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Category: Germany Page 4 of 14

(vid) Ernst Zundel still being attacked in 1996 – Supreme Court of Canada | Arsonist sets fire to Ernst's home

21:40 The story of Ernst’s house being set on fire by an arsonist, almost completely destroying it
Who are the real “haters?”

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(vid) Falsehoods About the Hate Film 'Schindler's List' – Ernst Zundel with John Ball

(vid) Ernst Zundel in the News 1983-1985 – Talmudic Jews are the Haters! — "I do not publish hate literature. I publish truth literature. I am a nice man defending my ethnic group"

At 18:45, the real haters, truth stoppers!
28:50 “I do not publish hate literature. I publish truth literature. I present the German side to a historic, political controversy. … I am not a hate-monger. I am a nice man defending my ethnic group.” – Ernst Zundel
Later, the Talmudists holocausted Ernst’s house, actually destroying it with fire, along with much of his extensive library, containing many rare books.
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(audio) Alison Chabloz On The War On Free Speech, Right To Cause Offence & Pet Pug Nazi Salutes! – Richie Allen Show 3/20/18

KEY FACT SPIELBERG SUPPRESSED IN 'SCHINDLER'S LIST': The Commandant (Amon Goeth) Was Arrested by the SS — WWII ended before he could be executed

THE FACT SPIELBERG SUPPRESSED IN SCHINDLER’S LIST: The Commandant of Krakau-Plaszow (Amon Goeth) Was Arrested by the SS for Brutality against Inmates

By Michael A. Hoffman II. Research by Alan R. Critchley.

Copyright ©1994 and ©1997 by Hoffman and Critchley. All Rights Reserved.

The Academy Award winning liturgy of our state “Holocaust” religion–Spielberg’s holy movie–would have fallen into disrepute and made a laughing-stock of its premise (that the entire German military consisted of homicidal robots), had the viewing public been aware of the fact that the SS Commandant of concentration camp Krakau-Plaszow (Amon Goeth), the chief villain of “Schindler’s List,” had been arrested by the SS Judicial Police for “acts of brutality and sadism” against inmates, among other crimes.
The war ended before Goeth could be executed by the SS, but other wicked concentration camp commandants (at Buchenwald and Lublin) were shot by the SS high command for, among other crimes, brutality against inmates.

(vid) Ernst Zundel: Cremation Science Disproves the 'Holocaust' — "Until someone can clarify to me and prove to me that cremations can be done at a faster rate than two hours I find no reason to believe that the 'Holocaust' as it was presented to us occurred." – Cremation expert Ivan Lagace

This is beautiful — because it uncovers a major Talmudic lie that has deceived and manipulated many to support the police state!
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8:30 <200 “It would only have been possible to cremate 184 bodies a day in [Auschwitz] Birkenau.”
15:40+ Rebricking requires the entire group to be shut down for days after about 1,000 bodies are cremated.
24:50 “The unit runs hotter with an obese person than with an emaciated person.” Skinny people don’t necessarily burn faster.
26:50 “Until someone can clarify to me and prove to me that cremations can be done at a faster rate than two hours, I find no reason to believe that the ‘Holocaust’ as it was presented to us occurred.” – Cremation expert and crematory manager Ivan Lagace

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(vid) Adam: Taboo Topics with Realist Report's John Friend

“Everything YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW about history is pretty much the OPPOSITE of the truth. … I like the idea of speaking about things that are TABOO, because generally, the things that are most taboo are WHERE the MOST TRUTH IS ACTUALLY HIDDEN. And THAT’S WHY you’re not allowed to talk about it.”

– Ken O’Keefe

(in speaking about Germany real-history truth and oppressive, Talmudic Zionists on The Power Hour, 7/2/15)

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(vid) Fritz Berg: The Lifesaving use of Zyclon B in Germany's WWII Camps to Fight Typhus

The real history, instead of TalmudVision’s lies:

(vid) John Ball: 'Holocaust' Truth Air Photo Evidence – What Really Happened

TIP: I didn’t see it at first, but John does use a pointer, which can be seen as a faint, white, vertical triangle, that he hovers over objects he’s discussing.
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RenseRadio: Thomas Goodrich – Horrible Truth About US During WW2 – Firebombing Japanese civilians en mass – Murdered captured German soldiers, while the Germans did follow the Geneva Convention in how they treated American GIs

(vid) Letter from Monika Schaefer – #4

The Leuchter Report Vindicated: A Response to J.-C. Pressac's Critique — No cyanide residue found in the alleged German 'gas chambers'

The Leuchter Report Vindicated:
A Response to J.-C. Pressac’s Critique

Paul Grubach
In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. His sensational conclusion — that these structures were never used as gas chambers to kill people — set off an international controversy that is still continuing. In a detailed report, commonly referred to simply as The Leuchter Report, the gas chamber specialist summed up the result of his investigation: /1

After a study of the available literature, examination and evaluation of the existing facilities at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, with expert knowledge of the design criteria for gas chamber operation, an investigation of crematory technology and an inspection of modern crematories, the author finds no evidence that any of the facilities normally alleged to be execution gas chambers were ever used as such, and finds, further, that because of the design and fabrication of these facilities, they could not have been utilized for execution gas chambers.

Not surprisingly, indignant defenders of the orthodox Holocaust extermination story have tried frantically to discredit Leuchter and refute his findings.

What About Germany's Euthanasia Program 1939-41? – In the early years of WWII, Germany enacted a program to euthanize hopelessly insane and disabled persons at a time when resources were desperately needed. This policy was abandoned after retaliation from the German public, especially clergy

(vid) Mark Collett: The Holocaust – An Instrument of White Guilt — The holocaust has been elevated above all other historical occurrences and is treated as an unquestionable truth – movies, books and documentaries are churned out on an industrial basis and the holocaust even has a dedicated international day of remembrance. Yet communist mass killings and genocides are largely ignored or even unheard of in the West despite the fact that communism has killed over a 100 million people. I examine the political and social reasons for this and lay bare the hypocrisy and double standards employed by the establishment when it comes to genocide

(vid) Jake: An Honest Conversation About the Jewish Holocaust

The 'Holocaust': Do the Math — 2.4 million Jews before the war • 3.8 million "survivors" get pensions after • '6 million' were lost?

Do the math:

In all of German-occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the war, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.

After the war, 3.8 million Jewish “Holocaust Survivors” were receiving pensions from the German government.

Tragically, the remaining ‘6 million’ were lost.

– Edgar J. Steele

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William Pierce: Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945 — Hitler softened the gun laws • It was Hitler’s enemies who should be compared with the gun-control advocates in America today

Gun Control in Germany, 1928-1945

by William L. Pierce (1994)
A common belief among defenders of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is that the National Socialist government of Germany under Adolf Hitler did not permit the private ownership of firearms. Totalitarian governments, they have been taught in their high school civics classes, do not trust their citizens and do not dare permit them to keep firearms. Thus, one often hears the statement, “You know, the first thing the Nazis did when they came to power was outlaw firearms,” or, “The first thing Hitler did in Germany was round up all the guns.”
One can understand why many American gun owners want to believe this. They see in the current effort of their own government to take away their right to keep and bear arms a limitation of an essential element of their freedom and a move toward tyranny, and they want to characterize the gun-grabbers in the most negative way they can. Adolf Hitler has been vilified continuously for the past 60 years or so by the mass media in America, and certainly no politician or officeholder wants to be compared with him. If the gun-confiscation effort can be portrayed convincingly as something of which Hitler would have approved, it will have been effectively tarred.
Gun Control 1928-1945This identification of the inclination to deny citizens the right to keep and bear arms with National Socialism and Adolf Hitler has been strengthened recently by clever magazine advertisements which show Hitler with his arm outstretched in a Roman salute under a heading: “All in favor of gun control raise your right hand.” A Jewish group, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), quite noisy for its size, has been especially zealous in promoting the idea that the current gun-control effort in America has its roots in Germany during the Hitler period. This group has gone so far as to claim in several articles published in popular magazines read by firearms enthusiasts that the current restrictive legislation being proposed by the U.S. government is modeled on a gun-control statute enacted by Germany’s National Socialist government: the German Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) of March 18, 1938.
Again, one can understand the motivation of the JPFO. Many non-Jewish firearms owners are well aware that the movement to restrict their rights is led and promoted primarily by Jews, and anti-Jewish feeling has been growing among them. They know that the controlled news media, which are almost unanimously in favor of abridging or abolishing the Second Amendment, are very much under the influence of Jews, and they know that the most vocal anti-gun legislators in the Congress also are Jews. It is natural for a group such as the JPFO to mount a damage- control effort and attempt to prevent anti-Jewish feeling from becoming even stronger among gun owners. Their strategy is to deflect the blame from their kinsmen in the media and the government and direct it onto their most hated enemies, the National Socialists — or at least to create enough smoke to obscure the facts and keep the gun-owning public confused.
Unfortunately for those who would like to link Hitler and the National Socialists with gun control, the entire premise for such an effort is false. German firearms legislation under Hitler, far from banning private ownership, actually facilitated the keeping and bearing of arms by German citizens by eliminating or ameliorating restrictive laws which had been enacted by the government preceding his: a left-center government which had contained a number of Jews.

(vid) Auschwitz Air Photo Evidence by Jim Rizoli

(audio) Alison Chabloz on The Richie Allen Show Tuesday March 20th 2018

Alison will have a verdict to her free speech case in May in England.
I wrote this comment to Richie:

German Women Speak Out Against the Rothschild/Muslim Rape Fest | #120db: What The #MeToo Movement Ignores


Feminism Absurd
Brittany Pettibone interviews one of the German women:

Veronica Clark consider's "Hitler's Table Talk" completely unreliable

(scholarly book) Tall Tales of Doctor Mengele's Assistant, Miklós Nyiszli Analyzed — Lays bare the mythical nature of Dr. Mengele as the “Angel of Death”


Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 37:

Carlo Mattogno, Miklos Nyiszli: An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account—The Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed

click for a larger version

Everyone knows Dr. Josef Mengele, the evil Auschwitz doctor who sent countless Jews to the gas chambers, performed cruel, pointless medical experiments on inmates, and gave twin research a bad reputation. But how do we “know” about his many diabolic deeds?

The most important source for what Mengele is said to have done at Auschwitz comes from the Hungarian Jew Miklós Nyiszli, a forensic physician who claims to have been Dr. Mengele’s assistant at Auschwitz. In 1946, he published a book about his traumatic experiences while he was at Auschwitz. Over the years, his book has been translated into all major languages of Europe. It has become one of the mainstays of the orthodox Auschwitz narrative, right next to the testimonies of other key witnesses, such as that of the former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss, or of Elie Wiesel.

As influential as Nyiszli’s book has been in forming the world’s opinion about Auschwitz, Nyiszli’s various writings have never been subjected to thorough critical scrutiny. The present book changes this.

Part 1 of this book contains a faithful translation of the original 1946 edition of Nyiszli’s Hungarian book, while Part 2 makes publicly accessible for the first time essential excerpts of much-less known postwar texts by and about Nyiszli.

Part 3 thoroughly scrutinizes Nyiszli’s writings with what we know to be true about Auschwitz from solid material facts and authentic documentation, while Part 4 compares his various claims with what other inmate doctors have stated who were in a similar position at Auschwitz as Nyiszli claims for himself.

Part 5 takes a critical look into how orthodox historians have dealt with Nyiszli’s texts, while a short essay in the Appendix lays bare the mythical nature of the cliché of Dr. Mengele as the “Angel of Death.”

The author’s conclusion is dispositive:

“Nyiszli was either an extraordinary impostor or a lunatic; there is no escaping from the dilemma. And both horns of this dilemma – shameless mendacity or lunacy – disqualify Nyiszli and completely destroy his credibility.”

484 pages.

Purchase or Download Here

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(vid) How the "human lampshades" story was fabricated

[Disclaimer] I disagree with Charles’ overall conclusion of the ‘Holocaust,’ which he at least held so many decades ago, when Ernst interviewed him here, but his detail on the origin of the lampshades story is detailed, which I hadn’t heard before.
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True origin of the false, “human lampshades” story start at 10:15

Why the 'Holocaust' is a Lie: Red Cross report • US Air Force aerial photos • US found no gas chambers

(vid) Lady Michelle Renouf Speaking in Dresden, Germany – 17. february 2018

Auschwitz Chemistry: How Science Proves The ‘Final Solution’ Was Systematically Gassing Lice Infested Clothing To Save Lives

(vid) The Day Amazon Murdered History – On March 6, 2017, Amazon banned 155 ‘Holocaust’ truth books, mostly scholarly

Excellent video that tells the truth about Amazon banning scholarly, thoroughly researched and footnoted books that many now won’t know exist — so the truth stays hidden.
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(vid) Germar Rudolf at IHR in 2000: 'Repression in Germany' — The Holocaust Revisionist speaks about his history of activism and Repression of Revisionists in his native Germany

Explanation of the same (but not as clear) video at CODOH – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, entitled Germar Rudolf – Repression In Germany (2000):

In 2000, Germar Rudolf gave a Speech in Irvine, California titled “Repression in Germany.”

Holocaust Revisionist Germar Rudolf speaks about his history of activism and Repression of Revisionists in his native Germany.

28:30 “Germany, today, is a totalitarian police state. And I’m afraid the same is true for Austria, Switzerland and France.”
29:20 “In the last six years in Germany, nearly 60,000 persons were persecuted for thought crimes.”
37:00 Germar reads an amazing quotation about what would happen if the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ would become known. Prof. Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt stated:

“If the holocaust revisionists would be shown to be right, we would lose our sense about the Second World War, we would lose our sense about what democracy was. The Second World War was a moral war; it was a war between good and evil. And so if we take the core of this war, which is in fact Auschwitz, out of the picture, then everything else becomes unintelligible to us. We collectively end up in a madhouse.” (original source cited here)

58:30 Ernst Zundel with his wife, Ingrid in attendance

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(vid) Fred Leuchter's cruel ordeal after accepting Ernst Zundel's assignment to forensically analyze Auschwitz's "gas chamber"

(vid) Ernst Zundel interviews professor/chaplain Robert Countess – "I tell Holocaust people, 'I have GOOD NEWS for you: 6 MILLION DID NOT DIE'"

14:45 “I tell Jewish people this”: illustration from Job.
“I tell Holocaust people, ‘I have good news for you: 6 million did not die.'”
“It was not ‘6 million,’ and that is good news!”

Robert H. Countess Bios:

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