Freedom from Alaska!

Month: November 2016 Page 5 of 6

(music video) Michael Franti and Spearhead – "Yell Fire!"

A friend wrote on Facebook today, the day after Donald Trump was elected:

“Look on the bright side Democrats… Now you can be anti-war again”

Michael Franti’s “Yell Fire!” was one of my favorite albums until Obama was elected, when Michael completely abandoned his public anti-war stand and sang his Obama song instead, and went into party mode.
Broke my heart!
I don’t understand.
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Michael Franti and Spearhead – “Yell Fire!” (Full Album Stream)

(video) Dustin Dardin: 200 pounds of industrial toxic waste fluoride added to pristine Anchorage water every day! – RUNNING 2016 – Alaska General Election: House District 22


“200 pounds of fluoride is added to the cleanest water in the nation, every day, to the Anchorage water supply. That’s a 50 pound bag of industrial toxic waste being dumped into our water every 6 hours.” – Dustin Dardin

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RUNNING 2016 – Alaska General Election: House District 22

Hillary’s World: How Clinton’s Foreign Policy Has Destabilized Nearly Every Corner of the Globe


Clinton Campaign Paid Beyonce and Jay Z $62 Million For Cleveland Concert to Secure Black Votes


DrudgeReport Right Now: Voter Fraud Evidence Already

Leaked Documents Reveal Soros Funding to Manipulate Election...
Campaign managers on both sides find reason for optimism...
'Technical issues' at North Carolina polls...
Snowden reveals $30 fraud hack...
Cybersecurity company finds 'dismal' vulnerability at major news media...
Woman Charged With Felony After Casting Vote For Dead -- Twice...
Man collapses at polling station but insists on casting ballot while ambulance called...

Livestream: Infowars' Historic 52 Hour Live Election 2016 Coverage

I have serious problems with Alex, but Infowars is right now going the extra mile to help defeat Killary.
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(video) 'Denial' Trailer Response

Denial Trailer Response

(video) Red Ice Radio: Fiery Louisiana U.S. Senate Debate with David Duke & Interview

Louisiana U.S. Senate Debate with David Duke

“A people that elect corrupt politicians are not victims but accomplices” ― George Orwell

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices”

― George Orwell

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(video) Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported

Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

FLASHBACK : As Governor, Tim Kaine FIRED 5 Virginia State Police Chaplains for PRAYING Publicly in Jesus’ Name


(video) Robert De Niro exposed by Donald Trump!

(video) Julian Assange: 'Libya was Hillary Clinton’s war' — "She was the central figure in the destruction of the Libyan state which resulted in around 40,000 deaths within Libya; jihadists moved in, ISIS moved in, leading to the European refugee and migrant crisis"

“In the final week before the U.S. presidential election, Julian Assange spoke to John Pilger about what the emails say about Hillary Clinton and her relationship with ISIS and the states that fund it, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Her central role in the destruction of Libya is also discussed. Highly recommended viewing.” – Christopher Bollyn on Facebook
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Libya, more than anyone else’s war, was Hillary Clinton’s war. Barak Obama initially opposed it. Who was the person championing it?  Hillary Clinton.  That’s documented throughout her emails. She had put her favoured agent, Sidney Blumenthal, on to that; there’s more than 1700 emails out of the thirty three thousand Hillary Clinton emails that we’ve published, just about Libya. It’s not that Libya has cheap oil. She perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state — something that she would use in her run-up to the general election for President.

So in late 2011 there is an internal document called the Libya Tick Tock that was produced for Hillary Clinton, and it’s the chronological description of how she was the central figure in the destruction of the Libyan state, which resulted in around 40,000 deaths within Libya; jihadists moved in, ISIS moved in, leading to the European refugee and migrant crisis.

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Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL INTERVIEW)

(video) Ben Carson: Hillary Clinton is Lucifer Worshiper

Ben Carson: Hillary Clinton is Lucifer Worshiper


(video) Hillary Clinton a satanist? — Fmr. high wizard Zachary King explains

Zachary King was a high wizard for the Illuminati. He’s become a Christian, and knows the inside scoop.
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Hillary Clinton a satanist?

(video) ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals — Former Satanist, Zachary King says there are Satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, Satanic dedications of all aborted babies on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood are usually Satanists

Catholic parish calls voting for Killary a 'mortal sin'

With everything that is now revealed about Hillary, in most cases (unless someone is really ignorant), they may be right.
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From: Reuters

San Diego Catholic Diocese denounces parish that called voting Democrat ‘mortal sin’

The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego denounced one of its parishes on Friday after its worshippers were told that voting for Democrats is a “mortal sin” that could lead to an eternity in hell.

The Diocese said the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in the neighborhood of Old Town made the statement in an insert to a weekly leaflet given to churchgoers on Oct. 16, calling abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia and other political issues “non-negotiables.”

“It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat,” the insert read, with the words underlined and bolded. “If your bishop, priest, deacon or other parishioners tell you to do so, you must walk away from them. Your immortal soul and your salvation are at stake.”


Hillary Clinton Blackmailed Bernie Sanders – Wikileaks E-Mails Reveal

Very few politicians are clean like Ron Paul, so are blackmailable.

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

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Hillary Clinton Blackmailed Bernie Sanders – Wikileaks E-Mails Reveal

Skousen: Bogus Claims of Internet Coup to Save the Republic — "All of these key government players are controlled by globalists, who are protecting Obama and the Clintons for being good puppet leaders. Each of the key players in government has his own dark history that allows the conspiracy to use them, or blackmail them"

World Affairs Brief, November 4, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Cause and Effect of Hillary’s Continuing Email Scandal

Bogus Claims of Internet Coup to Save the Republic

Update on Vote Rigging

British Court Halts Brexit

Venezuela Now a Full-Blown Dictatorship

Hillary and War with Russia

Behind the Scenes at the Trial of the Oregon 7



The entire right wing of the internet is ablaze with the claims of Steve Pieczenik that he and others in the intelligence community have staged a silent, bloodless coup against the government in order to stop the highly corrupt Hillary Clinton from becoming president. Here’s the link to his video.

I’ve always been suspicious of Pieczenik ever since he started appearing on the Alex Jones show. He simply claims too much. He claims to be an insider within the deepest regions of government military operations, and yet on the side of Alex Jones and those who believe in the globalist conspiracy. You can be a former insider and come to a belief in the conspiracy (maybe) but you can’t be both at the same time—unless you are a disinformation agent and someone who makes things up. His latest claims seem to prove the latter.

His official bio says he is an MD and a PhD psychologist who has worked for the government as a hostage negotiator. He has apparently inflated his resume to the Alex Jones team who attribute too-good-to-be-true mythic status to Pieczenik that can’t be true—like his claim to have started the secretive Delta Force, even though the formal story says that Colonels Charlie Beckwith and Thomas Henry started it in the mid 1970’s. His latest claim of a secret coup is pure fabrication in my opinion. I don’t agree with a single part of it:

1.a) He claims that on Nov. 1 the Clintons and their entourage affected a civilian coup against the government. Nonsense. The Clintons get away with what they do because they are protected insider-puppets. They don’t run the government and don’t have any power except what the insiders (the dark side of law enforcement and their killers) provide them.

1.b) He says this is done through two methods: corruption and co-opting, implying that they have corrupted (bought off) and co-opted high government officials in order to get away with what they do. He claims they have been co-opting the “White House, Judiciary, CIA, the FBI and our Attorney General” for some time now to make sure that they were “part and parcel of the group of people connected through political cronyism.”

This is total BS and shows that Pieczenik either hasn’t got a clue about how the government is controlled or he’s inventing something plausible to cover for what he really knows. I actually suspect the former. I’ve never agreed with any of his claims in his Alex Jones interviews.

 2.a) The Claimed Counter-coup. “Those of us in the intelligence community have informally gotten together and, with their permission, I’m beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup, through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.” Later in the video he claims that “we gave him” the stolen emails in order to affect this coup.

An internet coup through information leaked to a person in exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London? Only a fool would believe such a weak claim. If Pieczenik was really part of current US intelligence, he would know that the NSA has every email in the country, including Hillary’s. So if they gave incriminating evidence to Assange, why didn’t they give him the much more damaging emails from Hillary? Why use Julian Assange, who only has the Podesta emails?

2.b) He is claiming they have told “the administration” (whoever that is), “we have your number” and “we’re going to stop you from making Hillary the president of the US.” And at the same time “we will convict and indict the President of the US, Loretta Lynch, and many others who are involved in the cover-up of the massive corruption that occurred under the Clinton Foundation.”

Wow, that’s a whopper of a claim! He doesn’t address the fact that the conspiracy controls the DOJ and the courts so how are you going to get a controlled judiciary to prosecute?

2.c) He claims “Their coup was silent, and our coup was silent” (inferring it has already occurred) and “happened on the internet.” Then he claims that the Clinton coup occurred through the internet and the counter coup occurred through the internet”

What planet does he live on? You can’t take down the powerful dark side of government just by leaking the mild type of emails Wikileaks has done so far. Even real blockbuster emails might not do it. Remember, the American public is powerless to prosecute. They have to rely on controlled entities in government to do so, and that’s not going to happen. This guy has just made a fool of all the AJ listeners—who have responded with euphoric comments like “God is giving us back our country.” They really believe this brand of wishful thinking. Wake up, people!

2.d) He feigns humility by claiming he is just a small part of a movement including agents in the FBI, CIA, the Director of National Intelligence, military intelligence, and men and women of “15 other intelligence organizations.” How’s that for name dropping, without names?

The mention of the DNI being part of their group of patriots is proof Pieczenik doesn’t have a clue. The DNI is none other than James R. Clapper, who lied to Congress about NSA spying. Clapper is a dark side operator if there ever was one, and not on our side.

3) The Second American Revolution. He claims his team has started a Second American Revolution, but he is quick to add (in order to avoid legal prosecution for “threatening”), “We do not have guns, we do not have weapons,… we do not intend to kill anybody, we do not intend to harm anybody. But those of us who are veterans in the intelligence service will stop the Clintons.” We will ensure that Obama leaves without any pardon (of Clinton).

Anyone who claims you can overturn the dark side of government with all its powerful groups of well-armed hit men and control of all federal enforcement agencies, plus the courts—with a simple threat of exposure from a few hundred emails is either a naive fool or a disinformation expert playing up to the movement’s fervor against Hillary Clinton. It can’t be done.

To summarize, this entire claim is bogus. This is not a coup by Clintons we are fighting against. What’s happening in America has been going on well before the Clintons. The Clintons don’t control Lynch or Comey. All of these key government players are controlled by globalists, who are protecting Obama and the Clintons for being good puppet leaders. Each of the key players in government has his own dark history that allows the conspiracy to use them, or blackmail them.

In conjunction with this phony coup claim, other people are saying that all Clinton’s supporters in high places have cancelled all appearances with her, which is untrue. They also say that Julian Assange has disappeared and may be dead, which is also untrue, as points out:

Assange gave an interview to Russia’s state-run television and says his group did not get emails related to Hillary Clinton’s campaign from a “state actor.”

U.S. intelligence has publicly blamed Russia for the hacked emails from campaign chairman John Podesta. In a statement Thursday, Assange said Wikileaks’ sources of the emails “are not state parties.” It does not say how it obtained the documents, noting only that the original sources are Podesta “and his correspondents.”

-So much for the continual disinformation on the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign that Russia is interfering with the election. Finally, I think there are two possibilities for what we will see of Pieczenik in the future:

1. If Hillary wins: One would hope that Pieczenik is deservedly discredited and his disinformation claims go away. However, that isn’t likely, anymore than Hal Turner went away after being exposed as an FBI plant within the movement (he’s back with Superstation 95). In order to avoid being totally discredited, Pieczenik will come up with yet another story to explain why the coup failed to do what he claimed, or why the effect is delayed. He might also claim that she’ll be impeached or prosecuted soon, leading everyone into believing the election results will soon be overturned. I’m hoping Alex Jones won’t continue to buy into this fraud.

2. If Hillary loses. In this case, Pieczenik will appear to have been right. He’ll be praised as a hero, and will be able to lead the movement astray many more times with his disinformation. If the PTB decide to dump Hillary, it’s not because of some silent coup of internet information that Pieczenik is claiming. It may be because of her health as well as her corruption baggage, but they won’t do it unless they feel like they can control Trump, so we still lose.

The bottom line is that there is no way that Hillary is going to lose unless the establishment decides to let her lose. They have the power to rig the election, and probably have enough votes from benefit-corrupted voters and liberals to win without rigging. But they have rigged the computers to make sure. I’m betting they are still going with Hillary, rather than deal with an unpredictable Trump.

(video) 2016 Debate for the State: U.S. Senate Race — Miller, Murkowski…!

2016 Debate for the State: U.S. Senate Race

(video) Lisa Murkowski – Imperial Senator — The 36-year Murkowski dynasty has led Alaskans down a dead end road!

Lisa Murkowski – Imperial Senator

Radio Ad – Lisa Murkowski: I'm the Chairmmmaaannnnn!

Radio Ad – Lisa Murkowski: I’m the Chairmmmaaannnnn!

(video) Murkowski on Judicial Appointments: "You Can Have It Both Ways"

Murkowski on Judicial Appointments: “You Can Have It Both Ways”

Alex Jones (FULL SHOW Commercial Free) Friday 11/4/16: Democratic Party Pedophile/Satanic Network Revealed By Wikileaks

Alex Jones (FULL SHOW Commercial Free) Friday 11/4/16: Clinton’s Occult Rituals

Dees' "Sheeple" Sept / Oct 2016: Pro-Murder vs Pro-Life


Candidates Discuss Abortion At 3rd Debate



NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”

From: The New American

Thursday, 03 November 2016

NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”

Sex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, and pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, claim New York City Police Department sources, could “put Hillary and her crew away for life.”

Shocking evidence of such criminality has been found on ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer, claim the sources, which was seized from him by NYC officials investigating his allegedly having sent sexually explicit texts to a 15-year-old girl. Moreover, Hillary Clinton’s “crew” supposedly includes not just close aide and confidante Huma Abedin and her husband, Weiner, but other aides and insiders — and even members of Congress. According to True Pundit:

NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

• Money laundering

• Child exploitation

• Sex crimes with minors (children)

• Perjury

• Pay to play through Clinton Foundation

• Obstruction of justice

• Other felony crimes

Entire Article

BREAKING : Ex-'Apprentice' Summer Zervos Paid $500,000 By Gloria Allred To Accuse Trump, Deal Went To Others Too


(video) "Spirit Cooking": Clinton Campaign Chairman Practices Bizarre Occult Ritual


Menstrual blood, semen and breast milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks revelation yet

"Spirit Cooking": Clinton Campaign Chairman Practices Bizarre Occult Ritual
In what is undoubtedly the most bizarre Wikileaks revelation to date, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” by performance artist Marina Abramovic, to take part in an occult ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.

In an email dated June 28, 2015, Abramovic wrote, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”


Tony Podesta then forwarded the email to his brother John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman), asking him, “Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner.”

Entire Article


(video) Larry Nichols: Hillary Clinton a Satanist — While First Lady, she attended a church for witches and worshiped Satan — “She’s the male dominant”

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