideologically savvy people against a growing majority of ill-informed voters whose ideas are manipulated by the media. Almost all voters are dissatisfied with the status quo, but often for the wrong reasons. The majority keeps being lured away from limited government by the promise of greater federal health and education benefits as if that were the solution to galloping inflation. In fact, it is the problem-not the solution.

Predictably, they always vote for change, but change never comes. This is because we are rarely presented with a candidate who understands the totality of change necessary. When a candidate like Ron Paul emerges, who really understands the problems and proposes the inevitable tough solutions, he is labeled as a kook, or extremist,…but mostly ignored. About 2-5% of the nation is able to see through it all, but as we found out in the New Hampshire primary, it’s not enough to overtake the momentum of ignorance within the majority. The system is rigged for secrecy, and takes advantage of the average American’s dependence upon the half-truths and distortions we are fed by the establishment media, public education and conventional political theory. Thus, the typical voter holds an almost infinite variety of ignorant and irrational ideas about both cause and effect of our national crises and thus becomes easy prey to false solutions and media manipulation. We saw all these things play out in New Hampshire this week, including some last minute media manipulation and vote fraud–signs that the Powers That Be (PTB) are having to scramble to control this race.

Burka-Wearing Prompts The Return Of In Rickets In Birmingham

A new health awareness campaign has been launched among Muslim women by health officials in the Midlands after a rise in the number of cases of rickets. It is thought that pregnant women who regularly wear a burka are depriving themselves of exposure to sunlight, which results in Vitamin D deficiency.

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Related: Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?

Message from Ron: Onward!


All my life, I’ve been working to make sure that when the Fed had done its work, and the special interests had looted the system to their hearts’ content, and there was a crisis, I would be in a position to speak the truth about why, and what to do about it.


January 10, 2008

Message from Ron: Onward!

Did you see that funny YouTube where Mike Huckabee’s young Iowa spokesman endorsed me, “by mistake”? We know what was in his mind! Indeed, I am amazed at the friendliness of the supporters of other candidates. Many Obama voters, for example, in Iowa and New Hampshire are reading our literature, and studying our ideas. It’s just one of the reasons I am so optimistic about what we are doing, and where we are heading. And so were the 500 or 600 people at our New Hampshire rally after the primary. I talked to everyone there, and they are rightly enthusiastic about our movement.

This does not mean we will have an easy time of it — just the opposite, of course. After all, we are seeking to reverse more than a century of big government, of the warfare-welfare state, of Federal Reserve’s dollar manipulation, of a fat and happy military-industrial complex, of the subversion of our Constitution. So all the media and other “second-hand dealers in ideas,” as F.A. Hayek called them, who have a vested interest in the current order, will do everything possible to smear me. They will do and say anything to try to block our movement. Even vote fraud is not beyond these people.

And we have been successful. This movement has always operated on two tracks — intellectual and political, and must. The first and most important is the intellectual. Such heroes of freedom as Ludwig von Mises, Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard, and so many others like Rose Wilder Lane, John T. Flynn, Isabel Patterson, and Garret Garrett, have helped build the foundations of freedom, prosperity, and peace. We carry on their work, to change hearts and minds.

Dennis Kucinich Calls for Statewide Recount in New Hampshire

Congressman Dennis Kucinich, a Democratic candidate for President, is asking for a full recount in the New Hampshire primary election to ensure that all ballots were counted. Kucinich cited “serious and credible reports, allegations and rumors” about the integrity of the results.

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Related: 1-10-08: Kucinich stepping into trap with recount?

Making Fun of Ron Paul at FOX’s S.C. Debate, 1/10/08

For, behold, the wicked bend their bows.
They set their arrows on the strings,
That they may shoot in darkness at
the upright in heart.

Psalm 11:2

[youtube=]War is real funny

[youtube=]What kind of a question is that

*Update* from Ron Paul for President 2008, 1/11/08

Faux News Exposed [Again]
When FauxNoise replayed the debate tonight they cut to commercial and EDITED OUT — yes, they DID NOT SHOW — Ron Paul’s above answer to the electability question! How can you even call yourself a decent human being and like this anti-free speech, anti-free thought network? They censor and spin anything that threatens them and it’s a sickening suppression of truth.

Transcript is here

Alaska is Feeling the Heat: 3X the Lower-48’s Temperature Increase

“In the lower-48, the average temperature has increased 1 degree over the past 100 years. But in Alaska, the increase has been about three times that—nearly 3 degrees Fahrenheit. And winter temperatures are even hotter, rising by as much as 5-7 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 50 years.

Alaska is caught in a reinforcing cycle. When the sunlight hits snow and ice, it mostly gets reflected back into space. But as the ice and snow melt from warmer temperatures, they’re replaced by brown earth and open water which absorb about 80% of the sun’s energy.

Alaska is feeling the heat.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:
Extreme Alaska: Building/Wild, National Geographic Channel, 2007

Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive Has Criminal Background

It has been revealed that a high ranking executive at the company that was contracted to program all of New Hampshire’s Diebold voting machines has a criminal record and has previously defended the illegal act of “swapping out” memory cards for the machines during live elections.

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Fox News Used Planted Actor In Focus Groups

The credibility of Fox News is pretty much close to zero. It was bad enough that they refused to allow Ron Paul in their NH debate forum, but now they have been caught planting an actor in their supposedly random focus groups. Frank Luntz one of the chief propagandists for Fox News who organizes these focus groups has been caught planting people in focus groups in a clear attempt to distort reality. During tonight’s Fox News GOP debate, Luntz organized a focus group to provide feedback from so called random Republican voters. However, one of the people in the focus group was also used in a previous focus group Luntz organized for the September 5th, 2007 GOP presidential debate. Take a look at the two videos….

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Hacking Democracy




Devvy: Will Ron Paul Authorize an Audit of the New Hampshire Primary?

While the political pundits chatter on about the shocking “upset” in the New Hampshire primary between Marxist Hillary Clinton and ‘No Change’ Barack Obama, there is a storm brewing regarding the vote count for Congressman Ron Paul.

Regular readers of my column know I have been on the vote fraud issue since 1993. It is real and has dominated our elections since the late ’60s. While the corporate media flunkies have been diligent in their efforts to marginalize and crush Dr. Paul’s run for the White House the past several months, his support has swelled and along with it, the necessary cash to run a viable campaign. [See this excellent DVD on vote fraud “Hacking Democracy“]

Those of us who have followed the events taking place in this country the past couple of decades are fully cognizant of how the shadow government operates behind the curtain and feeds the peasants (you and me) what they want the people to know and make sure via technology, that enough of their kind are “elected” to higher offices and stay in office. Over the past eight years, I have watched the anger and activism over vote fraud continue to grow as more and more Americans have finally come to the realization that the ballot box no longer belongs to we the people.

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Kucinich Would Pick Ron Paul As Running Mate

Clearly, this isn’t going to happen unless Dennis makes a 3rd party run. But I think it’s great to see the appreciation these two pro-peace candidates have for each other—how they even vote together—standing up for what is right.

Ron has also said kind things about Dennis on many occasions.


U.S. Comptroller General: We Face a Fiscal Tsunami




Devvy: Iowa’s Numbers & New Hampshire


According to the counters, Ron Paul came in fifth in Iowa with an alleged 10% of the GOP vote. Many believe had Dr. Paul not been the target of a deliberate media smear (i.e.,’s news item January 5, 2008 with the caption ‘GOP gadfly’ in describing Ron Paul), he would have been in the high teens, possibly 20%.

Allegedly, the numbers came out: Brother Huckabee 34%, Flip Romney 25%, Fred Thompson 13%, McCain 13%, Ron Paul 10%, Rudy Julie Annie 4% and Duncan Hunter 1%. In several counties in Iowa, Dr. Paul pulled in 35%, 14%, 15%, 21% and several with 12% of the vote. That didn’t make the news. According to the pollsters, 47% of the GOP voters who turned out in Iowa are Evangelical Christians. What message did these Christian voters in Iowa send? Huckabee, Romney, Thompson, McCain and Hunter are all pro-war mongers who are firm in their commitment to this unconstitutional, immoral invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. They voted for more of this:

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