Freedom from Alaska!

Category: False Flags? Page 4 of 7

(vid) Confronting Conspirators with Ole Dammegård

'History Today': Who Burnt the Reichstag? Dutch protester Marinus van der Lubbe — Theory the Nazis planned it themselves entirely baseless

This article is especially trustworthy, coming from History Today, which takes a mainstream, anti-Germany stand on WWI and II.
And the author clearly states his reprehensible opinion of Hitler in the full article.
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From: History Today

AJP Taylor

By A.J.P. Taylor

Published in History Today Volume 10 Issue 8 August 1960

The conflagration of the Reichstag provided Hitler with a heaven-sent opportunity. But, writes A.J.P. Taylor, the theory that the Nazis had planned it themselves now appears to be entirely baseless.

(vid) Fmr Black Ops Cody Snodgress w/ John B Wells! What happens to a Spook when he refuses a million dollar contract to blow up a Federal Building?


Explosive CTM Full interview – Robert Snodgres

Jeff & Cody Snodgres – Pt 2 – Waco, Janet Reno, The Clintons, Benghazi & More

Outstanding, but:

The Reichstag Fire Was NOT a Nazi False Flag Operation

The Gleiwitz “False Flag” Incident is Pure Fiction — The invasion of Poland had to be shown to be an aggressive move with no justification

Hitler and the Banksters: Real Reason for WWII — England offered to guarantee Poland her sovereignty not only if Germany invaded Poland but also if Poland invaded Germany! • Poland intensified the oppression and attacks on the 1.5 million ethnic Germans living in Poland. Over 58,000 German civilians were killed • Hitler again offered to the Poles the Marienwerder proposals • England advised the Poles NOT to negotiate • Hitler was forced to employ military intervention in order to protect the Germans in Poland • The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for all the people of Europe 

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(vid) Cody Snodgres – BLOCKBUSTER! – Deep Black Ops Contractor Exposes OKC!

(vid) Vegas To Ban Human Drivers – Problem > Reaction > Solution

Problem > Reaction > Solution

They create the PROBLEM
‘Make us safe’ REACTION
Police state SOLUTION

• • •

(vid) Ole Dammegard: Latest on Vegas — "I believe this is a HYBRID: crisis actors, staged events, faked injuries, but also real people getting killed and injured, unfortunately" • "It's very very hard to know what is from the drill and what is actually from when the real thing went down"

“This one, they really mixed the whole thing up, so it’s very very hard to know what is from the drill and what is actually from when the real thing went down. … I believe that this is a hybrid, that there was crisis actors, staged events, a lot of faked injuries…, but also, unfortunately, real people getting killed and injured….” – Ole Dammegard @ 20:40 (transcribed by me)
Ole discusses his Masonic ritual shoe theory for 8 minutes at 1:12:50, showing many examples. One of the ways they communicate with each other that “this is our operation” is by leaving shoes. Taking one shoe off means that the individual going through the ritual did it voluntarily. “Two shoes off shows homage for the sacred space where this ritual is being carried out.” Often the brand is Nike.

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(audio) Kurt Haskell: Vegas [bullets found], Church Shooting, Charlottsville… 11/7/17

(vid) Vegas Shooting Is Underwear Bomber 2.0: Defusing The False Flag — Kurt Haskell was on the 2009 flight where the “Underwear Bomber” set himself on fire trying to light a “bomb” without a detonator. Kurt lays out the amazing details of this false flag to justify body scanners and the parallels to the Vegas shooting — Real News with David Knight

(vid) IS ISIS REALLY OUR BIGGEST THREAT? — If the FBI could not bring those dancing Israeli Mossad agents to justice, even though they were caught in New York City on 9/11 and later admitted that they were "there to document the event", one wonders if the FBI is now covering up for other "events" which upon closer inspection might also reveal an Israeli finger print

(meme) If you ever feel stupid, just remember that MILLIONS of people BELIEVE that this guy became a millionaire playing video poker, then converted to Islam, then “snapped”and planned a terror attack in the most surveilled city in the USA, which took months to prepare, and then he decided to kill himself once his video surveillance system detected that the swat team finally showed up,  an hour after his shooting spree began…

If you ever feel stupid, just remember
that millions of people believe that this
guy became a millionaire playing video
poker, then converted to Islam, then
“snapped”and planned a terror attack
in the most surveilled city in the USA,
which took months to prepare, and
then he decided to kill himself once
his video surveillance system detected
that the swat team finally showed up, 
an hour after his shooting spree began…


(vid) Ole Dammegard | The Vegas Shooting: Inconsistencies & Strange Symbolism

This was still early into the investigation, video posted on 10/7, so this isn’t a detail filled interview. Still interesting.
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(audio) Kurt Haskell: Trouble with the Las Vegas Massacre Paddock Gunman Story

Excellent analysis of what is known so far, but I must disagree on what Kurt said about Germany. The truth is:

Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? — Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away the guns. Using Hitler to defend your position on gun control is a bad idea

(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!

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(vid) The Horrifying Truth You're Not Being Told About The Vegas Event — WHO is behind almost all of these types of events?

(6-Min Video Compilation) MULTIPLE Witnesses Say Multiple Shooters, Locations, Angles!

(vid) Kurt Haskell: Las Vegas – What Likely REALLY Happened – What we know so far 10/7/17

Fascinating overview by a great investigator, putting the pieces together from what is known so far!
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Starts @ 18:25


Skousen: Las Vegas Mass Shooting—Detailed Analysis

World Affairs Brief, October 6, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
Las Vegas Mass Shooting—Detailed Analysis
Trump Says Tillerson “Wasting Time” with North Korea
News Shorts:
Marseilles Terrorist had 7 Identities
Brexit in Turmoil
Secret Spy Towers in New York Put in Place by MTA
Trump Talks Debt Forgiveness for Puerto Rico
Preparedness Tip: Putting the Garden to Bed
All of the modern high profile mass shootings of innocent people at schools, movie theaters or concerts have been engineered by government black operations, either using controlled terrorists, mercenaries or unstable youths under the influence of mood altering drugs and hypnosis. Even the most hardened criminals don’t use automatic weapons to shoot hundreds of people.

(vid) What Is A False Flag Attack? Brief Introduction for Beginners

(vid) Las Vegas Shooting: Varying Sounds Of Fire Were NOT From Echo — Adobe Premiere PROOF!

Multiple shooters proven beyond doubt! This guy debunks the *echo theory* using Adobe Premiere video editor. Sweet! Citizen investigators ROCK!!!
First 5 minutes only, after that he debunks a different ridiculous theory.
His previous video in which he played the sounds in real time.
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(vid) Detailed Machine Gun Sound Analysis – Las Vegas Mass Shooting — 13:25 "That's guaranteed two shooters, minimum" • 09:55 "If you listen carefully, you're going to hear BELT FED, automatic weapons going off from two different locations from two different sounds" • 11:07 "The shooter is close. See that high pitched sound? You would not hear that from 500 meters"

Skousen: 9/11 Revisited—The Latest Analysis

World Affairs Brief, September 15, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:
9/11 Revisited—The Latest Analysis
Trump Sells Out on Immigration
China Warns Trump Against Preemptive Strike on NK


As another anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks passes, the official version continues to be drummed into the American psyche, even though it is almost totally untrue. The attack on 9/11 was a carefully planned government black operation, with a corresponding cover-up of the mountains of evidence that only point to government control and involvement throughout the attack. Fortunately, the 9/11 truth movement is now led intellectually by scientists and other professionals, as shown by the emergence of various organizations, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (which includes scientists), Veterans for 9/11 Truth, and the Scientific Panel to Investigate 9/11. The movement also includes several former intelligence officers. Thanks to these professionals, the evidence that the official story is false is now overwhelming. The only problem is to get people to look at the evidence. Once they are willing to do this, they quickly see that the official story simply cannot be true. This week, I’ll review the latest evidence and analysis in the hopes that it will provide you with the means of convincing others about how powerful and dangerous the Deep State really is. Of course, the Deep State is still with us, despite having elected Donald Trump who promised to “drain the swamp,” so this isn’t some past or idle threat.

About 3340 people died in this attack, including 343 firefighters and police who were trapped in the buildings when they were demolished by explosives. Many firefighters are angry that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani knew the towers was going to collapse and didn’t warn those inside to get out. He claimed “no one can possible expect that airplanes would hit the towers,” which wasn’t true at all. The level of death was more than the 2400 that died at Pearl Harbor, another government-created attack, induced by a six point plan by the Roosevelt Administration to provoke Japan into attacking the US (see Robert Stinnett’s book: Day of Deceit).

The more you learn about the 9/11 attack, the more you will be astounded by the level of conspiracy and coordination it took to pull this off and silence witnesses and participants. None of these things could have been done by foreign terrorists, or anyone else except people with access to government power, including:

●          Radio-controlled demolition charges loaded into the 3 WTC buildings in the months prior

●          Military exercises planned to make sure fighter interceptors were not available and to confuse military radar operators with tens of simulated planes on their screens

●          Planes were swapped for highly modified airline drones

●          Radio transmissions by “hijackers” not on planes were created to confuse ATC

●          Passenger and flight attendant cell phone calls were staged after planes landed.

●          Photographic evidence of passengers boarding the planes were hidden and faked tapes created of terrorists going through security.

●          Warnings were given to select insiders to avoid flying on that day.

●          Certain insiders with advance knowledge shorted airline stocks.

●          All private security camera footage of the Pentagon attack were confiscated within minutes and the Pentagon parking lot video was edited before being leaked.

●          Passengers from the each flight were ultimately taken away and eliminated.

●          All of the aircraft themselves continued to fly in the airline system after the attack.

●          Black boxes were hidden away and replacements falsified to create false recordings data.

●          No aircraft part or black box serial numbers were used to track provenance of crash parts

●          Replacement photo I.D’s and passports of hijackers were planted at crash sites.

James Perloff: Vietnam Revisited — While communism was allowed to win militarily in Vietnam, cultural Marxism won in America

Below are excerpts from an update and expansion to James Perloff’s first article on Vietnam:


• The war’s escalation began with passage of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. The justification given was an alleged attack on U.S destroyers by Vietnamese torpedo boats on August 4, 1964. This is what today’s truthers call a “false flag.” James Stockdale, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, was a pilot then stationed in the Tonkin Gulf. Called to the scene of the alleged attack, he saw no Vietnamese boats during 1 and 1/2 hours of overflight. He detailed this in his memoir In Love and War, writing: “We were about to launch a war under false pretenses… I felt it was a bad portent that we seemed to be under the control of a mindless Washington bureaucracy, vain enough to pick their own legitimacies regardless of the evidence.”

Before the “incident” even occurred, the Tonkin Gulf Resolution had already been drafted by William P. Bundy (CFR, Skull & Bones), Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs.

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From: — Revisiting the Vietnam Era: Are Soros and the Deep State Updating an Old PSYOP to Depose Trump?

Vietnam Revisited

Lest there be any misunderstanding, I am ANTI-WAR. A war, like a gun, should only be used as an absolute last resort. The “Arab Spring” wars inflicted on the Middle East over the past fifteen years, which were already planned in 2001, are abominations. But as we’ll see, the Vietnam War was undertaken for complex purposes, and was in several ways unlike America’s other conflicts.

As is still widely unknown, the hippie/antiwar movement of the sixties, like today’s Soros rioters, was billionaire-funded, in this case by the Rockefellers.

(audio) Kurt Haskell w/ Jim Fetzer: Manufactured Race War – NFL kneelers & false flags like Charleston…

Common sense thinking on this TalmudVision created race war.

Why Alex Jones banned Kurt — after having Kurt on multiple times.

What Kurt thinks of Paul Joseph Watson.

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The Raw Deal
Jim Fetzer

9/26/17 Hour 1 – Guest Kurt Haskell (starting @ 27:00)

9/26/17 Hour 2 – Guest Kurt Haskell

(vid) The Real Syria Story No One Wants You to Know About — A CIA False Flag, Bloody Coup!

Another CIA orchestrated and armed false flag production, blaming Assad for what they did, while the media spreads CIA lies and hides the facts!

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Skousen: US Arms Pipeline to Terrorists Uncovered — “I and others have long claimed that the US secretly armed ISIS along with other falsely labeled ‘moderates’ in Syria and elsewhere. Now, we know how they do it” — The dark side of the CIA bought weapons from Bulgaria and other former Soviet states and then shipped them to terrorist destinations using the little known national airline of Azerbaijan–Silk Way Airlines under the cover of diplomatic immunity • While the Pentagon is pushing Trump to sanction Pakistan for its support of the Taliban, it looks like the Deep State is complicit in arming the Taliban out of Pakistan • Pakistani politicians may be as unaware of this secret trade as our own Congressmen are about the Deep State • Israel and Saudi Arabia involved • Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva broke the story and was fired • US media is mum

World Affairs Brief, September 1, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

US Arms Pipeline to Terrorists Uncovered

NK Continues to Provoke

Nevada Jury Refuses to Convict 4 Bundy Defendants

Hurricane Harvey and Government Bailouts

Judges Blocking Trump when Congress Can’t

Preparedness Tip: The Basics of Sprouting


I and others have long claimed that the US secretly armed ISIS along with other falsely labeled “moderates” in Syria and elsewhere. Now, we know how they do it. The Deep State took advantage of the phoney fall of the Soviet Union to make deals with former Soviet states to buy Soviet-era arms and ship them to terrorist organizations under Deep State control. The Russian arms made sure it wasn’t obvious that terrorists were being armed by the West. The dark side of the CIA bought weapons from Bulgaria and other former Soviet states and then shipped them to terrorist destinations using the little known national airline of Azerbaijan–Silk Way Airlines. To make sure the arms were not traceable, Azerbaijan agreed to put each flight under the cover of diplomatic immunity—a violation of international law. Now, due to the heroic efforts of one investigative journalist from Bulgaria, a woman, this complex scheme has been uncovered. For her efforts she has now been fired as a reporter.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was a Bulgarian investigative journalist working in Syria were she uncovered and filmed nine underground warehouses “full of heavy weapons with Bulgaria as their country of origin.” After investigating she was shocked to find they were transported under diplomatic cover. Not only were arms being shipped to Syria, but also Afghanistan, Pakistan (to arm the Taliban) and even African countries like the Congo.

The only other US-based news source that is covering this story besides the WAB is 21st CenturyWire. Now RT, and the Activist Post have also picked it up. 21stCentury Wire gave this introduction and they had a few interesting points to make:

New Book by Christopher Bollyn: “The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East” – August 1, 2017

The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East Paperback – August 1, 2017

A historical analysis of the origin of the War on Terror and the strategic plan to Balkanize the Middle East under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Contains fifteen chapters about the relationship between the terror attacks of 9/11 and the War on Terror. Explains the common origin of both and reveals the real underlying strategy of the War on Terror, America’s longest war. Foreword by Alan Sabrosky. Includes an American Muslim perspective written by the Nation of Islam Research Group.


(audio) Kurt Haskell: NO ONE DIED at Charlottesville and I can prove it

I challenge anyone to carefully listen to this and *not* reach the same conclusion. I don’t think it’s possible.

Great job putting it all together, Kurt, and fine interview, Rachael!

Kurt’s Facebook page

This Charlottesville, false flag event was staged, as Kurt really does prove, to demonize the right in order to justify Google’s clamp down on free speech afterward, and to ramp up the race war, artificially dividing us, so chaos will bring in the police state and the Satanic NWO.

They need to destroy society to then bring in their power-over-all-of-us solution.

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(audio) Jeff & Ole Dammegard – Stunning Facts…Charlottesville & Barcelona

Charlottesville demystified starting at 22:40!

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Jeff & Ole Dammegard – Stunning Facts…Charlottesville & Barcelona

Published on Aug 25, 2017

The Jeff Rense Radio Archives contain interviews with over 18,000 people over a period of 24 years. Access and listen to some of the most stunning people of our times in often unforgettable interviews just like this one.

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(heavy 3-min video) Red Ice TV: Charlottesville


Published on Aug 21, 2017

The day the establishment declared war on the Alt-Right. #UniteTheRight was hijacked. Will it be the sting operation that changes the political landscape in America forever or will the Alt-Right come out the other end stronger and more influential?

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