Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Glenn Beck

The man Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck promoted over Debra Medina in Texas: Governor Rick Perry Attends Bilderberg in Istanbul, 2007

[youtube=]TX Gov. Rick Perry Attends Bilderberg in Istanbul, 2007

Governor Rick Perry has been instrumental in facilitating the Trans-Texas Corridor and related toll roads, which many argue is an essential part of infrastructure for a North American Union (or community, if you like)– that would integrate the economies, borders, police/military and even the currency (the Amero) of the United States, Mexico and Canada– as laid out by the Council on Foreign Relations’ Robert Pastor, as well as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America– a treaty that President Bush signed with the heads of Mexico and Canada in 2005. In addition to general support and proposal of the plan, Perry publicly lobbied that foreign corporations developing the project be allowed to keep the plans secret.

Rick Perry also helped to facilitate the buyout of TxU (Texas Utilities), including the issuance of an executive order for fast track approval of certain parts of the deal. TxU was the largest buyout ever– at $45 billion dollars, purchased by private equity firm Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts (KKR) and Goldman Sachs, a global investment firm.

Both firms are well represented at the Bilderberg group.

Additionally, Credit Suisse First Boston, an investment banking group who is also well represented at the Bilderberg gruop, is named in a scandal indicting the head of Faysal Bank in Pakistan. Ajaz Rahim is charged with conspiracy and securities fraud based on insider trading information in the TxU buyout he received from Credit Suisse, who advised on the TxU deal.

Governor Perry has also been cosy, meeting in 2005 with then President of Mexico Vicente Fox, who awarded local police for giving sanctuary to illegal immigrants while the two heads discussed other business and cooperation. Fox was a signing member of the Spring 2005 (Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America) document.

Typically, the agenda of Bilderberg is kept secret, though this year has garnered unprecedented coverage for the bashful consortium of international elites.

Glenn Beck: No Gimmicks

[youtube=]Glenn Beck & Tim Hattrick Y95 TV No Gimmicks

A television ad for Phoenix Radio station Y95 starring Glenn Beck, Tim Hattrick and Zippy the Chimp 1986

We Need A Leader – Glenn Beck is Not It – What’s Wrong With Ya’all? We Need Unity!

[youtube=]We Need A Leader

Hon. James David Manning, PhD says we need a leader that will stand up in America. Recorded on Friday, 2 March 2010. Follow us on twitter at
Click here to register for Columbia Obama Treason Trial:

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

Jesse just came out with his excellent book, American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, which exposing what really happened on 9/11, etc., what Glenn Beck and others are paid $$millions$$ to actively cover up.

So Beck is now demonizing Jesse, so Beck’s followers won’t find out the truth that would make himself and others look like deceivers — which they are.

This is how they do it:

1) By not letting the public hear the irrefutable facts about 9/11

2) By bashing those who do make it through their news filter

Here he is, Glenn Beck, reverse-9/11 truther, truth twister:

“What a dope this guy is. I heard Jesse Ventura, who is nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow….”

Then Beck laughs about habious corpes being suspended by the Republicans.

Ha, Ha, Ha … !

[youtube=]Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura

The face for the New world order Glenn Beck bashes Jesse Ventura on his radio show. Jesse Ventura knows what’s really going on in the world. He knows the official story of 9/11 is complete garbage, and he knows the NWO is real and trying to take over and take away our rights.

The Beck Deception: “CNN or MSNBC cannot deceive you because you see no truth in their message. Deception can only deceive if it looks somewhat like the real thing.”

From: granddelusion

If you are a die-hard Glenn Beck fan (like I was), please keep a very open mind as you read this.  Our freedom depends on it.

I know too many “ex-Glenn Beck fans” who are using the wrong approach in attempting to show you why Glenn is more of a threat to the American people than he is a truth-teller or savior.  I don’t entirely fault them because I understand their frustration as well as their “sense of urgency”.  The simple fact of the matter is that if  “We The People” do not begin to think for ourselves, and stop the conformity, we will continue to be misled, and we will get nowhere in our fight to regain our freedom and liberties.

In my quest to understand how our country has gotten to where it is, I found Glenn Beck.  Not only did he seem to have the answers, he was also providing me with excellent information about people and groups (the czars, ACORN, SEIU, Andy Stern, Anita Dunn, etc.) who surround and influence our president and our policies.  I was sure Glenn had stumbled on some pretty beefy information which offered a great explanation as to why our country was going to hell in a hand basket.

For months, I never missed a Glenn Beck show. At the same time, I continued my relentless research on the internet for as much “truth” as I could get my hands on and I’m convinced this allowed me to keep a healthy perspective on “truth”.  One day while watching Glenn – a warning signal sounded in my head.   In realizing just how massive of a following that Glenn was gaining, I cautioned myself to be careful and to keep an open mind.  As indicated by history as well as the bible, I understood that anyone who has the ability to gain such a mass following of people also has the ability to lead that mass astray.


You cannot gain a mass following by telling lies.  In order to deceive, You MUST use the truth…  or at the very least, what might be acknowledged as truth by the masses (more on this later).

The majority who align themselves with Glenn Beck consider themselves to be “conservatives.”  If you fall into this category, you do not follow CNN or MSNBC because “you are able to see the lies.”  You can’t conform to their viewpoint because there isn’t enough truth in their message to keep your attention.  CNN or MSNBC cannot deceive you because you see no truth in their message.  Deception can only deceive if it looks somewhat like the real thing.


As I dug more and more into the 9/11 Truth Movement and I seen the legitimate questions coming from patriots, our war veterans, our military leaders, 9/11 commission members, aerospace engineersexperts, historians, pilots, architects and engineers, families of those killed, economists, I realized these people were not the “kooks” that Beck described. They were also not “dangerous” as Beck described.   I had to ask myself why he would mislead his followers.  Beck even went so far as to say that he “began hating the families of those who died on 9/11.” Someone who told us to “Question Boldly” suddenly had a zero tolerance level for questioning even from families who had more reason than anyone else to question.

I had no choice, in the face of all the evidence, to conclude that Beck is the ultimate deception because he makes the choice to deceive – as opposed to deceiving out of plain old ignorance.

I attribute much of my initial awakening to Glenn Beck –  but because I knew better than to give him my complete trust (I reserve that for God) – and I knew the importance of continuing to find truth on my own (as everyone needs to do, especially now), I knew when to part ways with him.  That ultimately led to me turning off the TV.  I do not get my news from the TV – because the truth isn’t televised and because you should never be bullied into asking or NOT asking any question.

If Beck were truly “bucking the system” – he would have went the way of Lou Dobbs.

Entire Article Here

Glenn Beck Succeeded in Sabotaging Debra Medina — As He Predicted with Great Glee!

How Glenn Beck skewered Debra Medina. Sarah Palin also supported the Bilderberg candidate, Rick Perry:

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

From: Wall Street Journal, March 3

Perry Rolls to Victory in Texas Primary

Mrs. Medina, a nurse from south Texas who favors replacing property taxes with sales taxes, burst into the statewide political scene through her strong performances at two debates. But she fumbled a question about whether the federal government was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Entire Article Here

Glenn Beck & 911 Truth: Beck Had 911 Truth Questions Of The Official 911 Government Story



This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Sarah Palin 9/11 truther controversy makes hypocrite of Glenn Beck

Mark Dice mailing his garbage to Glenn Beck

[Glenn Beck/Faux News] Did Rick Perry’s Clear Channel Connections Sink Debra Medina?

From: Burnt Orange Report

Last week, I argued that Debra Medina was set-up by Glenn Beck and Rick Perry (“Gut Reaction: Team Rick Perry Used Glenn Beck to Attack Debra Medina”). As you’ll recall, Medina was skyrocketing in the polls — it was certain she would force a runoff, and becoming increasingly possible that she would be in that runoff herself. For Medina, a quick appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show probably seemed like a terrific idea — Beck’s constant promotion of extreme right-wing views appealed to the type of people who were supporting Debra Medina.

But Medina was not talking to Glenn Beck the activist — because there is no such thing. Especially not when Beck’s boss is such a major supporter of Rick Perry. According to the Texas Ethics Commission, Clear Channel CEO and Chairman Lowry Mays has donated almost $300,000 to Rick Perry.

Clear Channel CEO Donations to Perry
Year Donation
2001-2002 $51,400
2003-2004 $55,000
2005-2006 $80,000
2007-2008 $50,000
2009 $50,000
Total $286,400
Source: Texas Ethics Commission

Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and countless other right-wing radio station personalities are owned by Clear Channel. Beck is paid $10 million by a Clear Channel subsidiary for his radio show (Source: Forbes). Is it any surprise, then, that he ambushed Medina the way he did — and subsequently told all of his radio listeners to support Perry? After he finished his interview with Medina, Beck went on to pronounce his love for Rick Perry (Source: Radio Interview Transcript):

GLENN: I think I can write her off the list. Let me take another look at Kay Bailey Hutchison if I have to. Rick, I think you and I could French kiss right now.

PAT: Let me tell you something. He’s a damn handsome man.

GLENN: He’s a damn handsome man.

PAT: Looks good in a pair of jeans.


PAT: He’s a handsome man.

GLENN: Wow. The fastest way back to 4%.

The set-up by Beck was quickly echoed throughout the mainstream media. The Dallas Morning News went on to immediately call it a “game-ending-gaffe.” Few in the media, however, noted Perry’s financial ties to Clear Channel and Glenn Beck — or took any moments to repeat the absolutely bizarre conspiracy theories Beck puts out on his own. After all, this is Glenn Beck:

Entire Article Here

Mark Dice mailing his garbage to Glenn Beck

Mark Dice is dubbing the
‘Garbage to Glenn Beck’ campaign,
to reflect on his recent behavior.


BREAKING: Sarah Palin 9/11 truther controversy makes hypocrite of Glenn Beck

From: Infowars

Sarah Palin 9/11 truther controversy explodes days after Texas Gubernatorial hopeful Debra Medina outcast as ‘pariah candidate’ for 9/11 comments

Days after Debra Medina’s rising bid for Texas Governor was stung by controversy over comments about 9/11 on the Glenn Beck Show, it has emerged that former Vice Presidential candidate and “Tea Party’ darling Sarah Palin has done her one better– stating her support for a new 9/11 investigation just before the 2008 election, and going far beyond Medina’s mild statement.

Yet, it isn’t the audacity to admit there are remaining questions about 9/11 when scientific polls have found that 84% of Americans do not believe the official story and at least six of the 9/11 commissioners think their own report is flawed, or worse. Instead, it is the hypocrisy of Glenn Beck and the media cretins who followed his lead in dismissing and defaming Medina outright for not immediately belittling 9/11 truthers while ignoring similar statements by GOP darling Sarah Palin.

Entire Article with Videos Here

Alex Jones TV: Obama is The Next False Flag. Alex breaks down Glenn Beck’s chalk-board talk where Beck demonizes 9/11 truthers as the #1 threat! Alex: “It’s just so sick how these deceivers operate.” They acuse Ron Paul & 9/11 truth, when it’s really their bosses staging the terror attacks.


Alex breaks down what he thinks is the next real false flag attack on America, and it’s going to be non other then Obama himself. Alex breaks down the key points from those who have been talking about this, and where they are leading their viewers.

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

From: National Expositor

Another “freedom lover”, Glenn Beck set Medina up with some questions out of the blue about 9-11 that were clearly designed by Perry operatives.


Caller Reaction to Glenn Beck backstabbing patriot candidate Debra Medina:


Transcript from Pilots for 9/11 Truth:

Beck: mmyea, OK, Debra thank you very much, I appreciate it and best of luck to you.

Medina: Thank You Glen

Beck: Bye bye

Beck: Ihhh, (like yikes)

several voices laughing

other voices (?)


Beck: Fake, problematic, while I don’t endorse anyone I think I can write her off the list, let me take another look at Kay Baily Hutchinson if I have to

Becks cohorts roar with laughter

Beck: Rick, I think you and I can french kiss right now


Cohort (?) Let me tell you something he’s a dam handsome man, damn handsome man

laugh, laugh looks good in a pair of jeans –

Beck: Wow

Cohort: He’s a handsome man –

Beck: Wow, the fastest way back to 4%


Glenn Beck Succeeded in Outing Debra Medina — As He Predicted with Great Glee!

Glenn Beck & 911 Truth: Beck Had 911 Truth Questions Of The Official 911 Government Story

Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation — “Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.” “The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”

Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation — “Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.” “The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”

Don’t get me wrong; there are things about Sarah Palin that I like. I especially appreciate her pro-life and pro-Second Amendment stands. I also appreciate her signing the Alaska State sovereignty resolution while she was governor. By all indications, she did a good job as Alaska’s chief executive. At the national level, however, she favors the Patriot Act–and even wants to expand it. She supported the banker bailouts. And when it comes to foreign policy issues, Palin is just another neocon. Plus, as with most Republicans at the national level, I think she is clueless about the NWO. And please remember, it was Mr. New World Order himself, Henry Kissinger, who vetted Palin on behalf of McCain.


The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck. He says many of the right things. He is likeable and charismatic; but he’s also dead wrong on a number of issues–issues that are critical to the Tea Party Nation. He’s dead wrong when he attempts to disparage and impugn Congressman Ron Paul, saying Dr. Paul is a “crazy, kooky guy.” He’s dead wrong in supporting the banker bailouts. He’s dead wrong when he supports raising taxes (which he has done on several occasions). He was dead wrong when he supported the Patriot Act. He is dead wrong when he viciously attacks the 9/11 victims’ families who demand further information about what happened to their loved ones on that fateful day. And he is dead wrong when he mocks people such as Alan Keyes and Joe Farah for demanding that Barack Obama release his birth certificate–if he indeed has one.

From: News with Views

First of all, the Tea Parties were actually born during the Presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul of Texas in 2007 and 2008. For all intents and purposes, the Tea Parties and the Ron Paul Revolution were one and the same. These were (mostly) young people, who were sick and tired of the same old establishment Republican Party. They were tired of establishment Republicans selling out the principles of limited government; they were tired of the US Constitution being ignored and trampled by both Republicans and Democrats; they were tired of an incessant interventionist US foreign policy that keeps sending US forces overseas to advance a burgeoning New World Order (NWO); they were tired of perpetual war; they were tired of the bank bailouts; they were tired of the Federal Reserve; etc.

I know this because I met–and spoke before–the Tea Party Nation in State after State as I campaigned for Dr. Paul during the Republican primaries back in 2008. And I met them again all over America, as I was running as an Independent candidate for President–with Ron Paul’s endorsement, no less. I was with them in scores of meetings (big and small) from Washington, D.C., to Spokane, Washington, and all points in between.

But now many of the Tea Parties are distancing themselves from Dr. Paul and embracing establishment players such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Even Newt Gingrich is being courted. Watch out, Tea Party Nation: you’re in danger of losing your soul! Newt Gingrich is not one of you. He is not your friend. He is an imposter. He will destroy you just like he almost single-handedly destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994.

Plus, be careful about Sarah Palin and other establishment Republicans. Palin is currently playing both sides. She is promoting Big Government neocons such as John McCain on the one hand, and sincere conservative-libertarians such as Rand Paul on the other hand. But if one wants a real barometer of Palin’s true colors, look no further than her endorsement of Rick Perry in Texas.

Perry is the quintessential establishment Republican. Perry has been in office for some 9 years, and what has he done to thwart the NWO in Texas? Nothing! Perry is even a Bilderberg Group attendee. What has he done for State sovereignty in Texas? Nothing! In fact, he supports the North American Union and the NAFTA superhighway. What has he done to resist Obama’s universal health care proposals? Nothing! What has he done to protect the citizens of Texas against an emerging Police State? Nothing! What has he done to fight illegal immigration? Nothing!

As a result of both Rick Perry’s establishment business-as-usual politics in Texas and the proliferating grassroots Tea Party movement, counterattacking establishment politics, a Tea Partier herself has entered the race for Texas governor. Her name is Debra Medina. As the Tea Party Nation in Texas already knows, Medina is one of you.

Medina is committed to preserving Texas’ independence and sovereignty. She is opposed to the Patriot Act. She will secure the Texas border. She will give Texas Vermont-style open carry freedoms for gun owners. She wants to get rid of unconstitutional property taxes in Texas. She will stop the NAFTA superhighway. Medina is the real deal.

So, what did Sarah Palin do? She went to Texas and endorsed Rick Perry! I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen, playing political games in order to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars on the speaking and book-signing circuits is not what the Tea Parties are all about.

Tea Parties are supposed to be about putting principle over politics, supporting and defending the US Constitution, supporting limited government and personal liberty, getting rid of the Federal Reserve, abolishing the IRS, ending preemptive and pervasive wars, and putting truth and integrity back into government.

Don’t get me wrong; there are things about Sarah Palin that I like. I especially appreciate her pro-life and pro-Second Amendment stands. I also appreciate her signing the Alaska State sovereignty resolution while she was governor. By all indications, she did a good job as Alaska’s chief executive. At the national level, however, she favors the Patriot Act–and even wants to expand it. She supported the banker bailouts. And when it comes to foreign policy issues, Palin is just another neocon. Plus, as with most Republicans at the national level, I think she is clueless about the NWO. And please remember, it was Mr. New World Order himself, Henry Kissinger, who vetted Palin on behalf of McCain.

The Tea Party Nation should expect better!

The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck. He says many of the right things. He is likeable and charismatic; but he’s also dead wrong on a number of issues–issues that are critical to the Tea Party Nation. He’s dead wrong when he attempts to disparage and impugn Congressman Ron Paul, saying Dr. Paul is a “crazy, kooky guy.” He’s dead wrong in supporting the banker bailouts. He’s dead wrong when he supports raising taxes (which he has done on several occasions). He was dead wrong when he supported the Patriot Act. He is dead wrong when he viciously attacks the 9/11 victims’ families who demand further information about what happened to their loved ones on that fateful day. And he is dead wrong when he mocks people such as Alan Keyes and Joe Farah for demanding that Barack Obama release his birth certificate–if he indeed has one.

And now I hear that there are some self-professed members of the Tea Party Nation who are actually running for Congressman Paul’s US House seat in Texas. If this is not a sign that establishment Republicans are hijacking the Tea Party movement, I don’t know what is. Remember, the Tea Party movement began as a support base for the Ron Paul Revolution back in 2007.

I strongly encourage the Tea Party faithful to read Jane Hamsher’s recent column on this subject.

I say again, be careful, Tea Party Nation. You are being infiltrated. You are being compromised. You are being neutered. Stick to your principles. Stick with the Constitution. Keep opposing unconstitutional, preemptive wars. Keep calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve. Keep fighting for less taxes, reduced federal spending, and states’ rights. Keep opposing the Patriot Act and the New World Order. Don’t abandon Ron Paul. Be wary of people such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. You don’t need “big name” celebrities to give you credibility. As Samson’s strength depended on keeping his hair uncut, your strength lies in keeping your principles intact. And unless you want to wind up like the Republican freshmen in 1994, avoid Newt Gingrich like the plague!

Entire Article Here

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”


Glenn Beck 9-12 Movement Guru’s True Sentiments!

From: Media Matters

Glenn Beck called hurricane survivors in New Orleans “scumbags,” said he “hates” 9-11 families

Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as “scumbags.” Also, after acknowledging that nobody “in their right mind is going to say this out loud,” Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: “I didn’t think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims.”

From the September 9 broadcast of The Glenn Beck Program:

BECK: Let me be real honest with you. I don’t think anybody on talk radio — I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud — but I wonder if I’m the only one that feels this way. Yesterday, when I saw the ATM cards being handed out, the $2,000 ATM cards, and they were being handed out at the Astrodome. And they actually had to close the Astrodome and seal it off for a while because there was a near-riot trying to get to these ATM cards. My first thought was, it’s not like they’re going to run out of the $2,000 ATM cards. You can wait! You know, stand in line. Maybe it’s because I’m the kind of guy, when I go to a buffet, I either have to be first in line, or I’m the very last. Because I know there’s going to be extra food, and I just won’t stand in the line. I’ll wait until all the suckers go get their food, and then I’ll go get mine. Or if I’m really hungry, I hate to admit this — and really, I don’t even have to be really hungry. If I’m really being a pig, I will kind of, like, hang out around the buffet table before the line is — you know, chat with people right around the table: “Oh, they just opened the line! Let’s go!” And then you’re first in line.

When you are rioting for these tickets, or these ATM cards, the second thing that came to mind was — and this is horrible to say, and I wonder if I’m alone in this — you know it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims’ families? Took me about a year. And I had such compassion for them, and I really wanted to help them, and I was behind, you know, “Let’s give them money, let’s get this started.” All of this stuff. And I really didn’t — of the 3,000 victims’ families, I don’t hate all of them. Probably about 10 of them. And when I see a 9-11 victim family on television, or whatever, I’m just like, “Oh shut up!” I’m so sick of them because they’re always complaining. And we did our best for them. And, again, it’s only about 10.

But the second thought I had when I saw these people and they had to shut down the Astrodome and lock it down, I thought: I didn’t think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims. These guys — you know it’s really sad. We’re not hearing anything about Mississippi. We’re not hearing anything about Alabama. We’re hearing about the victims in New Orleans. This is a 90,000-square-mile disaster site, New Orleans is 181 square miles. A hundred and — 0.2 percent of the disaster area is New Orleans! And that’s all we’re hearing about, are the people in New Orleans. Those are the only ones we’re seeing on television are the scumbags — and again, it’s not all the people in New Orleans. Most of the people in New Orleans got out! It’s just a small percentage of those who were left in New Orleans, or who decided to stay in New Orleans, and they’re getting all the attention. It’s exactly like the 9-11 victims’ families. There’s about 10 of them that are spoiling it for everybody.

Beck’s program is syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks (owned by radio conglomerate Clear Channel Communications) on more than 160 radio stations across the country to an estimated weekly audience of 3 million listeners.

Glenn Becks Says 9/11 Truth Activists Threaten Obama’s Life: His assigned task is to characterize the movement as violent and dangerous

See article with the audio and video clips

From: Infowars

The grand master Mockingbird operative Glenn Beck said today on his nationally syndicated radio show that there are 9/11 truth activists in the White House and they threaten the life of Obama. “He has invited 9/11 truthers into the White House and into his administration… he is in danger.”

featured stories   Becks Says Truth Activists in the White House Threaten Obamas Life
featured stories   Becks Says Truth Activists in the White House Threaten Obamas Life
Glenn Beck says 9/11 Truth activists threaten the life of Obama on his radio show, January 20, 2010.

Beck said Obama should never be left alone and the Secret Service needs to pay special attention to this absurd threat.

In fact, there are no 9/11 truth activists in the White House.

Beck’s comment is apparently a reference to Obama’s “green jobs” adviser Van Jones who signed a petition in 2004 calling for an investigation into the Bush administration’s knowledge of an impending attack. Jones  resigned from his position as Special Adviser in September 2009 after WorldNetDaily, Americans for Prosperity, and other groups criticized his membership in a socialist group and support for the convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal who is serving a life sentence.

Representative Mike Pence (R-Indiana), the chairman of the Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, publicly criticized Jones. Senator Kit Bond (R-Missouri) urged Congress to investigate Jones’ “fitness” for the position. Another critic was Bob Beckel, formerly an official in the Carter administration and currently a political analyst for the Fox News Channel and a columnist for USA Today, who may have been the first and most prominent liberal or Democrat to call for Jones’ resignation.

“I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever,” Jones said after evidence of his signature on the 9/11 petition surfaced.

The Obama administration is not linked in any way to the 9/11 truth movement. Obama ignored a highly publicized call by actor Charlie Sheen to re-investigate the events of September 11, 2001.

In regard the al-Qaeda, 9/11, and the so-called war on terror the Obama administration is essentially a carbon copy of the previous administration. Obama peddles the supposed al-Qaeda threat and has vowed to escalate the occupation of Afghanistan. He has significantly increased illegal attacks inside Pakistan and has not eliminated CIA torture or dismantled Guantánamo as promised. His administration is a virtual roster of Wall Street insiders and he has kept on Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates.

In addition, the 9/11 truth movement is not part of the “uber-left,” as Beck claimed on his radio show. Many members of the foundation supported and financed “uber-left” — most notably Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn — have dismissed 9/11 truth out of hand, making them inseparable from the neocons in this regard.

Many 9/11 truth activists and supporters are avowed pacifists and their events are peaceful. They have championed the cause of 9/11 victim familiesBeck claims to hate them) and the shamefully neglected cause of 9/11 first responders.

Open Letter To Glenn Beck By Alex Jones

From: Infowars

Alex Jones has addressed Glenn Beck in the form of an open letter, appealing to him to “be on the right side of history” by using his growing public platform to tell the truth rather than exploiting it to deceive grass-roots conservatives and libertarians into following a re-birth of the neo-con agenda that Beck has embraced all along.


Glenn Beck,

It is important to preface this letter by highlighting the fact that I do not attack people lightly and have defended you in the past when Van Jones was calling for you to be fired. I fully support your right to free speech.

It cannot be denied that you – Glenn Beck – are an extremely talented radio and television host and you have a magnetism and a proficiency of public speaking that draws people in and maintains their interest. However, being a novice history buff I am also painfully aware of the fact that Benedict Arnold was, like you, a talented individual – he was also a traitor.

History is what matters and being on the right side of history is what’s important when it comes to the legacy we leave on this planet. You don’t want people to look back on you as a Benedict Arnold, as a traitor to America. You don’t want people to look back on you as a media whore, as playing the role of being loyal opposition to sucker legitimate and growing grass roots opposition to the new world order.

Your agenda is to put out a dual message – to discredit and polarize the conservative movement to the benefit of the establishment left and the elite. Your bizarre and clownish antics of fake crying, which you proved were staged when you replicated them on demand for a GQ photo shoot, are doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that the conservative right is insane.

Your entire 9/12 project has nothing to do with uniting America and everything to do with reinforcing neo-conservative rhetoric about how we should relinquish our rights and accept the police state because terrorists want to attack us and Saddam Hussein has WMD’s and yellowcake.

As the video below illustrates, despite the fact that you claim to be “a Libertarian at heart,” you have publicly supported programs and legislation that are universally abhorred by the vast majority of libertarians, such as the banker bailout and the USA Patriot Act.

During your Monday September 22 2008 TV broadcast, you expressed your vehement support for the bailout, stating, “The $700 billion dollars that you’re hearing about now is not only I believe necessary, it is also not nearly enough.” However, as soon as Bush left office and Obama picked up the baton and continued the same financial policy, you changed your tune and routinely attacked the bailout as an example of how socialism was taking over America.

The bailout was bad news for America under Bush just as it is under Obama, both were merely performing a transfer of wealth from America to offshore banks and giving the Federal Reserve total dictatorial control over the economy, but you only opposed it when Bush was out of office, proving that your opinions are not wedded to right or wrong, but to which puppet is in the White House.

A host of mainline conservative talking heads opposed the banker bailout, as did the majority of the American people, but you went on television and publicly supported it. This is irreconcilable with you being “a libertarian at heart” as you claim.

In addition, you aggressively attacked Ron Paul and his supporters during the election campaign when it looked like the Texan Congressman might have a real chance of winning the nomination. You implied that Ron Paul supporters were domestic terrorists and should be dealt with by the U.S. Army, but later tried to side with Ron Paul supporters when the infamous and discredited MIAC report echoed your own talking point that people who support Ron Paul were dangerous.

The smear came during a November 2007 show when you were still hosting on CNN. Yourself and ex-Marxist David Horowitz smeared Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left as terrorist sympathizers and inferred that the U.S. military should be used to silence them, parroting a talking point that traces back to a September 2006 White House directive. When asked about the issue, Ron Paul dismissed you as “pretty discourteous” and a “demagogue”.

You Glenn Beck have acted as a cheerleader for the wars of aggression launched since 9/11 and in addition called for Iran to be attacked, claiming that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is preparing a “second holocaust.” Once again, these political opinions stand completely contrary to libertarian principles, which follow the founding fathers’ view that an expansionist aggressive foreign policy is bad for America.

You have attacked Obama for unraveling the Bush war machine to give you left cover, when in fact Obama has done everything in his power to expand Bush’s wars, beefing the campaigns in Afghanistan and Pakistan while removing a token amount of troops from Iraq and replacing them with an even greater number of contractors.

By attacking Obama for being different to Bush, when in reality he offers not change whatsoever, you keep people locked in the left-right paradigm and ensure that instead of coming to the realization that the whole system is rigged, they will merely vote in another puppet for the new world order in 2012.

Glenn Beck – you are controlled opposition, you are there to co-opt and ensure the Tea Parties are under control and that they never focus on taking on the real power behind the American economy – the Federal Reserve.

Bearing in mind that you almost died not too long ago, wouldn’t you rather come to the end of your life, whether that be in one year or 30 years from now, knowing that you stood up for true liberty and freedom? Isn’t that more valuable than your $50 million dollars a year contract? When I was approached ten years ago and offered large sums of money every year to sell out and become what you are today – the new Rush Limbaugh – while accepting tight controls on what I could and could not discuss – I said no and I thank God every day that I made the right decision.

I appeal to you directly Glenn – think twice about what you are doing, think twice about what you are a part of right now. Try to do what you can to redeem yourself and don’t be a Benedict Arnold, don’t be a traitor that takes legions of good-natured but hoodwinked people down the rat hole with you as America collapses because those who had voices and platforms used them to deceive and distract rather than tell the truth.

Alex Jones

Watch Alex Jones’ video address to Glenn Beck which was made during his radio show yesterday.

[Media-biased-to-the-max example] Glenn Beck Falsely Portrays 9/11 Truthers as Anti-American (with CIA agent)


Jason [Bermas] starts the show with coverage of Glenn Beck’s idiotic statement of the DC Holocaust Museum Killer being a “hero” to 911 truthers, an obvious attempt to lump patriots in with anti-semites and Nazis.




Skousen: Glenn Beck Fails to Deliver on FEMA Camps

World Affairs Brief, March 6, 2009 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


There are much more important and verifiable conspiracies in the world without having good conservatives diverted to such tripe. One important issue is the growing number of secret prison camps and holding facilities being built by our government. FEMA is the prime agency now directing this hidden agenda. I have previously reported in the WAB the significant travel and efforts I have made to substantiate prisons and camps that are valid. They do exist, though the major camps number less than a dozen, and they include a large camp clearly visible from I-15 just north of Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. Others are on decommissioned military installations. Interestingly enough, two years ago these large camps were removed from the official list of government prison facilities, even though the government still maintains them. They now join the growing list of FEMA camps of which there is no official government listing. Why the secrecy?

That said, it is important to note that there are many bogus camps being paraded as a threat. The lists and pictures circulating the internet of some 300 camps, claiming that nearly any fenced enclosure with barbed wire on top is a future concentration camp, is simply not credible. I’m convinced that agents of influence feed publicity-seeking radicals disinformation like this to discredit real threats.

TV and radio talk host Glenn Beck’s recent foray into the subject of FEMA camps is a study in how the establishment exercises subtle and not-so-subtle pressure to keep legitimate conspiracy evidence off the air. This week Beck announced on “Fox and Friends” that he was going to air his research about FEMA camps the next day, giving the distinct impression that he had found a credible threat of future tyranny. Here’s the link:


Beck declares he attempted to “debunk these FEMAS camps” because he is “tired of hearing about them,” but was unable to do so. “We now for several days have done research on them… I can’t debunk them.” This was something new for Beck to admit. As a perennial conspiracy basher on the issue of 9/11, Beck is the last one (other than government shill Rush Limbaugh) that I would have expected to expose the FEMA camps. To Beck’s credit, he was one of the few on Fox who would attack President Bush and unconstitutional government actions whenever he could. I think he is sincere, but a bit of a loose cannon in his rapid fire speaking style–which doesn’t lend toward careful analysis when he gets carried away.

Glenn Beck Show Scrolls Huckabee’s “Paul Is Dead” Message During Ron *Paul* Interview

On Tuesday at 7 Eastern Glenn Beck interviews Ron Paul and scrolls the message Paul is Dead, Paul is Dead, Paul is Dead from Huckabee on the bottom of the Michael McDonnough


I find it very offensive for Glenn Beck to be scrolling the message Paul is Dead, Paul is Dead, Paul is Dead on the bottom of the screen during the interview with Ron Paul.

I think he should make it clear that he wishes no ill will to Dr. Ron Paul. His interview I thought was fair on the surface but he did take the interview into the typical conspiracy camp.

I would like to know why this guy Huckabee thought it appropriate to make this statement that was scrolling by during this interview? Ron Paul was right in that the threat of Theocons taking over the government is a serious threat to our nation. In his statement of earlier in the day he seemed a bit tired and un focused when he was hit with these off Fauxian questions.

I might add that Paul was talking about domestic threats to our nation at the moment that Huckabee’s death to Paul comments are scrolling by in this video.

The subliminals are pretty obvious to most any trained observer.

I am quite disgusted with Beck for this. I am pretty much disgusted with Huckabee for his statements as well, but that is politics. It is a dirty game. Here is the video.



Some thoughts I have, responding to the comments below.

Thanks for the feedback! Many good points!

It’s hard to say for sure what CNN’s motive was. Perhaps they were just reporting the news, or perhaps they knew exactly how “Paul is dead” would look underneath Ron Paul’s face during the interview, whether they played it before the interview or not.

The networks are owned by the globalist, one-worlders, who are totally aware that a Paul Presidency would seriously set back their fast-track, one-world-government timetable. So they try to marginalize Ron Paul every way they can, mostly by ignoring him (even in many of their polls), and instead trying to bring all of the attention to those whom they know will carry out their agenda, like Mike Hukabee.

Here, Paul finally got a chance to speak more than in just sound-bites (though they still didn’t cover a lot of ground). It is possible CNN ran this to get people to laugh at Paul, which is the Devil’s way.

But what interests me more is why did Mike Huckabee choose this particular expression, given that the opponent who seems to bother him the most is named Paul?

During one of the debates, Huckabee’s true colors came out when he viciously attacked Paul for Paul’s stand on the Iraq war. In my opinion, Huckabee was going for Paul’s jugular, and the words that came to mind were: “mean spirited,” which it just so happens he has a reputation for.

Just because a person was a pastor and says he follows Christ doesn’t mean he does follow Christ sufficiently enough for us to trust him to lead our country. Most evangelicals made this mistake with George W. Bush, and many still won’t see it, or at least admit it – as America is turned into a police state.

John Klar wrote an amazing book where he lays it out clearly: Christian Words, Unchristian Actions: George W. Bush and the Desecration of Christianity in Modern America. If the Evangelicals continue to push Huckabee so hard and he’s elected, John Klar may be able to write an even more tragic sequel.

Go Ron Paul!

Here is the ad Huckabee is referring to when he’s saying “Paul is dead,” to those who say the bookcase looks like a cross.


Everything in short campaign ads is meticulously placed and perfectly lit to make the biggest possible impact. Here, the music is “Silent Night,” and they only have 30 seconds as the brightly lit cross (“It’s only a bookcase”) pans behind Mike Huckabee.

Note, the Christmas tree blocks the bookcase just enough to make the cross horizontally symmetrical, and the lighting is perfect to make the front edge far brighter than the inside of the shelves.

Accident? No way. And it’s like Huckabee to make a joke instead of answering directly – truthfully? And “Paul is dead” may be a joke against Ron Paul. We shouldn’t put it past him.

The cross motif has been done before:


[Click for more “Hitler wearing the cross…” photos]

I’m not saying that Huckabee is Hitler. I can see many good things in Huckabee. But as Ron Paul says: “Fascism comes wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross.”

The globalist elite could use Huckabee to carry out their Hitlerish wishes. But they’ll never be able to do that with Ron Paul, who bows to no elitist. Praise God!!!

We must be careful, you all, and not put it past them to use simple, stupid stuff like this to try to manipulate us.


Jeff Fenske : )

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